BC Dave Miller X Reader

De nachagrande8332

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De nachagrande8332

You and Dave had woken up early. Too early to awake, but too late to go back to sleep. So, you decided to head to work. By the time you got there, it would be time to arrive, anyway.

The two of you walked hand in hand. You hadn't anticipated it being this cold today, and neither had Dave. You knew it wouldn't be warm, but not this cold. It sucked, and you couldn't wait to get to work. You don't think you've ever been this excited to be there.

Suddenly, you heard a car roll up beside you two. "Hey, fancy seeing you guys here!" It was Mr. Guy in his car.

"Philip? What are you doin' this fine mornin'?" Dave asked. You waved hello to Mr. Guy, letting Dave speak. "As you know, we're on our way to work, so we aren't slackin' off like ya hate so much."

You rolled your eyes. You always get to work on time, and you do everything required of you. "This early? At this rate, you two might actually make it to work on time!"

"Hey, I get to work at the same time as you. Usually," You do have to admit, there have been a few times you were late. You don't think those mattered much though.

"Well, since we're going the same way, mind if I give both of you a lift?" Mr. Guy asked. Dave looked to you for your decision. You didn't find anything wrong with it, so you nodded.

"Well, we'll be much obliged to take ya up on that offer, mister."

"Alright, your chariot awaits you," He says. You get into the backseat, while Dave walks over to the passenger seat. You put your seatbelt on right away, knowing Mr. Guy's strict about it. Dave didn't know apparently, as he had to be reminded to put it on.

As soon as the car started again, Dave pulled out a lighter and a cigarette. You remember him telling you he smoked, so you weren't phased. You continued to stare out the window, just wanting to get to work.

"You mind putting that out and closing the window? It's kind of chilly," Mr. Guy told Dave.

"Glad we were thinking the same thing," you comment. Dave threw the cigarette out, and rolled up his window.


You zoned out while they were talking. You hadn't forgotten about the jars of the strange substance yet. Or the British accent. In fact, they've been crossing your mind a lot recently. You wanted to know some things about Dave. Not that you didn't trust him. Of course, you do. But, you feel there are things he doesn't tell you.

Like when Jeremy knew his "secret". Dave definitely wasn't trying to hide that he steals napkins. He treated it more seriously. Too seriously.

You aren't saying he has to tell you everything. You don't want to invade his privacy, but you'd like answers to some questions. Even short answers would be okay.

You wanted to ask him about these things, though you don't want him to get angry. Because then he wouldn't tell you anything, and he wouldn't be comfortable with you. It was a risky game to ask him about these things. But, you can't avoid it. You'll have to ask him sometime.

You got awoken from your thoughts by a loud honk and Mr. Guy's yelling. Then you heard a different noise you didn't recognize. "What's wrong?"

"Can't be... I forgot to get gas. Uh... any chance you've got any cash on you?" Mr. Guy asks you and Dave.

"No, sorry."

"Mmm... can't say that I do. I spent it all on those donuts the other day," Dave lied. Well, he didn't have any cash on him; that part is true. You know it isn't because of the donuts, though.

"Bullshit," you muttered. Dave glared at you, and you glared back.

"The donuts you ate all of before you even got back?!" Mr. Guy questioned.

"In my defense, Philip, I've never had a donut before."

"That bullshit and everyone knows it. Don't they deep-fry everything in Texas?" You glance at him, worried. You don't bring up Texas around the country boy. Especially in that tone of voice.

"You will NOT speak against Texas. Anyway, I gave one to Fitzgerald."

"Oh, you mean the one that almost killed him?" You mention. You remember very clearly when Dave gave him the donut. That was a bad day.

"And how was I supposed to know he had a peanut allergy?"

"You know, I think we took more issue with you telling him to "man up" while he was undergoing anaphylactic shock." Phil stated. You nodded, agreeing with him.

"Psh... he was overreacting..." Dave replied. You hit his shoulder, not appreciating the comment.

"This is just great. We're stranded in the middle of nowhere, we have no money... and I didn't even get my FUCKING COFFEE!" Mr. Guy yelled, making you stare at him. He hit the driver's side door, which made a clicking noise around the car. You look at your door and see the lock had gone down. That's not good.

"...The hell just happened?" Dave asked.

"Huh? I-" You caught on pretty quick about what happened and started to pull at the door handle. The others joined in, before we all realized it was useless. "...Fuck."


"Mr. Guy, give it up," You tell your manager. He was looking out for cars passing by this entire time.

You've all been stuck in this car for an hour or so. You got irritated with Dave's random stories he told to pass the time. No one was responding, yet he continued.

"Nobody's comin'," Dave added to your statement. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Can I at least burn this pack?"

"No, are you stupid? The windows won't even roll down, do you want us to suffocate?" Mr. Guy asked.

