One Killer Maze

By youremyuwu

120K 4.8K 8.7K

'One Killer Maze', a reality TV show that has tens of thousands of fans around the world watching. The title... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 25.5
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 35.5
Chapter 36
Epilogue: Hoodie
Epilogue: Eyeless Jack
Epilogue: Ticci Toby
Epilogue: Masky
Epilogue: Kagekao
Epilogue: BEN Drowned
Epilogue: Liu/Sully
Epilogue: Bloody Painter
Epilogue: Candy Pop
Epilogue: Puppeteer
Epilogue: True End
Thank You And Mentions
Beginning of the End


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By youremyuwu

Chapter 36

"You are so cute. Isn't she cute?" Y/n sat beside her 'younger self' (it was just a young actress that looked like her) with a proud smile, holding the girl's hand, "tell her she's cute."

One of the make-up artists cleared their throat, "uh, Y/n...we need to get her ready.."

"Not until you tell her she's cute."


"How do you feel playing the younger version of the female lead?" A camera flickered over to the young girl with h/c hair and shining, e/c eyes, similar to the protagonist, except the child's eyes were a shade lighter. Said girl nodded sheepishly, her face flushing with embarrassment.

"I, um, I really like Y/n! She's..." She tugged at the end of her shirt, "she's really nice to me and helps me memorize my lines."

"And what about the two actors who are your character's parents?" The interviewer asked.

"They're actually really nice...they remind me of my own mom and dad!" She cheerfully smiled at that which made both the interviewer and the cameraman coo at the action.


"Do you have everything?" The actress playing Y/n's mother whispered, a tad bit of nervousness in her tone. With small hands, the smaller actress pulled the closet door open and pulled out a small suitcase, packed full of random clothes, and a bag that had some baby items and bathroom supplies inside.

The set was dark and nobody was allowed to have their phones on unless they wanted to ruin the scene.

"Will D/n miss us?" The child actress innocently asked, her wide, e/c eyes blinking in the darkness. Through the dark shadows, she could see the older woman flinch expectedly, but she looked down at the girl and nodded.

"I'm sure he will, but he's a strong man," she whispered, "he'll be okay on his own."

In the depths of the dark, behind the unknowingly thin walls, there was a small voice of, "no he won't," that was heard by all in the brief silence. People couldn't hold their laughter in enough and D/n covered his face.


Y/n stared at the unexpected scene, glaring at the red and blue flashing lights with tired eyes.

Unfortunately, the car they were using for the scene had been parked illegally in the neighborhood they were using and a neighbor, who many called "Karen", called the cops on them. Now the director was trying to resolve the situation as peacefully as possible.

"Big sis?" The young girl playing Y/n tugged on the other's pants, "what's happening over there? Is someone hurt?"

Y/n glanced down at the girl and then back over to where the Karen was now yelling at the officer who was just trying to calm her down. The h/c haired female brought up a hot mug of her favorite warm drink to her lips and muttered, "someone's about to be."



Y/n slowly peeled her eyes open, glaring up at the ceiling with an odd fascination. She shifted slightly, her skin prickling with a warm sensation. She then began to cry, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes and she slowly began to sit up, wiping them away. Method acting, she thought with clenched teeth.

A knock then came at the door at the far side of the room, which caused her to pause.

"Y/n? I'm coming in."

The door handle twisted and slowly opened...


Sasha's face appeared.


The male actor just laughed.


Epilogue - Hoodie

A camera flickered on, the scene sideways as if the person filming them didn't want to seem suspicious. The camera was adjusted upright and at the right angle and then focused in on two actors sitting closely together, shoulders pushed together even though there was plenty of space on either side of them.

The one on the right, Hoodie, had his hood up over his head, but his black mask was lifted over his head, showing off his cute smile whenever he looked over at the female, Y/n, who sat next to them. They were currently sharing a copy of the script, reading over the lines of their epilogue together.

"They're so cute!" A young girl's voice was heard behind the camera before it shut off.


Hesitantly, Y/n took one of the bacon pieces, nibbling on it carefully, then took another, the flavor spreading over her tongue pleasantly. She then took a trip over to the fridge, not spotting the fold in the rug in front of it.

Outside, there was a camera catching some extra footage of Brian just minding his own business sitting on the porch, so all the cameraman saw in the window was Y/n's figure disappearing painfully from sight. The windows rattled behind the male's head, causing him to turn around in a confused manner.



"Y/n! How does it feel to finish the first epilogue?" The interviewer asked excitedly as the actress stepped aside from talking with the director. She stared at the camera with a serious face.

"I purposefully butchered it the first time so I could kiss him twice."


