When we first met - MerDer In...

By dr_shep111

25.7K 599 155

MerDer in college! This is a story about MerDer in College. The story is about the struggles and life in col... More



1.2K 25 4
By dr_shep111

"What have you done?!" Addison exclaims as soon as she sees me stumbling inside. I plop on my bed and toss my crutches aside. I lay back and take a deep sigh. I turn my head and see Addison is still staring at me. 

"I fell off a chair and broke my ankle." I sigh. 

"God, Mer...That's so stupid!" She laughs out loud. I laugh with her, thinking about how stupid this actually was. 

"Did everything work out with the books and our schedule?" I ask. I place my elbows on the bed so I can hold myself up. 

"Yes everything went perfect" Addison smirks. 

"Why are you smirking like that? What aren't you telling me Addie..." I raise my eyebrows. I know by best friend very well and I know exactly when she's holding something back form me. 

"Nothing!" She says all too quickly. I raise my eyebrows once again looking at her. "Alright, alright" She caves. "I met a guy. He asked me out tonight." 

"Addison!" I laugh. "How can you have already betrayed our pact?"

"What pact?" She asks confused.

"The one about not letting boys distract us from college..." I laugh.

"Oh...Ah well" She shrugs her shoulders and smiles. I roll my eyes and gently place my foot on the bed.

We spent the rest of the evening talking, watching movies and eating pizza. At nine Addison leaves the room to meet the mystery guy at the bar. I continue watching movies and eventually fall asleep. 


I wake up around 9am. I look around and Addison is nowhere to be seen. Her bed is perfectly made and in the exact position as it was last night. I look confused and sit up in bed. I swing my legs over the edge but when my foot hits the edge I remember yesterday's events. I groan and slide out of bed, resting on the healthy foot. I hop towards the closet and change into something comfortable. Its ugly and not sexy at all but it's comfortable. I am about to get back in bed when I hear a knock on the door. I hop towards it and open it. 

I am prepared to see Addison in the opening but I am met with someone completely different. A pair of blue eyes are staring down at me. "Hi" He says.

"Derek, hi" I step aside so he can come in. "What are you doing here?" 

"I had to get out of there. Mark, my roommate brought some random girl home last night and I had to get out. I left when they got home because I definitely did not want to be around for that. I wen back inside when the coast was clear but now they're waking up again..." He laughs nervously. "Anyway I thought I would come and check up on you. I brought breakfast!" He smiles. 

"Oh thank god, I'm starving!" I gesture to my office chair and he takes place. He takes a sandwich out and hands it to me. Then a realization hits me. "You didn't happen to get a look at the girl did you?"

"Yeah, I guess I did. Why?"

"Well my roommate didn't come home tonight. She was out for drinks with some guy she met yesterday. What did the girl look like?" 

"I don't exactly know. It was pretty dark yesterday but she has red hair." 

"Are you sure?" I ask, giggling.

"Yes, definitely red hair." He nods his head. 

"God Addie! She's got to be kidding me." I laugh.

"It's your roommate isn't it...?" He laughs. 

"Yep" I laugh and we laugh at the stupidity of our friends. 


"Thank you for breakfast" I smiles as Derek leaves my dorm again. Soon after he closes the door, it opens again and Addison enters. 

"Good morning" I say with a mischievous grin on my face. 

"Good morning" She says shyly. Her cheeks turning red. 

"So... how was your night? and morning?" I smirk. 

"It was... good" 

"Tell me more! Spill it" I giggle. 

"Alright fine. His name is Mark. We met up at the bar on campus last night and we hit it off right away. He took me back to his dorm and we... you know..." 

"Had sex"

"Yes...I had sex with the random guy I met yesterday. You happy now?" She laughs nervously. 

"Why would I be happy. Are you happy is the better question."

"I guess... I mean he was good. Very, very good... so yes I am happy I guess."

"So are you going to see him again?"

"No... I don't know. Who knows? I will probably run into him now and then. Turns out he lives right across the hall from us." 

"You wouldn't say" I grin. 

"What's that?" 

"No, nothing." I smile.

We laugh a little longer and continue decorating our dorm room. With everything that happened yesterday we didn't get to finish it. I mostly direct Addisons and she actually places and hangs our stuff. We manage to make a cozy, welcoming room out of the kill dorm room. 


"Are you ready to go?" I ask Addison. Today is our first day of college. We have a slow day, only two 2 classes. It's too bad Addie and I only have one of the two classes together but it's a good opportunity to meet new people. 

"Yes, all ready. Let's go. We don't want to be late" Addison opens the front door and as soon as we step out we are met with two taller, muscular guys also coming out of their dorm. 

"Good morning" One of the guys smirks. 

"Good morning" Addison's cheeks turn beet red. 

The two take off together, giggling and stealing glimpses from each other, leaving me and Derek alone. 

"Hi" He breathes and smiles widely. He looks bright and shiny, too bright and shiny for this early hour. We take off behind Addison and Mark. 

"Hi" I mumble. 

"Something wrong?" He asks while looking at me. 

"No everything is fine. Just not a morning person" I manage to put a small smile on my face. 

