Oleh GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 25: Midnight Snack

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Oleh GuildMaster_RiP

(Y/n) POV
Mom left a few minutes ago leaving me with the girls and an Evelynn who is now starting to target me just like in High school once again,i can feel her gazes that was starting to make me feel uncomfortable around her again.

Ahri:(y/n) are you going to be okay?

(y/n):Uuhh....Yeah why?

Ahri looks the the broken door that is barely hanging in 1 hinge.


That what she meant.

Eve:Sorry Dear..

Akali:You can always stay 1 more night at our place, before you can pack up.


W-wait, staying at the mansion with them?!

I started to feel flustered with my ears warming up even i knew i stayed there the past month but it was different when i was in a coma and awake!

Eve:Oh look at him~

Kai'sa:Come one (y/n) it's much better than sleeping with an open door.


Not gonna lie, yeah.... i feel much more safe with a door than can protect me from who ever might come for me again, plus Sera's here so I doubt they'll do something stupid while she's around.

(y/n):Fine ill stay.. but only once i get mix door fixed again.

Ahri:Sure! We can help you get a new 1 aswell!

(y/n):Huh? No, it's fine I can get a new 1 for myself.

Akali:Come one man, plus it's Eve's fault that she barged in.


Kai'sa:Come on (y/n), at least let us help you with the door, since its our fault, well mostly Eve.

Eve:Hey! Why is everyone ganging up on me!

(y/n):I mean...maintenance always got spares but that depends if they got right now.


(Y/n):But i can still come with u guys at least?

Ahri:Great! It's settled then!

We all got in the car with me in the window side, trying to avoid the embarrassment of me getting sandwiched by beautiful women.

Ehehe....No! Wake up you fool!

The whole trip was quiet and I wanted it that way for the mean time because it was still awkward for me to be with the girls after 2 years.

Akali:So (y/n) I heard you were the one who edited the music video, for the True damage.

Fuck..i forgot about that.

(y/n):oh yeah, i was....

Akali;Why didn't you say hi or tell me about it?

(y/n):well... i just have a lot of personal matters that time..sorry..

Truth is I just wanted to avoid them since they're friends with...

I took a glimpse of Eve in the rear mirror and I saw her look back at me and I immediately averted my gaze.

Akali:Oh....I understand...

Fuck..i feel like a dick now..

Akali POV

I was still bummed out when I found out about (y/n) being the artist i like because he and I were close friends during college so i thought he would've told me also about the working with true damage and him not saying a hi to me or anything made me feel like he's was me for some reason.

I wonder what kept him from at least saying hi to me?

I couldn't think of any bad thing I did to (y/n) in the past and i dont think (y/n) would just randomly do that! He isnt that kind of person unless someone really offended him.

What did I do to (y/n)!?

I kept pondering in my mind what I did at the whole ride.


(y/n) POV

We soon arrived back to the mansion and when I excited the car i suddenly trip because my body was still a bit weak, but good thing Sera was on the side to catch me.

Sera:Are you okay?!

(y/n):Y-yeah thank Sera..

Sera:No prob!

She have me one of her blinding smiles that i haven't seen for ages.

Oh god that smile again, it's been awhile..

Sera offered her shoulder as support and i wrapped my arm around it , on our way i was still confused what happened to there front door.

(y/n):By the way what happened to your two doors? It looked like a fight had a fight here?

Ahri:I-it's nothing! Just some unwanted guests!

Akali:from boyfriend to unwanted guest, nice!

Akali starting chuckling from the side while enlightening me of the situation.

Ahri: Akali!

(y/n): boyfriend, noted.

Ahri:I-it's nothing like that!

(y/n): its fine, a small fight isn't that bad , I hope things go well with him.


I noticed Ahri isn't flustered, but a bit pissed from her tone when Akali brought up her boyfriend. But it still made me wonder what made the fight went this war.


I looked at Sera who was shaking her head and making a face but I didn't get what she wanted to say.

(y/n):Huh? What's wrong?

She made a sigh like she was disappointed which was making me more confused.


Did I miss something? Fuck they broke up didnt they? I mean I would make sense why the doors are fucked.

The more i thought about it I started to for guilty for being inconsiderate on Ahri's feelings or just jumping on like that even after what she help me also..

