The Hunt For a Pack [A Teen W...

By d3stined-t0-expl0de

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Set years after the final battle. Everyone's back from college. Stiles is an FBI agent. The pack is surprised... More

New In Town
I Don't Have Any Friends
The Hale House
Why Me?
You Do Kinda Look Like Shit
It's Hard To Make Friends
When Boy Meets Boy
The Plan
You're Supposed To Be Dead
Hannah Montana Paper Plates
Sad Backstories & Moving In
Convincing Derek
Take A Break
The Airport Pickup
We're All Criminals
That's Nice Of You
Picking A Location
Enjoy Your Party
I Wanna Stay
Feeling's Mutual
You Don't Want To Be Like Them
This Town's Kinda Strange
Looming Threat
Working Together
About What Happened In Paris
He's Dead
We Got Ourselves A Plan
Theo's An Idiot
The Kiss...?
Heads Carolina, Tails California
I've Loved You For 6 Years
A Little Less Trees
House Tour
An Adjustment

What Colour Are My Eyes

170 6 0
By d3stined-t0-expl0de

"So, now what?" Mason asked, arm around Corey. "What do we do now?"

"No idea," Liam asked, pulling at his hair.

"Well, we know a lot more now than we did before. So, that's good." Alec pointed out.

The pack turned to look at him. "And what exactly would that be?" Corey asked.

"That she's looking for people with skills that she doesn't have, that she's got a bigger pack than just the few we've met, that they're stronger than you," Theo growled, but Alec continued. "That they have their own wolfsbane supply, that at least one of them struggles with control issues." Alec shrugged. "Like I said, a lot more than we did before."

"How did you figure the control thing?" Liam asked. "Theo didn't say anything that gave that impression." He scrunched his brows. "That guy you were talking to tell you that?"

"Woah, you spoke to one of the pack members? And he actually told you something useful?" Corey asked.

Alec nodded. "Intense," Mason whispered under his breath.

"I gave him my number, so maybe we'll get more info out of him." Alec shrugged.

"What the hell made you think that was a good idea?" Theo groaned. "You just gave your number to what is potentially a powerful enemy."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," Nolan whispered.

"See, Nolly gets it," Alec said, draping his arm over the other boy.

"Yeah, well, let's hope he isn't telling his entire pack about what you two talked about." Liam sighed.

"Doubt it," Alec replied.

"Any chance you got this guy's name? Since Stiles and the rest weren't able to learn much." Corey spoke.

"He said his name was Ben. No last name." Alec replied.

"Yeah, I got his full name." Theo spoke instead, "It's Benjamin White."

Mason nodded and texted the name to Stiles with a simple 'look him up'. "Anything else that might help us narrow out who this guy is?" He asked.

"He's Canadian," Alec said. Mason nodded and relayed the info to Stiles. "Brown hair, jade eyes." Mason quirked an eyebrow. "What?"

"Jade eyes? You mean, green?" Liam asked.

"Well, yeah, but I thought jade was a better descriptor," Alec said.

"Dude, what colour are my eyes?" Corey asked, hiding them behind the menu.

Alec shrugged. "Blue?"

"They're light brown! With little flecks of yellow and gold!" Mason exclaimed. Corey put down the menu to reveal that Alec was, in fact, wrong and Mason was right.

Alec leaned forward to look at them. "Oh yeah, they are. Whoops."

Nolan and Corey laughed as Liam smiled a little. "Dude, it's like you like the guy. Mason only knows Corey's eye colour because he looks at them so often." Liam said.

"What? I don't like him! I literally just met the guy?" Alec denied.

"Sure, 'cause you're so straight, right?" Mason asked jokingly.

Alec shrugged. "I don't know, man. Who really knows that they're straight? I mean, there's always an exception to the rule."

"I know, I'm straight," Liam said. Mason rolled his eyes.

"You keep saying that, man, but nobody in this pack is actually straight," Mason said. Corey, Nolan and Theo chuckled.

"No way. I definitely exclusively like girls!" Liam said adamantly.

"You're telling me if Harry Styles walked through that door right now, you wouldn't let him hit?" Alec asked.

Liam blushed. "Um, do I have to answer that?"

"I would." Alec, Mason, Theo, Corey and Nolan all said at the same time. The group erupted in laughter.

"I can't believe all of us said that at the same time." Nolan laughed.

