Headlines(Jerome Valeska)

By noxhance

43.9K 1.2K 104

After years of abuse Sage Stoke finally manages to take vengeance on her father by burning her childhood home... More

Grand finale
For Jerome
Election day
More bad news
New friends
Failure is not an option
*twenty eight*

*twenty seven*

452 20 2
By noxhance

(A/N: so after like 10 years I've decided I'm going to finish this story as I've a lot more free time now, most my readers are probably long gone but if not welcome back!! Anyway enjoy!)

   We march forward, anticipation running through my veins as i stand side by side with Jim Gordon. Cat instructs us to stand by a shutter before disappearing underground and moments later reappearing as the shutter rises. We exchange a grin and the group continues forward towards a spiral staircase.

    I drop to a halt, glancing up at the rows upon rows of stairs with a huff "you've got to be kidding me!" I exclaim as the group charge on around me, I huff before beginning my decent up the stairs for Jerome I tell myself. As we near the top our paces slow to a walk, an eerie chanting becomes audible above us "what in the hells that?" Bullock pants

"Nothing good" Jim simply responds before continuing upstairs

"I'll be right there" Harvey adds, refusing to move another step. A part of me wants to wait with him and give my burning lungs and thighs a break, but I was not letting anyone else get Galavan before me.

   The chanting falls silent as we reach the top, Jim leading the pack while I stick with Penguin and Selina. I grip my gun tightly and brace myself for what is about to happen. Jim boots the door through and we rush in forming a line, the room is full of men in strange black coats who form a similar line to guard something "what the hell?" I question under my breath, a hooded man, possibly the leader of the group roars out something in a strange language and the group immediately open fire with guns they pulled out of nowhere.

     I try not to think as I open fire into the crowd, not aiming at anyone or anything in particular. Oswald and I take off after Galavan who had disappeared as soon as we entered the room, dodging the hoods as we go. Once we're properly into the apartment a strange feeling washes over me, memories of Jerome and the others and I flash in my mind and I freeze momentarily. But it's not the same as it was, it's darker, colder. Oswald begins to flip tables and kick cupboards, probably more to be destructive than to be practical, I pull myself together and do the same, allowing all my anger to pour out. This is it I tell myself Jerome would be so proud.

   After a while we make our way towards the final room, where I first met Theo galavan and where I plan to leave him for dead. As we near the sound of angry voices fill the air, I take a deep breath and with a nod of encouragement from Penguin we race forward, to my surprise we run in to see Jim and some bald man hold eachother at gun point. Before I can even think Oswald rushes forward and launches a vase at the bald mans head, he drops to the ground and suddenly the guns are pointed at us.

   We immediately throw our hands up "wow! Wow! Wow! Nobody shoot! We are all friends here" Oswald yells, Jim shoots him a look

"Like hell we are" he growls 

"I apologise for that" Oswald continues pointing down at the unconscious man, he begins to ramble on as my eyes fall on Galavan, a look of half disgust half shock plastered across his face as he stares back at me. I can practically feel my blood boil, feel the heat of the glare I give him. I'm so angry I momentarily zone out of the conversation, only tuning back in as Oswald yells "I will kill you to get to him!" Absent-mindedly  I raise my pistol slowly at Jim, the shocked and almost hurt look on his face bringing me back to my senses I drop it to my side.

"Forget that this man sicced Barbara kean on you" Oswald begins, Jim drops his gun slightly as his tough facade faulters "forget he almost killed the mother of your child... forget revenge. Think of the greater good. Think of Gotham" he continues I decide to butt in

"He has the courts in his pocket and billions of dollars in his command. Your 100% sure he won't beat this and walk away free again?" Although I'm speaking to Jim I can't take my eyes off Galavan, I feel as though I'm dreaming, like he's not really here. This was the man who took Jerome away from me, right in front of me.I swallow the lump building in my throat and force myself to lock my eyes on Jim.

"Are ya sure Jim? Think of Gotham!" Oswald adds, static on the unconscious bald mans radio cuts us off alerting us that a team of police were entering the penthouse, "but think fast!" Oswald adds frantically.

Before I know it we are dragging Galavan into the trunk of Jim's car and driving out to the pier. I hop out as soon as we arrive as we all head towards the trunk. Jim and Oswald pull him out "your a man of conscience Jim, you'll regret this" Galavan says in a last attempt for his life. The harsh wind whips my hair around my face as my eyes become fixed across the water on the lights of the city, the grey clouds above it and the smoke which connects them. In a way it was a comforting sight, maybe even a beautiful one. Every so often a crack of lightening would light up the sky, or a flash of coloured light would appear from an unknown source deep within the city. I smiled a little, which was weird giving the circumstances but for the first time in a while I felt glad to be alive, I thought of how Jerome and I sat in my room and looked over the city those nights, a sick mixture of nostalgia, sadness and happiness making it hard to breathe.

I'm interrupted by a tap on the back and Oswald throws me a baseball bat, we begin forward towards galavan "oh well, here we are" Galavan says glancing between us "shame... it's going to a beautiful morning. Goodbye Jim Gordon" he says with almost respect, he glanced at Oswald and I, disgust prevalent in his eyes

"This is for my mother" Oswald growls

"This is for Jerome" I yell, cringing when my voice cracks

We immediately begin swinging at him and I realise as I hear his grunts and cries that I feel no mercy at all, I feel good even. I begin to swing harder red clouding my vision, my knuckles turning white at how hard I'm gripping my bat and tears begin to fall from my eyes.My teeth grind in my mouth as we beat him to a bloody pulp whilst he begs for his life. Suddenly Jim pulls me back and grips Oswald, I shake my head hoping he isn't about to do what I think he is. I place my hand on the pistol I had picked up earlier before our little mission, Jim was not going to take my moment away.

As soon as I see Jim pull out his gun I whip out my pistol "for jerome" I growl lowly but loud enough for him to hear, and put a bullet between his eyes. The gunshot rings in my ears and echos across the water. I gasp slightly, reeling backwards, but I don't feel guilt, I don't feel anything.

(A/N: hope this is ok!! Probs not the best but I'm trying to update and rewrite the story and I feel like I've forgotten so many ideas and concepts I had whilst writing this, also how beautiful did the city look in this scene, something about it makes me want to live in Gotham)

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