Not Guilty // William Afton

By opithoe

86.5K 2.4K 5.4K

Willow Lister, age 26. In desperate need for a job, she tries out Freddy Fazbears. There she finds out, that... More

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forty four

1K 38 66
By opithoe

i was laughing manically when writing the last chapter

tw: mention of death, homophobia

Man 1's POV

Dylan slammed the photos of William's fathers dismembered body on my desk. "I actually cannot believe you made me go back and take photo's of it ESPECIALLY when it's decomposing."

I pulled the photos closer to me with my finger. "William surely was.." I picked up the photo of the dismembered head. "Angry."

"I think Willow's part in this was more disgusting than William." Dylan faced the other way. He couldn't look at the photos anymore.

I put the photo down and furrowed my eyebrows. "Willow had a part in this?"

Dylan nodded. "William killed him but.. she did all that."

I looked down at the photos in front of me. "Fascinating."

"Fascinating? She's like, such a cool person until she does.. that!" Dylan pointed at the head.

Dylan sat down on the small couch in the corner and ran his hands on his face, folding them in front of him. "You got the pictures. You got what you wanted. My job here better be done."

I stood up slowly and chuckled. "Done? You.. You think your job is done? Did I not discuss with you that nothing is 'done' until he's dead?"

"I don't wanna see any more people die. I don't wanna deal with that anymore. Plus, I mean, besides what William used to do, he's actually not that bad of a guy. I know you have some history with him or whatever, but you can't still be stuck on that. If you're gonna hate him, hate him for what he did to Woman 1. Don't hate him because of something that happened way too long ago." Dylan looked at me.

"That's exactly why I hate him, Cook. Not because of something dumb that happened years ago. Don't you have a shift to prepare for? Get the hell out." I pointed at the door.

Dylan scoffed. "Whatever man."

Willow's POV

"She's dead." John stood in front of my desk.

"W-What?" I looked at him.

"I thought it was one of those times were she would just get sick and recover, but it wasn't. I think her body had enough." John tried his very hardest not to cry in front of me.

That's right. A few months ago, John told me how he would be leaving for a while to take care of his mother that got sick. He said it's a thing that goes away for a while then comes back, but I guess this time it just never went away.

I stood from my seat and began walking around the desk. "John, I am so, so sorry. Like really."

He shook his head and swallowed his tears back down. "It's fine. Listen, I just need a job so I can raise money for her funeral. I was just hoping you'd-"

"Don't even worry about it. I got you, you'll start tomorrow." I interrupted him.

"Thank you so much Willow, truly. You're the kindest." John nodded his head.

"It's the least I can do." I grabbed a pen and post-it. "What's your shirt size? For the uniform, of course."

"Small or medium is fine." He looked down.

"Right, well, thank you John. And once again, I'm really sorry. Does Henry or William know yet?" I put the post it down.

"I'm gonna go tell Henry now, and I guess I'll tell William tomorrow since he's not here." John pointed with his thumb at the door.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." I walked back to my seat.

He nodded and quietly walked out.

William isn't here today because he had to stay at Freddy's for another day, but he'll be back tomorrow. Later I will check on him, bring him food, hang out for a little and go home. I'll tell him about the situation with John too.

Though William and John weren't close, John was one of his highly respected employees.


It's been a long day. I locked up Circus Baby's then went to bring William his food. He told me he'd be staying at Freddy's for about an hour more or two since he has more work, and I would have stayed with him but I'm incredibly worn out.

I slipped my key into the keyhole and entered my apartment.

"Maggie! I got that pasta you wanted!" I shut the door behind me.

I placed the grocery and food bag on the kitchen island, along with my keys.

I was going to head to my room and change, where I figured Maggie would be, but I could only notice that there was shouting in my room. It was between Maggie, and someone else.

I heavily pushed my door open. I was tired and I wanted to go to bed, but I had to deal with whatever this was.

Honestly, I would have thought Maggie had a friend over, or Jazmin, and they were arguing. But it wasn't that. It wasn't that at all. It was her.

"How the fuck did you get in?" I angrily said.

