Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

193K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

I thought of it First

5.1K 111 63
By AnimeEagleScout


The greatest mind in 5 galaxies had noticed the changes in the Ultimatrix. The signal had been set to write only and a notification of a new blueprint being used.

"Why the Redundancy?" Azmuth said more to himself.

"Because it would appear Ben is finally growing up." Paradox said appearing in the lab.

"So I am to assume you weren't the one to pull Tennyson crosstime?" Azmuth asked.

"No. Something else did However it has fixed a bug in all the Matrixes that has plagued Ben in all timelines."

Suddenly they were standing in a separate universe.

"How come in the old Omnitrix it gave me any alien I wanted?" A shorter more whiny Ben Tennyson said.

"I'd assumed you'd have more Dexterity in those fat fingers." The other Azmuth said walking to an unconscious Albedo "And quit banging on the Omnitrix it randomized the time out feature."

"Why are we here?" Azmuth asked.

"Take a good look at Ben." Paradox said.

"Seems about 18 not much different little shorter. New jacket the Omnitrix Prime."

"Yes but-"

Suddenly it flashed to immature moments.

"What timeline is this?"

"One where immediately after the defeat of Dagon you give Ben the true Omnitrix." Paradox said "And reboot him again."

"Rebooting?" Azmuth asked.

"Yes. Apparently the Omnitrix takes quite a liking to Ben. You could say it knows him better then him. They really grow on one another."

"Duel Neural Adaptation!" Azmuth eyes widened "The human body has been loading the experience into the watch!"

"And With every reboot of the Omnitrix his mind is deteriorating." Paradox said.

"Ben's mind has experienced 5 lobotomies and still functions?!"

"Adaptive bastards aren't we?" Paradox said.

"I must get to Ben and correct this immediately!" Azmuth said.

"Ultimate Graymatter has already figured out a fix." Paradox said as they appeared to a spot with Ben having two Gwendolyn's and updating an alternate Omnitrix Prototype.

"What is this?" Azmuth asked approaching.

"Ben has added a redundancy into his body so the main unit can be adjusted without reseting." Paradox said "This is the timeline Ben currently resides in. One where he was crushed by the prototype when it was sent to earth."

Azmuth watched with a sadness in his chest. The young man had turned into a grandchild of sorts to him.

"Now that you are caught up on the important things Ben has called out your alternative self."

"Yes it is something I am looking forward to." Azmuth said "If this timeline follows true I'd be on Xenon still."

"Albedo is that you?!" Azmuth burst out laughing as they materialized near the RV.

"This one my Azmuth?" Ben asked looking to Paradox getting a nod "Ok since your here let me get changed."

"Ultimate Graymatter."

Azmuth stopped laughing when the gray and blue augmentations illuminated the area. "Your new design is in all ways a downgrade."

"Enlighten me on why?" Azmuth said crossing his arms. He knew from the quick stop at the alternative timeline but wanted to here this.

"The Ultimatrix is a rip off but sometimes the original isn't always better." Ultimate Graymatter said "Build Quality maybe bad but the results out preform anything before it."

"Am I to assume it's the evolution feature?" Azmuth asked.

"If I was in my monkey brained form yes However the Ultimatrix is the one that feels like I am progressing."Ultimate Graymatter said "Honestly I'd be happy with the clothes feature to be returned and for you to never touch it again."

"I see." Azmuth said "So what are your goals? If you intend to stay in this universe you need a reason."

"The reason is obvious." Ultimate Graymatter said "Because there's nothing left for me to do in my home universe. There's no room for me to work. To actually progress."

"There is plenty you could do." Azmuth said.

"Really? If I went right back to my earth could I actually make it as a Plumber? Could I actually do more good then harm?"

Azmuth was silent.

"Who is that?" Gwen whispered to Albedo.

"The creator of the Omnitrix." Albedo said "This one seems different from the one I know."

"The disconnection from Primus-"

"Not an issue." Ultimate Graymatter said.

"There can only be one Omnitrix." Azmuth said.

"One linked to Primus." Ultimate Graymatter corrected "The Secondary Core is enough to prevent the feedback."

"The evolution feature is just begging for trouble." Azmuth said.

"Hard times makes strong men." Ultimate Graymatter said "After the war I've spent the majority of my time doing nothing. I ended up breaking the prototype. I need to keep doing something Azmuth."

"Very well." Azmuth said "How about we sit down and discuss exactly what you'd like me to change about the Ultimatrix."

"As I've said all I need from you is the clothes feature." Ultimate Graymatter said "And maybe a danger mode like if I am underwater or in space."

"Easily done." Azmuth said "My True design is a more compact design."

"Your talking to the guy who still uses a phone with an AUX cord." Ultimate Graymatter said "I ain't replacing or upgrading until it blows up in my pocket. If it works leave it alone."

"Alright let me see it." Azmuth said.

Ben changed back and held up his arm.

Ben pressed the circle on the wrist and the dial formed on his forearm. "I was thinking of a method for concealment and i thought 'My badge and and the Plumbers code.'

"Extra Sensory, Extra Terrestrial, Extra Ordinary." Gwen read.

"Wise thinking." Azmuth said fiddling with the dial.

