I Choose You

By queenmal4life

2.8K 43 37

Bloom has finally defeated the Trix, Valtor, and saved the magical universe many times. She has her kingdom... More

A Breakfast Talk
New Maids
Sky On Earth
A Royal Proposal
A Big Announcement
Trouble on Earth
Healing Sky
An Unwanted Decision
Cat Fight
Return to Dyamond
Meeting with Faragonda
The Offer
Refuge on Eraklyon
Announcing the Wedding
Wedding Planning
Witches on Eraklyon
Letter from Icy
The Big Day
The Ceremony
Diaspro's Demise
A Royal Meeting
The Royal Reception
A Happy Ending

Wisdom of the Teachers

126 3 6
By queenmal4life

"Hey Winx," Timmy says as he and the boys come out of the ship.

 The girls run up and meet their guys with hugs and kisses.

"Hey, congratulations Bloom," Brandon says.

"You too Sky," Stella says.

"Thanks," the couple says in sync.

They smile at each other.

"I already have so many ideas for the dresses," Stella says.

They all laugh.

"Before we officially announce to all the other kingdoms I want to tell Faragonda in person. She was a big part of my life before we saved Domino, she was my mentor at Alfea, I don't want her to find out any other way," Bloom tells Sky.

"Well guys, looks like we are going to Alfea," Sky says as they all board the Owl.

"I'm the happiest woman in the Magic Universe," Bloom says putting her head on Sky's shoulder.

"Not as happy as I am," Sky says before kissing her on the head.

"I'm just glad that all we have to focus on is the wedding," Stella says.

"I know what you mean," Brandon agrees.

"We're here," Timmy says landing in the quad.

"Come on, let's go see Faragonda," Bloom says pulling Sky by the hand.

"Slow down Princess," Sky says.

"Sorry, just so excited," Bloom says.

They arrive at Faragonda's office and Bloom knocks on the door.

"Come in," Faragonda answers.

"Ms. Faragonda," Bloom says as she and Sky walk into the office.

"Bloom, Sky, what can I do for you?" Faragonda asks.

"We have something to tell you," Bloom says.

"Well sit down," Faragonda replies.

Both royals sit down.

"We have some amazing news," Bloom says.

"What is it?" Faragonda says.

"Sky and I are finally getting married," Bloom says.

"That is wonderful, congratulations you two. You have been through so much together, it's about time you get your happy ending," Faragonda says.

"Thank you so much," Sky says.

"One last thing," Faragonda says.

"Yes, Ms. Faragonda?" Bloom asks.

"There is something I always tell my fairies when the time comes."

"What is it?"

"Remembering the past can always help in the future," Faragonda says.

"Thank you, Ms. Faragonda," Bloom says.

"We better get going, I want to tell Saladin," Sky says.

"Goodbye Children," Faragonda says.

"Bye Ms. Faragonda," both wave to the headmistress.

"So, should we take the Owl, or do you want to walk to Red Fountain?" Sky asks.

"Why don't we go for a walk, just like we did on our first date," Bloom says.

"You guys take the Owl and we will meet you at Red Fountain," Sky says to the group as they all meet in the quad.

"See you there," Timmy says being the last one on the Owl.

"You okay?" Bloom asks.

"Yeah, just a little nervous," Sky says.

"I said yes," Bloom jokes.

"It's not that, it's that you and the Winx are the best fairies in the Magic Universe, anytime something good or amazing happens to one of you guys you end up putting it on hold. I don't want that to happen to us this time."

"I know what you mean, but that's the life of a guardian fairy. You know what always makes me feel better when I get overwhelmed about it?"


"No matter how hard anything gets I always have you guys," Bloom kisses Sky.

"Looks like the boys and Winx got here first," Sky says.

"Well, they did have the Owl."

"Don't worry, we all made sure Stella stayed in the Owl with me while the others let Saladin know that you were on your way," Brandon says.

"Which I have no idea why," Stella says.

"Because Stella, if you were a pixie you'd be Chatta, you can't keep a big secret like this," Bloom jokes.

"Saladin is waiting for you guys in his office," Helia says.

