The Artificer in the Party (G...

By Littletrouble2k

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On the way back home after fulfilling a contract with another party The Artificer is ambushed by a group of G... More

The Artificer Bio
Goblin Slayer
The Sky City Pt 1
Sky City Pt 2
Side Story (Sky City)
The Tinkerer
Autumn Festival Pt 1
Autumn Festival Pt.2
Side Story: White Spire
Goblin Crown
Side Story: Silvers
Side Story: Artisan's first invention
The Boys
Wedding Guest PT.1
Artificer's Skill update & Gear
Wedding Guest PT 3
Side Story: Shop
Wedding Guest Finale
Side Story: After the Wedding
Side Story: The next Phase
The life changing mission

Wedding Guest PT.2

124 3 1
By Littletrouble2k

"So this is Water Town!"
"It's quite a majestic sight to behold." The Rookies said incapable of hiding their excitement. But it couldn't be helped as Goblin Slayer's friend Cow girl also held much excitement being in a town as beautiful as Water town.

"The sight gets better and better every time I come here." The Artificer said Petting the Five Large Shire horses that pulled the Carriage big enough to support eight humanoids, a Heavy Loxodon, a Lizard-man and all their luggage. Despite being with all these people the feeling the Artificer felt was very relaxing as the soft wind blew on his face and brought the scent of the clean river water to his nose helping him ignore the racket of the City.

"I know someone is ready for the upcoming vacation." The Lizard Man said as he and the Dwarf helped Goblin Slayer unload the carriage into a luggage cart the Artificer designed.

"Yep. So these Stone tablets you need me to take them for you?"

"No need I can do that myself... You said you have a raft made?" Goblin Slayer asked the Artificer as he put the Tablet back in the cart.

"I do... Lady Ranger what river would we be using?"

"You'll use... Hm... I forgot... Hehe..." The elf sticking her tongue out in a cute silly way as the Artificer gave her a deadpan look assuming the Goblin Slayer did the same.

"I'll go find out." The Artificer said patting his leader's back with a smile as he over heard the Girls talking about doing some shopping in the city.

"Hey Artisan."

"Yes Master?"

"You want to go shopping with the girls!"

"Yes Sir! I have enough coin for me to get by... Kitty Stop staring!" The Half-elf said smacking the Pad-foot over the head noticing he was staring very intently at Cow-Girl's bosom.


"Ok just checking. Peanut, Kitty you two are going to come with me ok?" The Artificer said with a smile as the two rookies complied.

"Wait Arty."
"Hm yes lady Ranger?"

"Hm... I..."

"C'mon Anvil quit wasting the boy's time!"


"Huh ok... C'mon boys." The Artificer said as the two rookies followed him.

"We are certainly attracting a lot of attention aren't we?" The Loxodon asked looking around seeing the civilians stare at him as he had the Pad foot on his shoulder.

"Man we're really lucky Peanut..." The Pad foot said playing with the Loxodon's massive Ear.

"What do you mean?" The Artificer asked chiming in on their conversation.

"We're Rookies going to an Elf wedding! and there are bound to be plenty of Elf girls there!"

"You know more than likely they'll more than likely be centuries older than you. Their lifespan even outweighs those of my kin." The Loxodon said flicking his ear to get the Pad-foot to stop.

"How long can Loxodons live to?"

"To about Four hundred and fifty years give or take. I'm only fifthteen years old right now."

"Your pretty big huh? You know this trip may hold some familiarity for you big guy. Aren't Loxodon closely connected to nature like Elves and Lizard-men?" The Artificer asked spinning his finger in a circle.

"In a way. My kin teaches us that everything in the world is valuable and is meant to live in harmony and interdependent. We protect a cycle that all beings of light follows." The Loxodon said making the Artificer smile.

"Words of Paladin alright."

"Speaking of... You and Lady Ranger... I don't mean to pry Master Bronzeheart but-"

"Its Ok, You two know about it so I won't hurt you."

"R-Right... Well what I wanted to ask you sir is... Aren't you worried?"

"Worried about what?"