We finally settled in the living room, Akali was lying down on the sofa exhausted, while Kai'sa and Sera went to the Kitchen to grab some drinks, I smelled sweaty so I decided to take a shower since I had to run away from here but end up back here either way.

(y/n):Ill just take a quick shower.

Eve:Do you still want me to help you there dear?~


(y/n):Wait, were you the one...

Eve gave a large grin


i couldn't help but blush and just rush to my room feeling all flustered.

Eve:don't worry dear, your pretty gifted to me~



Slamming the door behind me i locked the door and took my top off throwing on the side.

That woman...I really can't believe her.

The shower was abit painful because of the wounds on my arm and when i moved my body it just hurts, as the hot water was slowly getting to me, my hearing started to get numb and all i could hear was a loud ringing sound with breathing was also starting to become difficult, i turned the knobs to make it cold and the water pressure to slow down.


Hearing voices on my head I started fidgeting through my fingers feeling the tips.

(Y/n):Calm down... your okay..

I face upward for my face to get washed of by the cold shower and for me to try get some air, i brought up my arm to feel the sides of my neck where i used to have scars with feeling a sigh of relief i took large big breaths and slid my hair back.

After the shower i was drying myself with an towel until i took a glanced of my self fully on a mirror seeing all the wounds and bruises all around my body that were still healing.

Damn...they really did a number on me..

As I look at myself in the mirror and see my own manhood, I remember the thing Eve said a while ago, which made me blush and I immediately covered myself.

(y/n):Seriously, what's her deal...she acts like she doesn't remember what happened...

???:even if i told you, would've you believed me?

(Y/n):i dont know...i couldn't even tell if everything that happend was felt real..

I couldn't remember exactly what happened when i was on a coma, everything was stiff fuzzy in my head if i tried to remember it but i started hearing voices in my head that were bit by bit making me remember..I quickly picked up some clothes, I wore a pair of shorts for sleeping, and a random t-shirt with an orange hoodie.

At Least they packed some of my hoodies here.

I was tired, but i didn't feel sleepy yet, so i decided to maybe catch up with Sera about things. I went out of my room, i've noticed everyone but Ahri was gone.


Ahri:Oh hey (y/n)!

Ahri was looking at her phone, so I sat down on one of the chairs in infront of ahri.

(y/n):I'm guessing everyone went back to their rooms??


There was a awkward silence in the room, Ahri was still looking at her phone, then suddenly I remember what i did awhile ago when we arrived.


Ahri put her phone down and looked at me in a concerned look.

Ahri:Is something wrong (y/n)? Do you feel sick?

(y/n):Ah no im fine!

I waved my hands gesturing that i dont need anything then scratched the back of my fead while Ahri tilted her head abit looking at me with a questioning look.

(y/n):Its just I wanted to say sorry...

Ahri:Eh? For what?

(y/n):From what i said about your boyfrie- I mean ex...

I stopped midway realizing my mistake again. Ahri's ear's went down and her expression changed.

(y/n):S-sorry...I didnt mean to.. I just i was inconsiderate on your feelings and didnt even try to listen to your im sorry...

Ahri POV

When (y/n) Suddenly started talking apologizing from awhile ago, It caught me off guard that he brought it up and at the same time i didnt know (y/n) felt this.

Ahri:Hey it's fine! You didn't offend me at all and so all is forgiven.... it's just remembering him....

I was suddenly silent as my mind flew of from thought,remembering  the times and effort i put on our relationship, I even put up on Sett's act tried to reason with him and yet he didnt try putting much effort, i felt so stupid hoping he would change and somethings my thought what just happened to him that things became like this.


Suddenly my train of thought was broken when (y/n) called me out.

Ahri:Fuck, I'm sorry!

(y/n):No no it's fine! Take your time..

Ahri:Thanks (y/n)..

To be honest im still pisssed at Sett but i don't know why im also bummed out from our break up, maybe I'm just sad because he couldn't do changes for me?

(y/n) POV

I noticed Ahri was in deep thought, while her expression was getting gloomy by the second.

Fuck now you've done it! I must have made her remember about him more......

I was starting to get guilty from getting this situation worse.

Wait! Maybe I can help her? She's done alot for me as well. The least I can do is listen to her problems right now.