"Yeah, that's pretty crazy. I think we all owe each other a coke." Theo chuckled.

"We'll have to come up with some method for that." Corey laughed.

"I can't believe you guys are going to have an orgy with Harry Styles," Liam said.

"I can't believe you think you wouldn't show up," Mason said. "We all saw that blush, Li."

"Can we get back to the problem at hand, please?" Theo asked.

"Yeah, what are we going to do about Alec's crush?" Liam asked, glad for the change of topic.

"No, dumbass," Theo said, smacking the back of Liam's head. "I was talking about the M problem."

"Which definitely needs a better code name, by the way. I was thinking Mission Pawsible. You know, like paws?" Mason said, holding his hands up for emphasis.

"Yeah, that's a good one, Mase," Corey said, smiling at his boyfriend.

"God, do you all need Adderall or something? Focus, damn." Theo sighed.

"You were laughing along with the rest of us about a minute ago, T. You can't really say that," Alec said.

"Hey, only I call him T!" Liam said just as Theo chimed in.

"Only Liam can call me T."

"Wow, how are y'all not a couple?" Alec asked. Liam blushed as Theo rolled his eyes and flipped him off.

"Issue. At. Hand. Please." Theo said, emphasising each word.

"Yeah, alright. So, what do you propose we do now? Aside from waiting for Ben to call Alec?" Corey asked.

"I'm not sure about that. But obviously, we need some sort of plan." Theo replied.

"Why don't you join them?" Nolan asked, voice small. The puppy pack turned to look at him.

"What?" Theo and Liam asked at the same time.

"I just think maybe, if they want you to join them, maybe you should," Nolan said, looking between them. "It would make sense. Convince them you're on their side, but you'd be gathering information about them and relaying it to Scott."

Theo considered it. He had played the double agent before, and he'd been good at it in the past. "Good job, Nol. It just might work." He agreed.

"Are you kidding me?" Liam asked, meeting Theo's eyes. "What makes you think they'd fall for that? M seems smart. She'd figure it out right away." He said, looking between Theo and Nolan.

"You know, for not really knowing her, you sound pretty impressed." Alec pointed out.

"Yeah, because I'm not blind. It can't be easy being an alpha so young, especially being a woman on top of that? So yeah, maybe I respect her, but I definitely don't trust her. And you shouldn't either." Liam defended.

"It's fine, Li. She's smart, but we're smarter. It's a good idea, and since Scott clearly isn't going to do anything about it, we might as well take it into our own hands. And if this is the best way to gather information, then I'll do it. We can't just sit around on our asses as this happens." Theo said.

"You've got a point there. I don't know what's going on with Scott, but he doesn't really seem to be taking this threat seriously." Mason said.

"To be fair, it's not like she or Isaac have directly threatened anything. All they've done is stayed on our territory, stayed in the Hale house, and made us suspicious. It's not exactly like they threatened to kill us or anyone." Corey said.

"Yeah, but we also know there are dead bodies involved. I mean, that might not have been Isaac's body, but it was somebody's. And we can't exactly take that lightly." Nolan said.

"Exactly, this is the best plan we've got. So, we'll do it." Theo said.

"Fine. But I don't like it." Liam said.

"Yeah, well, lucky for us, you don't have to." Theo reminded him.

"We'll have to tell the rest of the pack," Nolan said.

"Leave it to me," Theo said before pulling out his phone and texting Scott. His cell vibrated, signalling a message. "Alright, pack meeting tonight." He said to the boys. "Hey, Stacey, how much do we owe you?" he called. The blonde waitress came over.

"Well, that was three strawberry milkshakes, one chocolate, one banana and one vanilla. So, it'll be $21.00 even." She informed them.

"No discounts for your favourite customers?" Theo asked, feigning being insulted.

"You wish, Theo. And don't be cheapskates, ok? It's not cute." She said, tossing her pony-tailed blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Oh well, we wouldn't want that," Theo said with a charming smile as Stacey rolled her eyes and handed him the payment terminal. He paid the tab. Stacey was a great waitress, and the dinner should pay her more, but if they wouldn't, at least Theo could. She always got them their favourite table. The one with a view of the parking lot so that they could watch over Theo's truck and Mason's SUV, as well as being the furthest point from the jukebox that the boys would put music on sometimes, and they wouldn't hurt their ears. She was also the only waitress that remembered their orders and who ordered what. Not that they didn't order the same thing every time.

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