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By jezzabelle50

366K 7.6K 1K

Jezzabelle Rose, a young 24 year old model, with a dream to make it big in the world. With her highschool swe... More

Pre Celebration
Night Of No Regrets
Lunch break friend
Friends Or More
Day full of surprises
Morning After
Mixed Emotions
Annual Ball
Ace's Penthouse
Cheering Up
Trouble Stirring
Sharing is Caring
Calm before the Storm
Blow Over
Bird Set Free
Good News

Different Mindset's

11.4K 286 23
By jezzabelle50

Alessandro's POV

PS‼️Translations will be look like this‼️

"When are you coming back?" Ace groans through the phone as I roll my eyes.

"Why the hell do you keep complaining? You should be happy I'm not there to cuss your ass out for eating all the food in my penthouse and watching your lazy ass sleep and what tv on my couch" I reply while watching Jezzabelle laugh with the women in the salon I paid for, just so she could be pampered today before we head over to my grandparents house for dinner.

"I know why your there with her. You gonna show up to our grandparents with her on your arm? Should I remind you that the man who put that ring on her finger still isn't you?! You've been keeping her there for 3 days already, I wanna meet and hang out with her too!" He snaps making me realize the real reason why he wanted me to come back to the states.

"Ace, what the fuck are you talking about?! When the fuck did I say I was gonna let her come anywhere near you?!"

"Don't be like that brother, just because you're always possessive about the girls you date doesn't mean I don't know your feelings about sharing them"

"I don't share"

"With other men, yes. With your twin brother, that might be a whole different answer"

"I've never wanted to share any of my women with you? What the hell are blabbering about?"

"Really? Then what was that face you made when your ex girlfriend in college asked you to invite me in your bedroom when you were fucking her in your bedroom? By the look on your face, it seemed as if you hesitated and didn't even answer her back after you came on her back"

"You watched me have sex in my room? What the fuck type of creepy shit are you into?"

"Don't act like you didn't know I was gonna walk by your room after football practice that night. I always walk by your room after my games to ask you what we should eat while our parents weren't home. That night you just decided to leave your bedroom door open and I just so happened to hear what that kinky girlfriend of yours asked"

"That was her kink to share her, not mine"

"I didn't hear you object to her offer"

"We broke up after that night anyways. She was to into being shared with other men. I'm not into that shit"

"You may not be but I'm always fine with my brother getting into some of the action"

"That's because I'm not a freak like you"

"If that gorgeous woman you're keeping over there, asked you to share herself with me, would you oblige?"

My eyes wandered over to my rose. Her make up, hair and nails were finally done. Now she was looking at herself in the mirror while sliding her hands down her body that was wrapped up nicely in the velvet gown I bought her yesterday. I personally bought her everything she touched at mall because I knew they were all going to look beautiful on her. She made everything she looked gorgeous. Her curvy figure and long legs made everything she put on as stunning as she was.

Just the sight of her goddess like body made my mind wander on how satisfying it must be for if she had more than one pair of hands roaming her gorgeous body. Would she be more satisfied if she was impaled by two cocks while having two pairs of mouths and hands all over her alluring body? Would she make the same siren like noises if she had two men ravaging her and giving her twice the pleasure I have been giving her?

"Judging by the sound of your breath hitching over the phone, I'm guessing your cock must be as hard as mine now. Just by staring at all these sexy photos of your woman on your work computer makes me as hard as a rock in seconds" Ace groans into my ear as I snapped out of my thoughts in an instant.

"Stop touching my shit. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but leave my woman the fuck out of your nasty mind" I snapped before hanging up after hearing his annoying laugh.

"Will you tell me now, where you're taking me?" A lovely voice asks as I notice my rose was now standing in front of me with all her breathtaking glory.

"It's a surprise" I reply before pulling her into my arms as her face heated up while looking at the people passing by us on the sidewalk.

"If you're buying out a whole restaurant again, I think I'd prefer to eat at the suite. You don't have to waste your money on me again" She mumbles while avoiding eye contact before I cupped her face in my hands.

"How many time do I have to tell you? Money is nothing to me and I enjoy having someone to spend all my money on. It's not like I have anyone else to spend it on, it's just sitting in my bank account. It's just paper anyways, but using it on you makes me happy. Not only do I now have a special woman to spend money on, I have someone I get to spend time with no matter what the cost is. I wanna cherish my woman. I don't even care if you rob me broke right now, I'd still be glad to be with you" I explain while staring deeply into her hazel eyes looking back up at me.

"You're to much. I have my own money too" she replies with a nervous expression.

"This trip was to spoil my woman, not the other way around" I say into her ear before kissing her neck.

I watched as her face turned bright red, making me laugh. I kissed her hand before pulling her back to my car where my driver was waiting to drive us to my grandparents house. Well, not exactly a house considering the large size of it but it was the house I grew up as a child in that was basically my childhood home.