"Well... Its not in my place to say because your a Silver rank... But wouldn't you be better left off dating someone like Cow-Girl? you know a regular Human girl who isn't at risk being in quests like you guys go on. and the age difference as well... Priestess may live longer because she's a cleric but you and Goblin Slayer won't live as long as the others. So why would you choose Lady Ranger out of everyone who's traveling with us?"

"I see... The thought hadn't crossed my mind. Matter of fact a Man of my position would give into their own temptations sleeping with Village women, other female adventures, princesses, and the list goes on. There's plenty of women in my life I could've chosen to be my partner; but... The truth is the only one I see me being happy with is Ranger. Cow-girl is nice and all but she loves Goblin Slayer, same with Guildgirl. Priestess despite being of age I view her as a little sister. As a human time isn't on my side; and I want Lady Ranger to be the only woman I want in my life and I want to make the years were together the most memorable ones she'll ever experienced so that she won't forget them." The Artificer said with a smile bringing a locket he recently made out his pocket to look at it.

"Besides... Every since I fell for her... I've seen no other women for me, Like an instinct that keeps my mind on her whenever I think about who I love the most I just see her."

"Man you sound like an old man."

"Please I'm only Twenty-Four... Now then... Who wants to be my test pilot? Kitty?" The Artificer said as his eyes suddenly glowed red scaring the two rookies.


"A-a-are you sure we need these?... They're quite revealing..." Priestess ask sheepishly as she held a bag from the recent store they visited.

"We'll be traveling by river to the Elf forest so we're likely to get wet you know so it'll be wise if we prepare for such an occasion!" Guildgirl said elegantly shinning with the sun.

"She's right Y'know besides its not everyday we get to wear something like this." Cow-girl said hugging the priest from behind burying the back of her head between her bosom.

"I still don't understand the point in these clothing... I get that they're for getting wet, but-"
"Well that's the main reason Lady Ranger, More things you have on the heavy you get and these are made to make you lighter in the water." Artisan said walking next to the elf with her bag in hand.

"But why is it so revealing?"
"Thank You!" Priestess said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Hm, I'm not to sure how to answer that... After all I got a one piece."
"What?! B-but Lady Guildgirl you said they didn't have less revealing pieces!" Priestess said after hearing what Artisan said.

"But you'll look so cute in it! Besides Lady Ranger if I remember correctly, wasn't here someone's attention you wanted a while back?" Guildgirl said with a teasing smile as the girls looked at the High Elf.

"W-What do you mean?"

"To think you two actually became an item! I'm quite jealous." Guildgirl said with a finger on her cheek as the Elf turned red showing the Artisan and Priestess that their Ranger's secret is out now.

"H-how d-did you-"
"We saw you hold Arty's hand on the way here when he was asleep." Cow-girl said with a smile shocking the Elf.

"I thought I was being nonchalant about it... D-did the boys... Noticed?"

"No not to our knowledge."

"C-can... We keep it like that... P-please..." The Elf said with a huge blush on her face making the girls smile at her.

"No problem."
"Your secret is safe with us."
"You got it!"

"Wait is that why you made Lady Ranger get that outfit? To help her entice Master?" Artisan asked Guildgirl as the others turned red.

"I'm not going to confirm nor deny." Guildgirl said with a winking smile as they continued walking down the road they were on.


"What was that?!"
"Isn't that where Arty was heading for our boat he made?"

"Yep... Another failure... I wonder if it was Kitty's or Peanut's fault."
"Or Arty's..."

"Kitty..." The Artificer said in a soft tone as he and Peanut were drenched with water that cleaned off a light soot that went on them.

"Y-yea?" Kitty said standing in the water as he was on top of the Artificer's raft that had sunk.

"When I told you to open the Core's vent before turning it one... Did you do all four?"

"I... Might've miss... Some..."


"Inform my student... Your about to lose your Samurai!" The Artificer said grabbing one of his rods transforming it into a long sword with a very scary looking serrated edge.

"Wait Master Brozeheart!"

"Everything good down there Sir Artificer?" The Lizardman asked as the boys of the group watched the Artificer emerge from the water as he checked on their raft.

"Everything's good. The lock's doing it job correctly, which means we have some down time. Looks like the girls have already started." The Artificer said climbing up the raft to sit on it as he only had a pair of shorts on to counter the heat of the summer sun above them.

