The Club

By Spirit_5758

382 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four

Thirty- Four

2 0 0
By Spirit_5758

-Joz’s Pov-

I teleported back to the shack, but it was quiet. Too quiet. I look around, noticing that it’s a wreck. I became panic when I didn’t sense anyone here, but I smelled blood. I followed the scent until I found small drops here and there. I crouch down before sticking my fingers in the blood before sniffing it. I instantly moved my fingers away as the scent was horrendous, yet familiar. It’s defiantly not Lonnie’s blood. I thought as I sigh in relief. I stood up, wiping the blood on my jeans as I look around the wreckage of the shack. There was defiantly a fight that happened here, but who won I’m not sure. The blood is Finn’s and I don’t smell anyone else’s blood around here. I look towards where Lonnie was resting and saw she’s not there. Which to be expected if no one else is. I let out another sigh as I closed my eyes to sense where she was. We are both still connected, after all. I’ve been with her since they brought her back from the dead, but could only contact her when she started coming to that academy. Now, she has my magic and so do I, so I should be able to sense my magic and figure out where she is. 
I closed my eyes and concentrated on where my magic and Lonnie were. At first it was hard, since it kept sensing my duplicated magic that I had instead of my other magic that Lonnie has inside of her. I tried instead, sensing her magic that I faintly sensed when I was in her mind still. It was difficult because she didn’t really tap into her magic, but I can still slightly sense it. I’m not sure how long it’s been with me standing here trying to sense her, but eventually I finally sensed a small bit of her magic. It’s very faint, but I caught it and knew exactly where they were. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that she’s at least alright and not hurt. I open my eyes as I’m about to teleport to them, but then I felt a different and a familiar sensation. 
The next thing I knew, I’m back in hell and right in front of my lord who’s sitting on his throne that’s made from bones. I felt eyes on me and knew I’m in huge trouble from leaving here. I felt a chill run down my spine from their stares, as I know it’s glares and that they all want me dead. I wouldn’t get surprised if all of them convinced my lord to throw me back into the pit of fire again. I honestly don’t want to go through all that suffering again, but I can’t do anything about it. I’m only a fledgling demon. I’m not strong enough to go up against these guys. I’m already dead. I’ll never see Lonnie again. I’ll never be able to speak to her again or give her advice. I’ll never be able to tell her the truth. 
“Jozannon. Do you know why we have summoned you here?” 
“Yes, my lord.” I say swallowing as I bowed my head. 
“So, you admit you running back on top was wrong even after I told you to not to?” 
“Yes, my lord.” I answer, as there’s no point in lying. He will know if I was, anyway. 
“Jozannon, you were once in the pit of fire as punishment. Do you think it’s reasonable as a punishment for your betrayal?” 
“I don’t want to go back, my lord.” I answer with my opinion as I knew what he’s expecting me to say. 
“You didn’t answer my question, Jozannon.” He says, getting impatient. 
“I know what you expect me to say, my lord. You want me to say yes, that I deserve it. But, I really don’t want to go back. My opinion, my lord. I don’t think I deserve to be thrown back into the pit of fire.” I answer, swallowing nervously as I finished speaking. 
“That’s preposterous! How dare you speak so freely to our lord like that!” One of the four members of commanders yells. 
Everyone then started yelling at me, saying that I’m a traitor and that I deserve to burn all of eternity. I kept my head bowed, not saying another word, as I knew better to talk back to these guys. I felt very nervous as I knew saying my opinion to our lord wasn’t a good idea, but I figured I’ll die, anyway. So, I mine as well stand up to him at least once. Our lord then stands up and yells for everyone to shut up, making the room instantly quiet down. I still refused to pick my head up, as I didn’t want to offend my lord or get everyone started going again. 
“Everyone, leave us. I would like to speak with Jozannon in private.” 
“My lord? You would taint your presence with this traitor? We should just get rid of him right away.” Another one of the four members of the commanders says in shock. 
“Do not make me repeat myself, Asmodeus.” He growls. 
“Yes, my lord. We will take our leave.” Asmodeus says, bowing before everyone teleports out of the room. 
“Jozannon.” He says in a commanding voice, making me bow my head again. 
“Yes, my lord?” I ask feeling afraid, but hid it. 
“Is that really your opinion?” 
“I-uh yes?” I ask, unsure if I should’ve told him or not. 
“You sound unsure.” 
“I just don’t want to offend you, my lord.” I tell him honestly. 
“Don’t you think that’s a little late, Jozannon?” 
“I’m sorry, my lord.” I apologized but immediately regretted it when I’m flung back and slammed into the hard wall. 
“What have I said about apologizing? We do not apologize, Jozannon. That mortal girl made you soft. You didn’t even kill that mortal boy who fought you.” 
“You saw that?” I ask as I sat up on my hands and knees. 
“I can see whatever I please, Jozannon, and I’m very disappointed in you.” 
“I know, but I’m myself, and you gave me a second chance when you let me be Lonnie’s demon when she got brought back to life. I’m already a dead demon.” I tell him honestly as I stared at the ground, refusing to look at him. 
“You think, just because you were already dead, or close to death, that you can be a free demon? That you don’t have to follow the rules down here? Who made you so special, Jozannon? You’re no one special. You’re just another demon, a dead demon or not. You’re still under my control. You will never be free.” He growls as he grabs onto my throat and slamming me against the wall. 
“I-I don’t understand, my lord. You say I’m a dead demon, but you want me to be under your control. But you’re planning on killing me again, anyway.” I choked out. 
“I told you before Jozannon. I’m the devil. I’m the king. I can do whatever the fuck I want. No one of your status will say otherwise.”
“My lord. I’ve always acknowledged you as my lord, but why can’t you just grant me just one wish?” I ask, almost pleading. 
“A wish? Who do you think I am? A fucking genie?” He hisses. 
“Please, my lord. It’s a wish that you can grant, I guarantee it.” I tell him honestly. 
“Hm. What will you give me as payment?” He asks, raising a dark brow. 
“Me.” I simply reply.