"I think suffercatin' is better than being stuck in here... Say-"

"Dave, I already told to roll down your sleeves if you're cold. Stop bothering Mr. Guy," You told him. You couldn't even count the amount of times Dave had asked for Mr. Guy's jacket. It was annoying.

"They're stitched like this, (Y/N). It's called fashion... You could look it up sometime," Dave replies. You go to retaliate, but close your mouth, figuring it isn't worth it. "Jesus Mary and Joseph, it's cold..."

You started to notice you were hungry, but you tried to ignore it. You hadn't eaten since last night. Neither had Dave, and that was evident by the sound his stomach let out.

"Jesus, Dave. Have you eaten anything today?" Mr. Guy asked him. Dave covered his stomach, trying to suppress the sounds.

"Ain't nothin' to eat back home, Philip. That's why I never miss lunch," He explains. Mr. Guy then had a look of realization.

"Lunch! I packed lunch for all of us today!" You, Dave, and Mr. Guy had gotten into the habit of eating lunch together. It was common for him to bring us food, which you were always grateful for.

"And ya didn't say anything?! Well, where the hell is it?!" Dave yells, impatiently.

"Dave, be nice. You could be going hungry today if he didn't do this for us. Thank you, Mr. Guy!" You say, annoyed with Dave.

"Piss off, (Y/N)!"

"Okay, okay! Mx. (L/N), could you please grab the bag that's on the floor beside you?" You look at the floor and pick up a bag. You hand it to him, and he hands you a container. Thank god for your manager.


You've been stuck in this car for so long, you don't know how many hours it's been. You tried passing the time by talking with the others, but they didn't seem all that interested in your conversation. You can't blame them.

Now, you're sitting in the back with Dave's head in your lap. He tried to fall asleep, but for once in his life, he couldn't. Instead, he lay awake playing with your hand. He has so far made a couple rude gestures at Mr. Guy (who really appreciated it), and tried biting your fingers. You knew you had a reason to compare him to a cat.

You wanted to sleep, but Dave was making it quite impossible. He grabbed your arm, and put it on his stomach. You assumed he was cold. But you don't understand how a cold arm will help.

"Ya ever heard of the Donner Party, Philp?" Dave mumbles.

"Shut up." You and Mr. Guy replied.

"We're gonna die in this car, (Y/N), and it's all Philip's fault."

"MY fault?!" Mr. Guy shouted. You try to ignore their argument, not wanting to get wrapped up in it.

"Why'd ya have to pick us up? I walk to work every damn day. (Y/N) just happened to stay at mine last night."

"IF YOU THINK-" Mr. Guy stopped. You looked and saw headlights nearing the car. You removed Dave from your lap to get a better look. "Shit!"

"Well, I'll be damned."

Mr. Guy pounded at the windows, trying to get the other car to pay attention. When the car rolled past, you saw someone you never expected; Chauncey Bohner-Focker. You groaned, knowing there was no way of him saving you all.

"Unbelievable. Fucking shit."

"We're doomed." You all say simultaneously.

Soon after, you and Dave returned to your places. He put his head back on your lap, and you were forced to sit. You put your head against the cold window, wanting to fall asleep. You heard Mr. Guy's snores from the front seat. He fell asleep quick.

"Sorry 'bout today, darlin'." Dave apologised. You weren't mad at him. You know that this situation was stressful for all of you.

"It's fine, Dave. Sorry I hit you earlier," you replied. Dave laughed softly, trying not to break the quiet atmosphere.

"It didn't hurt, doncha worry."

"I'm going to get some sleep, you should try too. Who knows, maybe we'll be saved tomorrow?" You hope so, at least.

Dave kisses your hand softly, "We'll get saved, darlin'. I promise."

Before you could fall asleep, you felt a bright light shining on your face. You open your eyes, seeing a flashlight pointed at the car. You tap on Dave's chest, trying to wake him up. You didn't want to say you were scared, but you were unnerved.

Suddenly, Mr. Guy woke up, scared by the light. "Oh... Oh!" You finally noticed it was a cop. You shook Dave to get him awake.

"Wot, (Y/N)?" Dave sleepily said with a British accent.

"Someones here to save us, get up," You tell him. He sits up slowly, with your help.

"How'd you know that we were here?" Mr. Guy asked the cop. She seemed fairly nice. But you weren't all that focused on her. You were focusing on Dave and his head on your shoulder. He must still be tired.

"Got an anonymous tip that three individuals were loitering in a parked car on the abandoned side of town." Chauncey. That bitch. "Your car break down? Come on. We can give you a ride home."

You take Dave's hand, and bring him over to the police car. You don't think you've ever been happier to get home.


So, this is a longer one to make up for the last chapter. I hope everything is going okay in your life. My friends wouldn't stop planning a movie where I'm the director while I was writing. It was fairly annoying. But, I made a joke that totally shut them up (dad joke, I know I'm so funny) so i could finish it in peace. Thank you for 2k reads, and have a good day/night!

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