Big Thank You!

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I want to thank everyone who read, commented and voted. Without you guys my work  wouldn't have gone this far or ever been in the top ten.

I want to thank God for guiding, leading and blessing this book. Not only has reading this brought you guys spiritual blessings it has also brought many for me.

I want to encourage everyone that read this to seek a deeper walk with the father.

I want to encourage everyone who read this, who may not have salvation or aren't sure if they do, to seek God out.

I once heard someone say you needed to feel God lead you before you could be saved. That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. If you are interested in being saved or having a relationship with God you are already being lead to seek Christ.

Look at it like this... A woman whose house you are visiting at sits a plate of cookies out on the counter. She tells you if you want one to help yourself. You decide you don't want one that day, so you choose to leave without one. The next day the same things happens and you decline one again, but on the way home you wonder what would have happened if you took the cookie. The third day you raise you hand to take the cookie, but you don't. You admit to yourself you can't shake the feeling of wanting to take the cookie. The fourth day the lady doesn't ask you if you want a cookie, but you do. Can you take one even though there wasn't an open invataion? Yes! Yes you can. Why? Because only one invataition was needed.Just as God only gives you one. He only gives you one because it stays open. The only danger is denying the cookie too long because one day it may be too late and there are no more cookies.

I have heard people say... "Oh, but you don't understand I have done to many things for God to love me." and it breaks my heart. The precious blood of Jesus that was shed for you and me was enought for God to overlook any sin. ANY SIN. I know! I have done some pretty bad things. The great thing is in Romans 5:8 Paul says  "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." That means God knew how you were going to sin before he even saved you yet, he still loved you enought to send his son.. HIS OWN SON!

I have had heard people say "Oh, but God can't love me. I am too worthess. What do I have to offer?"  I know because I was one of these people, but you know what I discovered?  That God loves me a whole lot. A whole.... whole... whole lot. Enough to send his son so I could be sin free in God's sight. Not to make me feel guilty or unworthy, but to truly make me a child of God. He did this for you and he is patently waiting on you to accept him.   All you have to do is ask. 1 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

So, what are you waiting for? Ask Jesus to come into you life. Tell him you know you have lived wrong. Tell him you are sorry and want his forgiveness. He isn't asking you to be perfect just willing to accept his presence in your life. He has been with you this entire time, he's just waiting on you to accept him. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

I love you guys too much not to tell you about how awesome and LOVING God is. :)

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