Halloween special

By FateGrand-overseer

947 74 222

???: Welcome to the Mansion everybody! hope you enjoy your stay in this luxurious home! when Goku, Neptune, a... More

OC submission [closed]
chapter 1:Lucky winner
chapter 2: Search
Chapter 3: Wandering
Chapter 4: Depths of Darkness
chapter 5: battle in the dark
Chapter 6: Nemesis rampage
Chapter 7: Fog
Chapter 8: Lurkers in the dark
Chapter 9: Impostors Among Us
Chapter 10: Lost in the dark
Chapter 11: within The halls
Chapter 12: Depths of despair
Chapter 13: facing the darkness
Chapter 14: Shadows of fear
chapter 16: Phantom
chapter 17: Silent secrets

Chapter 15: Attic

34 1 0
By FateGrand-overseer

We were finally upstairs again after managing to go over the hole that was created when Soejammy and I fell. We found the table we came across earlier with the old teddy bear on it.

Me: Ok we found the stuffed bear, now to find the attic.

Noire: seems it'll be a bit further ahead from here.

After what took about 10 minutes we were met with a short flight of wooden stairs and an old shabby door which lead to the attic. The door creaked as I opened revealing a dark room, turning on the switch nearby illuminated it.

Neptune scanned the room.

Neptune: There's nothing here.

Noire: Except that box over there.

Noire pointed out.

I went over to check the box as I opened it.

Me: It's empty.

Soejammy: maybe it was moved to a different room?

Noire: It has to be here, gosh were we somehow pranked? this is ridiculous.

Me: who knows. there is probably another attic in here, this place is huge

Noire: We've been to a lot of floors upstairs this has to be the only attic around here, and if the doll isn't here where else?

Neptune: It was probably put somewhere else Noire, It's not like it wandered off by itself right?

We were silent by that comment as Neptune got a bit nervous.

Neptune: um r-right?

Soejammy: Nope! nope not dealing with this.

Soejammy walked out of the room for a bit, after what he and I went through half an hour ago he was not fully ready to encounter another creepy entity.

Me: Great now we're supposed to look for some possessed doll that's wandered off.

Vert: I'm starting to question why follow this strange request in the first place?

Me: I had a hunch that it was best to obey to save us from more trouble later.

Vert: Hm fair point.

Shiro: Where do you guys think we'll find the doll?

Me: It'll most likely be around this area of the mansion.

Noire: So somewhere out of this room.

Me: Yeah.

Soejammy briskly enters the room as we glanced at his movement. we moved closer to him as he whispered.

Soejammy: I just heard footsteps at the other end of the hallway.

Noire: Really?

Shiro: Do you think it's something else or someone we know?

Soejammy: It was a bit light so I couldn't tell.

Me: we might need to check it out.

Noire: Sure.

We crept out of the room as I scanned the hall. The place was quiet. Only our faint breathing was heard as I moved around first with Noire and Shiro behind me. Neptune clutched the stuffed bear as she followed along. We were startled by rapid tapping sounds far behind us as something seemed to run. My heart beats a bit faster as I stood still not making any movement. Shiro looks through her shoulder.

tap tap tap

Soejammy gripped his gun and slowly readies it.

I tiptoed forward, trying my best not to make a sound peering by the wall beside to take a glance at whatever might be there. Nothing was there. I turned around checking in on the others behind me as they were waiting for any response.

I shook my head letting them know I saw nothing. the tapping stopped.

Me: let's head back.

Noire: No, let's move elsewhere, it doesn't feel safe.

Going to a different room we settled down wondering what was lurking around the halls. Quietly closing the door I join the others in their discussion.

Neptune: hmm...

Soejammy: Something wrong?

Neptune stared at an old portrait nailed to the wall.

Neptune: Strange I didn't notice this portrait on the wall earlier.

Soejammy: You're right.

Vert: looks old.

Shiro: Yeah just as old as the man in the portrait.

Me: wait is that probably the portrait of the original owner of the mansion?

Noire and the others widened their eyes upon realization.

Noire: yeah you're right it could be.

