That Wee English Fella

By yourmommasbitch

4.4K 83 2

When Cara Bell moves from St Mary's to Immaculate Our Lady's. The last thing she aspects is to fall in love w... More

My Favorite Wee Lesbian
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Wee authors note x
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849 9 1
By yourmommasbitch

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The distant smell of rain has always been a somewhat a comfort to me. Ever since I was only a wee wain. It calmed me in a way that nothing else could. Even the sound of it made me completely at peace. It helped me when I  was 4, throwing tantrums over her big brothers who often took the piss out of me. It helped me when i was 9, and my mam got shot by a the RUC for protesting for peace. It helped me when I  was 14, and my sister went off to college in England. Rain was always there in Derry, supposedly a nuisance, not to little ol' me. Not that I'd let anyone know for my love of rain, they'd think I'd gone mental.

I woke up to the sound of my black cocker spaniel, Millie, barking probably at some bird or cat, and rain lashing against my window of my bedroom, putting a smile on my face.

I lazily stepped out from my white duvet and walked over to my wardrobe for my new green uniform. Sadly, I'm moving schools today to Our Lady Immaculate Collage. It's one of those catholic all girl school that has nuns running around the gaff.

I used to go to St Mary's, which was grand I guess, I had a few friends but mainly kept to myself, if they weren't going to make a effort to talk to me, I wouldn't make a effort to talk to them. Last year, some homeless man broke into our school while I was in a bathroom and locked me-self and himself into the stall. He didn't hurt me or anything, just shook me by the shoulders and screamed at me, but my dad suggested that I was to move school for safety reasons just incase something like that happened again and I wouldn't be so lucky.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen which was far too small for my rather large family of 5. My Dad was nowhere to be seen, probably at work.  He's the manager/ owner of 'The Bells' bar. It's our family bar and before him, my grandda ran it. Before him, my great grandda and so on. It's really popular but considering he has to feed and provide shelter for 5 people and one dog with the money, we don't have a lot left over.

My twin brother, Paul, who goes to St Joseph's along with my two other older brothers, Oisin and Conor. All sat at the kitchen table, shoving their cornflakes into there mouths like animals.

"Buzzing for your first day at Our Lady's, Cara?" Conor, the oldest, at 19 years old asked me with his mouth full, causing me to cringe. We all were pretty close in age: after Conor, Oisin was second eldest at 17 years old. While Paul and I were 16.

"Aye, cant wait to chat to that Sister Micheal again" I said sarcastically, waiting for my toast to pop.  My siblings and I are actually really close.

I walked out the door with my brothers trailing behind me and half-burnt toast in my hand. They insisted on walking me to the bus stop for safety reasons. Even though I could take care of myself perfectly fine.

"Recon you'll see Caoilainn?" Oisin asked from behind me. Caoilainn's his ex girlfriend, who dumped him over the summer after 2 years of dating. She made up some excuse, along the lines of : 'it's not you it's me'.

"I'll make sure to give that fucker a bollox if I see her, I will" I said as we reached the bus stop to where I saw 3 girls and 1 boy, all in the same uniform as I...but with pink shirts.

"Didn't know lads went to Our Lady's." Paul said nodding over at the tall lad with dark curly hair.
"Aye. I thought it was a all girls school..mabey he's one of those gay feens" Conor said stopping along with me and my other brothers to wait for the bus.

"Think dad got me the wrong uniform?" I asked suddenly getting extreme nervous and embarrassed.  "If your not sure. Go over and ask them, you wee fucker" Oisin put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me around causing me to stumble over to one them with my brothers snickering away at me.

"Right, sorry." I said stepping a bit back to see who I stumbled into. I looked up to see the most beautiful boy I think I've ever seen but was slowly pulled out of my trance when i remembered why I was here. "Uhh, ya sorry. Yer all wearing the Our Lady's uniform, right?"

"Ya, we are. Our friends ma just washed our clothes along with a docket so that's why our shirts different. Hi. You must be new. I'm Claire!" A short blonde girl with a black hair band rushed out , sticking her hand for me to shake.

I shook her clammy hand after a second of hesitation and smiled back. "Hi, I'm Cara McGuinness" I replied looking up at everyone in their group again.

"Holy shit, your the McGuinness brothers, sister?" a girl with really dark brown curly hair in a high ponytail asked/accused me.

"Yeah-" I awkwardly laughed before I was cut off by the boy. "Who's the McGuinness brothers?" He asked in a English accent.

What the fuck is a English lad doing in Derry? 

"Ach, only, like, the biggest rides in all of Derry!" She said causing me to gag internally. "More like biggest pricks in all of Derry" I mumbled under my breath so only the boy and I could hear. "Everyone knows them, they're like..have you been living under a rock, dickhead?"

Speak of the devils, I heard them walk up to us. "Right, we're heading off to get our own bus now"  Conor said, standing in between me and the boy, putting his arms around both of us in a joking way..only, I didn't know if the boy knew that.

"Well?" Conor laughed, quirking his head to get a proper look at the lad with the English accent.  To which the boy just laughed it off, not knowing that Conor was taking the piss out of him.

"Nice shirt bai-o! Pink to make the ladies wink"
Oisin winked passing by the wee English fella and patting him on the back, joining in on the jokes.

"Bye, now" I said shoving Conor's arm off of me and they strutted off to their bus stop laughing their heads off.

The bus ride was grand, I sat next to the girl who loved my brothers, I soon learned her name was Michelle and the wee English fellas name was James. They were cousins and his ma dropped him off here at the beginning of the year and never returned. I joked along with that, telling them my mother left me as-well which caused a beautiful smile to spread on his face which I secretly fawned over. Their was two other girls in their friend group that weren't there. Orla and Erin, who were also cousins.

I checked in at the office with Clare, as the others went to meet Orla and Erin. In the hallway, Claire and I bumped into some stuck-up girl who I instantly hated. She introduced herself as jenny, the prefect or whatever then said something along the lines of 'it would be better for me if I became friends with her'. To which I scoffed at and shoved past her.

I had my first two classes with Claire, who was so lovely to me and helped me in every class.

My last was maths class with Michelle and she talked with me about boys throughout the whole class which wasn't actually that bad. She's actually a sound out girl.

And then after she  invited me to go to some journalism thing with her and her friends for lunch.

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