Off The Rails (BNHA x Male OC)


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Namura Yuji was a normal 15 year old with a pretty crappy quirk. He's quite the trouble maker; a delinquent a... Еще

1: Introducing...Him
2: Ice To Meet You
3: To Catch An Owl
4: To See A Ghost
5: Test It Out For Yourself
6: I've Got To Go Away
7: Why Is It Always My Problem?
8: Help Me Out Here
9: Partners In (Not) Crime
10: Irresponsible Parenting
11: Real Deal
12: The Fall From Grace
13: Keep It Clean
14: Good Luck Out There
15: My Dinner With The Problem Child
16: Reunion Tour
17: Ahoy There
18: Calculated Mistakes
19: Surprise?
20: Can You Believe That?
21: Three Trench Coats In A Kid
22: We'll Burn That Bridge When We Get To It
23: Coming In Clutch
24: Get In The Spirit Of Things
26: And So It Begins
27: The Yee To My Haw
28: The 4th Element
29: Take A Chance On Me
30: The Warning Signs
31: Can I Steal That? I Promise To Keep It Safe
32: Where In The World
33: The Great Escape
34: Throw The First Punch-Make It A Good One
35: Enough Hands To Hold Both Of Yours
36: How Many Walls Does A Room Have?
37: Catch 22
38: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 1
39: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 2
40: Do It For The Fame
41: Loose Lips Sink Ships
42: Take On Me

25: Your Opinion Is What Matters

7K 370 44

Namura Yuji's existence was by no means an accident. 

Due to some unforeseen circumstances and nasty family drama, Ayako and Isamu had married at 20, less than a year after they met and started dating. It was the best decision they ever made in the long run though. 

When they were both 27 they had the building the gym was in paid off completely (by some miracle) and were completely settled in that area of Musutafu. They were by no means rich-but they had enough money to raise a child and put them through university, so they decided to say screw it and have one. 

Because they were both women, things took a bit more fenagling. There were no accidental pregnancies in that household. 

(Although when Yuji got older that was one of their big concerns) 

Ayako was willing to fight her wife in the ring to be the one to carry their kid (since they decided to only have one) but it turned out she didn't have to. Isamu was more than willing to give up that position. 

Then they considered the option of Ayako carrying the child, but them being biologically Isamu's, but around that time Isamu had drunkenly confessed to her wife that she was worried about the kid getting her quirk. 

She generated an excess of heat and it increased with her mood causing her red hair and eyes to glow. As a child she had been quite prone to tantrums and rages. It was hard to master a quirk like that, especially after she picked up boxing at 14. It ended up being what saved her from a quirk use related misdemeanor in the end though. 

Despite being the 'angry one' of the pair, she tried very hard. 

But kids didn't know any better and she was worried that the kid would end up with her quirk. Ayako assured her for months that it wasn't a concern, but she wouldn't budge. 

In the end, they had decided that people were allowed to have their hard stops. That they could be emotionally mature and fully rounded people and still have certain childish fears that got the better of them. 

So Ayako was the one who actually got pregnant, which was hilarious when in the summer of 20XX the kid came out her literal clone. 

They had decided Yuji's gender would be a secret and were shocked when he was a boy. It would be a challenge for sure. They weren't worried about much until puberty though. Face shaving was a bit out of their depth at the time. Lucky for them they would eventually discover Yuji couldn't grow a beard for shit so they didn't even have to learn. 

They named him Yuji, using the kanji 雄二 for 'heroic' and 'two'. It was traditionally a name given to the second son, but they thought it somehow suited him. 

Yuji was so much like Ayako when he was a baby and toddler that they didn't notice that his quirk had appeared at all. They only learned when Isamu took him to a quirk specialist at 4 to see if he was quirkless or not and they told her he'd had a quirk for a while now and (apparently) misdiagnosed it as enhanced hearing, same as his mom. 

In retrospect it was obvious. He unintentionally eavesdropped on people so often his kindergarten had called home about it and he often wore headphones around the house like Ayako did when the noise was a bit much for her. 

The couple often said they were blessed with Yuji. Not because they were lesbians and had the wrong equipment to make him without help, but because he was an easy kid. 

Rambunctious sure, a handful obviously, but he was smart too. He was emotionally and academically stellar from a young age, which made parenting easier because he actually understood what they were telling him to do and why. 

It was such an idealistic childhood it came as quite a shock the day Yuji's elementary school called and said he and a girl in his class had been in a pretty nasty fight. 

The pair had arrived after closing the gym in a panic, worried as to what they would find. The principal had pulled them aside before they even let them see Yuji. The man had basically shouted at them, saying it was all their fault that there was a fight in the first place. That the other girl got hurt really badly because they had taught Yuji how to box (as much as you could teach a 3rd grader to box). 

But when they finally saw Yuji he seemed to be in pretty rough shape too. There was a bruise on his neck and two on his arm, his hair was a mess and he was trying to hold back tears. 

Turns out the little girl had been taught how eye colour was passed down by her parents. The teacher had been impressed and had her make the little squares up for everyone, one axis showing their mom's eye colour and the other their dads. 

When they had gotten to Yuji the teacher had tried to dissuade the girl from doing his, already knowing that he had two moms. But both kids had been interested in seeing it, so they did. The girl had plugged Yuji's ma's red eyes in alongside his mom's dark grey. 

When yellow hadn't been the final result, the entire class had voiced their confusion. They were Namura's moms, why didn't he have the eyes he was supposed to? They didn't really know how these things worked. 

Then the girl had said that it meant one of his moms wasn't his real mom. That you can only have one mom anyways. 