Soejammy: judging by his appearance he looks at least over 40.

Me: well it's interesting we stumbled upon this but let's try to investigate out of the room.

Noire: Sure.

We walked past Neptune, still looking at the photo but following after.

In the hallway we roamed around, no unusual noise or footsteps besides our own was heard as I gripped the flashlight which brightened the hall. The flashlight's beam reached a room at the far end as something glimmered from the slightly opened door. Soejammy opened the door as I directed the light there.

Vert: its just washing machines.

Shiro: Here's a laundry room.

Neptune: Yup, um but where does that lead to?

Neptune pointed as we directed our view there noticing a ladder leaning against the wall as there was a square like hole up the ceiling.

Soejammy: I think its there for electricians to check the wirings up there I believe.

I quickly beamed the flashlight around in search of anything. '

Neptune leaned against the washing machine as Soejammy stood by the door with Noire.

Me: hm nothing odd here let's go-

The others noticed me suddenly turning around as they kept their guard.

Soejammy: what's there?

Me: I thought I felt something behind me...

Noire: its hard to tell now if we're just jumpy or our gut feelings are always right.

Soejammy: It feels mostly the latter.

We left the room as we headed to another room close to the attic. Taking a glance Soejammy browses the place as we followed after him scanning the area. Neptune walked past a shelf, her attention not directed towards there, an object sat there motionless. A feeling that something was off made Neptune turn around to glance at the shelf only for her eyes to meet it empty.

Neptune: hm...was that my imagination?

Noire rummaged through nearby tables and drawers. At the corner of her line of sight in a slightly opened closet door, whitish eyes gazed at her, which she eventually quickly turned towards the closet door. Knowing full well something wasn't right she was about to alarm the others until she felt something wrapped around her right foot. A rope reeled itself in from the ceiling as it raised her upside down as she screamed in surprise catching everyone's attention.

Soejammy: Noire!

Soejammy rushes to try to grab her hand, but his fingers only managed to brush her finger tip as she was forcefully raised through the ceiling with a hole opened up from it. A wooden floorboard slides up concealing it.

Vert quickly exited the room to pinpoint where the lastation's goddess could've ended up as the others were by the entrance awaiting anything from her.

Me: where up does that place lead to!

Vert: I'm not sure.

Soejammy: let's check the attic and the other end over there.

we nod following him, running to the attic, opening the door. she wasn't there. We immediately rushed to the other end of the hall, a door was there with a key in its lock. Unlocking the door we go in, as usual, the place was dark. Neptune flipped the light switch. A short set of stairs before us as we climbed up.


we turned our back as we heard the door.

Me: what the...

Neptune: who's there?

Soejammy: *tried opening the door in front of him as he sighed* this is locked too..


Hanging upside down Noire adjust her vision as she tried to get out of the rope hanging in an awkward way, She summoned her rapier with little share energy she had cutting the rope as she dropped to the ground.

Noire: ow...what on earth was that, a trap?

Noire slowly got up searching for the nearest door as she turned the knob. The door refused to open. She quickly turned around to look for the movable floorboard that allowed her to end up in the room. She tried sliding it but it was locked in place. Using her weapon she stabs in between the lock of the door to force it open. but to no avail.

Noire: it looks like I'm trapped here.

Noire once again looked around. There was a large wardrobe opposite her for storing coats. A faint shift from the door was heard as she flinched in fear, she glanced to the left noticing a window as she moved to it. peering through it she was high up, she turned her attention back to the wardrobe as she pointed her rapier towards it, steadying her breath, and crept towards it. the ominous atmosphere spiked as she reached towards the handle, As fast as possible she yanked the door open as she prepared for whatever might be there. The wardrobe was mostly empty nothing but a few coats hung there. something conspicuous caught Noire's eye.

A hole was visible at the back of the wardrobe as if someone punched through it.