(y/n):Hey..... Ahri, if you need someone to talk or vent, I'm here to listen..

Ahri:Its just stupid and complicated....

(y/n):Try me, i've been and heard stupid and complicated relationships, Exhibit A : Akali and Zed.

Ahri's eyes widened from surpsise while her ears perked up.

Ahri: you were there when they were dating?

(y/n):Heck yeah! You should've seen their fights! Almost demolished the whole dormitory just because Zed didnt like the anime Akali suggested him, if you dont think that stupid i dont know what is.

Ahri:You're joking right?


She started to chuckle and her mood has seem to improved, which was a good sign.

Ahri:alright alright grab a seat its going to be a long night, but do tell me more about Akali's relationship with zed too~

(y/n):just dont tell her, or she'll kill me

Ahri: Deal.

She ended telling her whole story how everything went sideways with Sett, at first i was impress with the guy's effort to win Ahri's heart, that's a rich and powerful guy for you. But when it came to them dating it was slowly going bad, it also made me wonder how there relationship went down the roller coaster just like that?

what the heck happened..

Ahri:UGH! AND THE WAY HE ACTS WITH OTHER PEOPLE! He treats them like he knows all and that he's better than them all the time!

(y/n):That's some superiority complex.

Ahri:Right?! I wish he could've been more humble!

Minutes pass by more, and ahri continued to vent out, until...


We both became quiet when we heard someone's stomach growling, we looked at each other and laughed.


She sheepishly smiled while she move the side of her hair behind her ear.


Thinking of just getting something to deliver an idea appeared.

(y/n):Can I borrow your kitchen?

Ahri:umh sure?

(y/n):follow me you can entertain me more while i whip us a snack.

Ahri:Sounds like a win to me~

I look at the clocked and notice we were already talking for 3 hours straight and it was 1am in the morning.  Also noticed Ahri's mood as already brightening up, her fox ears were already perking up more which was a good sign since a while ago they looked sad.

As we arrived in the kitchen, Ahri sat at one of the stool at the kitchen counter,while I checked on there fridge I'm amazed they got a lot in their fridge which made me wonder which of them cooks here.

It's definitely Kai'sa.

I got some fresh mangoes,some condensed milk and some whipped cream, and started grabbing more ingredients.

(y/n):got any crackers?

Ahri:Oh there on that shelf over there.


I went to the cabinet to the side and opened the top cabinet and found a cabinet of snacks i started scanning through to find the crackers i needed.

Ahri:You really got a lot there? Are you sure you're not hungry too? *giggles*

(y/n):Was it obvious?

She made a gesture pitching per fingers

Ahri:Tiny bit~

Ahri continued telling her story I started chopping, mixing and grinding some ingredients and put them in separate bowls. While i did all this for some reason I felt safe and....carefree with Ahri, i shook my head lightly to concentrate.

What the heck am I thinking..

Ahri:Hey chef you okay?

(y/n):Huh? Oh yeah, you were saying?

Ahri squinted at me and started to pout at me getting all mad.

Ahri: are you even listening?

(y/n):Yeah you told me how you wished Sett would also try to make a effort for you.


(y/n):am i wrong?

Ahri POV

I was caught off guard for a second, I thought (y/n) wasn't paying attention which made me pissed for some reason, I thought he's just those guys to just listen then forget, but he was actually listening.


Realizing my mistake I was starting to get flustered from what just happened At the same time i noticed that my chest was slowly getting lighter, was venting out what i just needed?I didnt want to think deeper as i shake my head to focus, i looked at (y/n) who was putting sliced mangoes then cream on the layered crackers.

Ahri:Wish Sett also cooked for me....

(y/n):He didn't?

Ahri:No...usually he just brings me to fancy restaurants and would order food at his house..but..


Ahri:its nothing, its just silly?

(y/n):Lemmi guess, you wanted to have the person you like cook for you too?

I started to blush as (y/n) hit a bullseye on his guess.


I chuckled seeing her get flustered.

(y/n):well it's his lost.

Ahri:Why is that?

(y/n):You're a great girl Ahri, I'm not kidding... its just sad that all your effort went to that kind of person, i bet if the next person you dated treated you better, he'll be a lucky guy.