Epilogue - Eyeless Jack

"-bet with you?"

"Because it'll be fun!"

Currently, the camera was filming the actor and actress having a present debacle over a certain bet that Y/n wanted to share with Jack.

The male sighed, waving the script in the air, "let's hear it."

This made the h/c haired girl grin, "whoever messes up their lines first in the epilogue scene has to do something for the other!"

"And what is that 'something'?" Jack tilted his head to the side, his mask shifting as he pressed his free hand against the side of his face. The camera's audio grew slightly muffled for a moment as it shook, adjusting its view, but settled quickly.

"Anything the other asks!"

"Hm... Fine. Only because I want to see you regret your decision."

A small girl laughs behind the camera.


"How are you feeling?" Jack's voice had grown softer now that he spoke again. Y/n blinked, often forgetting that they were in a scene, her e/c eyes focusing on him before leaving his body and staring down at the sheets that collected at her bare legs. She shifted uneasily.

"Better," a short sigh escaped from her nose, "I feel...cold though."

The male leaned forward towards her sitting form, his arm outstretched. Y/n froze, his grey hand coming up to push stray strands of her h/c hair up off her forehead. Y/n couldn't help but grow warm at this action. He pressed his palm against her forehead and hummed. The female settled, beginning to lean forward into his touch, but he, unfortunately, took his hand least, that was how it was supposed to go.

"You feel pretty hot to me," his hand slipped under her chin as he leaned forward, which Y/n was not expecting, at all, "what thoughts are you thinking of right now, hm?"


Eyeless Jack leaned back, a satisfied look across his face at the astonished look of Y/n. Even he couldn't help but tease her in his own way.


After finishing up the scene, Y/n was able to catch Eyeless Jack before he escaped to his room. She felt breathless before him, the little stunt he pulled was still stained in her mind.

"I-I won the bet!" She didn't mean to stutter, it was only a slip of the tongue due to her wandering mind, "and I have my reward in mind."

"Alright," he hummed, acknowledging his so-called 'defeat' fairly easily, "what is it?"

Y/n spread out her arms in an open way, "a hug..! Since, well, you know...we're not really going to see each other for a while, aren't we?" She sheepishly laughed, her voice growing smaller, "and I'll miss all of you..."

Jack stepped forward, exhaling through his nose as he engulfed her in a hug. Her face was cushioned against his familiar, navy blue hoodie and she smiled at the feeling. During that time, Eyeless Jack's cold skin grew warm to the touch, something even he didn't know was possible.


Epilogue - Ticci Toby

"T-Toby, what are you doing?" Y/n questioned, watching him remove his zipperless hoodie over his head (showing a bit of skin too). The boy paused, jittering slightly.

"You're su-supposed t-t-to have my hoodie on at the st-start." He had handed it to her nervously in the process, which made Y/n smile at the action. She wouldn't tell him that they had an extra ready for this scene; the gesture was just too sweet.


"Have you ever seen what's behind Toby's mask?" The interviewer asked after the filming of the third epilogue. Y/n shook her head with a smile.

"I haven't and I won't pry about it. I think only a select few have, which is fine by me. I respect Toby's privacy." She verified. Toby looked over and beamed happily at the actress.


The room was dark when the camera flickered on, but there was one, faint light hovering behind a pair of figures who lay on a comfortable couch. These two were familiar actors. One, a male, Toby, the other, female, Y/n. The girl had her head pressed against the boy's lower chest with her back against the cushions while Toby held her head gently, his body at the end of the couch.

They were both deep asleep and the camera only focused on them for a brief moment before turning off to allow them further rest. They earned it.


Epilogue - Masky

A camera flickers on, blaring with light for a moment due to the sudden brightness before calming down.

"Ugh, my hands are so cold.." Y/n complained, glancing down at the palms of her hands. Tim sat beside her, mask off. He hummed in thought and shifted in place, looking away.

"Sucks to be you." He replied. The actress huffed.

"Mm...they're so small too...does size counter the cold?" She looked over at Tim, "your hands, are they warm?"

Before she waited for a response, she placed her palm over Tim's, who had his settled on his lap. It was similar to the scene between her and Jack filmed a few weeks ago, but this was even more forward. The male beside her stiffened at the contact but did not pull away when Y/n intertwined their fingers with a grin.


"Y/N, look at me," Tim spoke, his voice closer as the camera panned on her face.

She didn't, it was part of her acting.

"Please." He urged.

She paused, sucking in a shaky breath, slowly lifting her head, but also accidentally moving her head forward. The two of them seemed to have forgotten about boundaries and how close they were supposed to be in general, so their foreheads collided. Shocked, Y/n fell back and Tim lurched away.



