My Favorite Wee Lesbian

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So here I was, in some messy classroom, with the girls and one boy that I've only met today, sitting on a table, plaiting a few strands of my died blonde hair.

Erin, who I haven't even talked to yet. I think she hasn't even noticed I was in the room yet. Was writing on a chalkboard. While the other, orla, was doing some form of dancing..step dancing I think.

"Ok, right..okay.. how do u do a new line again??" James asked from where he was at the computer. I honestly don't know why Erin put him at that job. I knew the english were savages but not that they were so far behind in civilization that they didn't even know how to work a computer!

I got up from the table I was sitting on and leaned over his shoulder, moving my hand over his so I could move it to the 'return' key on the keyboard. "There you go" I muttered to him, who seemed to have gone redder than a tomato, for some reason now. He replied with a quiet "Thank you, Cara."

"I can't understand." Clare began from where she was slapping the, probably broken, copier, that was beeping. "Come on!" Clare screamed, kicking it causing me to unintentionally flinch.

"Seriously. Will you be quiet! I'm trying to get my creative juices flowing over here." Erin turned around, scolding the other blonde.

"Okay. You're gonna have to never say sentence that again" Michelle said which I silently agreed with in my head..who says creative juices? But I didn't want to speak up about it because I really need to make some friends.

"Enough. Come on. We need to make a call on our late story." Erin complained and turned back to the board. We all formed a little circle around her. Me furtherest from her next to Clare, because I didn't want her to kick me out, she was already mad enough as it is.

"Okay, so let's..." Erin began but slowly turned back around, taking a double take.

"Who are you!?" Erin looked me dead in the eye. I was about to speak up when Michelle spoke for me. "She's our new friend. We met her at the bus top..when you. Y'know, ditched us."

"Right." Erin curtly nodded at me with a smile and I nodded back with a half smile. She turned back to the board but sharply turned her head to the other side.

"Would you stop doing that, please?" She said softly to her cousin who was still dancing. "I cant let my heart rate drop, I'm afraid, Erin." Orla panted, continuing her moves. God these Our Lady's girls are truly gas.

"Let's just run through some of our favorite ideas. So firstly, animals" Erin started talking but I zoned out to the sound of James English accent talking. I began to think of what James would sound like saying some words but swiftly stopped that thought when my mind began to got into a dirty mode.

I noticed Clare who stood oddly quiet next to me, biting on her wee nails so I decided to cheer her up. "Your watch is nice" i whispered to the distressed girl. In all fairness her watch was nice, it had a hot pink strap and was digital. "Aye, thanks. I like your boots" she pointed to my worn down doc martins I got in a charity shop, smiling.

Erin decided that her ideas were shite, which I think they were...I wasn't really paying attention. So she made her way over to some white box and opened it up.

"The writing competition?" Clare asked, sounding a bit worried. "Exactly. There's bound to be something in here we can steal. We can just steal something, and we'll-we'll just steals someone's ideas and we'll pass it off as our own" Erin replied shuffling through papers with Michelle.

"Journalistic integrity at its finest." James read my thoughts causing me to let out a little laugh.
"'Searching for myself.' What a loan of balls." Michelle read from someone's story.

"Isn't this a invasion of personal space or something?" I asked, to which Clare and James nodded and I think Erin and Michelle just ignored me.

"Oh My God." Erin gasped with someone's story in her hands. "Let's see." Michelle made her way over, reading it as well. "'Suffocation: The Secret Life Of a Gay Teenager'" Michelle read aloud looking up at us with a scoff.

"It's anonymous" Erin looked up smiling like it's the best day ever. Orla then pointed to James, wait..was James gay?

"James, are you gay?" I asked, trying not to sound disappointed. " it wasn't me. And no I'm not gay!" James retaliated back sounding offended and fed was just a question jeez. I was a bit relieved at that though.

"No, this was written by a girl. A real-life lesbian walks among us." Erin sounded disgusted. But I couldn't help but notice Clare tensing up at Erin's words.

"I don't really believe in lesbians." Orla said, looking at the ground, confusing me. "How can you not believe in lesbians. You think they fake liking each-other?" I asked Orla with disbelief. To which she didn't reply with anything, just kept looking at the floor.

"This is perfect. We'll just print this." Erin explained with joy, looking around at us. "Come on, Erin. You cant do that" Clare stated calmly, thank god there's someone here with morals.

"Why not?" Erin asked, for some reason offended. "Cause, that poor wee girl is going to be shitting her boots when she reads that" I explained to her, feeling bad for the poor lesbian. To which she just scoffed at me.

"Aye, Cara's right. We'll get in trouble, real trouble, big trouble." Clare agreed, enthusiastically. "you're not afraid of a bit of controversy, are you?" Erin challenged her.

"Yes. Actually, yes, I am. Something like this could go on our permanent record, Erin" Clare defended, trying to convince everyone to be sensible. "And what's more important, Clare? Your permanent record or...telling this poor girl's story" Erin asked, trying to look innocent. Holding up the typed essay.

"My permanent record" Clare spat slowly, looking actually quit upset and shoving a piece of paper on the table. "Count me out" she stormed out of the room, leaving us all flabbergasted.

"Uhm..I think I'm gonna go check on her" I mumbled, making my wait out to catch up to Clare while Erin starting screaming about history or something.

Clare was storming down the hallways crying when I caught up to her and stood infront with my hands on her shoulders , so she wouldn't keep walking. "Christ, Clare. Why are you crying?" I asked, whiling her tears away gently.

This is more drama than I've ever had in St Mary's.

"I-I well......, I know we've only met like a few hours ago but...Cara.....I'm the wee lesbian." Clare rushed out between sobs. I hugged her tightly, feeling extremely sorry for her. "That's okay, Clare. I'm proud of you for telling me. And I'll find you another wee lesbian don't you worry." I joked, causing her to look back up at me a smile, whispering 'thank you's'.

I walked home that day with a smile on my face along with Orla, Erin, James, Michelle and Clare. I didn't really know where I stood with them. If I was part of their group or not, but I guess that'll all come in time.

Clare, James and I hung a few steps behind the rest of the group. "So, how was your first day, Cara?" James asked me in his english accent.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be in fairness. Ach, there's defiantly more going on here than in St Mary's." I smiled at the english boy.

That Wee English FellaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon