Message In A Bottle

By TwelveTurquoise12

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[INVISIBLE STRING SEQUEL!] September 6, 2022. 6:17am. TrueQuill has posted a new message. BlueInk has posted... More

Aug 25
Aug 27 (Part 1)
Aug 30
Sep 6
Sep 10
Sep 16
Sep 20
Sep 28
Oct 4
Oct 10
Oct 16
Oct 22
Oct 28
Oct 29
Nov 6
Nov 11
Nov 17
Nov 23
Nov 28
Dec 2
Dec 7
Dec 12
Dec 19
Dec 22
Dec 28
Dec 31
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Jan 10
Jan 19
Jan 25
Jan 29
Feb 1
Feb 6
Feb 10
Feb 14
Feb 20
Feb 27
March 1
March 8

Aug 27 (Part 2)

372 11 51
By TwelveTurquoise12

A/N: So. American high schools. I've been writing about them for like 5/6 years now and I've literally never been to America. But I've given up now, none of this is realistic, this is My City Now.

I don't care if this is supposed to be canon or not, but the kids' middle school and high school share the same campus. Or at least they're adjacent to each other.


It was a warm summer's afternoon and Alex didn't know what to do. Conner was of course out with Bree, and if Alex spent one more hour thinking about school she was going to go insane. It wasn't healthy for her to stress so much when she'd completed her homework two weeks prior. So when she learned Fred was sick, she decided to go over. As Fred's childhood friend, Alex was always a welcome member in the Hayford household.

As expected, Fred was tangled up in his blankets, his curtains drawn shut. Well, at least his room was less messy than Conner's room (to be fair, she doubted anyone could be messier than her brother). After all this time, Alex still felt a little self-conscious stepping to Fred's room because this was his territory. They'd known each other ever since they were kid, but it still felt too...intimate.

"Hi," she said as if her footsteps hadn't announced her presence already. It was just to be polite.

Fred's messy blond hair emerged, his face tinged a slight pink due to his illness (not that it was very visible in the dim light). "Hey."

"How are you?"

"It's not the worst I've been, to be honest. Sucks that I can't go out though." Fred glanced at Alex, then quickly looked away. "Thanks for coming."

"Hope my company's not too boring." It was a joke, but a bit of Alex's self deprecation slipped through.

Fred frowned, if only just slightly. "Hey, I don't know about the rest of the world, but I like being around you."

The atmosphere inside Fred's room subtly shifted. Alex suddenly found it difficult to stare in Fred's general direction. The usually carefree Fred sounded oddly serious. It was almost a bit unnerving.

"... So I hope you like being around me too."

Alex could almost hear Fred saying those words. In fact, she was pretty sure that was what he was thinking now.

Fred shuffled so he was sitting upright. Alex walked over and noticed the cup of tea on his bedside table. "Ooh, what's this?"


Alex picked up his mug and sniffed it. The sharp scent of ginger invaded her nose. "Spicy."

Fred chuckled. "Hey, don't drink it, you're gonna get sick."

"I wasn't going to." Alex set down the mug and sat on the end of Fred's bed.

"So, what do you think about school starting?"

Fred's question was only to be polite. Alex might not have been explicit about it, but he'd picked up her cues. Fred knew Alex didn't like talking about her worries unless she was asked to, and now he was basically inviting her to vent.

Alex exhaled. "I mean... it's pretty scary that everyone's viewing me differently. After, you know, I saved that historical building last year."

Their joint middle and high school campus was made from historical buildings, and most were demolished with newer buildings built over it. Their Lynn Building was beloved by students for its architecture, and it was school tradition to take graduation pics in the Lynn Hall with its elegant arches and pillars. (It was also a popular prom photo spot.)

Alex had a special connection to the Lynn Building because that was where the library used to be when she was a middle schooler. She'd spent hours holed up in that cozy space, stacks of thick books next to her. There was something about it that drew her in— the quietness, the gracefulness, the worn yet welcoming walls. A lot of good memories were associated with that place. It was her shelter during Alex's lowest points.

It was suddenly announced last year that the Lynn Building would be taken down which caused a huge uproar. While all of the students were furious, it was Alex who rallied them. It was Alex who had the leadership and capabilities to unite the students to form a front. 

(And it was Alex, that out of everybody else, could not bear to see it taken down the most.)

The school was announced that they would take down the building because the maintenance costs were too high. While longtime members of the faculty were also attached to the building and cited it as a place of "school spirit" and "collective memory", the practical issue of money topped everything else.

So naturally, Alex started a fundraiser.

It was insane. Till now, Alex could hardly believe what she'd done. In a short amount of time, she'd started petitions and emailed government officials. Her schoolmates chimed in by filming videos and going on social media. Alex's goal was to get on local news so more people would be aware of it.

In the beginning stages, Alex didn't have a lot of support. Of course, Conner and Fred helped her, but Conner had after school tutoring and Fred was busy with sports.

And that was when Rook came in.

Initially, most people scoffed at Alex's idealistic dreams. After all, it was like fighting a losing battle. It had already been decided. It was a huge shame, but there wasn't much anyone could really do about it, right? And besides, even if it was an important building, it was just a building. Everyone had more important stuff to focus on.

But Rook listened to Alex's ramblings and ideas. When Alex lacked confidence, Rook would bring her up. He was kind and gentle and Alex couldn't help but he attracted to him. He was the one who convinced Alex not to take up every responsibility and that he would contribute too. So Alex trusted him.

(It was, unfortunately, a mistake.)

Alex was shy and felt disconnected from the majority of her peers, but this was a project that required a lot of interaction with the students. So while Alex emailed representatives and tried to wrap her mind around the logistics, Rook contacted their schoolmates with his connections.

Slowly, slowly, they got more and more attention. Students started to believe their pipe dream might be possible. Alex and Rook got closer and closer, and they could both sense something was blossoming between them.

When Rook kissed her, it felt like a thousand butterflies had taken off from her heart.

Alex's heart was thumping and all sorts of unfamiliar emotions were overwhelming her. This was new, this was strange, but it felt nice. Rook felt nice.

They started dating in secret. Not even Alex's own twin brother knew of it. They never made it public, but they knew they belonged to each other. They exchanged secret smiles when they passed by each other in corridors. Alex was anxious about being in a relationship when she had so much to focus on, but Rook reassured her.

The honeymoon phase lasted for a while until it was time for Alex's masterpiece— a segment with the local TV station. Alex had even overcame her anxiety to call representatives and managed to convince the TV station to come round and film. The plan was for students to gather at the building and share their stories about it to raise attention.

At the time, Alex was very stressed about... well, everything. She could barely keep her grades up with the added burden of saving the school building, so Rook offered to organise the students.

(Alex was vaguely aware Rook didn't seem as responsible as first appeared to, but she could see he was also very stressed about... something he didn't tell her. She didn't want to make him feel worse. And besides, they were dating, and it was wrong to be suspicious of your boyfriend, right?)

So Alex had frantically pieced together a schedule with the TV station. The dates and times had changed multiple times and Alex repeatedly texted Rook to make sure he was up to date. At the time, Alex was struggling with a particularly demanding school project and trying not to fall ill. But somehow, despite it all, the plan was set in motion. People would come and film the students pleading for their building on a Saturday. This was Alex's trump card and she knew that this event would change the trajectory of the building's fate. If it succeeded, people would pay more attention to them. If it failed, they would just be ridiculed and her dreams would fade into obscurity.

So imagine the height of Alex's despair when she showed up on that Saturday and not a single student was at school.

No one was there except for Conner who'd accompanied her. The film crew was standing there, cameras ready, impatiently waiting, and no one was there.

The twins had thought they had been abandoned. That none of the students really cared about the Lynn Building. Alex tried to contact her then-boyfriend Rook, but he couldn't be reached. Seeing Alex was about to have a mental breakdown, Conner stepped in.

Conner was a writer. He had his way with words. Miraculously, as if possessed, he started sprouting long descriptive passages about how much the building meant to everyone. Even when standing in front of cameras, his fear was overpowered by his overwhelming care for his sister. Conner's ad-libbing brought Alex precious time to think of a Plan B.