Y/n sniffed when she walked off stage, coming into view of the camera. The interviewer fell silent for a moment before clearing her throat, "is everything alright, Y/n? Did the scene go okay?"

The actress seemed surprised to see them, her ears and face growing a shade of pink, "o-oh! Yea, no worries. Even if it was just acting...Tim's words spoke to me," she explained slowly, "you're alive, and that's all that matters."

"Crybaby," Tim walked by behind Y/n, knocking her over the head.



Epilogue - Kagekao

There was a pair of small feet pattering down the hall of a building, a young girl's quiet breaths the only thing heard behind the camera until they slowly approached a parted door. The sound of muffled chattering became clear.

"Ah...moshi..moshi!" Y/n's voice was heard from the other side of the door. There was the light chuckle of Kagekao right after.

"Good, good! Now...this one!"

Silence, until Y/n attempted the word, ", ni aitai..?" The same silence followed. The camera leaned by the doorframe to catch the next action.

"Aww! I miss you too!" Kagekao then clung to Y/n, toppling the two to the floor.


"Cut!" Everyone dropped their serious features and a few glanced over at Kagekao who held a sheepish form, "Kagekao, you need to find a neutral medium and stop getting so happy with that mask of yours."

The mask on the killer's face was glowing with light every now and then and the camera could easily pick it up, so they had to retake the scene over two times now.

"But it's Y/ can I not be happy?"


Epilogue - BEN Drowned

"Shit, it's too bright in here." The whole scene was going to be shot in a literal building of white. The walls were white, and the ceiling and floors were white. Y/n couldn't help but glare at everything when in that building, "why isn't it theoretically possible for BEN to travel us in the...matrix, or whatever?"

"Because there's a seventy percent chance you'll make it and a twenty percent chance you'll turn into atoms." The blond lifted himself from the floor so that he was at least eye-level with Y/n. Her e/c eyes narrowed at him.

"What's the other ten percent chance?"

BEN snorted, "the other ten percent chance is that you'll be materialized into a random video game," he then turned to her, "and! Do not say that's cool!"


"Say, BEN, you said that this place was used for, uh, 'techy' killers, right?" Y/n asked after the scene, "not this place, but the actual place."

BEN stared at her and nodded, "yea. What of it?"

"Uh, who are the others?"

The blond fell silent, his face not constructing any sort of emotion until he sighed, "well, one of them doesn't have any arms or legs...and there's another one... He's like, a Pokemon trainer? I dunno, never played those games."


Y/n stared at the cameraman, the interviewer nowhere in sight.

"BEN has pointy ears..." She whispered, "I wanna touch 'em."


Epilogue - Liu/Sully

Yet again, a camera flickered on, zooming in immediately on a male with a scarred face. He had a genuine smile on his lips and laughed with the actress, Y/n, who stood beside him underneath the tarp in the snowy weather. They both had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, using the drink to heat up their cold fingers.

One of the costume designers ushered Y/n to get changed for the scene and bid farewell to Liu. The male stared longingly after her before the camera hid underneath a table.


"Hey, Liu-" The male shot the employee a look, a dark look clouding his eyes, "I-I mean Sully, could you move a bit closer? And place your hand, no, your left one on the windowsill."

Currently, they were catching some fan material for the epilogues. Y/n was leaning against the open window, the cold air behind her lifting her h/c hair while Liu (or Sully) invaded her personal bubble by leaning forward. She had to hold onto the opening of the window to not fall out.

"Alright, perfect! Great! Camera over here!" Y/n's brows raised at their proximity, the male's nose barely brushing over her own. She met his eyes and held the dangerous, emerald look he gave her. A heat blossomed over her face and her lips trembled, her breath visible due to the chilly air.

"We're done here!" The photographers stepped away, allowing the two space. Y/n lifted her hands, but her heart dropped just as she did, and felt herself lean back... Until quick arms wrapped around her lower torso, pulling her forward and into a warm chest. A chuckle sounded from within Sully's throat.

"Can't escape me that easily," he whispered just as the shutter of a camera went off.


Epilogue - Bloody Painter

"What the hell, this is, like, the most normal place I've been to since we've begun filming." Y/n snorted.

She was talking about the apartment complex.

"Be grateful," a male with black hair bumped purposefully into her shoulder. She stared at him, the same going for the other.

"Who are you?"

Helen proceeded to facepalm.


"I heard that you didn't know who Hel- I mean, Bloody Painter was when he approached you without his mask?" The interviewer asked with a slight chuckle. Y/n rubbed her hands together nervously and laughed quietly with a nod.