I was suprised from what (y/n) said my brain was also trying to process what he said until I suddenly felt my whole face getting warm,which made me cover my face from the flustered look i'm giving out. There was also this lingering feeling that was so familiar...something long yet familiar..

this feeling...what's this feeling..?

I shook my head lightly to focus back, with myself still flustered hearing what (y/n) said.

Ahri:T-thank's (y/n)..

(y/n):Don't mention it.

He smiled first then went back to putting ingredients on the platter.

(Y/n):plus... i i think also feel the same? when i dated someone during in college

Ahri:Oh? Do tell~

I rest my head on my hand while I listened to (y/n)'s story as he made the food but he stopped for a minute and looked at me then back at the food, then back at me and gave a big sigh.

(y/n):Can i trust you?

Huh? Whats happening?


(y/n):Can i trust you?

He looked at me in a serious face, while i was confused but shocked as well i didnt know what to say but it looked something important and serious,I then shook my head and took at him with a straight face.


He took a deep breath, before looking at me again straight in the eyes.

(y/n):Im a powerless.

What? That's it?

I was expecting something more but, i guess (y/n) didnt knew Eve and his mom told us he was a powerless, so this must be a big thing for him.

I let out a chuckle and smiled at him.

Ahri:I knew.

He face was all surpisedHe didnt ask how or who told me but gave me a surprised look but then gave out a smile, and it was the brightness smiles ive ever seen him do looking at that smile...i wanted to protect it...

wait! what the heck am i saying?!

I was getting flustered once again,

(y/n)i guess i can also tell you her.. a girl that used to date in college i tried putting my all for this. When she knew I was powerless she was skeptical at first about our relationship.

When I saw (y/n)'s mood changed abit i couldn't help but feel sad aswell..Now I see why he told me about him being a powerless first...Finding someone to love and trust when being powerless back then is really tough huh..?

(y/n):But i was happy because she gave it a chance, but sometimes dating a powerless doesn't just discriminate against you back then... but also the people you care about... as time pass people started to make fun of her and called her things , after that she never did anything for our relationships,but i still stayed the same i loved her, i keep giving her gifts, celebrate our monthsaries, went there for her when she needed it, i i still gave my all for her even though she despised me...I still loved her..but that's until i knew she was cheating on me...

I felt a sudden pain in my chest  from hearing (y/n)'s story. Despite what people said, (y/n) still loved her...was it really wrong to date someone powerless?

Ahri:Sorry for what happened..

(y/n):it's's not my first time.

(y/n) smiled at me as he put 1 of the dishes in the freezer and 1 in the oven. But he's smile felt emotionless and blank unlike the smiles he gave a while ago.

I want to see that smile again...

(y/n) POV

As i finish up putting the food on the oven and freezer i set the timer for the oven.

While i was looking through window of the oven i took a glimpse at Ahri who was looking upset again.

Fuck did my mood affected her aswell?

Taking a looking once more at the oven to check if it's started baking, a small idea popped in my head.

(y/n):Hey look at this.

As Ahri looked at me, she started laughing.

Ahri:Pfftt- Ahahahah what the hell are you doing?!

(y/n):What? I look like the guy from monopoly!

My lowered face was covered with cream making me look like i have a beard. But i can see her mood was finally coming back happy.

Good..aslong as she's happy thats good enough.

Ahri:HAHAHAHAHAHA wash yourself you look so silly!

(y/n):Fine fine.

As I washed my face, I took some utensils and plates from the side then sat in front of Ahri. There was a small brief silence till Ahri spoke.

Ahri:Hey...thanks...i feel a bit much better..

Her lips made a small smiled that made me smiled back at her.


I felt really happy not gonna lie that I was able to help Ahri a bit at least.

Ahri POV

i felt much relax but also......its something i've been missing with Sett when we used to date...the feeling of being safe.. not the feeling of stress and anger of what Sett might do again.But seeing (y/n) smiled..

Ah there it is..that smile...

Its not that half ass smiles he did just a while ago. Something inside wishes to see this more, and just keep making him happy..

Wait am I thinking?! (y/n) a friend! Exactly its not bad to help a friend be happy right?!

I felt my cheek burning up a bit while my heart beating fast, i tried to look away to hide my flustered self.

(y/n) POV

I noticed Ahri looked away suddenly.

