BNHA x reader - Eye seeing at...

By VirluKeirrr

70.5K 1.8K 1K


Ch1. Sursprise milk attack
Ch2. Mochi
Ch3. Succes
Ch4. Ramen Noodle attack
Ch5. Stabbed in the heart
Ch6. U.A.
Ch7. Are you mocking me?
Ch8. Hero basic training
Ch.9 Villainous Y/N
Ch11. Villains!
Ch12. Fulfill your desire
Ch13. No1 daughter
Ch14. Fashion show-off!
Ch15. Beat em' up Y/N!
Ch16. You're an interesting person.
Ch17. A spinning Y/N
Ch18. Kea
A/N plz read 🙏
Ch19. Intimidation
Ch20. Shut up, dAD
Ch21. Heart stirred up
Ch22. Fight!
Ch24. Medic!
Ch25. A sweet smile
Ch26. Todoroki VS Yagi
Important A/N
Ch27. Man, what the hell?
Ch28. Bomb ass bitch
Ch29. Unstoppable
Ch30. A new era
Ch31. Breakfast at the Todoroki's?
Ch32. A hero name?

Ch.10 Tension

2.1K 74 52
By VirluKeirrr

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Chapter 10, Tension ・゚: *・゚:*

You were walking peacefully towards U.A, with a yogurt suck pack thingy in hand.
As you came closer to the school, you noticed a bunch of people standing near the entrance of U.A. More specifically, reporters.

With news airing that All Might has joined UA's faculty, the press interviews various students looking for a scoop. As you approached closer and closer, a lot more reporters came rushing your way asking you a bunch of questions.
You visibly panicked until you felt a hand grab your arm roughly, and pull you backward.
Turning around you see it was your uncle.

Aizawa tried to send the reporters away, but they try to follow him inside, activating the U.A. defensive barrier.
'Jeez, can't these people know boundaries?' i muttered to myself.

You and your uncle Aizawa arrive at the class, followed by him saying for everyone to take their seats.
'Alright everyone, we have a special something to do today.' He started off

'Another hero-related thing?' People questioned.

'You all are going to pick the class representative.' He finished, making the class shout in joy.
'A totally normal school thing! Awesome!'
Aizawa activated his quirk, making his hair float and the class go quiet. 'Hurry up, we don't have all day.'

The representative title is a chance for students to gain extra recognition, so nearly every student tries to elect themselves. Tenya speaks out and says that the class should put it to a vote.
'Won't people just vote for themselves?' Kirishima states.

Short amount of time later, the results were set on board.
Izuku - 3
Momo - 2
Y/N - 2
Tenya - 1

'Huh? who even voted for me? Must have mud in their brains.' i mentally asked myself.

'Alright, class rep is Midoriya. Yaorozu and Y/N, you two are in a tie. We'll let the class pick on who'll be class deputy.' Aizawa slowly said, getting out of his yellow cocoon.

'Stand up if you wish for Yaorozu to me deputy, or stay put on your seat if you'd like for Y/N to be deputy!' Tenya suddenly said out of nowhere.

'Why didn't he become class rep? He pretty much seems fit for the job..' i asked myself.

A few more students were standing up than sitting down, leading to Yaorozu becoming deputy. Thank god it wasn't me, i can't even speak properly to some people.

'Why did people even vote for me...' I mumbled to myself, catching the attention of the boy next to me.
'I guess it's because you seem like a pretty serious person and whose responsible.' The boy next to me states. I turn my head and glared at the boy for a bit.
'Thank... you...?' I say slowly.
'Shoto Todoroki.' He said in a monotone voice. I nodded in return and glanced back at the board.

The bell rang a few moments later, making the class quickly scatter around and run towards the cafeteria. As i was about to walk out as well, i heard a high-pitched voice behind me yell my name.
'Heeey! Y/N! Wanna come sit with us?' The brunette known as Ochaco, asked me swinging her arms around like a maniac. I simply nodded in return, trying to give a small smile.

You, Ururaka, Tenya, and Izuku were now sitting together in the cafeteria eating the best dish made by Lunch Rush.
Izuku is apprehensive about his ability to lead the class, but Tenya reassures him. Tenya even admits that he himself voted for Izuku because of his intuition during the entrance exam.

'I voted for you as well Midoriya!' Exclaims Ururaka giving two thumbs-ups.
'Who'd you vote for Y/N?' Tenya asks.

'You.' I say, not looking at the people around me. Me being too focused on the godly food in front of me.

'H-huh? You voted for me? Why is that?' The boy asks, getting a slight red tint on his cheeks.

'I saw potential in you, you got the class quiet today, had a pretty good plan on how to vote through a tie, and overall you're pretty responsible. The title pretty much fits you. You're a natural-born leader.' You rambled on, giving out unconsciously a lot of compliments.

This was the first time you spoke for a very long time with someone else besides Midoriya in the class. Improvement~!

The blue-nette blushed in return. 'Thank you Y/N, that means a lot.'

'Say Iida, you're pretty formal, aren't you? Are you some kind of rich boy?' Ururaka asks the boy in front of her, making you choke on your food.

