Her misunderstanding

By madeyouread

143K 3.2K 414

[Book 2] [book 1: Deceptive Love] Read book 1 to understand the whole story, if you didn't read it, you'll pr... More



8.1K 187 28
By madeyouread


Thank god Chloe was in the damn bathroom and did not see Jade dancing with me. Right now, a cold shower is very much needed thanks to Jade.

I glanced at a passed out Jade in the passenger seat as i drove towards my house. I sighed, thinking about the possibilities of us being together for a second time but then again, Chloe must be gone for that and she must feel something towards me just like i do for her.

Once arrived, i parked my car in the garage before carefully picking up Jade. I went in my room, laid her on the bed and went in the kitchen to get her advil and a glass of water for when she wakes up. I placed them on the drawer beside her and went in my bathroom to take that cold shower.



I groaned, placing my hand on my head in a manner to sooth the headache but no avail. I slowly opened my eyes to a familiar room and immediately closed it as the light reflected on my face.

"I see you're finally awake." A familiar voice said, making me open my eyes again and god, did i wish i did not open it. Lorenzo stood infront of his bathroom's door with only a towel wrapped around his torso, his hair wet and of course, he had a smirk on his face. He's been working out. 

"Are you even listening to me?" He smirked, crossing his arms making me roll my eyes. "You were saying?"

He shook his head before replying, "There's advil and water beside you for your headache."

Not sparing him a second glance, i took the Advil and swallowed it with water. "Thank you."

"How long have i been asleep for?" I questioned, not remembering anything that happened except for Hunter telling me to loosen up a little and it's a blur after that. "Not long." He replied, looked lost in thoughts for a while before a smirk took over his features. "Do you remember anything of when you were drunk?"

I frowned, "No but Judging by the smirk on your face, i did something terrible, didn't i?"

He chuckled, shaking his head, "Not terrible, no." He walked towards cupboard, took out his clothes. "Then?"

"I don't know." He smirked, earning a groan from me. "You're not gonna change your clothes here, are you?" He shrugged, "It's my room and besides, you've seen it before." He started to undo his towel all while looking at me with a smirk.

"I need to use the bathroom." I said and rushed to the bathroom, closing the door shut. "I wasn't going to remove it though." I heard him say with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the smile from making it's way onto my face.

And here i thought i got rid of whatever feelings i had for him, that's one big fat lie. If only Chloe wasn't in the picture. I sighed before splashing water on my face.

"Jade." He knocked on the door, "Ive put some clothes for you on the bed, figured you might want to take a shower. There's another towel in there if you didn't see it already. I'll be in the kitchen."

I smiled before stepping in the bathroom, opening the tap and let the water fall on me. Once i was done, i wrapped the towel around me before stepping out. My grip on the towel tighten as my gaze fell on Lorenzo who was laying on the bed, his head against the headboard and gaze fixed on me.

"You said you were in the kitchen." I pointed out. He smirked "I lied."

"Get out so that i can change." I groaned, tightening my grip on the towel as he got up and started heading towards me. He stopped in his tracks, thought for a while before shrugging. "Nope."

I took a step back with each steps he took  until my back hit the wall behind me. "What are you doing?" I asked, mentally cursing at my body for betraying me as it came out more of a whisper.

"Nothing." He said, removing a strand of hair which has fallen on my face. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "Enzo, step back so that i can go change."

His eyes roamed around my body which made me tighten my grip on it. "Fuck it." He groaned before slamming his lips on mine. Not receiving any reaction from me, he was about to pull away but I didn't let that happen. I kissed him back and god, i missed it, i missed him, i missed all of it. I know what we're doing is so fucking wrong but at this very moment, i didn't care.  However, im sure I'll be regretting it later. The man is engaged for fuck's sake.

And as if my inner self didn't just remind me of that, the high pitch voice of his fiancée boomed from downstairs which immediately made us pull apart. "Fuck." He muttered, running his hand through his hair.

"Stay here." He said and left the room without sparing me a second glance. Shrugging, i wore the clothes he laid out for me and decided to eavesdrop a little bit. Carefully stepping out of the room, i walked near the stairs where he and Chloe were before sitting on it, listening to everything they were talking about.

"Why did you leave the club so early?" Chloe whined like a fucking kid whose daddy didn't buy her the car of her favourite colour. I met people like those and let me tell you, that urge to kill becomes stronger.

"I had business to take care of, Chloe. I already told you that." Enzo replied.

"That Jade girl disappeared also. Your friends told me you and her were dating. Is she going to be a problem in our relationship? Should i talk to daddy?" I cringed when she said the word 'Daddy'. I fucking knew it, she is a daddy's girl.

"No, Chloe. You don't have to talk to 'daddy' about it." Enzo mocked her, i can picture him rolling his eyes right now. "Jade is my friend. Yes, we were dating but we aren't anymore."

"Hmm...okay." she sighed, "Now fuck me." What the fuck? Deciding that's enough eavesdropping for a day, i turned around, ready to leave when i saw someone standing behind me.


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