I teleported into the middle of the woods, and the first thing I saw and heard was a fire cracking and popping in the night. I turned and noticed Lonnie laying on the ground with a thin ripped up blanket thrown on top of her to keep her warm. Then, that’s when I got bombarded with questions by her friends. Hector, Finn, and Iridiana came up to me asking a billion questions at once. I missed most of them as I couldn’t hear what the hell they were asking when they were talking at once, but I caught one that Hector had asked. I raise my hands before shushing them before walking between them. They separated before Hector grabbed onto my arm, asking again, what the fuck happened with Tynan? 
“What did you think happened? We fought. I won. No, he’s not dead, but he probably won’t bother you guys for a while.” I answered quickly. 
“Why were you gone so long, then?” Finn asks crossing his arms, and I noticed that he’s got healed. 
“I’m getting to that part.” I say, sighing as I glanced at Lonnie again, feeling guilty. 
“You look like you have something important to say.” Hector comments, letting go of my arm. 
“I do. I’m going to tell you guys everything. The truth.” I say as I look back over at them. 
“I thought you were going to wait.” Iridiana says, staring at me like she’s trying to figure me out. 
“I was, but things change, unfortunately.” I say, rubbing the back of my head, hating having to do this. 
“What do you mean? What’s going on?” Hector asks, watching me closely. 
“Don’t worry about it. Let’s sit down and I’ll tell you guys everything.” I say, turning and sitting far away from the fire as possible.
I racked my brain as I tried to think about what to tell them first, but it’s not just going to be hard to tell them everything, but it’s going to be hard saying goodbye to Lonnie. I’ve been with her for so long, and was only recently able to speak with her, got close with her. I hate to admit it, but I did fell in love with Lonnie. I fell in love with a mortal. The feeling felt weird, but it’s a feeling that’s new to me and I like it. It’s a warm feeling that I rarely felt. I’m going to miss feeling this way, and when I leave here. I’m definitely going to remember this feeling, remember Lonnie. I took a deep breath as the others sit across from me, and I knew it’s now or never. I don’t have a lot of time. 
“You don’t seem to want to tell us yet, and yet you are. Why?” Hector asks, still observing me. 
“Like I said. Don’t worry about it.” I say, looking over at him.
“I will worry about it, because even though we are still iffy about trusting you, don’t mean Lonnie isn’t. She trusts you, likes you, and I know something is going on that she won’t like. So, spill it.” Hector spits out. 
“Did you not want to know the truth or not? I’m running out of time!” I yell. 
“What you mean, running out of time?” Finn asks, curious as well. 
I let out a groan as I stood up, pacing back and forth. I didn’t want to tell them, but they were making it so hard. They are wasting my time as well. I will not have time to tell them everything at this rate. I stopped pacing when I felt hands grabbed onto my arms, stopping me in mid-pace, before turning me towards them. I saw Hector standing in front of me observing me, and just like that, his eyes widening in realization. 
“Your going to leave us? Leave Lonnie aren’t you?” Hector asks, letting go of my arms. 
“I don’t have a choice! I have to!” I yell, feeling a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach. 
“What are you talking about? Why do you have to leave?” Hector asks, confused. 
“I-I have little time to explain. I need to tell you guys the truth so you guys can tell Lonnie when she wakes up.” I explain quietly, feeling my eyes stinging suddenly. 
“Are you crying?” Finn asks shock.
“I didn’t think demons could cry.” Iridiana says shock as well. 
I moved my hand up towards my eyes as I felt something fall on my cheeks, and I felt something wet there. I moved my hand away as I saw my fingers were wet. What’s happening to me? I thought, confused. I’ve never done this in my entire life before. I felt Hector spun me as he’s staring at me with wide eyes. I know what that weird sensation I felt in my stomach was now. It was the sensation where I was about to cry. It must’ve what Lonnie always felt when she cried, but why am I feeling it now?
“What’s happening? Tell us? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s more important than some truths.” Hector tells me seriously. 
I shook my head quickly as I stepped away from him before saying, “No. You need to know the truth so you can tell, Lonnie.” 