She'd texted Fred.

Fred was there.

He'd been confused. "But we've been told the filming was next week? Did you move it forward"

"We moved it forward TWO WEEKS AGO."

"crap. i don't tgink anyone knows"

It felt like Alex's heart had been dunked in a bucket of ice. But Rook... but Rook promised he would take care of it! He'd been strangely distant lately but he was still affectionate when he talked. Had she done something wrong? God forbid, was he getting revenge because she was a bad girlfriend? She'd sent him the updated schedule time and time again and there was no way he could've ignored them.

Rook had let her down.

Alex stared at her phone, frozen. She was so panicked she could've even afford to feel anger or disappointment. Every nerve of hers was on fire and frying her brain alive. She could feel her blood pulsing in her ear—

You have 2 new messages from Freddie.

"it's ok Alex don't panic! im telling everyone now. we should be coming soon."

"we got your back :) [heart]"

Fred was one of the most popular kids in their year. He naturally had a lot of connections and influence (more than that of Rook). Soon, students started flooding in the school. All of them were confused by the schedule change and Alex felt deeply ashamed. She'd always prided herself on being organised (and she had a reputation for it) but now for her trump card to be colossal mess...

It felt like hell.

Despite that, they rallied the students. People started calling their friends and more and more people arrived like it was a miracle. Conner was still holding up his position, words continuously flowing from his mouth. The cameras found him interesting and directed their attention towards him. While Alex was the main spokesperson for the entire campaign, Conner was aware of Alex's fragile mental state and would determinedly bear her responsibility for the time being. Fred scurried in the background as he did his best to update his classmates.

(Soon, Alex forced herself to stop thinking where Rook was. It wasn't productive.)

Bree had came with her friend Danielle. At that point, Alex and Bree were acquaintances due to being paired for school projects a couple of times (and Alex actually liked Bree), but they weren't close because if Alex's memory was correct, Bree and Conner didn't know they were online best friends yet.

While Conner appealed to the emotions, Bree used logic. Bree started talking about conservation and historical significance and took over the cameras so Conner could have time to talk to Alex. With his encouragement, Alex pulled herself together with a determined frown.

Screw boyfriends. Screw schedules. Screw it all.

She would save the Lynn Building.

Long story short, it was a huge success. Fred had called over a ton of people and the news spread like wildfire. Everybody chimed in with their own stories, even the girls who'd mocked Alex in middle school. Teachers came by to offer a few words. They patted Alex's back and congratulated her on organising such a large event. This was the most attention their school had received in forever.

Alex started a snowball effect in which things kept on rolling and accumulating, which ultimately resulted in the Lynn Building being preserved. The name Alex Bailey was spotted on headlines and she was hailed as a "hero" and as an "ambitious, yet competent student". Alex, of course, grew shy from the praise but everybody continued with their compliments. If Alex hadn't organised that filming, they would've never gotten the attention. If Alex had given up, the building would be gone because no one else would have the tenacity to pick up her campaign.

Speaking of "picking up", there was that whole thing with Rook.

After the filming (which made Alex go through panic attacks and emotional roller coasters), it had taken Alex several tries to find Rook. She wasn't just stressed about the campaign, she was also stressed about their relationship. Rook had let her down when she needed him the most, and she wanted an explanation.

Rook was very nervous and revealed his father was actually very ill and Rook had to take care of him and work part-time. This came as a shock to Alex because she never knew that. Of course Alex was sympathetic, but she remembered how Rook kept on insisting he had things under control and took up responsibilities when he didn't have the time or energy to manage them. In short: Rook bit off more than he could chew. Alex told that to him.

"There's nothing wrong with admitting you can't do things," she had said. "We can find helpers. Or at least tell me you're busy so I know what to expect."

Rook was saddened, and Alex was upset. It wasn't like Rook was a bad person, or he wanted to hurt her on purpose, but Alex was disappointed by how he handled things. But strangely enough, they might've been able to patch things up if not for what Rook said next.

"You know I love you, right?"