Huh?Did something happen?

A few of silence passed, i decided to break the ice.

(y/n):By the don't have to get me a new door, usually in my place i just have to pay for replacements.

Ahri:Oh, why didnt you tell us?

(y/n):Cause all of you just planned on the spot?


I noticed Ahri's ear suddenly went down.

Was something wrong from what i said?

(y/n):But it will take another day or two for a new replacement to arrive..soo..if its okay instead for me to stay.? But dont worry ill still accompany you guy to buy a new door for your house!

I scratched the back of my head from embarrassment i just said, but ahri's ears all perked up as well as her tails which was a good sign?

Ahri:Sure! Ill talk to the girls about it later!

(y/n):Thanks...sorry for asking too much..

Ahri:Oh come on (y/n) were friends right?


My first thoughts when Ahri said that was remembering how i tried to outcast all of you because you were friends with Eve and from what happened...But i did told her im a powerless..yet she didnt feel disgusted..maybe she's just faking it.

Alot of things started to pop in my head, i decided to treat her as a friend but keep still my guard up, incase something like that will happen again because I didnt want to feel that feeling of betrayal again.

(y/n):Of course!

Ahri:Great! And when is that snack ready? I'm starving!

I chuckled after hearing that.

(y/n):Well good thing it wasn't a snack that i made

Ahri:Yeah I could tell! But i'm not saying no to someone cooking for me~

I felt a bit flustered from her compliment.

(y/n):Don't worry about it,Im just helping out.

Ahri:And i'm grateful for tonight, I really am..

She rest her head on her arm while she smiled at me, her smile may looked sad abit but i can feel she's genuinely happy. I smiled back feeling light and ecstatic on tonights events.

(y/n):Glad i can be there for you,


(y/n):And that's my queue

I got up from my seat and took some mitten to get the food in the oven, the smell of mushroom and cheese were melting through my face making my face warm and nose melt, I then placed it on the table removing the mittens and placing them on the side.

Ahri:Smells good! What is this?

(y/n):Mushroom gratin~

Ahri:Looks like a heavy snack for the night.

(y/n):hey you deserve it, treat yourself today with a cheat day.

I gave her a smirk encouraging her that she deserve a good meal.

Ahri:then ill help myself~

Ahri started scooping some of the gratin and blew a few times, but as she put it in her mouth .

Ahri:Hoh, hoh ho hoh hot!

she started to blow more from her mouth and flap her hands on the side from the hot food in her mouth. I handed her a cup of water and she drank half of it, i chuckled on the side seeing how Ahri is blowing the food in her mouth as hard as she can.

(y/n):slow down its still hot.

After chugging half a glass of water she pouted at me with her eyes slightly squinting.

Ahri:I'm hungry, what can I do!

(y/n):fine fine help yourself some more.

Ahri:Oh i will~

Ahri started to scoop more, and started to eat the gratin with ease.

Ahri:Mmmmm~ its so delicious! It so fluffy with the potato and it just melts in my mouth so perfectly with the cheese!

(y/n): Ehehe thank you thank~

I did half a bow with my upper body on Ahri's thanks, after that while we were enjoying  our "snack" we heard a door open and someone was arriving.

Akali:mmm~ what's that smell!

We saw Akali hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

Akali:What's that! what that!

Akali is jumping in excitement like a kid who just saw a new meal for the first time.

Ahri:(y/n) cooked some Mushroom gratin, here have a taste-

Akali immediately took Ahri's spoon and took a huge scoop and ate it in 1 go despite it still being hot.


Akali:Mmmmmmmmm!~ That's (y/n)'s cooking for you! And wait, why didn't you invite me!

Akali started looking at me with a pissed look while she was pouting.



Ahri was looking at me with a judgemental look with her eyes squinting at me.

Ahri:Akali he was just comforting me from my break up with Sett, and didn't (y/n) do that for you?

Akali:Yeah...but still!

I didnt know what to feel, are they fighting over me? Damn. but i need to fix the distance between me and Akali

(y/n):then how about joining us?

Ahri was now also pouting at me at the side.

Did i say something wrong? The more the merrier right?

Akali:Hmph, you've already finished up all the food, what's left to join?

(y/n):I still have dessert on the menu~

Ahri:Oh yeah I saw you made another one.