"Man... It's beautiful..." Kitty said looking a certain direction.

"Ah yes the coolness of the river stream with the sun overhead and the beautiful skies above... Truly a sight is it not?" The Loxodon said gently getting in the water submerging in it with his trunk out for air.

"Little Cat... You are right it is beautiful out there minus one of those flowers." The Dwarf said sipping his fire wine as he sat next to the Samurai.

"Aren't you both hot? Here! Get in the water." The Artificer said with a single light kick pushed both the Samurai and Shaman into the Water knowing what they were looking at.

"Why Yo-"

"Ahahaha! Master Artificer you sure have a protective spirit don't you?"

"We needed to be vigilant... Besides I'm trying to be the gentleman and not stare." The Artificer said putting his goggles over his eyes as he dried himself with a Cantrips.

"Why didn't you bring out the machine? For watch didn't you say nothing can sneak up on him?" Goblin Slayer asked sharpening some sticks as throwing spears.

"Defendy is too heavy for the Raft, and I haven't waterproof him yet, I did have one Construct for the water unfortunately though I haven't finished it so it wouldn't be as good as Defendy; plus I enjoy the water a lot." The Artificer said putting his feet in the water looking up in the sky.

"I see..."

"That's the difference between me and you Arty, I hate traveling by water and getting wet." The dwarf complained using the same cantrip to dry himself and the cat who clung to him like an overgrown house cat with human features.

"Speaking of Master Bronzeheart. You certainly remind me of the Human paladins of my home." The Loxodon said coming up from the water gesturing to the Artificer's exposed torso showing his average muscle tone body with slight scratches and scars around him though nothing too big nor deep.

"The benefits of being an adventurer I guess."

"With the equipment you always lugged around I never expected you to be this naturally broad."

"Huh well now you guys know." The Artificer said continuing to talk to the males of their party taking a quick glance at the Elf and her light green bathing suit as it complimented her butt making the Artificer want to stare more but with his own will power he looked away to carry on the conversation not seeing the Girls look their way for a second.

"We see you staring Lady Ranger!" The Artisan said with a gleeful smile.

"I-I'm not staring... I... was wondering when they'll start eating..." The Elf said with a pink hue across her face stroking her long ponytail before submerging herself in the water to hide.

"Hehe c'mon look the Dwarf is getting the food out." Guildgirl said as the girls made their way to the raft while the Artificer went back down into the water to check on the locks and the tiller below before eating.

"Ok Locks are good the Tiller looks in perfect condition they appear to be having fun... I just w-"

Ding ding ding... Ding ding ding ding.

"What was that?" The Artificer asked himself as he heard a bell like sound echo to him through the water making him guess it originated from up ahead or from further behind... Either way something made a strange sound alerting him as he came up for the last time.

"Arty! here you go!" The Elf said passing bread to him with a cute smile.

"T-thanks... Hm..." The Artificer said with a smile staring at the Elf's behind intently with no emotion before he started eating his bread when the Elf sat with the other girls. "fifty-five centimeters."

"This is interesting."

"What is; Master breeder?"

"The Goblins... I don't know why but recently they have getting stronger..."

"Are you taking about those Orcs yea they-"

"No barbarian... The Goblins themselves, it's strange as if a change in the atmosphere is powering them up each day... And it has to involve that green moon." The Owlin known as Breeder said looking out a window at the Green moon.

"What are you thinking?"

"This is only a theory... The Green moon is the home of the Goblins right?"

"Hm... Yea?"

"Notice when the Artificer rose his Goblin Artificer and his Goblin Paladin the glow of the moon got brighter and brighter? And since then Goblins have been becoming a greater asset to us whether it be for my breeding program or the Artificer's schemes?"

"Uh huh..."

"The Moon is mostly likely giving them a boost and it being instilled into their very being. I wonder if the Orcs we create will also be boosted from such a state! Don't you think?"

"Uh huh."