"Where are we? Are we going to meet royal people or something?" Jezzabelle asks in shock as I helped her out of my car while letting her eyes sink into the large mansion in front of us.

I didn't even get the chance to knock on the large white doors at the front of the mansion, when the doors were pulled open as soon as we stepped in front of them.

"Alessandro! Cuore mio!" My grandma shouts before pulling me into a tight hug. [My heart]

"lascia andare il povero ragazzo, tesoro" My grandpa groans from behind her as I laugh at her rolling her eyes. [Let the poor boy go, honey]

"Oh! E chi potrebbe essere questa bella donna?" She asks turning to my rose who was looking back at them confused. [And who could this beautiful woman be?]

"Nonna and Nonno, questa è la mia donna. Jezzabelle Rose" I answer while pulling her into my arms as I watched them exchanged surprised looks. [Grandma and Grandpa, this is my woman]

"Oh my gosh! My grandson has finally brought home a woman!" My grandma shouts excitedly before pulling Jezzabelle into a tight hug.

"Grandson?" She gasps turning to me with wide eyes as I smirked at her red face.

"Come on inside! I want to get to know the woman who finally got my workaholic grandson to finally settle down and come out here to see for the first time in so long" My grandpa adds in before dragging her into the house happily

As soon as I walked into their large mansion of a home, my grandmother pulled me to the side while my grandpa began to ramble to my rose on how long he's been trying to get me to stop working and finally get hitched

"É incinta?" My grandmother asks me suspiciously after grandpa pulled my rose along with him deeper into the house. [Is she pregnant?]

"No, perché dovresti dire una cosa del genere" I retort at her strange question. [Why would you say something like that?]

"Non ti metterei mai in dubbio amore mio È solo che da quando tuo fratello stava qui fuori, non c'era abbastanza guinzaglio per impedirgli di saltare nel letto di una donna, non importava le conseguenze" She quickly explains after seeing how shocked I was at her suspicions. [I would never question you my love. It's just that ever since your brother used to stay out here, there was no leash long enough to keep him out of jumping into a woman's bed no matter the consequences]

"Prima di tutto, non sono per niente come il mio disgustoso fratello gemello. Secondo, non porterei mai una donna che ho usato solo per fare sesso, intorno alla mia famiglia" I hissed back as she nods while noticing how irritated I was at her accusations. [First of all, I'm nothing like my disgusting twin brother. Second of all, I would never bring a woman I've used just for sex, around my family]

"Quindi mi stai dicendo che questa donna è quella che finalmente è riuscita a domare il mio bel e ricco nipote?" She asks while glancing back at my rose who was now laughing at my grandpa's rambling. [So are you telling me this women is the one that finally managed to tame my handsome and rich grandson]

Without a single answer back, my grandmother looked up at me while my eyes were to busy staring at the beautiful woman laughing with my grandfather while walking down the hall. Judging by the large smile on my grandmothers face now, she already knew what my answer was before I even remembered what she asked.

"Are you two going to stop gawking at how sexy we are and get over here?" My grandfather sarcasm voice speaks out as me and my grandmother laugh.

"Dinner should be set up now, let's not waste any time and feed our beautiful guest" My grandfather says pulling Jezzabelle along with him to the dining room as she smiles at how excited he was to be with her.

"If your grandfather called any other woman beautiful, I would've kicked his ass on the spot. But I see the reason why any man would fall for that beauty you brought here today" My grandmother sighs while smiling up at me.

She held my arm with a content smile on her face while we walked to the large dining room I remember eating in when I was a child. And with how long it's been since I've been here, the place gave me so much nostalgia.

"I hope you have a big appetite, we Italians love to eat like there's no tomorrow" My grandpa says patting Jezzabelle on the shoulder as she looked at all the food filling out all the space on the large table in front of us.

Leave it to my grandparents to create a whole feast for an entire city to eat when I called them earlier saying I was coming over. Just like how people online made fun of their grandparents for feeding them 24/7, it was way more considering how rich and loving my grandparents were.

Of course in our Italian blood, it was natural for everyone in my family to eat like starved people every single night. But it was mostly because of how delicious Italian food was for us.

I watched with a smile on my face after noticing how my grandparents were looking back at Jezzabelle in amazement. It was only natural for them to do that since the many times my siblings and cousins have brought women and men over to their house for dinner, they barely touched their plate and when they did they would eat as if they were in some classy movie where they were supposed to have class etiquette in order to be in our families good books.

Jezzabelle on the other hand, dug into the large plate of food in front of her with no care in the world. I've seen her eat food in front of me so many times during our lunch hang outs, and watching her consume the large amounts of pasta and different types of meat in front of her made my heart swell.

My grandfather always told me and my brothers that the way to a woman's heart was through her stomach and by the happy expression on Jezzabelle's face while she was eating, it made me glad to have brought her here today.

"So, how long have you been dating my grandson?" My grandmother asks making the table go quiet.

