Tony's Precious Treasure [HP...

Par Hime_chan10

54.4K 2.5K 308

Holly Maria Stark is an extraordinary young lady with a unique gift. She was born with the ability to use mag... Plus

The Main Cast
Ch. 1 The Preface
Ch. 2 Have you heard of Gramps yet?
Ch. 3 What did you see?
Ch. 4 My son is a big fan of yours
Ch. 5 This mission better be important
Ch. 6 Hey, Sweetheart
Ch. 7 I am so glad you are safe
Ch. 8 How did he survive!
Ch. 10 Agent Prongsletta
Ch. 11 Do you know this woman's name?
Ch. 12 Thor's Coronation

Ch. 9 The Press Meeting

2.9K 154 37
Par Hime_chan10

Tony enters the building with Pepper and his daughter. Immediately reporters started to surround them, causing the security to go through the sea of reporters to protect them.

" Mr. Stark! Where happened on your trip to Afghanistan?" A female reporter asked.

" We were told you got kidnapped. If so, who kidnapped you?" A male reporter asked.

Holly warily stared at her surroundings. She didn't like to get surrounded by so many people because it made her feel suffocated.

Holly's bright green eyes blinked when she felt an arm wrapped around her waist. She looks away and sees her father holding her close.

" If you guys want to hear what happened to me, please head to the Press Room. Over there," Tony calls out while pointing to the room. All of the reporters ran to the Press Room, wanting to hear what happened to the CEO of Stark Industries.

" Are you okay?" Tony asked while looking at his daughter.

Holly's bright green eyes intently stared at her father's brown eyes.

" I'm okay. Thank you," Holly softly smiled.

Tony opens his mouth to say something, but he gets cut off by Obadiah entering the hallway and greeting him.

" Tony! I am so relieved to see that you have survived," Obadiah speaks, causing Tony, Holly, and Pepper to stare at him.

" Hello, Obadiah. I gotten told that you were looking after my company while I was away," Tony firmly speaks.

" I did. Your precious daughter wanted to look after the company. But, since she doesn't have the experience and doesn't know both your work and your father's. I thought it would be best to take over the company for her. And besides, she had a child to look after," Obadiah looks at Tony.

Holly's bright green eyes narrowed.

' I cannot believe this asshole thinks I couldn't look after my family's company,' Holly internally speaks, feeling angry.

Holly's friends, Neville, Luna, and Steve, observed the scenario by standing near the elevators.

" Who does this guy think he is to speak that way to Holly," Neville firmly speaks, feeling protective of his best friend.

Steve's blue eyes intently stared at Obadiah. " Something about him rubs me the bad way," He softly speaks.

" I agree with you," Neville whispered.

Luna dreamily stared at the people in front of her. Her glittery silvery eyes stared at the scenario in amusement when she saw something.

" As the No-Maj say, karma will bite that man on the arse," Luna giggled.

Steve looked at Luna, confused, while Neville curiously stared at his best friend.

" What did you see?" Neville asked.

Luna turns her gaze to Neville and stares at him knowingly.

" My daughter is a Stark, Obadiah," Tony firmly speaks. " She would have understood mine and my father's work once you show and explain it to her," He looks at Obadiah.

Holly stared at her father, feeling emotional.

" So, I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself because if I hear you say something bad about my daughter. You will regret it," Tony sternly speaks while guiding Pepper and his daughter to the Press Room.

Obadiah stood there, internally cursing himself for upsetting Tony. He didn't want the man to break his trust. He composed himself and followed the trio to the Press Room.

Neville, Luna, and Steve sneaked into the Press Room, and they stood to the side, wanting to witness the press meeting.

Tony unwrapped his arm from his daughter's waist and watched her and Pepper sit in the front. He noticed Obadiah entering the room and seated on the opposite side of his loved ones.

Tony looks away, heads up the stage, and stands in front of a podium. He fixed the microphone and looked at the crowd. Earlier, he felt nervous, but now he feels confident speaking about his experience since he has his daughter and Pepper in the room.

Rhodey reached Stark Industries, and he stepped inside the building with Happy as they walked and entered the Press Room.

" Good. I made it on time," Rhodey looked relieved when he saw his best friend standing on the stage, ready to speak.

Rhodey and Happy walked past Neville, Luna, and Steve as they went to sit next to Holly and Pepper.

" What are you guys doing here?" A masculine voice speaks.

Neville and Steve immediately tensed while Luna turned and happily smiled at the approaching figure.

" Hello, Phillip," Luna happily greets a forty-eight-year-old Phillip James 'Phil' Coulson, an agent from their organization called S.H.I.E.L.D.

" Um. Hi, Phil," Neville nervously greets Phil.

Steve warily stared at Phil.