"I opened the door to see who it was, and she pushed herself inside! She won't fucking leave!" Maggie shouted.

"Listen. I came back to see if Maggie, you know. Fixed herself. I was here to take her back. But I only come back to see her and that, stupid Jazmin girl on the couch! Have you seriously not taught her anything? Did you not say anything to her? How can you accept this in your own home!" My mother yelled at me.

"I can accept this in my own home because it's MY home! Who even are you to drop her off in my house, and get mad when I take care of her MY way in MY home?" I yelled back.

"How can you be so okay with this? Are you gay too? Jesus christ, they're all going to hell! All of them! All of my children!" Mom day on my bed stressfully.

"Why are you so fucking quick to assume! Nobody's going to hell, especially Maggie. You're so fucking caught up in your delusions that you yourself don't even stop to think, 'Well maybe if I keep acting this way, I might end up in hell too.'" I pointed at my door. "Get the fuck out."

My mother stood and grabbed Maggie by the arm harshly. "If YOU won't fix her, then I will!"

"No! Stop let me go!" Maggie tried to pry my mothers hand away from her strong grip.

I grabbed Maggie's arm and ripped it away from my mothers tight hold with all my strength. She stepped behind me.

"Wheres Jazmin?" I whispered.

"She left when mom started yelling." she whispered back, on the verge of tears.

I sighed. "I'm gonna say this to you once and once only." I spoke calmly, reaching into my back pocket. "Get out, before you'll get to see which afterlife you end up in."

My mother chuckled. "Oh do you really think I'm supposed to feel threatened by my own daughter?" She began stepping closer.

I flicked the pocket knife behind me. Maggie lightly gasped.

I wasn't going to kill my mother, especially in front of Maggie. That would be obviously stupid. But I would get him to do it for me if she didn't leave.

I was going to pull the knife out in front of her when Maggie yelled.

"Just get out already! What is so hard for you to understand! You literally make me live somewhere else because of something that's not even big of a deal and then you want me back? I don't want to go back! I don't want to go back, what don't you understand!"

My mother scoffed and began backing away. I slowly returned the knife to my pocket.

"You're all monsters. I gave birth to demons, sinners! You probably wouldn't even care if I died, little psychopaths. I'm done with you two. Don't ever speak to me, or come to me, for anything again. You'll wish you didn't say these things to me one day." My mother slammed the bedroom door.

I sat down on the bed with Maggie and hugged her as she cried. We listened to my mother trashing the kitchen and living room in anger. We wouldn't leave the bedroom until she left the house. All she wants is for us to come out and give her attention. We've learned to not give it to her.

Why is it me that has to take care of others? When can I be taken care of? I don't mind taking care of Maggie, and William, but I would like to cry in someone's chest sometime too.

"This is the fucking—" we heard something shatter in the kitchen. "—thanks I get?"

Maggie shook my arm. "C-Can you call William?"

I looked at her weirdly. "You.. You want William to come?"

She nodded and buried her face in my chest once again.

I think it's safe for me to say that the more William comes over, the more safer she feels around him. I think she might see him as a father figure, since recently I've seen they've taken a liking to each other. Not that kind of liking, of course. But maybe father and daughter. I'd say this is a good thing for William, since he did want a family of his own. Here's his practice, I guess.

I sighed. "Alright."

I pulled away from Maggie and picked up the telephone from my nightstand, and dialed his phone number. I already have it memorized.

In the background, there was nothing else you could hear except angry yells from a 40 year old mother, trashing her daughters home for something that she did to herself. She's not exactly going to heaven herself.

It rang, and rang, and rang, until the line went silent and the soothing voice of the British man spoke on the line.

"William Afton." he spoke.

"William?" I looked at Maggie, who was flinching at the background noises.

"Willow? Are you alright?" William asked confused, most likely hearing everything.

"When you finish up could you come here for a while? Please?" I asked.

"I was just about to finish up actually, what's going on?" William's keys were heard on the other line.

"Just- The sooner you get here the better." I ended the call and placed the telephone back on the nightstand, sitting back on the bed with Maggie.

"Is he coming?" she sniffled.


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