'Well... I don't really talk about it a lot since i think others will view me differently because of that, but i proudly admit that i am from the Ida hero family, and my brother is the one and only Ingenium!' He states, now confidently standing up.

'Whoah! so cool!' Both Midoriya and Ururaka were interrupted by a sudden alarm going off.
A third-year student points out that this means someone has infiltrated U.A. by bypassing the defensive barrier.

All students try to evacuate the mess hall at once, creating a major traffic jam in the outside hallway.
'Y-Y/N where are you!' You could hear Izuku scream for your name, trying to make sure you're not getting stuck anywhere.

Before you could answer, someone pushed you against a wall, squishing the both of you onto each other. You tried looking up for the person that's now uncomfortably on you.
It was the aggressive blonde boy? I forgot what his name was...

'What are you looking at blindfold!?' He screams at you, making you hiss in pain by the loud noise in your ear. 'Could you not scream so loudly in my ear... It hurts.' You replied, now even more visibly uncomfortable by the closeness.

What happened next was pretty much shocking, the boy put two arms to the side of your head, towering over you. You looked up at him seeing that he hasn't noticed the position you two were in. Even if he didn't notice, it helped you and possibly him as well to breathe better in the crowded space.

You kept you gaze on to him, until you suddenly see a floating Iida? What in gods name is he doing floating around like that?

Scooting a bit to the left to see what was happening, you touched the arm of the boy in front of you with your head making him look back at you. He now noticed the position you two were in, making him blush slightly, then removing his arms quickly.


'Everybody! Calm down! It was just the press!' Iida now yelled, posing as a traffic light person on the wall.

'woo go traffic man!' You cheered.the students who were panicking, are now calm.

The blonde boy turned around to face you again. 'Don't speak of this to anyone? Got it blindfold?' He states, looking down at you with furrowed brows. You just shrugged him off and began walking back to class.

The students return to class after lunch and Izuku decides to announce his resignation as class president. Moved by Tenya's heroics, Izuku nominates him as the replacement.
'L-look, i-i just think that he'd be better for the job, he's responsible, confident and you all saw what he did there during lunch! S-so... I announce him as the neem class rep!' Izuku finished

The majority of the class agrees, and Tenya becomes the new class representative.
You chuckled at the sight.



Meanwhile, the U.A faculty gathers to discuss that most of the U.A Barrier has been disintegrated, indicating that someone did indeed infiltrate U.A. They wonder if an ordinary reporter could have infiltrated the academy. However, Mr. Principal declines that possibility, saying that an element of evil instigated the infiltration, and wonders if this was intended to be a declaration of war.




Back in Class 1-A, Aizawa announces that the class will participate in a rescue exercise for their Basic Hero Training class.
'Suit up and head outside where the busses are parked, hurry up we don't have all day.' He finished, signaling us to grab our cases with our suits in them.

As we all board the bus, i sit in the back next to Todoroki. He seemed to be taking a nap, so i thought he wouldn't be bothered by me sitting next to him.

'Hey, now that i think about it, Midoriya's quirk somewhat looks like All Might's. Kero' A girl with green hair with frog-like features states, making Midoriya and I tense up.
'No way! All Might doesn't get injured by his quirk!' A boy with red hair replies. This made the both of us lose our tension.

'If you wanna talk about pro quirks, talk about Todoroki's, Bakugou's and Y/N's!' The red head continues.
'That would be true, but Bakugou is just too aggressive. He won't become popular like that. Kero.' The girl replies, making the blonde, known as Bakugou irritated.

'Yeah, you gotta work on your personality dude!' Denki exclaims.
'HOW ABOUT I BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!' Bakugou replies, creating sparks with his hand.

You quietly chuckle at the class, it really is amazing that you're here. Making new friends.
I'm glad that they're not judging me for my quirk, nor my choice of appearance.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly felt a head lay down on your shoulder.
Tensing up a bit, you looked to your side, seeing Todoroki asleep on your shoulder.

You smiled a bit, then slowly sighed before putting your head on his as well.

This of course, did not go unnoticed. None other than Mina Ashido kept taking photos of the two of you, then pointing them out for the rest of the class to see.
What she didn't know was that she was making the rest of the people's hearts ache at the sight.
Was this... Jealousy?




All of you finally arrive at none other than USJ. You tapped Todoroki's shoulder, signaling him that you have arrived. He jolted upwards once he noticed what he was doing.

'Sorry.' He whispered, then stood up immediately avoiding the awkward situation.

You walked inside to be met by the hero 13. She was going on to explain what we were doing, and what kinds of rescue training.
a small speech about how the young students must use their Quirks to save people rather than fight. Thirteen's words are completely deterred when the lights begin to turn off and on again, followed by a purple portal near the fountain in the middle of USJ.

The purple portal eventually lead a bunch of people walk out of. What was happening?
'Is this part of the rescue program?'
'Who are those people'
'What's even happening at this point man?'

'13! Take care of the kids!' You could hear Aizawa shout.

'Those are... Villains.' You said, earning the attention of everyone around you.

'Ahh look at all those children, especially my favorite.'

LoOk At AlL ThoSe ChIckEnS!

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