"Good to know" Derek chuckles. "So are you ready for your first day in college?" 

"I am. I am very excited and I really can't wait to start." 

"Good. I loved last year. It will be hard but you really should try to have fun too." 

"I will. I'll keep it in mind, thank you." I smile one last time before we separate ways, off towards our respective classrooms. 


The first class was easy, English. Addison and I payed little attention but we made notes and already made part of the homework in class. Now I'm on my way to my second class. I walk inside the big lecture hall where my Biology teacher is already waiting for everybody to walk in. I look up to the dozens of chairs deciding where to sit when my eye falls on a pair of blue eyes and dark curls. 

I furrow my brow and walk up to him. "What are you doing here?" I ask confused. His head shoots up and he looks at me. 

"I failed Biology last year so I have to take it again. What are you doing here?" He asks while he takes his bag and jacket off the chair next to him, making room for me to sit. 

I take place next to him and take my books out. "I follow this class. I'm in pre-med."

"No way! I'm in pre-med too." 

"Guess we'll be seeing more of each other then" I chuckle. He smiles and the teacher announces the start of the class. I make sure I pay good attention even tho the handsome guy next to me makes that really hard. I make notes and before I know it the lecture is over and I am done for the day. 

"Are you done for the day?" I ask as we both pack our bag. 

"Yes this was my last class."

"Mine too. Do you have...plans?" I ask hesitantly.

"No I don't but maybe we can hang out together? We can grab a drink or-"

"Yes, sure" I cut him off. 

"Alright, great. I know a good place just down the street from the campus" 

"But Derek..." I look down at my broken foot. "I barely managed to get to my classes today. How am I going to walk all the way there?" 

"O god I totally forgot" He laughs. "We can just go to the coffee corner on campus and bring it back to one of our drom if you want. We can safe the other place for another time." 

"Sounds like a plan" I smile and we slowly walk to the coffee corner on campus. We order and I am about to pay when Derek thrusts some money into the cashiers hand. I try to refuse, he doesn't have to pay for my coffee, but he just shrugs his shoulders and takes the coffee before heading out the door again. 

We get back to our dorms and stand in the hallway, indecisive about where to go. "Do you want to come into my room?" I ask and he nods. I open the door but as soon as I fling the door open I close it again. Derek gives me a puzzled look and I cringe. 

"Mark and Addison are...in there" I giggle. 

Derek chuckles and shakes his head. "Are you coming into my dorm then?" He asks. I nod and he opens the door for us. We walk in and I take a seat on his desk chair. He takes a seat on Mark's and we sit in a comfortable silence, sipping from our coffee. 

After a little while I am kind of uncomfortable. My foot begins to hurt because I haven't elevated it enough today. Derek sees the painful expression on my face. 

"What's wrong?" He asks concerned. 

"Nothing I just- My foot hurts. I haven't elevated it enough." 

"Can I help you? Do you need anything? Painkillers?"

"No thank you. I'll be okey." 

"No you're not. Here, I have an idea" He smiles and lifts my injured foot up. He places it on his own leg and keeps it elevated. "How does this feel?" 

"Better, thank you" I smile. 

We talk some more about our lives. I tell him about my hobbies and my best friends and he tells me the same about him. Before we know it its 7pm and time for dinner. 

"Do you want some dinner? I don't think Addison and Mark will be done any time soon." Derek chuckles. 

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I ask him.

"I was thinking about ordering Chinese, if you're okey with that." 

"I love Chinese!" I exclaim. He chuckles at my excitement and orders food for the both of us. The foor quickly arrives and we enjoy the containers filled with Chinese goods. 

In the middle of dinner Derek looks up at me and smiles. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Party? I don't know anything about a party..." I say confused. 

"Oh it's just a party to celebrate the first day of the year. Everybody is invited so if you want to come..." 

"Sounds fun" I smile at him and he flashes me a very, very sexy grin. 

"Good. I'll pick you up around 9pm." He states.

I look up at him and grin. "And what makes you think I'm going to go with you?" 

"Oh...I-I just..." He stammers and I laugh grin widely. He looks so cute when he stammers like that.

Cute? He looks cute, really Meredith? 

"I'm just kidding" I chuckle. "I'll be ready at 9."

"Good, that's good" He says, still a little nervous. I just smile at him and take my foot off of his leg. 

That's when Mark finally returns to the dorm. Derek grins widely at him and Mark just shakes his head and smiles. "Look who finally decided to show up!" Derek exclaims. 

"You're one to talk. Who do we have here?" He smirks. 

"This is Meredith, Addisons roommate..." 

"Oh right! Nice to meet you" He smiles and extends his hand towards me. 

I take it and shake it. "Nice to finally heet you too. I've heard so much about you" I smirk. 

Marks eyes go wide and I chuckle. 

"Anyway. I think I'm going to go back, get ready for tonight. Thank yo for the food. And the company" I smile and hug him. 

"No problem, I like your company." He says while hugging. He presses a very light kiss to my cheek before pulling away and leading me to the door. Shivers run up my spine as his lips come in contact with my cheek and a light blush appears on my face. 

"See you tonight, Derek" I smile before walking inside my own dorm. 

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