After their brief rest and the girls getting redressed the group had gone further down the river in their raft as everyone with the exception of three were enjoying the sights they've been seeing. Passing through the river that was a scar on the land through a ravine of Stone where they all saw beautiful stones shadow the river they were on as the surrounding forest only blocked part of their significance. As the blow of the wind and the burbling of the river beneath them gave them the sounds of nature creating a feeling of them entering another world. Here the Elf stood proud and prideful as he had the chance to show off the beauty the others will see when they edge closer to her home.

"Hey Arty what do you... Think..." The Elf said with an excited tone that turned distant as the Artificer looked around as if he was expecting something.

"You think the rumors are true?" The Artificer asked his leader equipping his gauntlets.

"We have to take in all accounts... Could be Goblins. Above or below?" The Goblin Slayer asked the Lizardman as he held his chin.

"The water is too shallow to fit a Kraken so it'll be highly unlikely any water based monsters would appear without us noticing... The attacks would be above water."

"Agreed... We- Hold On!"
"Hold On!" Both the Artificer and the Elf said grabbing their range weapons as their senses had twitched alerting the other Adventurers to spring into action.

"Sir Loxodon take this we'll need to move this raft as fast as we can." The Lizardman said as the Artisan followed Goblin Slayer giving Guildgirl and Cow-girl blankets to hide themselves while he gave the Loxodon a spare pole to use with him.


"Prrrrr I smell dogs..." The Pad-foot Samurai said grabbing as he glared at the forest surrounding the rivers.

"Right... Lady Priestess I'll help you with a barrier." The Artisan said as she and the Priestess we're behind the others as they were all in defensive formation with the Artificer and Ranger having their bows at the ready.

"Loose tips?"
"Not yet."
"Copy... This hideous smell... Go figure it'll be those things..." The Artificer said confirming Goblin Slayer's biggest worries.


From both sides of the river's ridges the sounds of mockery, skittering, and wolves howling echoed through the air telling the group that there are a great number of them as they started to come into view. Following a command from Goblin Slayer both the Lizardman and the Loxodon used their combine strength to rapidly push the raft forward with the current making sure it wouldn't crash to the sides of the river creating a quaky and uneven footing for the group's archers as they were taking pot shots at the Goblins with their arrows. The Goblin Riders were also following suit through an assault of their own even running on a cliff made from the very stones that overlooked the river's ridgelines where the raft would come near it causing some of the goblins that edged near it be killed by the tag team archer's bows while Priestess barrier had protected them from rocks, trash, and arrows that clang on it. As the raft edged further and further Artisan used her only two spells to boost the Priestess endurance to keep the barrier up a little longer and the Ranger's eyesight even though it wasn't needed but thanks to it the Elf's Accuracy was boosted to another level even with the order from Goblin Slayer to loosen the tips on their arrows which the Artificer complied knowing the Elf wasn't fond of the idea.

 "Been wanting to try this..." The Artificer said drawing an arrow with a loose tip and and a mark on it as he fired it to the sky above the Goblins. When it reached a certain height the arrow had spilt into a barrage of arrows that took a large majority of the riders but they were still coming at them strong.

"Woah Arty have anymore?" The Elf asked firing more arrows.

"Unfortunately no... That was my only one but now I know it works... What's their gain? And why haven't they tried to board us?  Woah Woah!" The Artificer said losing his balance and falling off the raft  making a big splash as the current of the River picked up and began to make the raft uneven as the Lizardman and the Loxodon did their best to make the raft stable unfiortunately the Goblins weren't making that easy as they threw stones, rocks, branchs, whatever they had at the group causing the Raft to shake and take in water scaring the two civilians and the Samurai as his fear of water was becoming obvious. 

"Arty's Overboard Orcbolg ca-"
"He'll be fine, Focus on the Goblins." Goblin Slayer said using a spear launcher the Artificer made him killing another goblin having faith in his teammate and also knowing that the Artificer didn't bring out his electric generator for good measure.

And he was right the minute the Artificer found himself underwater he transformed his Bow into a shield and used the gauntlet on his right to fire two wires that hit the raft and dragged him through the water. However he could see light coming from the raft telling him it was taking water; while in that brief moment a human's skull had pass by the raft as someone tried to grab it and the Artificer who looked at it with shock look on his face as he heard a certain echo in the water like before only this time the water had seem to be darker not by shadow but by what was in it.