"I had some help." Ben said "I like Ultimate Graymatter way more then Graymatter."

"And why is that?"

"Because I don't feel stupider everytime I use him." Ben said "When I'm Graymatter I know stuff I didn't even know I knew but turning back feels like...well the only thing I can describe it as is...Duhhh."

"Has that effect happened with any other transformations?"

"Rath mainly. Brainstorm doesn't have that effect." Ben said.

"The human Brain is evolved around hunting and gathering. You humans can detect may different problems at a glance. Your the only species who's evolved the ability that ID masks had to be made to stop you." Azmuth said "Along with your Double Helix makes you're species the highest crossbreeders."

"I didn't know that." Ben said. "But humans aren't very smarts." Ben said as Azmuth retorted.

"Anyway the galvan mind lacks many of the traits gained from humans divergent evolutions." Azmuth said "There. Next time you transformation you won't end up nearly freezing to death on Kylmyys."

"You've been to Kylmyys?!" Albedo shouted.

"Yeah we had to get the Map of Infinity to save the Forge of Creation." Ben said.

Albedo was grinding her teeth.

"Should I deal with this while I'm in this timeline?" Azmuth asked.

"Don't." Ben said blocking Azmuth "Just let me handle it. I don't want this permanent like the other one."

"Is there really a white haired Ben running around in your universe?" Gwen asked.

"Yes the feedback had caused Albedo to change as she did." Azmuth said "Though I don't see why you don't want my help."

"Azmuth Albedo gives me nightmares." Ben said "There is a man out there with my face that could do so many horrible things and I get blamed for. He's a time bomb waiting to go off."

"What crime could be so-" Albedo stopped when Gwen whispered in her ear "HUMANS CAN DO THAT?!"

"Yes. They can and it's considered the most heinous act one can do and a crazy galvan is walking around earth with his mind on a piece of dental floss. Every morning I'm half expecting someone to shout 'That's him officer!' With the cops busting down my door." Ben said looking to Azmuth.

"That is a valid fear Tennyson." Azmuth said "I hadn't thought of the repercussions of leaving him as you. I had seen it as amusing at the time."

"It was funny at first but then when the fact my face is on a criminal sank in, it kinda got less funny." Ben said.

"Yes." Azmuth said as the horror on Ben's face had shown.

"How's the Ultimate's?" Ben asked.

"Ultimate Humungousaur has made a name for himself on Terradino." Azmuth said "A Female Arburian Pelarota has been found and currently pregnant with the first of Arburia 2."

"Alright." Ben said.

"The evolved Arachnichimp has also made a name for himself on Aranhaschimmia." Azmuth said "Ultimate Echo Echo has gone off on his own."

"Where's Ultimate Big-Chill?" Ben asked.

"He's actually in the Sol System." Azmuth said.

"That's where Terra is right?" Ben asked.

"Yes. He refuses to speak to anyone just keeps sweeping soul looking for something."

"The little chills." Ben said.

"The What?" The two galvans and Gwen asked.

"Ben's kids." Paradox said "Oh my apologies I thought you knew about them."

Azmuth looked at the photo on Ben's phone. "Julie sent me this."

"When did this happen?!" Azmuth shouted.

"About a few weeks after I put the Omnitrix back on." Ben said.

"Why didn't you tell me one of your aliens gave birth?!"

"Probably because I was weirded out by it myself." Ben said "I barely remember it. The closest memory is that picture."

"The young should be old enough to start searching for its parents." Azmuth said.

"Wait am I gonna be laying eggs?!" Gwen asked.

"It happened when I was 15 so if you haven't yet you won't until your 30." Ben said "Any other aliens I gotta be worried about?"

"Your current list doesn't have any that are capable of asexual reproduction so no." Azmuth said.

"Uh about that." Ben said.


Azmuth turned to the RV and saw a Mechamorph stretching out.

"Let me see your blueprint." Azmuth said.

"Centralized Intelligence Matrix." Azmuth said tapping the Symbol on the upgrades face "More things to look into."

"So is it fixed?" Ben asked "Am I gonna suffocate if I have to transform?"

"No. You should no longer lose anything you were wearing when you change forms." Azmuth said

"When does the lesser Azmuth show up?" Ben asked.

"In about a week." Paradox said "You have time for that surprise for Gwendolyn."

"It's Gwen." Gwen said.

"Fix me!" Albedo said as Azmuth jumped into Paradox hand.

"I think your in good enough hands Azmuth said smirking.

"No!" Albedo shouted.

"Think of it as learning what the Omnitrix is actually meant for." Ben said trying to comfort her "You'll be ok."

"Oh before we leave Ben has something you should take a look at." Paradox said.

"It's called the Null Fulton." Ben said walking into the RV and returning with a harness and some brick device.

Azmuth raised an eyebrow "You made this?"

"Jury Rigg did." Ben said "Ultimate Graymatter says it's fine."

Azmuth checked it and said "Here's the issue. You gotta zero out the transmitter before entering the Null Void."

"Of course." Ben said.

"Why do you need this?" Gwen asked.

"Because we're going into the Null Void." Ben said.

"Why?!" Gwen asked

"Spoilers." Ben and Paradox said.

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