Athletes, Catholics.

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"Cara, wake the fuck up" Michelle said shaking me by the arm. James and Michelle were the only people left in the room aside from me. The blinds were pulled open and the bright morning sun lit up the room. "Aye, I'm awake" I got up rubbing my eyes, trying to adjust them to the bright light. "The wee pedo over here was watching you sleep. Tried to get him to fuck off but he just wouldn't" Michelle said making me think about how bad I probably looked sleeping.

"I was packing, Michelle" James, quick to defend himself with a huff. "Aye, and I am here to make peace, James" Michelle said sarcastically as I made my way down off the bunk and changed into my hiking clothes which consisted of a dark green jacket and white waterproof pants, in the bathroom while they continued to fight.

We made our way down to breakfast and sat there on the old rickety tables were : Alex, Harry, Jon, Erin, Orla and Claire. "Nice morning hair, Cara" Alex complimented me sarcastically which I just responded with a roll of my eyes and a tight smile. The rest of breakfast was spent in awkward silence with Erin trying to start a conversation with them every few seconds, only to be turned down.

Erin and Michelle walked up in front of Claire, who was acting all sad, and me, who separated with Alex because he was walking with his friends and I was walking with mine. I kept asking if she was okay but only to be met with little grumbles of 'I'm fine'.

"I think we can all agree that for generations there's been a deep lack of trust between your community's" Father Peter said, nodding at everyone.

"And there's where's abseiling comes in"

"Jesus" I complained under my breath, rolling my eyes to the excuse of a priest.

"Abseiling is a great trust building exercise because what your doing is: your saying to your buddy 'lean on me, I'm here for you'"

I looked over at my 'buddy', Alex. Who was also starring at me, making me instantly look away from the eye contact. James, from beside me, noticed Alex looking over at me and thought he was looking at him so he waved making me let out a little laugh. "What, Cara?" He asked, peering down at me. "Oh, nothing. How's the 'becomes friends with some lads' going?"

"It's..okay...really well actually." He replied with a proud smile on his face. I knew Jon thought he was a bit weird because...well if you see the looks he was giving him you'd understand. "Aye, bet you miss your 'mates' back in England"

"Yeah. We write to each-other, you know. It's not the same but it's grand" James said as we looked back up to Father Peter.

"Now, let me see who's first. Ah, Clare, Clare Devlin. There you are" he looked at the clipboard he was holding in his rather large hands.

"I-Im not sure about this" Claire stuttered, I felt bad for her I really did. She's probably scared of height, sure she's been looking up at the ledge like it's 1,0000 meters high. That's probably why she was grumpy all morning. "Ah, you'll be grand" Michelle said shoving her forward. "No, listen. You don't understand"

"Now, where's your buddy?" Peter asked, as a uninterested looking Protestant put his hand up hesitantly. "Good man yourself. Come on up" he walked right up to Claire, obviously making her uncomfortable. Jesus, do these prods have any idea for personal space.

"Philippe with control Claire's descent by feeding her role through, what's called, a belay device" father Peter explained, as I looked up to the mountainous ledge Claire was getting tied up to abseil down.

"So he'll be the one actually dictating the speed of her drop" Peter explained, changing my features completely. My life is going to be in Alex's hands. Oh my god. I looked over at him and mouthed 'don't you even think about it' when he looked back at me. He just shrugged in reply, making me completely nervous. "Okay everybody so on three" Peter began as Claire started hanging off the edge. "1...2.."

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