"This is very bad... Good thing I have a Water Rune Stone... Gah Hey they're-"

"I-I think they mean to sink us!" Guildgirl said with a quiver in her voice as the Artificer climbed up on the Raft.

"Oh well someone figured it out... And I can't use many of my damaging spell unless I want to start a wildfire In Hea's home; That spirit must've come from the dwarf... And Priestess's Protection is down... I can't use control water to get us to avoid the wreckage ahead of us... But I can do this." The Artificer thought to himself with a smile as he crushed the Rune Stone in his hand making his hands glow blue as two large bubbles of water originated from the river as rocks and stones pass through them but it did take the arrows and branches in the water the Artificer controlled. Taking a form of two serpent like dragons the Artificer controlled the waters movement to encase the riders in them not all of them but as many as possible using both his gauntlet's grappling needles as they sank into the water with it's metal wires still attached.

"Shocking Grasp!" The Artificer said grabbing the wires with his bare hands sending electricity into them as they conducted to the water he controlled and electrocuting the Goblins and their Wolf mounts over heating the bubble making it burst sending water drops down.

"Haaaah... How're we... Doing... Woah." The Artificer said as he saw the work of Priestess Miracle cleanse the water of the Wreckage in the water put there by the Goblins.

"Do it!" Goblin Slayer said to the Lizardman as he replied with a nod casting a spell and releasing a mighty roar making the sound of a large Dragon making the Raft quake with the water in an attempt to scare off the Goblins. Which it had succeeded.

"Is... Is it over?"
"Kitty I don't think so..." The Artisan said as the rookies saw they're superiors vigilant despite the Goblins running away.

Within the next hour and two the group rode the raft in silence as the Silver Adventurers and their small Priestess continued to watch the ridgelines of the River without muttering a word the rookies followed suit of their mentors keeping an eye out incase the silvers missed a spot (Not because they aren't already vigilant). After it was all said and done, the Priestess fell to her knees and started to pray to relieve herself of the anxiety she felt as everyone else followed suit to relax a bit.

"Those were scouts for a bigger nest..." The Artificer said sitting down laying his arm on his knee.

"Agreed... We'll have to come back to finish the nest." Goblin Slayer said to him as he looked at everyone catching their breath in relief but sensed something off about their Artificer.

"Your mad."

"Heh... Your mad too aren't you?" The Artificer said looking at his hand as Goblin Slayer stood silently acknowledging what the Artificer is getting at.

"We're edging closer to her home... The home of our closest friend..."
"And Goblins are right next to it." Goblin Slayer said gripping the hilt of his sword tightly in anger as the Artificer clenched his fist tightly drawing blood and sparking electricity.

"Yea the Raft won't survive another one of those." The Artificer said to the Loxodon and Dwarf coming out from the water as they all started to unload from the raft.

"That's a problem."

"Yes that's a big one... But according to long ears her home is not that far away on foot." The Dwarf said looking at the small hit the Artificer made the girls to change out of their clothes while Goblin Slayer with the help of the Lizardman and the Pad-foot help set up camp and design a shelter for the boys and girls since the one the Artificer made was pure mud and dirt.

"Hopefully... But after all the excitement... Better we heed Goblin Slayer's advice and rest up."

"It be the best."

"I didn't fight much but that encounter was surely tiring... Is it like that normally with goblins?"

"More or less Peanut... Depends on the situation though that really got me thin-"

"You think so? Hm... Arty you think this look suits me?" The Elf asked the Artificer with a sheepish look as he walk to their sight not hearing the conversation they had about how beautiful the girls looked in their swim suits.

"Gehuhuh?! Hm... I'm... You... I... I... I t-t-think it looks... G-g-g- Perfect... O-on you..." The Artificer said getting caught off guard as his face and exposed torso turned red with embarrassment as

"Geh! I g-guess it's true then..." The Elf shyly said turning around, messing with her long ponytail while hiding her smile and her embarrassed face.

"H-hea I-"

"Sir Artificer may I borrow you for a second?" The Lizardman asked as Goblin Slayer started talking to the girls while Artisan started strangling the Samurai.

"Y-yea... I wanted to cast Telepathic bond to tell her what I wanted to hold her hands and kiss her... Oh well. What's up Scaly?"

