The Club

By Spirit_5758

392 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four

Thirty- Seven

2 0 0
By Spirit_5758

It was a Saturday morning, and it started off like any other. Blueberry breakfast and sitting in silence around the pit with no fire. Then. Like a nightmare, all of my friends flew backwards like they were nothing. I quickly stood up dropping the bowl of berries, before turning towards the source as I sensed powerful dark magic. I knew instantly who it was before they appeared in front of me. Tynan and Grimshaw. They look the same as I’ve last saw them, but Grimshaw looks more aggressive, and he looks like he’s completely insane. Tynan he still looks his normal deadly calm self, but his power seems to pour more. I feel it shrouding around me like a blanket, and it makes me shiver.
I’m not sure what happened to these two, but I know why they are here. They are only here for one reason, and that reason is me. They want me for the ritual. I don’t want it to happen. Joz wanted to make sure that the devil stayed in hell, but what if letting the ritual happen really is the only way to save Joz? I’m still so conflicted and I’m not sure what I should be doing. My friends are still extremely against the ritual proceeding, and I honestly agree with them. But, what about Joz? I can’t just leave him down there suffering because of me. I have to save him. If it means going through with their evil plans, then so be it. I’m sure Naberius has a plan to stop the devil immediately and put him back down afterwards. I’m sure he does. I just have to go through with his plan and give him a bit of trust.
“Sweetheart. It’s so good to see you again.” Tynan says smirking.
“I can’t say the same.” I say crossing my arms.
“Ouch. Is that anyway to treat your fiancé sweetheart?” Tynan asks still smirking.
“I’ll never be your fiancé.” I growled.
“Oh? But I think you forgot you have no choice sweetheart.” Tynan steps forward but I step away from him.
“Why do you even want to rise the devil, anyway?” I ask curiously.
“Hm? I don’t. My father is the one who wants that devil up here.” Tynan answers frowning.
“Then why are you so keen on marrying me?” I ask more confused by his motive.
“You really don’t remember?” Tynan asks still frowning.
“What? Remember what?” I ask furrowing my eyebrows.
“I see. Your still oblivious to the truth. Then it’s not for me to tell you, and you will just have to wait in due time.” Tynan answers making me even more confused.
“What does that even mean? Your making no sense.” I hissed.
“Like I said. You will find out in due time.” Tynan says again.
I open my mouth to retort but my friends stood in between us, pushing me back a bit. Iridiana stayed by my side as she glared daggers at Tynan and Grimshaw. Which in return Grimshaw glared icily back at us. The bad feeling came back, and I knew too late where it was coming from. It was coming from Grimshaw. But I didn’t have time to warn anyone about his strange behavior or his strange scent, before he lunged at the boys growling almost like an animal. I let out a gasped of surprise as I notice his eyes were pitch black. They were nothing like his usual grey eyes.
Grimshaw flung Hector aside like a rag doll before grabbing Finn and dragging him back towards Tynan. I went to help him but Iridiana stops me before I could take another step forward. The bad feeling I’ve been feeling increased as Grimshaw’s nails just grew long and sharp, almost like what you see in the movies. Iridiana and I both yelp in shock as Grimshaw just lunges his hand right into Finn’s chest! My mouth flew open as Finn screamed out before he coughed and gurgled, and then nothing. I watch in horror as Finn’s head fell sideways looking at us blankly. There was no life left in his brown eyes. Grimshaw just killed him. Killed him like some animal, no, it was more like a demon.
Grimshaw rips his hand back out, and in hi hand he was holding a bloody heart. Finn’s heart. I stood frozen as he just drops it on the ground before stomping on it like it was a bug. I heard Iridiana gagging at the scene as she looks away, but I couldn’t take my eyes away. I couldn’t stop staring at Finn’s lifeless body and the blood that was slowly spilled out of his chest. This scent, this familiarity that I’m sensing. It’s just the same with how I felt with Joz and currently with Naberius, but it’s stronger. It’s way too strong and overpowering. 
