Chapter Nine

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if you give me about thirty minutes I will upload another chapter. Something is wrong with the spacing, so I am going to make it two different chapters. Hang in there for about half an hour!


Bryten's Point of View:

Bryten adjusted his tie and stepped back from the mirror. He shook his head. He couldn't believe he- Bryten Jackson was going on a date. Bryten hadn't dated since he graduated medical school two years ago.

"Someone looks super happy!" Rose, his mother, sang as she danced across the room.

He laughed. "I am happy."

"Me too!" Kasey squealed as she ran in. "Tinsley looks so super pretty!"

He smiled. I imagine she did look beautiful. "Is she excited?"

Kasey nodded. "Very. She is a little nervous, but I think she will warm up when it's just the two of you."

Bryten nodded. "I am sure she will."

"Kasey, do you have any pink lip gloss?" Jacob asked as he walked into the bedroom as well.

"I always thought pink was your color." Kasey said as she turned to him.

"It's for Tinsley!" he protested.

"She's wearing makeup?" Bryten asked. He had never seen her wearing makeup. She was just naturally beautiful.

"Just a little. She didn't need much."

"Yeah, she's prettier than you." Jacob teased.

"Jacob!" Rose scolded. "Do not talk to your sister like that." she said as she hit him with a rolled up newspaper.

"Ow momma!" he yelled.

"You better be glad you are too big to spank!"

Bryten laughed. There was no doubt in his mind his momma would spank them if she was able.

"It's not his fault he's blind momma. You did drop him when he was a baby." Kasey teased.

"She didn't!" Jacob whined.

"As much as I would love to sit here and watch this scene play out, I am going to go."Bryten said as he excused himself from the chaos.

He walked to the elevator and stepped inside. Once the doors were closed he reached over and hit the emergency stop.

"Dear Lord,  

I know you are in control and I thank you for that. I know you can do better than I ever could. I thank you for putting Tinsley in my life and I just ask that you be with us tonight. I pray that it will be a date touched and blessed by you and I pray that Tinsley will enjoy herself. In Jesus name,  

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