"Want to use your spells to build extra mud huts? Goblin Slayer thought it be a good idea so if a sneak attack happens the Goblins will attack the outer huts."

"That's a good idea... I'll use up my remaining spells to do so... Though I'm going to have to turn in early." He said stretching as he got to work. Doing just as he said he created several huts out of mud and dirt while the other males had finished setting up the Shelters and the campsite while the Elf decided to spend her time with the girls trying to hand catch a fish much to her amusement and theirs.

"That's tiring work... How many rune stones do I have left? Only two?! And I didn't bring many of my stuff either... Dang it how careless of me!" The Artificer thought to himself as he went through his equipment slapping his forehead.

"What's the matter?" Goblin Slayer asked walking to the Artificer standing next to him.

"I made a rookie mistake... The generator I have with me is the light cold resistant one I made for those snowy mountains... I have two rune stones left... Both Water elements... Four superior healing potions, three Stamina potions, My tools, Rope, my improved dungeon kit, My deck of inventions, and my adventuring clothes n armor." The Artificer said looking at his pocket of holding with an agitated tone.

"You didn't pack good enough..."

"Yep... I was so worried about... Some Silver I am." The Artificer said rubbing his hand across his face showing his frustration.

"I see..."


"So... Will you sit this ou-"

"Nope... I thought we agreed on this a few hours ago."

"Did we?"

"Yep... The minute we get to Hea's home despite how unprepared I am... I'm going with you to exterminate that nest." The Artificer said putting a black shirt on.

"You care deeply for the Elf."

"Heh. What gave it away?"

"Your close friends. Close friends care for each other."

"Yep... Speaking of close friends. When are you going to say congratulations?"

"To who?"

"We were just talking about her."

"Oh... It's... Hard..."

"I see... Well you still have time... I'll take first watch tonight with Defendy... Wake me up when it starts." The Artificer said patting his leader's shoulder.


"Hey I caught one!" Hea shouted as she and The Artisan laughed like children as they held up several fish.

"Mou! I'll be sure to catch one as well! Here goes!" The Artisan said diving back down attempting to catch a fish.



"Hrmm! Arty wake up!"

"Hm? Who's-"
"Who do you think? You missed out on dinner. Orcbolg told me to wake you up since you wanted first watch." The Elf said still in her Swimsuit as she had in her hand the grilled fish that was supposed to be hers wrapped nicely in a big leaf.

"Oh yeah That's because- is that fish? It smells good."

"Yea it's for you, it was to mine but you know... Us Elves don't need nor eat meat... S-so here you go." The Elf smiled and blushed as she handed him the fish.

"Thank you! U-uh um... Hea..."


"M-may I request... Next time you wear something like this... It'll be just... You... And me?" The Artificer blushed avoiding eye contact as he looked at the wall.

"Ah?! Heh... Fufu we're alone right now~ your welcomed to stare." The Elf said in a teasing tone making the Artificer blush an extreme red color.

"I-I-I don't want to... I want to... Kiss... You..."

"Then what's stopping you?" The Elf said in a seductive tone as she stepped over him on all fours as her face grew closer to his as he started to be mesmerized by her lips that he wanted to connect to right now.

"N-Nothing..." The Artificer said blushing as his hands were hovering and shaking above the Elf's hips as their faces grew closer and became more red.

"Hey Master! Lady Ranger are you guys?"

"And then my sister beat him up!" The Elf said as she sat on her knees across from the Artificer as he sat down with a few bites off the fish.

"Pffftt hahaha that sounds awesome I can't wait to meet them... Oh hey Artisan what's up?"

"Oh nothing~ Just thought you two were getting it on... Hehe." The Half-Elf said with a smug smile backing away knowing full well she made both her master and the High Elf blush an extreme red color.

"I-I-I'll get ready."
"Y-Yea! I'm going to go rest with the girls."

"Are you certain you felt one?"

"Yes I am and it's coming from that campsite... After those Goblins we killed we need to be careful with whoever these guys are."

"We can strike now."

