Breaking Her Chains (Complete...

By Sara_Elizabeth1990

53.1K 1.9K 581

After his little sister commits suicide, Bryten Jackson and his family open a behavioral wing in a local hosp... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Big Thank You!
Excited Gasp

Chapter Seven

3.8K 112 33
By Sara_Elizabeth1990


Tinsley's Point of View:

Tinsley relaxed back onto the couch and giggled as Eva came out with snacks.

"So he wants to go to the zoo?" she asked as she handed Tinsley some popcorn.

Tinsley nodded. "Yes!"

"Are you excited?" Eva teased her.

"Yes. I haven't been on a date in forever!"

"Me either." Eva sighed.

Tinsley giggled. "One day, when things are better you can meet my brother. Ya know, since I am dating yours."

"You have a brother?"

"Yes, he is in China, but he will be coming to the states in right months."

"but... Your chart doesn't say you have any other family." Eva stated.

"He is not related to my mother. He is my half brother. He was my dad's son, but not my mom's."

"Does Bryten know about him?"

"Hmmm, I don't think so."

"Have you told anyone about him?"

Tinsley nodded. "I told Lisa."

"I guess I am just surprised he hasn't taken medical leave or something." Eva said gently.

"Why would he take medical leave?" Tinsley asked.

"The army would give him leave because of..." Eva said trailing off. She was unsure if how to approach the topic of Tinsley's rape.

"He isn't in the army. He is a pastor and he is on a three year mission trip. He doesn't know what happened. We only talk through e-mail and I didn't tell him that my mom remarried or about any of this."

Eva was surprised. "Tinsley, why wouldn't you tell him?"

"Because he would come home and that's dumb. I would love to have his support, but he is spreading the news if Jesus in areas that may never have another chance to hear the gospel. I can't take that way from those people. Plus, God already took care of me. He sent me ya'll."

Eva couldn't properly express her emotions, so she did the only thing she could think of- reaching over and smushed Tinsley into the biggest hug she could give her.  


Bryten smiled to himself as he filled his paper work. He had been having a great day! Tinsley had agreed to go out with him on Friday! He had new doctors coming in today for training! It was a great day!! "Thank you Lord, today has been wonderful." he prayed as he continued to file.

"Bryten?" his mother called over the intercom.

"Yes ma'am."

"I have someone who wishes to speak with you."

"Send them in please."

"I don't want to."

"What?" Bryten asked as he stopped filling.

"It's her."

"It's who?"

"Mrs. Dexter." his mother said.

"Send her in."



"Fine." she sighed.

"Lord, please guide me. Please help me control my temper. Please help me to handle this purely." Bryten prayed.

It took a moment, but Mrs. Dexter finally appeared before him. She hitched her handbag up on her shoulder and slid her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. Her ultra high heals clicked across his floor as she pranced her way in.

Bryten nonchalantly flipped the security camera on and folded his hands across his desk.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes, you can. I would like to speak with Tinsley about her allegations."


"Allegations... Shall I fetch you a dictionary? Her false statements about her father." her mother said with an eye roll."

"Actually... Lindsey" he read off as he reread Tinsley's file. "An allegation is a statement or idea someone makes about someone else. Typically they are made with no proof. Tinsley has made no allegations about her STEP-FATHER because she had proof." Bryten spoke calmly.

"What proof? A bruise? Boo-hoo. She is clumsy." Lindsey said with a wave of her hand.

"And the sperm? Did she get that from being clumsy too." Bryten asked.

"Sperm?" she asked as she seeming lost her standing.

"I see you haven't spoken to your husband. He was arrested on a DNA warrant. His DNA matched the sperm that was found in YOUR DAUGHTER."

"That's impossible... He wouldn't..."

"He would and he did."

"Tinsley never said."

Anything. She never told you anything because he threatened to kill you. She was trying to protect you. It should have been the other way around."

"I would have..."

"You would have done nothing. It is obvious who you love at this point, and it isn't Tinsley.

"That's uncalled..."

