Scandalous Spotlight

By HP0207

13.7K 1.7K 1.1K

"Knights".!! The famous Boy Band of India.! Consisting of 7 members.! 1 lyricist 2 rappers 4 vocals Out of a... More

The Girl....!
She is different!
The Interview!
My worst Nightmare!
The Past..
Can't Fall!!
Healthy Flirting!
Best friend who???
You WHAT.???
What did she say?
Cold Hearted Writer!
Rumor Or Reality?
Down the hill..
You & I...
Happy Endings

Assistant Manager's Approval!

468 64 47
By HP0207

(They all decided to go in two different cars.... Before leaving almost everyone was busy on their phones... Abhi, MK, Rohan, Faisu were busy talking over the phone where as SN was watching the video of their performance on the stage, Lucky was watching some of the arial choreo that he wants to try next time. Avneet was trying to call Jannat but was going busy..... They all reached the parking lot and SN said.....

SN: I, Avneet, dada and MK will go in my car..... you guys go ahead in Rohan's car....

Avneet: Why should I come with you.??

SN: Dada and MK whom you are comfortable with are coming with me.. Genius .!!!

Avneet: You go in different car and take that attitude of yours along with you.!!

SN: Girrll.... That's my car.!!!

Avneet: Oh.! Fine......(she said rolling her eyes.....)

Abhi: I will drive the car.... (In between his chat over the phone....)

MK: I will sit with you in front...... (while disconnecting his call)

SN: You are done early today......!

MK: She will call me later......

Avneet: Oh.!! She.?? You have a girlfriend.??

SN: I told you he is taken.!!!

(Meanwhile Lucky came running towards their car...)

Lucky: Hey guys.... Mind if I tag along.?? Rohan and Faisu have to meet..... I mean have to eat ......... ice cream..... ya..... so they left leaving me alone.!!!!

(SN glared at him where as Avneet just felt it a bit unbelievable excuse, she felt the same when they were going towards the lift.... In the waiting area when faisu got flustered when Avneet was asking him questions before SN intervened......but she shrugged it off....)

SN: Fine... Let's get going...... Bhavesh already left as he has to get few things ready for our new Assistant Manager.!!! (He said eyeing Avneet....)

(MK and Abhi sat in front with Abhi in driving seat, in the back..... SN, Avneet and Lucky were sitting......)
(MK and Abhi again we're on the call where as SN is still watching their video of performance and Lucky the arial act that he wants to add in his next routine......
Avneet sighed and tried calling Jannat again, Now her phone is switched off.... Avneet was not frustrated...)

Avneet: The hell.....??? What the fuck is wrong with this bitch.????

(Letting out her frustration she grabbed all 4 men's attention.....)

Lucky: Gee...!! What's wrong with you.???

Avneet: My best friend...!! She seems to be so busy that first she didn't pick up my calls now she has the audacity to turn off her phone.!!! I am gonna kill this bitch.......

(Hearing this their expressions changed and SN spoke....)

SN: Why don't you join me in watching our performance video....

Avneet: No thanks.... Wait but Lucky if you don't mind.... Can I join you in watching the arial act.??? I do find it fascinating when you do those arial act....

(SN just raised his eyebrow.!!! He was rejected again by Avneet.... Which is very new to him..... but she did got distracted from her best friend's topic which was a relief..... Avneet and Lucky started to watch the videos throughout the ride and they were about reach their mansion...... They were about to turn their car on the road where their mansion is when Bhavesh called SN...)

Bhavesh: Bring the car all the way in..... Don't come out of the car as usual by the gate.... We have media today by the gate.... Ask Avneet to duck down.....

(SN did as he was asked to by bhavesh and everyone in the car understood as last thing they need right now is to get in a scandal and they don't want that....

Even after they reached inside their mansion premises, they had to cover Avneet in a way that they don't get a glimpse of her.... At least not today..... They all got out of the car at the same time making sure to cover Avneet from every single side and angle.......)

(They entered the mansion and all sighed in relief...... Bhavesh came running to them...)

Bhavesh: Neet..... Are you okay.???

SN: *sigh* *rolling eyes* There they go again..... (he mumbled clearly getting visibly upset)

Abhi: Woah.!!! You getting jealous.??? (He went to SN's ear and whispered....)

SN: Pft. ! Don't be ridiculous dada....... It's just too much...!! I mean WE did all the work and OUR MANAGER is just worried about HIS PRECIOUS FRIEND .!!!! (He said looking annoying towards Bhavesh...)