"No you see that machine? It'll alert them no matter how quiet we are. Wait until the machine disappears; the person who summoned it from his card would put it back... And I do not want them dead... The loose tips we found in the Goblins... I want to ask them about it... If they did something to my Fiance's sister... I'll be sure to collect their heads. And with what I felt... I surely hope one of those isn't here."

"You... Wretched Elf! Have you... No heart?!"

"Your kind is too much of a threat... If the great war had taught us Elves anything is that your all too dangerous. You've would've rained down fire on our great forest for your own revenge. Your race is powerful in their own right... But you have many more weaknesses." The Elf with a Mithril helmet said pointing a special lance at the downed woman.

"Could you have blamed me? I was a mere Maid running for my life! My mate... Died fighting to defend us from that thing in your hand! I was going to start a family... And then you showed up!" The woman said as her eyes went from a pink color to an Orange color showing her rage towards the Elf as her voice grew deeper and angrier while the Ruby in her hand glowed red.

"I'm sorry... I have a somewhat idea of how you feel. But if I'm to protect the one I love You can't live."

"Why Yo- Gah...ah....a..."

"Rest in peace." The Elf said as he Pierced the woman's heart as she dropped her Ruby gem that shattered on the ground not from the impact all the while blood surfaced through the woman's mouth as he eyes filled with sadness as her last breaths were her chocking on her own blood.

"Love is Destiny.. And our destiny is death... I hope you find your lover in the after life... This legendary lance surely does work on the Draconic lines... No wonder the fight was fairly easy."

"Morning Goblin Slayer." The Artificer said waking up at his usual time after he had shifted patrols with the Elf who shifted off with Goblin Slayer.

"Morning." Goblin slayer said chewing on some Fragrant herbs.

"Got anymore of those? Lady Ranger ate the beans I was going to use for a morning brew."

"Thank you... Ok Defendy time to recharge." The Artificer said sucking the Steel Defender back into its card as he began chewing on the herbs like Goblin Slayer feeling the morning sickness go away.

"I'm sure you noticed this but I was thinking last night while I was on watch... That Goblin Attack yesterday... Those riders seem somewhat organized."

"They were... It's more than likely that the Goblins attack us as... Amusement."

"Scary thought... But glad were on the same page..."

"What do you think they're goal is?"

"I didn't see any signs of his influence but it's too early to te-"

"Awaken and on your feet! Where do you think you Varlets are?!" A voice said being followed by a gust of wind  that put the two adventurers on edge as they put their hand on their weapons. However Both the young men in their prime found themselves at the mercy of two obsidian blades pointing at their necks. and after realizing they were surrounded the light from the dim sun finally showed who caught them off guard. High Elves as one with a Mithril helmet had both the Artificer and Goblin Slayer's life on his hands.

"An Elf?"
"Oh boy..."

"Of course; this is our forest after all." The proud elf warrior said as his companions surrounded the boy as Kitty and Peanut woke up with their hands up waking up the Lizardman and the Dwarf who was the most unhappy bunch of the lot as he got surrounded by Elves while in his sleep.

"A barbarian warrior are you? A Cat, Lizardman, Loxodon, a Dwarf..."

"And then you... I know your kind... Inventor." The Elf said staring daggers at the Artificer.

"Is that a good thing?... Guess not!" 

"Seeing as your with an adventuring party; I won't lop your head off..."

"Gek! I mean good luck with those Obsidian swords... Probably will break if I casted shield to block the hit."

"Now then... We're you the one's who did battle with those Goblins?"

"We did how did you-"

"We finished them off."

"So much for the nest infestation plan."
"Quiet you."
"!" The Artificer said jolting back straight with his hands in a surrender pose after the Elf commanded for his silence.

"Now then the arrow found in those Goblins belong to a member of my Kin-"
"Uh oh..."  The Artificer thought to himself seeing the Elf pull one of Hea's Arrows with a loosened tip.

"Hm If I may-"

"Quiet you one more word and this grass will stain red with your blood."

"Yeesh!... quite a stuck up- Wait a minute... Oh I know who you are! OH NO MY PLAN FOR A PERFECT FIRST IMPRESSION IS RUINED!"  The Artificer said to himself taking a deep breath to remain calm... on the outside.