When Akali heard that there was still dessert, her expression changed to a kid who was excited for a surprise and started squealing

Akali:(y/n)! don't tell me it's that one!!


I went out of my chair to go to the freezer to grab the dessert.

Akali:you're going to love it! I didn't even know about it during college but when (y/n) gave me a taste of it, I asked him to make more and I would pay him.

I chuckled after hearing what Akali said, remembering a small memory we had at college from her buying my home made food.

(y/n): And it was best investment.

I put the mango graham on the the table and started slicing it into rectangles.

Akali:here it is!! i've missed this so much!

Akali started to squeel more from excitement, she was already holding on to a fork shaking gleefully.

I gave Akali a pig portion since i know she love's these, then i also gave ahri a slice.


Akali:Oh gawd.....yes...that hits the spot!

Akali started eating through the food while ogling over it.

(y/n):Jesus Akali, its like your having another Foodgasm over there.

Akali:You have no idea...

Akali was making weird noses and expressions as she kept scooping down more on her mouth. Ahri on the other hand looks a bit disturbed by Akali, she looked away and scooped 1 for herself and took a bite, her eyes widened and her ears were moving left and right.



Ahri:at first i thought i was like Tiramisu, but its not its actually kinda sweet and creamy! And the mango just gives out a whole different taste!

As i enjoy my slice, Ahri and Akali took the whole serve and started eating it directly there.

Is my cooking even that good?

*time skip*

Akali happily went back to her room and i promised her that ill cook something for her as compensation for not inviting her. Me and Ahri cleaned the dishes while we silently cleaned the dishes i was slowly getting flustered realizing how close we are right how being able to smell her shampoo.

Ahri:Thanks again...

Thankfully Ahri's voice broke me out from the small second of trance i was in. I smiled at her feeling relieved she's doing okay.

(y/n):Hey don't mention it.

Ahri:No I really mean it, usually i just lock myself in my room while eve would talk to me and we would just do some shopping just to keep my mind busy...

(y/n):Dont you like do these kinds of stuff??

Ahri:Sometimes, we may look like a family but it's sometimes hard to open up?

(y/n):yeah i get you..

Ahri: So thanks...

(y/n):Well im glad it helped.

Ahri look back at the dishes for a second her ears were half way down but were slowly twitching.

Ahri:I-is it fine if we do this again...


Huh?! What did she mean by that?

For a second i was confused of what she meant by that?

Ahri POV

Wait wait! did I just say?! It sounded like i'm hitting on him! Fuck ahri think!

Ahri: I mean, can you listen to my problems more! I may still have pent up emotion and all...

Nice save Ahri!

I could feel my face getting warm knowing that my face was already blushing!

(y/n) POV

Fuck, i thought she was referring to something else, geez (y/n) get over yourself.

(y/n):Right! Yeah, of course I'm always happy to lend an ear.


Ahri giggled with her ears  all perked up and her tails started to waggle more as she started to hum while we continued washing the dishes we chatted more and joked around,Ahri was giggling beside me as i took a glimpse of her our eyes met for a second but we weren't embarrassed at each other, i smiled back at her as my mind thought...

Message from the Author:
Heyo! RiP here! First of all im very sorry this chapter took a long time, firstly i got a small cold, then got wasted on a beach party for 2 days in the past 2 weeks and last week i posted and promised that i was planning to post the new chapter within the week but i just thought it wouldn't feel right if i didn't got the visuals right for this chapter, and here is a small presentation of some behind the scenes of the work.

I had 6 different smiles on Ahri's on this colored piece, 6 DIFFERENT SMILES?! I EVEN HAD TO GO BACK TO GREY SCALES! Anywho i also wanted to say this is my almost first time coloring something fully in months hence why i took my time because i was going in somehow blind i was still happy how this went. So thank you for your patience and support and special thanks from the guys in the discord group that helped me with there opinions and all thanks for having my back! Anyways let's get this story rolling! Hoorah!

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K/DA. Superstar pop group, idols, and roll models to millions all over the world. Beloved in the industry, the biggest music group at the height of...
35.7K 907 38
-Y/N L/N is a student at Piltover University, specifically studying Engineering, making beats in his off-time. He came from the icy state of Freljord...