"Uncalled for? Letting your twenty year old daughter be around someone you knew was dangerous is uncalled for." Bryten said. He wasn't going to play her games.

"She could have left had she felt threatened."

Bryten shook his head. "You know she couldn't. She was waiting on her inheritance from her fathers estate."

Lindsay looked shocked, but Bryten knew the truth.

"I know. I know about everything. See, when Tinsley told me about her fathers money I knew something was up. I figured he had it written into his will that if something happened and Tinsley was found incompetent to take care of herself, you would be in charge of the money, so hired an attorney. Guess what? I was right and I know the ONLY reason you tried to commit Tinsley was so you could have access to her money, but you want to know a secret?" he asked.

She gulped, but tried to remain steady. "I am a grown woman Dr. Jackson. I don't need to know your secret."

"Very well then. Did you have something else to speak with me about?"

"H-how long will you be treating my child?" she asked.

"I won't."

Lindsay smiled her sickly sweet smile. "Not able to help her?"

"There was nothing to help. Tinsley was cleared mentally. She is very stable."

"b-but. You.."

"Had her cleared by a doctor in a different ward. She is perfectly fine."

"Where is she? I demand to see her!!!"

"No. You will not see her, nor will you step foot back in my office when you leave here."

"You can't forbid me from seeing her! I need to get the estat.... I need to help her." she said as she changed her wording.

"You have no rights to Tinsley's money. My lawyer has made sure if that. You will be getting a letter from him in a few days. I recommend you go home before you incriminate yourself anymore and while you there why don't you sit down and figure out where your going in life. You are an evil, evil person, but God still loves you. Why don't you call on that love before its too late." Bryten spoke calmly.

He was met with an ear splitting cry and another slammed office door.

He shook his head. "I pray for her soul Lord."

He switched off the security camera and finished up his paper work. He was about to go for a walk around the floor, when someone knocked on his door.

"Come in." he called. He suspected it was his mother, but it wasn't because Sammy walked in.

"Hey Sammy." he said as he waved the girl in.

"Mr. Jacob said you wanted to see me. He said you were looking for me yesterday." she said as she slid into a seat

"I was looking for you. He told me what happened. Would you like to talk about it?" he asked gently.

"I didn't relapse physically, just mentally."

"So you felt you were overweight, but you did not induce vomiting?" Bryten asked.

She shook her head. "I didn't."

Bryten smiled and reached into his desk. "I knew that, but I wanted you to tell me. You made amazing progress by not giving into the voice of, what I call, the monster. You went to Jacob and told him you were struggling and that is a great big step." Bryten said as he handed her the framed certificate.

Sammy's face lit up when she saw the certificate.

"You need three to finish the program. Your first one is "Recognizing the signs of an attack." That's exactly what you did. Congratulations."

"Thank you." she said as she rubbed her fingers along the detail of the frame.

"I have one more thing to tell you. I wanted to tell you yesterday, but you were having extra therapy. Tinsley wanted me to tell you she was not angry and she was very grateful you helped her."

Sammy's eyes teared up and for a moment he thought she was going to cry. "She isn't here anymore."

He smiled gently. "Because she didn't need us. She had a great story and I promise you one day I will let you hear it."

"Is she ok?" Sammy asked.

Bryten nodded. "She is doing great."

Sammy smiled. "Thanks Dr. Bryten."

"You are very welcome Sammy." he said as he lead her out if the office.

He smiled as she excitingly skipped over to Jacob and showed him her certificate He laughed as he watched Jacob jump up and down with her. He was such a goofball. The dinner bell chimed, meaning all the patients needed to head to their rooms. He watched as Jacob waved bye to Sammy. He shook his head. They all tried not to have favorite patients, but their were those that just stole your heart. Sammy was one of them. Jacob turned and watched Sammy leave, but Bryten noticed a twinkle in his eye this time. He also noticed the way his cheeks were flushed... Did Jacob like Sammy?.... Nah, Bryten thought shaking his head. He was her doctor and nothing more.  


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