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Two Years Later:

Kegan's Point of View:

Kegan smiled as Tinsley walked down the isle. She looked beautiful. Her long red hair was curled and hung down her back. She glowed as she walked down the walkway toward Bryten and he knew it wasn't just from her white, princess cut wedding dress.

He was amazed a wedding could be so beautiful. The bridesmaids, which consisted of Eva,  Kasey and Sammy were dressed in brown satin dresses.

He chuckled to himself when Rose, who was the maid of honor, dabbed at her tears. Women were so emotional. He wiped his own eyes.... but he wasn't crying.. He had something in his eye... Yeah. something in his eye.

Jacob rolled his eyes and handed Kegan the end of his pale yellow tie. Kegan didn't think they were supposed to wipe their eyes on it, but he did it anyway, making the large crowd laugh.

He wondered if Tinsley was angry, but he didn't think she noticed. She was to busy looking into Bryten's eyes.

He looked up and  Eva met his eyes. He couldn't help, but smile. Her blue eyes sparked as she ran a hand over the fitted dress that covered their baby.

Eva and Kegan hadn't waited as long as Bryten and Tinsley to tie the knot. They were married in a small ceremony in the hospitial's chapel a little over a year ago. They found out yesterday she was four weeks pregnant and I honestly don't think they had ever been so happy.

Kegan eyes drifted to Sammy, who was smiling at Jacob and twirling her own wedding band on her finger. They had been married exactly one month after their engagement. No one  couldn't believe they wanted to be wed so quickly, but Jacob insisted he couldn't live without her.

Everyone had changed a lot in the last two years. Kegan was back in the states doing God's work with  a new zeal. He was prepairing to become a daddy and  was married to the most amamzing woman in the entire world.

Eva was still working as a nurse in the hospital and was looking forward to motherhood. She and Kegan were looking to buy a home close to the hospital because they both wanted more children.

Jacob had  grown into a wonderful Christian husband and he was looking at partnering with Bryten again and buying another building to expand the center. He had recently purchased a vacation home in Miami. Everyone had a feeling he and Bryten were considering opening a center there. They weren't totally sure, but they had a feeling.

Sammy had beat her anorexia with a vengance and had officially been in remission for almost two years. She surprised everyone and enrolled in school last year. The funny thing was she wanted to be a nurse too. She said she felt God leading her to help more young women suffering with self acceptance.

Bryten..... Kegan  wished he could say something had changed in Bryten, but nothing had. No, he took  that back. If he had changed at all it was because he had fell MORE in love with Tinsley. She was his everything.

Tinsley was doing amazingly. She finished school last month, but had decided to go for a higher degree in nursing. She had gained so much self confidence and she was finally happy. Kegan hadn't seen   her happy in years. He really thought when their father died so did a little part of her and it took God sending her to Bryten to restore that part. Kegan  smiled to himself as  he wiped a tear from his eye. For the first time it hit him... Tinsley was finally free. Free from her mother. Free from Roy. Free from the pain. Free from loneliness. She was finally free to be her own person.

"Who could have imagined when God sent her here it was so Bryten could break the chains that held her captive?" Kegan whispered to Jacob.

Jacob  shook his head. "He didn't break her chains, she broke his."


It's completed :D

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