When I finally peeled my eyes away from Finn’s lifeless body and the blood. I look up towards Grimshaw who looks even worse than before. He’s paler, but his skin has a gray tint to it almost like his body is decaying in a way. I noticed his eyes are back to gray, but they looked tired and he’s staring at Finn’s body like he doesn’t know what just happened. I stare at him closely and that overpowering feeling I just had, is now dimmed. Is his demon taking control? I wonder observing him closely.
“Not a demon. Demons, with an S.” Naberius spoke up bored.
“What do you mean demons? I thought people can only have one demon?” I ask him in my mind.
“Usually yes. But this guy is crazy thinking he could’ve handled two powerful demons.” Naberius says chuckling.
“How do we help him?” I ask seriously.
Naberius didn’t answer me, and I knew if I asked again he still wouldn’t. I look back towards my friends as Hector is yelling at Grimshaw for what he did, but he’s just standing there taking it. It’s so unlike him. Tynan though, lean over and whispered something which made Grimshaw’s eyes turn pitch black again. Tynan is behind all of this of course. Grimshaw knew better than to take on two demons. This will never end. Tynan will never give up. I have to go with him before he kills anymore of my friends. I step up and grabbed Hectors shoulder to stop him from yelling anymore. Hector stops and turns towards me with confusion. 
“It won’t work Hector. There’s nothing else we can do, but one thing.” I tell him seriously.
“No. You aren’t handing yourself over Lonnie.” Hector growls.
“Look around Hector! They already killed Finn! Two demons possess Grimshaw! Tynan has the upper hand here. I will not sit back and let them kill you and Iridiana.” I tell him honestly. 
“We can think of another plan. We can get out of this.” Hector tries to convince me.
“You think so huh?” Tynan asks before I could respond. 
“Stay out of this asshole!” Hector growls, but it just made Grimshaw tackled him to the ground.
“No! Please don’t!” I yell trying to run towards them but Tynan grabs me by my arms stopping me.
Tears fall down as Grimshaw was about to lunge his hand into Hector’s chest, just like what he did to Finn. Hector struggled as his powers wasn’t working against Grimshaw. It only slightly shoved him back but not enough where it would give Hector an escape. I tried to pull myself free but Tynan had a tight grip on me, and I felt like my life was about to crash down once again. I screamed when Grimshaw shot his arm towards Hector, but at the last second got stopped by an arrow that looked to be made from entirely of light. Grimshaw hissed as he jumps away from Hector holding his arm which is now burning and sizzling. We all looked over and saw Iridiana standing a few feet away with a ring of arrows glowing in light around her, and she had another one in the air and aimed at Grimshaw.
“Leave, or the next one goes through your heart.” Iridiana threatens.
“Awe look at the light user standing up for a dark user. How idiotically stupid of her.” Tynan taunts with a smirk.
“You want one in the heart too?” Iridiana asks lifting another glowing arrow in light up before aiming it towards Tynan.
“Fine. We will leave.” Tynan says tight lipped before turning towards me, “Sweetheart, don’t forget we will come for you. It’s almost time for our wedding day.” 
We watch Tynan and Grimshaw teleport away, and the moment they did it felt like it has lifted a weight off of me. I let out a sigh before running over to Hector and help him get up. Then we all turn towards Finn’s lifeless body, and a knot formed in the pit of my stomach just seeing him like that. I lost my parents, and now I lost two friends. This is all happening because of me. My mom brought me back just for the ritual that Mr. Dubuik wants to do. Tynan wants to marry me in order for that ritual to work so they can rise the devil. I lost Joz because I didn’t listen to him about learning to control his magic. Now we lost Finn because I refused to go with Tynan now. It’s always circling back to me, and I can’t help but think I have to give myself up. I can’t let anyone else get hurt or die because of me. I have to do this. I feel like there’s no other choice now.

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