Phil noticed Steve with them, briefly looking surprised to see his idol. He composed himself and turned his attention to Neville and Luna.

" You two must be here for Agent Prongsletta, correct?" Phil asked while turning to stare at the Press meeting.

" Yes! She is our best friend. She needed us during this difficult time of her life," Luna responded.

Neville nodded in agreement. Steve didn't say anything. He stared at Phil cautiously since he noticed the other male was making his companion uncomfortable.

" Who is he?" Steve softly asked Neville.

" Um. A co-worker of mine," Neville responded since Steve had only met him and Director Fury when he got unfrozen.

Steve nodded while keeping a close eye on Phil.

" Are you also here for Holly?" Luna asked while hugging Phil's arm.

Phil glanced at Luna, looking unfazed by the younger female hugging his arm.

" Yes," Phil merely responded.

Tony coughed, causing everyone to stare at him. " Even though I am alive, I can speak to you today because of one person," He speaks while looking at Pepper and his daughter.

Pepper grabbed Holly's hand, and she lightly grasped it.

" And that person sacrificed their life so I can be here with my loved ones," Tony lightly bites his lips, remembering his dear friend, Dr. Yinsen.

" Promise me. Promise me that you continue living and doing many good deeds in life. So, please. Please. Please don't waste it. Don't waste your life," Dr. Yinsen softly speaks.

" That person who saved my life was a kindhearted and intelligent Scientist and Surgeon named Dr. Ho Yinsen, who left behind a wife and two children back in Gulmira, Afghanistan," Tony looks at everyone and then stops at Rhodey.

Rhodey's dark brown eyes intently stared at Tony's brown eyes. The two males remembered their conversation on the airplane.

" Rhodey! I don't know how you can do this for me. But, please, please help me get Dr. Yinsen's body so he can get a proper burial. I can send you the exact location where he died," Tony looks at Rhodey.

" You can even send some men there to retrieve his body for me," Tony begged.

" I don't want his death to get unnoticed. He saved my life, Rhodey!" Tony puts his hand on Rhodey's shoulder.

" Not only that, I am aware that his Village is going through a devastating war. And I cannot have his wife and children suffer now that they have lost a husband and a father," Tony lightly grasped Rhodey's shoulder.

" So, please, help me find a way to bring Dr. Yinsen's wife and two children to America to have a good life. It's the least I can do since Dr. Yinsen died so that I can live," Tony cried, feeling emotional.

Rhodey could tell that Tony genuinely wanted to help Dr. Yinsen's family move to America since he felt guilty that the Scientist died so that he could live.

" What are their names?" Rhodey asked.

" Dr. Yinsen's wife is Aara Yinsen. Their daughter is Paavak Yinsen. And their son is Raahi Yinsen," Tony remembered.

" And here is the location of Dr. Yinsen's body," Tony grabbed a piece of paper and pen, and he drew a detailed map of the cave and its surroundings.

" Okay. I will have one group retrieve Dr. Yinsen's body while another group goes to Gulmira to search for his family and take them safely to our base," Rhodey speaks, reassuring his best friend that he will help him out.

Holly could tell that her father adored the man that saved his life. Her bright green eyes sadden, praying that Dr. Yinsen is in a better place and thanking him for saving her father.

" Dr. Yinsen's death reminded me of the day my parents died," Tony speaks.

Holly's bright green eyes blinked when she remembered the day her grandparents died. The memory of their death was vivid since she was there when the awful individual took their life.

" She's only a child! A child!" Maria begged.

An eleven-year-old Holly Stark awakens, and her bright green eyes blink when she sees her grandparents staring at something.

" Grandma? Grandpa?" Holly softly calls out.

Maria heard her granddaughter, and she turned her gaze to Holly. Her bright blue eyes intently stared at her grandchild's bright green eyes.

" I love you so much," Maria mouths out.

Holly's bright green eyes blinked and widened when she heard a gunshot and witnessed a bullet hit her grandmother's forehead, killing her instantly.

" Grandma!" Holly cried.

Holly turned in the direction of the bullet and saw emotionless blue eyes stare at her. She couldn't see the individual's face since it was nighttime but could only see their blank, heartless eyes.

" Bucky. Please. Please," Howard begged while coughing out blood since the individual took a toll on him.

Holly couldn't hear her grandfather's words, but she could see that he was trying to look brave for her sake. Tears fell from her bright green eyes when she saw the individual point their gun at her grandfather.

" Leave us alone!" Holly cried out.

The individual turned their gaze to Holly and saw her eyes glow. They were about to shoot her, but a burst of light hit them, causing them to disappear.

Howard watched everything unfold, surprised that his granddaughter had so much power within her. He heard a thumping sound and watched his grandchild faint.