Dripping sounds became audible as Noire looked for where it came from. Then she realized as she faced up. A weird figure latched itself onto the ceiling, its raspy breath filled the room as a long arm with sharp claws reached for Noire who moved back as she slashed it with her rapier. It gave out a cry of agony but became enraged shortly almost slamming her head as she quickly hide behind the wardrobe for cover but it was only brief as it broke down the wardrobe with ease, grazing her right arm. She quickly crawled to the other end of the room to make some distance from it but gained on her. Its chiseled claws raked the ground to reach her as she crawled faster to the other end of the room. She only managed to stay in the corner of the room as she gripped her weapon to get a better look of what she was facing.

The room was empty.....

Noire was puzzled as she got up while still feeling alert. wasn't there something about to attack her just now? she turned her view of the room confirming it was empty which felt odd. Getting up she quietly but quickly moved closer to the door to try and unlock it. Still no use. She ponders silently on an alternate method of escape while being on guard on what she just faced. The only route was the window but it was too small for her to go through. Noire sat on the floor holding her knees as she was in thought of what to do, clearly there was no option at the moment except waiting for the others to find her. To make matters worse she noticed the little share energy she had was gradually depleting.

Back with the others Soejammy spent the past 3 minutes unlocking the door which wasn't yielding any luck, Neptune sat on a nearby piece of furniture alongside Vert and Shiro.

Soejammy: *sighs* I guess we're stuck here.

Neptune: uh oh..

Me: well guess I might try plan B then.

Soejammy: Plan B?

Soejammy moved aside quickly as I ran very fast gaining momentum and jump kicked the door which unfortunately didn't work all too well.

Me: Why are these damn doors hard to break!

Neptune: This would've been a convenient time having Goku or Vegeta around....

Shiro: true..

Soejammy: Agreed, I hope Noire's alright...

I circled around the room in hope of finding anything to open the door. Neptune just stared at the ceiling out of boredom. Her eyes trailed off to look at curtains at the other end of the room, curious she casually walked there as she moved the curtains aside. A window was there.

Neptune got the others attention noticing it as well. Soejammy peered down the window as he realized how high up we were. he looked left and right as he noticed the window on the right was open too which was the other side of the room we were stuck in. There was a ledge in between the two windows .

Soejammy: ok at least there's a way out but its VERY risky.

Shiro: I don't mean to be a downer but do we have any other option?

Soejammy: Oh other than the high chances of falling to our deaths? well no..

Me: We don't all need to go only one of us, to open the door from the other side which should be easier.

Soejammy: hmm you're right.

Me: Only thing is I'm sure none of us want to climb there...

the brief silence from everyone confirmed that.

we were very high up and to make things unsettling the ground wasn't even visible.

Me: I'll admit I have poor balance and I'm more likely to fall if leaning against the wall to move.....

Soejammy: hm seems I'll have to go..

Vert: Be careful Jammy..

Soejammy puts his leg out the window as he stepped on the window ledge, he looked at the ledge at the other end. Carefully and steadily he stood up balanced his toes on the ledge not daring to look elsewhere as he held the top ledge for support. He turned right to reach for the ledge in the middle as he slowly moved sideways.

the ledge creaked as he took a step. Soejammy was anxious as one wrong move would get him in a dangerous situation. He continued moving along slowly as he stretched his foot to the other end.

something cracked as it was crumbling slowly, getting Soejammy to panic a little.

he moved a bit faster not wanting to waste time. something crumbled again as it was getting louder. Soejammy dared not to look at what it was as he leaped in time.

his footing was off as he slipped.

He grabbed onto the ledge hanging,his body freely suspending as his heart raced in panic, he mustered the strength to haul himself up jumping through the window as he sat on the ground in utter relief as he panted.

Soejammy: I swear I'm not doing that again...

He eventually got up as he turned his direction to the door on his left, there was a knob which he turned as it opened.

Me: Good job jammy.

Neptune: Finally we're free.

Soejammy: You guys owe me..

Neptune: Alright

As she head pats Soejammy which confused him.

Soejammy: That's not the kind of compensation I'm looking for but that'll do I guess..

Vert looks straight ahead as we notice the hall infront of us.

Me: Well now that we're out let's check up on Noire.

Soejammy: yeah

As he got up we resumed our search into the darker depths of this mysterious place.

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