Bhavesh: Aww..... You need attention too.???? (He said in a teasing way....)

Avneet: Ohho.!!! Please Bhavesh.... Go ahead..... Don't let me stop you.!!! Mr. Nigam is desperate to have all your attention.!!!! (She said with a smirk..... Bhavesh went to him and gave him a hug and whispered.. "good job"...)

Avneet: Wowzaah.!!! Just Date already.!!!! Almost all of you have girlfriends.!!! Then why don't you both date..??

Lucky: WHAT.!??? No..... I don't have any I mean WE don't have any girlfriends.!!! Except for MK....
(He said nervously praying that she buys the excuse..)

SN: Don't be ridiculous Avneet! Bhavesh show her the room, I am going to my room... Need some beauty sleep...(He said avoiding any eye contact with Avneet as he wanted to divert the topic...)

Avneet: Are you avoiding the topic of girlfriends? Listen if its something that I am not supposed to talk about than just tell me.... By avoiding it you are just making me more curious... And c'mon.... Anyone could say just the way you guys behave that all of you are taken... Well except Lucky and you...

SN: Avneet... Just go to your room....

Avneet: Fine Fine.... Don't tell me later if I do something that I am not supposed to do... Come Bhav. Show me my room... I just wanna stay away from this Akdoo.!

SN: Yaaahh. What did you call me??? Akdoo?? Girls die for my Akad okay!!(he said getting offended)

Avneet: Well this girl wants to stay away from your Akad..

SN: Avneet....

Avneet: Chill Out bro...

SN: WHAT?????? No No No NO... Absolutely NOT..... You can't call me BRO....

Avneet: Again? How many times am I supposed to tell you..... Why you always look at things just in certain way?

(In the meantime Rohan and Faisu walked in with smiles on their faces and were completely unaware of things happening here.... they were in their own world when Avneet saw them coming and to make sure her doubt she asked...)

Avneet: So..... met your girlfriends?

Rohan & Faisu: Yup.... (While smiling ear to ear.... and this side all except Avneet face palmed themselves...)

(Bhavesh sighed...)

Bhavesh: Sid its better we tell her everything as she will be with us all the time and especially  as your guys assistant manager... She needs to know....

SN: Tsk.... FINE.... But I swear.... (He glared at Avneet and started to take one step at a time towards her with each word he said....)

If a single word goes out about any of us..... Ms. Avneet Kaur..... I. Become. A. Monster. If anything happens to my group.... I DONOT show mercy irrespective to who is in front..... Get that clear in your head... (Saying this he turned to leave the room...)

Bhavesh: Whare the heck are you going?? And what was that? Why you had to be a jerk?

SN: Tsk.... Listen... Its your job to make her understand her duty as our assistant manager along with being our ghost writer.... And about what I did.... I had to show her that I am not just any singer... I am the Leader of this group and can go up to any extent to protect my group...(he said glaring at Avneet... And then left to his room...)

Bhavesh: *sigh* Sorry for that Neet. He doesn't trust anyone that easily... And you being with us for few hours and now we are at a point that we have to disclose our secrets to you.... Its a bit unacceptable for him...

Avneet: Its ok.. He is just doing his job... I won't trust anybody with my secrets that easily and this early either.... Its just that he didn't have to be that intimidating.... Damn I forgot to breathe at that moment....

Abhi: So you did get affected with his intimidating gaze.. Sheesh I got worried back then when you were completely unfazed by him... My brother hasn't lost his touch yet....(He said trying to make the environment a bit lighter..)

Avneet: Hehe.... Ya ya.... He can be...... But only when I let him intimidate me.!!!! Anyways Bhav I believe you wanted to tell me few things about tomorrow...... I will go change and then.....

Bhavesh: Call me once done.... I will come to your room.....

(They all dispersed..... Bhavesh showed Avneet her room and she decided to unpack tomorrow... so just took shower and changed into her pjs and called Bhavesh.... After few minutes he came with two hot chocolates...)

Bhavesh: You still like it don't you.?

Avneet: Nothing make night better then hot chocolate.!!! Anyways.... What will be my duties as assistant manager.... I just wanna make sure that I still get time to look into my career opportunities along with the song lyrics.....