"I really didn't! I haven't seen him...wait, have I? I'm not sure," she rubbed her chin, "if I did see him before, I must've forgotten!"

Helen could be seen pouting on the far side of the screen.


There were voices coming from the far side of the room where not many employees went. It was after the end of the epilogue too, so it was a surprise anyone was even over here.

Y/n sniffed, laughing softly, "sorry, sorry, I shouldn't be like this." Helen was knelt in front of her, reached forward, and brushed some of her tears away. He nodded silently in understanding, his other hand reaching to her shoulder to rub it gently. It seemed that even Bloody Painter's words had touched her heart in some way.


Epilogue - Candy Pop

"You don't know what the thing is?" Y/n gasped, tucking her phone away in her pocket. The dream jester shook his head and the human girl smiled.

"Okay, okay, so, first, you need to have your pointer fingers like this," she gestured with her own hands, "then, you just tap them together. It's really simple!"

Candy Pop then showed that gesture to everyone he knew.


There was a camera that flickered on behind the larger camera that was shooting the scene on the boat which was out in the center of the lake they were using. The boat rocked steadily, but Y/n waved her hand over to the camera, causing the director to stand.

"What's going on-"

Then, Candy Pop appeared out of nowhere. Y/n screamed, then the boat tipped over.

A young girl laughs behind the camera before it shuts off.


"Hey, uh, do you know where Levi's camera is? We have an extra one, but the first one is missing somewhere." Two employees were chattering amongst each other.

One of them shakes their head in response, but then stopped, "uh, I think Sally had a camera like that...but if that's the case..."

They decided to stop searching for the camera.


Epilogue - Puppeteer

"The first time I heard your voice...I thought you could be, like, a talk-show host...or a radio host!" Y/n laughed, sitting next to Puppeteer who began laughing along as well.

"Is that a good thing?" He raised a brow, one gold eye stretching wider than the other. The actress nodded, shifting in her seat.

"It's the same thing for a few others too, I couldn't believe my ears."

"'re saying you have a thing for people with attractive voices?" Puppeteer leaned forward with a smirk.


There was music coming from the studio a bit early in the morning before anyone was in. Well, the one behind the camera hurried towards the studio doors, which were open just a bit, and weaseled their way inside. The music was a simple tune. A piano and violin. There were two near the radio that it played from and they were currently trying to dance to it.

The grey-skinned killer, Puppeteer, was guiding Y/n along, keeping them in step with the tune. It seemed like the both of them were actually enjoying the moment. Even so, static entered the audio of the camera for just a moment before the radio grew garbled and changed to a pop station.

Y/n stopped, grinning, "that's my jam!" Puppeteer only snorted, a smile across his face. He was only a tad bit disappointed that the moment had ended.


Epilogue - True End

"Mom, you know I love you a lot...but I have something to ask you," this was entirely out of character since they were no longer filming, but Y/n had to know. The actress playing M/n turned towards her so-called 'daughter' and crossed her arms.

"Alright, honey, what is it?" She went along with it.

Y/n inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, "is it okay that I have a harem? Now; don't get mad, but-"


It just so happened that right in the middle of the scene with M/n and Y/n that the actor for D/n had walked into the studio holding...a carton of milk. Everyone fell silent.

Until Y/n jumped up, "DAD! YOU FINALLY GOT THE MILK! Wait. I KILLED YOU!"


"I'm voting D/n out, he's sus." Y/n narrowed her eyes at the actor, tapping on her phone.

"This time I agree with you," the actress for S/n nodded.


"Wh-where is he?" Y/n whispered, the feed on the camera garbled slightly before it settled down. The crunching of her boots on the forest floor filled the sensors and the girl quickly steadied the camera in her hand. She smiled at the lens, the blue sky shining between the green foliage of the trees.

"Oh!" She jumped, the camera's video feed becoming static, "there he is! My new dad!"

A tall entity could only sigh in response.


"Sally~!" Y/n cooed. She heard the young girl giggle in response and stopped in place. She then got on her knees and lifted the tablecloth on one of the employee's folding tables. "Found ya!"

Sally's green eyes glittered and she giggled once more, allowing Y/n to pull her out from underneath the table and hold her in her arms, "let's go say goodbye to the others, alright?" Sally nodded, laying her head on the actress' shoulders. Y/n didn't comment about the camera she had. Some mysteries didn't need to be solved.


"So, that's that, huh?" Y/n sighed, sitting with the director at the front of the studio, which had been locked up, "I really hope I can see them soon."

The director paused, looking over at the h/c haired actress. Due to the silence, Y/n met eyes with the director as well. Y/n seemed to have received the message.


"What-wait, no, how did you say that... No, wait, how did I hear that?"

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