Little House On the Prairie

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After missing a week of school, I finally got better. Michelle even made me go to some weird fuckers party with just her to celebrate. It was sort of dead to be completely honest, but Michelle didn't notice cuz she spent half her time talking to some weird fucker and leaving me to make conversation with his best friend. At some point I pretended he was James, so I would stop rolling my eyes at him.

My da signed me up for some 'across the barricade' school trip that was on today and I'm absolutely dreading it. But sure at least all my friends are doing it as-well and I'll be able to spend all my time laughing at them while they try make friends with the prods.

I practically ran into my shower when I saw the state of my hair that morning, even though that I knew I'd probably miss the bus then. Oh well.

I was singing and dancing my heart out to one of my favorite ABBA songs 'Waterloo' when the door burst open with James and Michelle storming in.

"Holy shite! Get out ye wee feckers!" I screamed trying to cover my bare body. James starred at me for a few seconds before stuttering some utter shit and placing his hands over his eyes and turning around. While, Michele just stood there examining my body. "You're right fit, Cara. You should wear more revealing clothes"

After screaming at them to leave and wait downstairs I started to get ready. I put on my 'friends across the barricade' top, that was a little too small for me, acting like a crop top. And my denim mom jeans that made me look like I had a hourglass figure somehow.

We all planned to meet up at Erin's house so we can all walk to the school together, but apparently James and Michelle decided to call in to me first. When I walked into the kitchen they were sitting at the table, along with my pissed looking brothers and Da.

"Did James go up to you in the shower, Cara?" Oisin asked while glaring at poor James. "Aye, he's a wee pedo" Michelle said, sucking  up to my brother. "You did as-well Michelle!" I tried to defend James because I knew my brothers would never hit a girl but they'd definitely hit a boy, especially if they're English.

"Aye, but I'm not English" Michelle said putting her hands on the table, close to Oisin's. "I didn't see anything. I swear" James tried to vouch for himself but was only met by the stern glares of my family members. By this stage my roses cheeks were bright red, by embarrassment or anger, I don't know.

"I swear by god, when I'm done with you, ye wee fecker,. You won't be able to see anything" my da said getting up and walking towards the kitchen table but lucky for James I walked in-front of him.

"It's fine da, I was out of the shower with a towel on. They just wanted to remind me that we're running low and on so we got to go" I lied, putting on my worn down backpack and escaped through the door with Michelle and James.

"Fuck-a-doodledoo" Michelle cheered from infront of James and I when Erin answered the door and James greeted a small "hi" while I just smiled "mornin". The whole walk to Erin's house was completely awkward with James and I, it would've been dead silent if it wasn't for Michelle's rambling.

Michelle started to explain some story about a floppy haired english man when we sat down at Erin's kitchen table. As soon as I heard floppy hair and English I looked at James, mouthing 'you' to which he just shook his head smiling. But we both soon stopped when we remembered what happened earlier this morning. 

"I am buzzing for this weekend. Them waterproof trousers do wonders for my whole" Michelle gloated, making me extremely jealous. Mine were white which were descended to get stained, considering we're going to be in the mud. Smart thinking da. And they also make me look like a fucking box. I felt a lot better though when James told us that his were pink.

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