Bhavesh: Will be challenging but I know you know time management so.... You will figure it out...
Now listen....
As you assumed.... Most of the members have girlfriends except Lucky and SN.... But none of them wants to share this information with the world well except MK.... Him too... he just came out recently with his relationship status.... The toxicity, possessiveness, hate their partner or them as a group will get..... We can't even imagine.....

Avneet: That's BS..... How are the members not able to live their lives or at least have their love life as normal people..... How can they call themselves their fans if they are judging them by their love life.!?? Shouldn't they be happy n support them.????

Bhavesh: That would be best if they started to behave like that..... *sigh* not all fans are supportive and not all fans hate them having a partner.... Just that the fans especially the obsessive fans can go up to any extent to get that person out of their favorite band members life.... They are stalkers.... We have faced many such incidents in past.... Still we get many girls and even guys who tries n breech our security to just get close to the group and their lives..... *sigh*

W: Shit.!! I didn't knew that.!!! It must be so suffocating.!!!

Bhavesh: But it overpowers the love and support of their genuine fans that keeps the boys moving.... Siddharth even though is not the eldest member... but he takes his responsibility as leader very seriously.... He makes sure every member is safe along with their near ones... Also on and off stage... his first priority is his members....

Avneet: I could see how genuine he is for his group when we had a brief talk in the hotel....

Bhavesh: I will send you the details about each member along with their family and friends or close ones information... In future when you go with them in any interview or fan meet or any show that includes question n answers... Make sure they show you the list of questions they will ask each members.... You need to make sure there are no such questions which can put their any information that is not supposed to be shared at stake.!!! You I'll have all the rights to ask them to either change the questions or remove them if you think members will be uncomfortable answering them..... Each and every single thing will need your approval as their assistant manager!

Avneet: Gosh.! That's a huge responsibility.!!

Bhavesh: It is.... And turn on your writer mode on when you are with them... you attitude your behavior.... It should show the authority you have... just like how your play was played by the artist back in college... you made sure everyone played their roles as you wanted.... Exactly the same way.... The interviewer should ask the questions you want and staff n crew must behave with members the way we want....

Avneet: Now that you put it that way.... I think I can do it....

Bhavesh: Also most important thing..... Since Jay disappeared... this will be our first interview and the rumors are already circulating about his disappearance.... Make sure that question or anything related to that is avoided....

Avneet: Noted...

Bhavesh: Siddharth is not showing but he is deeply affected by this... he is having anxiety attacks since last week and taking medicines for that too... he has not shared this with any of us....

Avneet: Then how come you know.? And why are you telling me this...?

Bhavesh: Cz i know you had anxiety in past..... you know the symptoms... I will give you the medicine tomorrow before leaving.... But try your best to catch the symptoms if he shows any.... You know what to do if anything like that happens.! And how I know about it.? Well..... I am their manager.... Nothing goes unnoticed by me....

Avneet: Okay.!!! Anything else.???

Bhavesh: I think this should be it..... Also.... Siddharth has Aquaphobia... Just keep that in mind....

Avneet: Woah..... I think my mind will explode.!! I still have to go through the email about the information of each member.!!! Bhav.... You really think I can do this.....???

Bhavesh: This is the best for you.... You will know all the members up close.... Being behind the camera will help you grow knowledge about things how actually work..... Also will help you with your goal.... You will know this industry better..... And of course you will get inspiration for song lyrics..... and you never know you might get inspiration to write your new play as well.!!!

Avneet: *sigh* I really hope that I can pull this off as easily as you explained......

Bhavesh: You will..... just keep in mind..... you will have all the rights to say yes or no for anything that comes in the way of boys.... Be it coming from anyone.... Even if the senior most person present there claims that he/she has proofread everything.... It will not be approved until and unless you approve it.... I will be busy often now as we are planning on breaking into the international music industry..... That's why I am counting on you..... Remember one thing. Assistant manager's approval is must and you won't be seen as rude person is you are asking for any changes... That is your job and make sure from the very first time you show them the authority you have.!

(Saying this he put an assuring hand on her shoulder and left.... Avneet left a big sigh and then opened her laptop to check the email sent by Bhavesh.! Her eyes widened as she was going through the email..... She had to keep a lot....... A-LOT of things in mind when around them 6 boys.... And also make sure that whatever they just discussed and she is going through right now about them must be protected at any cost......
Before she can go to sleep...... there was a knock on the door......
She stood up and opened the door..... It was bhavesh.... With a package in his hand....)