"Nonna" I mutter while trying to change the subject after seeing how wide Jezzabelle's eyes were.

"I wasn't asking you, I was asking the stunning woman beside you. It's not a hard question. Judging by how my grandson looks at you and also the fact that you are the first woman to ever be brought home by him, I'm guessing this relationship is way more than just dating. Am I wrong?" She asks eyeing both me and Jezzabelle suspiciously.

"Sweetheart, how about we stop trying to embarrass the poor couple tonight. It's clear that our grandson here has finally found the woman he's planning to be with for the rest of his life, it's no denying the spark between them. I can tell already in a few years or maybe even a few months, you two are going to come back to our house with a child or an engagement ring!" My grandfather happily boasts his usual wanting to be a fortune teller words.

My heart raced at the thought of Jezzabelle being pregnant with my child and wearing my ring on her finger instead of someone else's.

But judging by the blank stare she had on her face while staring down at her food now, she was thinking of the total opposite of what my mind was filled with.


"Don't come back to my house unless you put a ring on her finger or put a baby inside her. Or probably both but a man can dream right?" My grandfather whispers as I watched Jezzabelle hug my grandmother by the car.

"You guys can come back whenever you'd like, you are always welcome here" I hear my grandmother say to Jezzabelle as she laughs awkwardly.

"You better keep and treat this gorgeous woman well. I won't accept any one of those hooker types of women your brother is always being seen with around here" She says now turning to me while rolling her eyes.

"I hope you guys have a great rest of your trip in our beautiful country!" She adds on excitedly kissing my cheek before walking back to her husband who was waving goodbye.

As soon as we got back into my car, I watched the smile on Jezzabelle's face instantly drop. She let go of my hand and stared out of the car window looking emotionless.

"Are you okay, rose?" I ask grabbing her hand again as she looks down at our hands now.

"I'm fine" She answers back with a wary smile before slipping her hand out of mine.

Was she overthinking our relationship now after what my grandparents said to her?

I knew she had some had some cautious thought about what we were doing, but I always explained to her that I was happy with being whatever she wanted us to be. As long as she was with me, I'd do anything for her to be happy.

When the driver dropped us off in front of our hotel, I tipped the man and got out after Jezzabelle only to hear the loud ringtone of her phone.

She looked down confused at the unknown caller on her phone but still picked up as we were standing in front of the hotel entrance.


"Yes, this is she"


I watched her beautiful face suddenly turn pale after the person on the other end of the phone spoke to her.

"Right now?! Are you sure it's him?! Is he okay?!"

She shouted frantically into the phone while the tears in her eyes began to fall, making me quickly pull her into my arms while wiping away her tears.

"Okay! I'll be there as soon as I can, please don't let him out of the house. Keep an eye on him" She pleads into the phone before hanging up quickly and opening the car door again.

"Please take me to the nearest airport!" She shouts at the driver who turned to me confused.

"Rose, what's wrong?" I ask trying to calm her down as she sobbed in the back of the car.

"Something happened to Brad. I need to go back home" She cries out as I felt my heart drop at her words.

She was crying for her fiancé. And she wants to go back home. To him.

"Get us to the airport now" I say to the driver as he nods back after I closed the car door.

I took my phone out to call my people to get my private jet ready and for some of them to clean out our hotel room and send all our belongings inside to the private jet immediately.

"What happened, rose?" I asked noticing how shaky her body was in my arms.

"Brad needs me. I shouldn't have come here. This was a mistake" She sobs out as I tensed up beside her.

"What happened?" I ask as she suddenly went silent and the only noise coming out from her was the sound of soft sobbing and sniffling.

Deciding to not question her after seeing how much she was crying, I watched as the city lights in the car window passed by us in a blur. The driver was speeding along the streets to quickly get us back to the airport where my private jet was waiting for us.


As soon as we touched down back in the states, my rose was up and out of the jet so quickly I didn't even notice there was a car and a driver waiting outside of the airport for her.

I was fine with driving her to wherever she needed to go to in such a hurry but it seemed as if she had already beat me to it.

My original driver waited in front of the airport with my limo with his eyes already noticing I was alone which was a surprise to him.

I never treated my staff people like my own friends but the driver that always drove me around was the closest thing to a friend I could get in my line of business. He never spoke a word to me besides the original greetings and goodbyes.

However, I did notice the more time I spent with Jezzabelle during our lunch hang out, she would always make it a normal thing for her to talk to my driver or offer him stuff she thought he needed while we are and he waited in the car. I guess it was cute to see her getting along with the man that's been driving me around for so long but I barely spoke to.

"Back to your penthouse?" The driver asks after we got into the car as I nod.

As much as my heart was hurt from how quick rose was to quickly rush to her fiancés side after the trip we had, I didn't want to force her into some weird affair with me if she was going to end up hurt in the end.

Deciding to just text her that I was here for her if she needed someone to talk too, I turned off my phone and looked out the car window feeling different types of emotions surging through my body.


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