And Alex felt oddly indignant. Maybe she shouldn't feel this way, but Rook had let her down as a boyfriend and as a partner. She didn't like how he mixed up those two roles, like his love was able to make up for his other mistakes. And Rook knew what kind of person Alex was. Yes, she could be a bit of a romantic, but when it came to things she deeply treasured like the Lynn Building, she had a one-track mind. Duty over emotion.

"Is that why you took up so many responsibilities? To impress me?"

And then Alex recalled that Rook had been flirting with her early on in the campagin. She knew it was wrong of her to think this way, but there was that tiny voice in the back of her brain whispering, "What if he only helped you because he wanted to date you? Because who else will be that passionate about the building?". Alex desperately tried to chase those thoughts away because she knew Rook was a good person. He just didn't have the best sense, and screwed up at the worst time. And Alex couldn't quite completely forgive him yet.

And that was how they broke up.

That had been before the summer. Alex had avoided Rook after that. Nobody really knew of their relationship except for their close friends. At least Rook's friends were decent and didn't spill. Fred and Conner automatically went for the classic "let's murder the guy who broke your heart" but Alex was so devastated and the boys immediately stopped.

Alex didn't know whether breaking up with Rook was the correct choice. It felt like she'd cut part of her heart away, yet she breathed easier without him somehow. Well, only time could tell. Maybe they would find each other again. Maybe not. But Alex knew not to remind herself of the sweet memories she shared with Rook. She had to move forward.

Except forward was a treacherous path. The entire school suddenly viewed Alex differently. She was no longer a silly nerd who hugged books and was somehow friends with popular guys. She was Alex Bailey, the saviour of the school, the girl who united fellow students, and the one who caught teachers' eyes. This was Alex's Cinderella story. Overnight, she went from a nobody to the Alex. Literally zero to hero. Younger students gaped at her in awe, and older students thought "well maybe the younger generation isn't completely horrible". At one point her popularity even rivaled Fred's, which Alex thought was just ludicrous.

"So," Alex said softly to Fred who was lying in his bed, "I'm kinda nervous. Everything's changed. I feel like an imposter in my own body." Then her eyes widened. "Fred, don't-"

It was too late. "Sus." Fred's reaction was almost automatic.

"Oh God."

"Sorry, I can't resist."

"It's just... it didn't feel like it was me who did all those amazing things. It was... a better version of me. I feel like plain old Alex now."

"Well, if it helps," Fred offered, "I've never seen you as 'plain old Alex' and I've known you for forever. And damn, do you really think you got yassified or something?"

Alex blinked, taken aback.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm sick and my mind's not working." Fred rubbed his forehead. "I thought you were cool before all of this, and I still think you're cool." There was a slightly awkward pause. "Not very good with words, but yeah."

"Huh." Alex could tell he was sincere. Fred had always been sincere, but in recent years it somehow felt like Fred was hiding something from her. Growing up did weird things to people but their friendship remained stable, and that was enough for Alex.

They chatted for a bit afterwards, their voices quiet but steady. It was nice. Alex liked this moment of peace with Fred. She didn't feel the need to hide behind a facade when she was with him.

And so the warm summer afternoon stretched on, and Alex indulged in the present.


A/N: ... This is getting slightly awkward to write because Alex and Fred are common names and I know people that have the same names. This is also slightly awkward because I wasn't a Rooklex or an Arlex shipper lol. I am probably doing Rook dirty in this, but canon did him dirty, so. (He should not have died, period.)

If you're wondering why none of this backstory appeared in Invisible String, it's because it didn't! Since Alex is taking the spotlight this time, I want to have a parallel of her Fairy Council thing in canon. (The building is named after the grandma, by the way.) I think it's a vital part of her character arc. And yes, Alex unfortunately has imposter syndrome. And I unfortunately have to make the bad jokes for the quintessential 2020s Gen Z experience. It might be cringe but it's meant to be cringe.

This is one of those chapters that I procrastinated a lot on. Dammit, this is why I like chatfics because prose is too much effort sometimes T_T

Thanks for reading!! :D hope you liked it!

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