Red eyes

By ReadingIzAwezome

3.3K 78 0

Ally 18 and just begin to live her.....Werewolf life. Stories of ancient red eyed werewolves she was taught t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter twenty-three
Twenty- four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Seven

142 3 0
By ReadingIzAwezome

Ally's brain was foggy with sleep she kept dancing on the edge in a limbo-type way. Finally, after a while of this tango, the awake side won. She sighed not entirely thrilled that she'd be sleep-deprived for the rest of the day. "Morgan?" she checked. She faintly heard a groan. "What?" Morgan answered barely lucid and unhappy to be woken up. There was a part of Ally that felt bad for dragging her friend onto the no sleep train with her, but something started nagging at her she didn't know why she hadn't asked this before of Morgan. "You spend every first night in my room but I get a feeling it's not because you miss me why?" Ally asked. " Maybe I don't miss you because you wake me in the middle of the night to ask questions." they sleepily deadpan. Ally narrowed her eyes even though she knew they wouldn't be able to see it in the dark. "You know that's not what I meant." She responded." Morgan huffed turning over on their sleeping bag to face Ally's bed. "You know my great aunt Brenda?" they asked. " Yes, the one who died when you were seven right?" She asked. "Yes, that one, she could also see into the future though she choose an awful time to be vague," Morgan said with irritation in their voice as if just remembering the event caused their eyes to roll to the back of their head. "What do you mean?"
"Aunt Brenda was literally on her death bed when she decided to tell me that something important would happen on the first night of a visit to your fancy mansion." They explained. "That's all she said?" Ally asked. " Didn't I just say that aunt Brenda was vague ?" Morgan snapped. Ally wasn't fazed by the tone of voice though she knew it was mostly her fault she knew how Morgan was in the morning it's even worse since it's not even that and she decided to get them up in the middle of the night to answer her questions. Before she knew it Morgan turned over and was soon back to sleep. Ally contemplated just getting up now but decided to try to sleep would be the best. Soon her breathing had evened and the warmth of her blankets relaxed her making her feel like she was floating on a warm cloud drifting.

Knock! Knock! Knock!
Noise stirred Ally out of her dreams. She let out a groan looking over to the floor hoping maybe Morgan was up and would be willing to get the door, but no dice. She mournfully got out of her cozy bed her bare feet touching the cold hard floor that sent a jolt of awareness through her. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be getting any restful sleep tonight. She padded her way to the door cursing whoever was on the other side. Her hands reached for the cold brass door Knob turning it to open. The door creaked when she pulled it open wider to see the person who intruded on her sleep. The person in her doorway was wearing a white plain shirt and black sleep shorts that cut off at a little below the knee. Their hair was rumpled as if they had just rolled out of bed. Their hands were wringing their wrists while they antsy moved from foot to foot. "Dorian?" She asked her anger mostly replaced with confusion. "What are you doing here?" she pressed on. "Um, that's a good question," he said sounding his voice sounding hoarse with sleep but you could hear the hint of bewilderment. "Of course, it's a good question, now do think you could answer it?" she asked. He looked around as if in search of his answer. "The thing is I would love to tell you why I am here but I don't know," he responded. Her forehead wrinkled in confusion. "What do you mean you can't answer it?" she asks. " I don't know why I'm here I just felt like I had to be, like something in me was telling me something was here waiting for me." He said his voice suddenly taking an impassioned quality she had never heard from him. She racked her brain trying to understand what he was saying, but she could come up with no answer as to what he could be looking for and as to why he felt he needed to be here. He took a deep breath and a step away from the door and her. "I'm sorry to wake you." He said. " Good night, I should be on my way to bed." She was about to object and tell him he could stay and talk through what was going through his head when he practically bolted out of the hallway as if he were racing an invisible enemy and wanted to be first. She walked back to her bed hearing Morgan's soft sleeping breathing. She pulled her comforter out of her way climbing back into bed all the while her brain was still computing what had just transpired. She rolls over on her side forcing her eyelids shut but could not force her mind to shut off. And it wasn't just about Dorian and his strange visit, it was the red-eyed wolf, it was Vanessa and her utterly kissable lips, her soft skin her seductive voice. It was her grandmother and her haunting the confessions she told her. How her grandmother told her to have an open mind but never what about. How she had revealed she'd been murdered. It was Morgan and their aunt Brenda's deathbed gossip. It was everything she hadn't allowed her brain to fully process.

By five am her brain stopped processing and allowed her to sleep. Though she only got three hours since Morgan had woken her up at eight in the morning. " Come on sleepyhead," they said in a patronizing way while nudging her side. Ally groaned not wanting to start her day. "Come on Ally! It's time for a makeover!" They said cheerily.

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