"I know she'd never use such a faulty bolt now tell me... What did you do with her? Your answers may decide your fate by my hand!"

"That's such a cool line! For a horrible misunderstanding... Ugh... I told her to send a letter ahead of time..." The Artificer said rubbing his face as the other male Adventurers knew exactly what he was talking.

Couple days prior.

"Ugh man my head..."

"C'mon rest here Master." The Artisan said as she and the Ranger helped laid the Artificer on the wagon for a short time as everyone was getting their stuff together.

"You spent a really long time making those gifts..."

"Yep... Speaking of... You should really send a letter informing your family of our arrival. As Artisan tells me you elves-"

"It'll be fine trust me!"


"Arty c'mon there's nothing to worry about!"


"Chu!" The Elf said giving the Artificer a quick peck on his head making sure no one saw them.

"Ok I'll believe you." 


"Your the Groom for the Upcoming wedding, the guy who sang the poem instead of the love song. Brother-in-Law to... Starwind's Daughter... Who's in there currently in there with-"
"Wah- H-how do you know all that ferret!?"


"Ah yes the one who's love set him straight ." The lizard man making the Elf blush even more.

"He definitely reminds me of Hea..."

"Filthly vermin... Where di-"
"She's in there." The Artificer said with a low tone rubbing  his forehead showing how much patience he was losing after pointing to the shelter the girls were in.

"Hm... Master Artificer." The Lizard man said getting the Artificer's attention.

"Yea Scaly what's up?" 

"How did you know that extra stuff?"
"Me and Hea talk a lot. It's what friends do."

"I see."

"Steely Attack the pervert!" The Artisan yelled out as her Lizard steel defendy pounced on the elf crawling all over him

"Ow ow ow ow get it off get it off!  Nice bodyguard you lot... I'll be sure to compensate you all in bringing my little sister-in-law."

"They're with me brother!" The Elf said popping her head out of their hut glaring daggers at him while all he did was shrug and try to maintain his composure.

"Hm... Imma just... Y-yea..." The Artificer said scooting away little by little to check his gear and his gifts he had for them.

Moments later the High Elves that had ambush the group were now escorting them to deep into the forest where the land of the Elves would be at. While Mith (the Nickname the Artificer came up with for himself to use) Walked along side Hea as he did his best to communicate the others as they talked about the lay of the land and soon the Goblins as Mith stated they aren't that much of a threat to them catching the attention of GS, Priestess and the Artificer only for him to slightly relax.

"Fair enough... He seems competent. And then again Goblins wouldn't take on an entire realm of Elves by themselves... Right?... And then Most of the Elves here lived during the battle of the Gods."

"Your quite right... I myself battled Dragons, Evil Spirits, and Manaketes."

"Manaketes from the legends you've met one?" Peanut asked surprised as he also surprised some of the others.

"Unfortunately I have... Tragic story but if I didn't claim her life this very forest would've been burnt to the ground... Matter of fact there was two things in my mind before coming to you guys."

"Ooo Imma tell!" Hea said in a teasing manner as Mith shrugged it off.

"The first one I thought I felt a draconic presence... But I guess it could've been Sir Lizardman or you Inventor but after a good look I was wrong."

"Weird but ok. By the way, This place looks absolutely stunning! I read about the time Lady Tinkerer Traveled to the Great High Elves forest. I can't believe I'm seeing it with my own eyes!"

"Isn't it amazing Arty?! C'mon follow me!" Hea asked grabbing his hands in a excited and child like manner as she dragged him ahead of the others where they ended up in a canopy that lifted them high up in the trees where passages ways woven by vines and great leaves woven together as they climbed up layers by layers nearly touching the skies as several of the elves down below saw the free spirited Elf drag someone with him as if she was leading him into a dance both with smiles on their faces. Once the group caught up their Archer she smiled greatly and with graceful steps she went in front of all her friends and her lover to utter the follow.

"Hehe Good Morn, and Good Night, by a Sun and Two moons' light. From Starwind's daughter to her Dearest Friends and tye (you)." The Elf said doing a graceful spin as her ponytail streamed out like a comet as she widened her arms out facing them.

"Welcome to my home!" She smiled wider and brighter than a sunflower.


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