They had shouted at each other, the girl had thrown a pencil at his face, Yuji had thrown a punch and it had taken a while for the teachers to separate them. 

Ayako and Isamu had, rightfully so, gotten upset with the school for not starting with that. They then had to take Yuji home and explain the whole process to him. And that he got his bright yellow eyes from the anonymous man they had selected off a list. Yuji hated the idea that half of his genetics came from just 'some dude'.  

Of course that was only the first of many fights but it really stuck out in their minds...

"Mom? Ma? Are you guys listening?" Yuji asked, waving his hand in front of their faces. 

"Don't do that, its rude." His mom huffed fondly. "I was just thinking.".

"About what? Have you thought everything over yet?" Yuji asked, his eyes wide with anticipation. 

"No. I was thinking about how you were as a little kid." She said honestly. 

"Those were the years." His ma lamented. "The world has been in a downward spiral since you stopped running out of the school yard to me shouting 'mama!' in the cutest little voice.". 

"It has not been." Yuji pouted, "I'm way easier to deal with now! You don't remember how stressful children's birthday parties were.". 

"You sure about that kiddo?" His mom asked, an eyebrow raised, "Because I'm pretty sure you just asked if you were allowed to go after the same people that nearly got you killed last time. That sounds like its gotten harder, not easier.". 

Yuji smiled sheepishly. "I'm stronger now and I've prepared some tech just for this fight. It'll be okay this time. I can't leave Shota to do it on his own.". 

"Shota is a professional who told us he could always recruit pro heroes to help him with the case." His ma said simply. Yuji's expression deflated completely. Aizawa was willing to replace him? "Hey, kid don't look so depressed. He may have said that, but he wasn't happy about it. He wants you to have the chance to get back at them and close your first real case. But he also understands that its dangerous and we don't want our son to die because he was too stubborn to back out.".

"Ma, please." Yuji said. 

"Uh-uh. Look away from me with those big pleading eyes. You know I'm weak to the big eyes!" Isamu huffed. Ayako laughed. Yuji just blinked innocently. 

"What big eyes? I'm just looking at you.". 

"Yu-yu, you're pushing your luck." 

"Ha, say that one 5 times fast." 

"This isn't a joke. This could land you in jail, or the hospital or both or worse." His ma groaned. 

"We put so much effort into having you and raising you. You're a long-term investment kiddo." His mom added, half joking half not, "We're not losing you. No way in hell.". 

"You wont lose me." Yuji insisted. "I'm strong enough to fight against them for real now. I promise.". 

There was a moment of silence before Ayako spoke up. "What's your plan then? How are you going to arrest them?". 

"Aya, you can't be serious!" Isamu protested, "He could-" 

"I know." She said, "But I also know that if we say no to this he'll find a way to do it alone and that's more dangerous.". Isamu couldn't really argue with that. 

"I asked someone, one of my 'informants', I guess you could say, try to lure them out. We have a set location for the fight, its on the ground in a large warehouse. I'll rig traps and everything. I'll be fine." He explained, stressing the word 'fine'. 

"Why did you never tell us you wanted to become a hero?" Isamu asked suddenly. Yuji shrugged. 

"I didn't know I wanted to become a hero. I don't think I ever did. I just think that I can't give it up now that I've tried it." He answered. 

His moms made eye contact, seemingly communicating telepathically. 

"I guess that's a yes." Isamu said, sounding defeated. Yuji's mouth stretched into a smile. "Ah! Before you get all excited know that this isn't an all access pass. You're really only able to do this because Shota's watching you and you asked us beforehand. We'll be talking about the criminal activity when this has all blown over.". 

"Thanks you!" Yuji said, standing up to hug them both. 

They had a cute little moment, hugging each other at the kitchen table, before Yuji spoke again. 

"But you weren't wrong when you said I'd just do it anyways." He said with a laugh. 

"We know." His moms said in unison. 


Happy mother's day everyone! 

I hope you all got really amazing moms and that you're doing something for them today!

And if you got a horrible mom, rub it in their face that you're not doing shit for them because they don't deserve it! 

If you don't have a mom, take comfort in the fact you don't have to deep clean the house as a mother's day present to a woman who would ask you to do it on any other day and is just using today as an excuse to have it done asap. 

(not that that's from personal experience or anything) 

And if you've got an okay mom, just, idk shoot them a text or something? 

Also grandma's count! Unless you have a crappy grandma. Then they don't count. But most grandma's are amazing so those amazing grandma's should count. 

I'm trying to make sure there's a little something for everyone 😅

But overall parents in any sort of book, especially fanfic, don't get enough attention. They're usually dead or abusive to facilitate the hero's wacky adventures and ill-advised activities. 

I wanted Yuji to have great parents because I sorta wanted to prove that your protagonist can have a great backstory and solid motivation for their actions WITHOUT massive amount of childhood trauma! 

And considering you guys are still reading this far into the book I think I've done just that. 

Look at this boy and his happy childhood! There's nothing majorly fucked up about it at all. And that wasn't even sarcastic, he just has stellar parents. 

Remember not to let your children become superheroes underage without adult supervision. Also I'm so hyped for the next arc! Its going to be equal parts badass and hilarious with a little angst (just a pinch, I promise!). 

But the important thing today is that I just posted a new fic! Its called Just Us and its a Shigaraki and child oc story with some dustbunny (because I love that ship far too much)! Also the oc is gender non-conforming, so you know, that's fun. 

Check it out if that sounds like your thing! 😊

Stay Tuned! 

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