Bhavesh: Here... Almost forgot to give you this.... A thank you for our new assistant manager of The Knights..... wear this tomorrow..... I know you are planning to unpack your things tomorrow so to find a proper outfit for yourself will be a hustle.... So got this one for you.....

Avneet: That bitch helped you didn't she...??

Bhavesh: C'mon Neet..... Don't be mad at her..... She couldn't disclose anything in front of you for obvious reasons.!!! But even she didn't knew that it will be you we were looking for .!!! Also this is her Sorry as well....

Avneet: I don't care.! I am still mad at her and I have all the right to stay mad at her... tell her to keep her Sorry to herself...... But I will take this package....! Bye....

(It was morning..... Avneet woke up early as usual but saw no one was up... So she just went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast after doing her morning routine and shower.!!!
She knows who is allergic to what and what is the common breakfast that is been cooked..... but she decided to make pancakes as no one is allergic to it and they are very easy to make... She checked and she found everything needed to make pancakes...... She started to make them and one by one.... Everyone started to wake up and started to gather around by the dining area not knowing that Avneet is in the kitchen.......

Siddharth who woke up a while ago..... was now done with his workout and shower..... he too headed towards the dining area...... As soon as he reached there all the members sighed in relief....)

MK: Aaha.... Today's chef is here...

Rohan: Yo bro... Atleast wake up a bit early when it's your turn to cook.....

(Siddharth groaned in irritation and left for kitchen...... he was about to enter the kitchen but his toe got bumped in the door edge and he sat on the floor embracing the pain..... Meantime. Avneet was done by making pancakes she made enough for 8 people.... She was holding one plate full of pancakes in one hand and maple syrup in another..... while walking out she bumped her legs into someone sitting on the floor... she couldn't see as her main focus was not to drop anything and she just walked passed whoever was sitting on the floor towards the dining area.... Whereas Siddharth on the other hand who felt that someone bumped into him... he looked in front and all he could see was perfectly toned legs of Avneet as she was wearing a hoodie with matching shorts.... His eyes widened and before he could say anything she walked passed him making him follow into the direction she went....
As soon as she entered the dining area she said...)

Avneet: Good Morning all... Pancakes.???

MK: Oh my.!!! Avneet.!!!!!! Good Morning.!!

Abhi: You already made breakfast for us all.??? How sweet of you.!!!

Avneet: Well.... I thought to give a good start for today.... And I wake up early anyways.!!!! Where is Bhav.??

: He left already......
(She heard the voice right behind her as she was placing the pancakes on the dining table and turned and saw a shirtless Siddharth....)

Avneet: JESUS CHRIST!!!!...... Put a shirt on you dumb head.!!(she said covering her eyes and turning her back to Siddharth)

Lucky: Shit.!!! Sid now you have to change this habit of yours.... We have a girl living in our house now...

Siddharth: Why should I change.... This is our house.... She has to get used to with it......
(He then leaned in behind her and whispered in her ear...)

C'mon now Ms. Kaur..... Girls die to see me like this.... C'mon.... Have a look... Don't be shy....
(He said teasing her)

(Avneet moved away from him looking everywhere but him.... And sat on a chair...)

Rohan: Umm.... Avneet....
That's Siddharth's seat..!!!

Avneet: Oh.!!! (She was about to get up....)

Siddharth: It's okay... she can sit there.... (Saying this he sat on another chair making everyone except Avneet shocked...)

Abhi: Did you just.??

Faisu: That day he beat the shit out of me just cz I sat on his chair by accident..... BY ACCIDENT.!!!!

Siddharth: Stop making it a big deal.... She cooked breakfast for us..... it was my turn to cook and she did..... it's just a return favor.!!

(Abhi who was sitting next to Siddharth whispered to him...)

Abhi: Are you sure.??? Just a return favor.???

Siddharth: Of coarse dada.!!!

(They all finished their breakfast and were busy with their own things until the time that they had to leave for their interview with the news channel.! As per instructed by Bhavesh, Avneet got ready and left early than members to make sure everything is good to go when the members reaches there....
And after an hour the members as well left for the channel to shoot their interview...)

Here it is....

Hope you all liked the chapter.....

Can anyone tell me who was "she" that Avneet was upset with.???? 😉

Also the interview and behind the scenes of the interview I wanted to keep for next chapter.!!!

See you all in next chapter...

Till then...
Aadios Amigos

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