“I have to agree with Hector. Whatever is happening to you, or is about to happen, is more important. Tell us. Maybe we can help.” Finn says standing up from his spot. 
“No! You guys don’t understand! You can’t help me! I made a deal with my lord to protect you guys! To protect Lonnie. I have to go back and face my punishment. I can’t come back. Never.” I yell before having more tears fell, which felt weird. 
“Wait, you did what?” Iridiana asks shock. 
“I was already going to get the punishment no matter what, but I got a deal out of it first. So you guys will get protected. My lord won’t bother you guys. He won’t hurt you.” I explain, glancing over at Lonnie again. 
“What did you even do to deserve to be punished?” Finn asks, confused. 
“It doesn’t matter. I’m running out of time. If I hurry, then I can at least tell you guys the more important truths.” I say, taking a deep breath. 
“There has to be a way to help you.” Finn says, making me groan. 
“We need to just forget my predicament and focus on Lonnie.” I say, gesturing towards her. 
“You didn’t make this deal because you care about us, but because you love Lonnie.” Hector spoke up, making me freeze. 
“What? A demon can’t love.” Iridiana says like it was obvious. 
“Yeah, what the light user said.” I said, trying to dismiss it. 
“You can’t fool me. I can tell by how your acting and talking. You love her. Admit it.” Hector says seriously. 
“There’s no point in admitting anything. I won’t be here anymore, so it doesn’t matter. Plus, I’m a demon. We don’t belong together, anyway.” I tell him like he’s crazy. 
“So, you’re just going to leave and never tell her how you feel?” Hector asks and I notice something flash in his eyes, but it was too quick for me to know what it was. 
“It’s better this way. I’m never coming back. I won’t be able to.” I say sadly. 
“What is your punishment anyway that is making it impossible for you to come back?” Finn asks curiously. 
“You guys really like to waste time, don’t you?” I ask, pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance. 
“Sure. Now tell us.” Finn says shrugging. 
“It’s not your business, and I have a minute left. So, please let me tell you something?” I ask with a sigh. 
“Okay, let us know what your punishment is.” Hector says, crossing his arms. 
I let out a groan before just giving up as I answered with, “Fine, you nosey bastards! But don’t tell Lonnie about it.”
“Why? She’s gonna wonder where you are and what happened to you.” Hector says confused. 
“Just tell her I had to leave and I can’t come back.” I tell them before sighing again. 
“Okay?” Hector says, sounding unsure. 
“My punishment is three years in the pit of fire.” I tell them, shivering at the thought, as I know it’s almost time. 
“What? The pit of fire? Isn’t that only for souls who sinned?” Finn asks in shock. 
“Demons can go in the pit of fire as well for punishment. I’m only a fledgling demon, so after three years is up, then-” I say but stop as I didn’t want to say the dreaded word. 
“You die.” Hector says in realization. 
I slowly nod my head as I felt my time is up. I felt pain in my chest as I’m being forced back down to hell. I yelled at them once more before I disappear from there and reappeared back in hell. I lost my footing as I fell on my hands and knees, but I quickly back away as I almost fell in the pit of fire. I can hear all the souls screaming in agony as I felt myself become afraid as I’m about to join them once more. I slowly look behind me to see my lord is standing there silently. I swallowed nervously as I stood up and stepped away from the pit. 
“You remember our deal, Jozannon?” 
“I-I remember my lord.” I say, bowing. 
“Did you get everything off of your chest?” 
No. “Yes, my lord.” I answered quietly. 
“Your lying to me, but it doesn’t matter. I already gave you time to do so. You shouldn’t have been fooling around then.” 
“Do I really have to go back to the pit of fire, my lord?” I ask, glancing back towards the pit. 
“We had a deal. So, yes.” He hisses as he grabs onto my throat and making me hang over the pit. 
“I-I don’t want to go in!” I choke out. 
“I know, but a deal is a deal. Plus, it’s your punishment. Oh! Before I forget, since you wanted that mortal girl to keep your powers after your demise. Then you two will forever stay connected with each other. So, guess what that means?” He asks with a wicked smirk. 
“Wh-what?” I choked out, confused, but I had a bad feeling about it.
“It means until you die, she’s going to feel everything that you will feel for the next three years.” He laughs as he throws me into the pit of fire. 
“What? No!” I yell as the flames engulfed me and the immense agony immediately started. 

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