"Thanks," Sky says as they go into the building.

"Do you think we should tell Griffin?" Bloom asks.

"Why would you want to tell her?"

"I know it sounds crazy but Griffin was part of the original Company of Light, maybe she has some wisdom for us, I mean we are definitely going to need wisdom from a witch if any form of evil darkness comes back," Bloom says.

"I see what you mean," Sky says as they arrive at Saladin's office.

Sky knocks on the door.

"Come in," Saladin's voice comes from the other side.

Sky and Bloom walk in.

"Hello Headmaster," Sky says.

"Sky, Bloom, I was told you were here with news," Saladin says.

"Yes, Bloom and I are getting married," Sky says.

"That's wonderful, I always knew that Domino and Eraklyon would join together once again, congratulations," Saladin says.

"Thank you, Sir," Bloom says.

"Bloom, before the original company was disbanded I promised your father that if the day came where you were to be married I would give you some words of wisdom, and although he is back I would still like to give you some," Saladin says.

"I'm listening," Bloom says.

"Me too."

"Rulers protect their kingdom, but it's up to them to decide how big they want the kingdom to be," Saladin says.

"Thank you, Sir," Sky says.

"Sky, we better get going if we want to talk to Griffin," Bloom says.

"Griffin?" Saladin says confused.

"I know that Griffin was part of the original Company of Light, I want her to know, just in case she has wisdom for the new Company," Bloom says.

"You have a great capacity for kindness even to those who have different views than you, I saw it the first time I saw you, although those who try to take over the universe are an exception, I will let Griffin know you are coming," Saladin says.

"Thank you, Sir," Bloom says.

"We better get going Bloom," Sky says.


"Congratulations you two," Saladin says as Bloom and Sky leave the office.

"We should take the Owl to Cloud Tower," Bloom says as they walk to the Owl.

"Timmy, we have one last stop," Sky says as they get into the Owl.


"Cloud Tower," Bloom says.

Everyone is so shocked that Timmy doesn't even take off.

"What, why?" Stella asks.

"Griffin was a member of the original Company of Light, it would be rude to tell members we like. Yes, Griffin is a witch but there has to be some good in her," Bloom says.

"She has a point," Flora says.

"Okay, let's go to Cloud Tower Timmy," Tecna says.

Timmy starts the Owl and they head to Cloud Tower.

"You guys stay here," Bloom says as she and Sky get up.

"What do you want?" a Cloud Tower student hisses when Sky and Bloom walk out of the Owl.

"Quiet Isis, Headmistress Griffin was told they were coming," a teacher says.

"Yes Professor Ediltrude," the witch replies.

"Follow me your Majesties," the woman says.

"Thank you so much," Sky says when they reach the office.

The woman doesn't say anything just knocks on the door for them and leaves.

"Come in," Griffin's voice comes through the door.

Sky opens the door and lets Bloom go in first.

"Your Majesties, Saladin told me you'd be coming," Griffin says getting up from her desk as Sky closes the door.

"Yes, we came to tell you that Sky and I are getting married."

Griffin uses her magic and puts a silence spell on the door, making what is said in the office only heard between the three of them.

"Usually I would find such happy news disgusting, but I am very happy for you two."

"You are?" Sky asks.

"You may find this hard to believe but I secretly have a soft spot for you and Bloom," Griffin has a different tone when she says this.

"Really?" Bloom asks.

"Yes Bloom, I always had a soft spot for you and your family. Even after the Company of Light disbanded I always had hope that you would come back. But I'm assuming that you didn't just come here to hear my secret."

"We came because you were a member of the original Company of Light and want to know if you have any wisdom for us," Bloom says.

"I do actually, power is a great thing, but how you choose to use that power is what defines you. Let your choices define you not your power," Griffin says.

"Thank you Headmistress Griffin," Sky says as he and Bloom get up to leave.

"Don't mention it, please," Griffin says in her monotone voice that she uses in public.

"Goodbye Headmistress Griffin," Bloom says as Sky opens the door.

"Goodbye your Majesties," Griffin replies.

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