" H-Holly," Howard stuttered. He grabs his cell phone and dials 911, explaining the situation to them. He waited for the authorities to arrive, and once he saw that his granddaughter was safe, he then succumbed to death.

" I was able to say goodbye to Dr. Yinsen. However, I couldn't say goodbye to my parents since I was not there when they died," Tony speaks. He looked at his daughter and saw tears falling from her bright green eyes.

" But for their sake, I promise to continue living and doing good deeds. So, from now on, Stark Industries, for the foreseeable future, will no longer manufacture military weapons," Tony firmly speaks, causing the reporters to start asking questions.

Obadiah stares at Tony in disbelief when he hears that Stark Industries will no longer make military weapons.

" Have a good day, everyone," Tony excused himself and left the Press Room.

" Let's go," Rhodey looks at Holly and Pepper.

Rhodey and Happy escort Holly and Pepper out of the room, leaving behind a speechless Obadiah.

" We should get going," Phil escorts the young agents and Steve out of the room.

" Mr. Stane! Mr. Stane! Working at the Stark Industries California division. Were you aware of the sudden change?" A female reporter asked Obadiah.

" How do you feel about all of this?" A male reporter asked Obadiah.

Obadiah composed himself, and he stood, trying to calm down the reporters.

" Mr. Stark is going through a difficult time. I have no comments at the moment. Security, please escort these lovely people out of the building," Obadiah excused himself and walked out of the Press Room.

' I cannot let Tony do this,' Obadiah internally speaks.

" Tony!" Obadiah calls out, seeing Tony about to enter the limo with Holly and Pepper.

Tony turned around and tiredly watched Obadiah approach him.

" Yeah?" Tony responded.

" Are you out of your mind?" Obadiah looked at Tony as though he was an idiot.

Holly glares at Obadiah since she doesn't like how he is speaking to her father.

" You do know the companies' stock market will plummet if you agree to stop manufacturing military weapons," Obadiah firmly speaks.

" Dad can think of something else to replace those awful weapons," Holly firmly speaks while poking Obadiah's chest with her finger.

Obadiah turns his gaze to Holly.

" Shut the fuck up. You spoiled brat! The adults are talking," Obadiah firmly speaks while grabbing Holly's wrist tightly.

Holly scoffed. ' I am an adult,' She internally speaks, feeling annoyed with Obadiah. She then winced when she felt the older male hold her wrist tightly.

" Hey! Do not speak to my daughter in that tone," Tony sternly speaks. " And let go of her!" He removes Obadiah's hand from his daughter's wrist, and he roughly pushes the other male away from them.

Obadiah turns his gaze to Tony.

" I have enough! Obadiah Stane, you are fired!" Tony firmly speaks.

Obadiah's blue eyes widened.

" You cannot fire me! I am your father's best friend," Obadiah speaks.

" If my father were here, he would have also fired you on the spot for harming his granddaughter," Tony glares. " Are you okay, Sweetheart?" He asked while looking at his daughter.

Holly could see a bruise forming on her wrist, but she could heal it with some magic.

" It's going to bruise. But with some healing, I will be alright," Holly reassures her father while rubbing her wrist.

Tony's brown eyes narrowed, and he turned to Obadiah. " Happy. Take this man out of my sight," He snapped.

" With pleasure, Boss," Happy cracked his knuckles since he didn't like how Obadiah hurt his niece.

" I can leave by myself," Obadiah turns and walks away, heading home, thinking of a plan to take all the paperwork to himself to continue selling weapons on the Black Market.

Tony watched Obadiah leave. His brown eyes blinked when he felt his wrist vibrating, and he looked down, seeing his wristwatch and a text from J.A.R.V.I.S.

J.A.R.I.V.S: Mr. Stark. I have something important to show you regarding Sir Obadiah Stane when you get home.

Tony hummed, feeling curious to know what J.A.R.V.I.S has for him. He turns to his daughter and stares at her lovingly.

" Do you need ice on that?" Pepper asked, looking concerned.

" No. I'm fine," Holly reassured.

" Rhodey," Tony speaks, causing Rhodey to stare at him. " Is there a way for you to keep a close eye on Obadiah for me?" He asked.

" Yeah. I can do it. I don't particularly appreciate how Obadiah spoke to you and Holly," Rhodey whispered.

Tony nodded.

Holly felt her pant leg vibrate, and she pulls out her cell phone, seeing a text message from Phil.

" When you have the chance, text me back because I need to meet with you to discuss something important," Holly silently reads.

' I wonder what Agent Coulson wants with me,' Holly internally speaks.

" Holly. Let's go home. I want to see Pete," Tony speaks.

" Okay," Holly nodded. She enters the limo with Pepper and her father. She watched Happy closed the vehicle and they make themselves comfortable.

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