jandels in control (a flaming...


5.5K 92 171

{ Cover made by me } it all started with IKEA a normal sunny day with albert and his friends till night struc... More

The voice in his head
monkey man
lemme kis him
fred figglehorn
The ability to laugh
Night 1
The nightmare
still night
is it day yet?
His final words and comfort
not again...
albert wait up!
The nightmare that became reality
oh no.
(18) The past
jared or Harold ?(19)
the end?(20)


220 3 2

    ***jandels pov***( image on top is how grian looks but his wings are more tiny)



    Grian had tiny very tiny wing buds that started to grow. No one knew why but they did. Grian set his tranquilizer gun down and ran at me. Then he smacked me. "YOU DUMMY I THOUGHT YOU KNEW BETTER THEN TO CURL UP AND ACCEPT FATE!"

     I rubbed my cheek,"what do you mean?"

          Grian had a frustrated look on his face ,"That cowboy was gonna hurt you! Just like what happend to clay!!!"

      I noticed a hint of sadness in his voice. I seen mike behind him peering at the bodys behind me. "Were they gonna hurt you jandel?"

         "No! Albert wouldnt hurt me!"
  I titled my head. He wouldnt would he? Grian sighed,"You dont know that!!"
            "Grian im fine! OKAY!" I higher my voice which i never did. I looked at the both of them then turned toward my  friends. I hope you guys are okay...   The lights flickerd on. I turned back and saw grian using his admin. I didnt want to see them anymore. I kneeled down and touched alberts pulse. Hes okay

    I check on everyone else's still paying no attention to the two who were watching me care for my friends. I sighed. I know he was scared for me but im not weak. "I can take care of myself!" I growled.

         Neither Grian or mike spoke. I took the tranquil shots off of albert. Then kaden then laugh. Please dont remember what happend . I turned back to grian

               "Leave now!"

       "I mean it! You caused enough trouble here."

Grian reached out towards me then took his hand back. He gave me mean stare. "Your not the jandel i used to know." He grabbed mike and dragged him behind as he walk to the secret wall. Grians wing buds flapped a bit in anger and a feather came off. The feather was a perfect mixture of red,yellow and blue. I picked up the feather and sighed. Your not the jandel i used to know!

     "And your not the grian i used to know."

    I sat down by a box and leaned my back agaisnt it. I pretened to sleep...

    ***alberts pov***

  Ughhh....my head

  I pushed myself up and sat on my legs.  Kaden?....laugh?
      "Hey guys wake up!"

  None of them woke up besides jandel. He rubbed his eyes and slowly looked at me. His eyes lazily blinked at me then he frantically looked around.
             "Are you okay?"

   "Im fine." I replied and stood up. Jandel stood up aswell and went to wake up laugh and kaden. What happend? All i remember is laugh fall then kaden then me....but who were those 2 behind jandel?

                       "Hey jandel?

"Yes albert?" His eyes glowed in the night

"Who were those people behind you?"

          Jandel seemed to have froze. He stopped moving.  "What do you mean?" He turned toward me confusion clouding his eyes but something else shoned in his eyes to but what?
          "There was 2 people behind you"

   "There was not?"

        Jandel was hiding something

"What are you hiding? Are there more people here?"

"Albert i assure you there was no one"


    We stared at eachother for a bit untill kaden woke up. "Arg my head!" He fixed his outfit then shook Laughabilty awake,"Wake up loser!"
      Laugh woke up looking lost and confused.

      "Wha-? Hey im not a loser!"


  The whole gang stood up and talked about where to go. "So what we passed out?" I said.


   Laughabilty said,"It was a good nap tho!"

  Kaden smacked the back of laughs head,"Well whatever happend its in the past we need to look for the others before its to late!"

    I nodded and so did jandel. What unsettled me was... Where did the feather come from?

   In jandels pocket was a 3 colored feather. Did he have that before? Jandel looked at me then smiled. I smiled back then turned towards kaden,"Should we go now?"

    "Yep! Lets get moving!"

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