𝕀𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕤 |...

By minkssss

41.2K 714 241

"she found the colours to paint him, where the world left him grey." -Atticus ~From Third year~ Evanora Vienn... More

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~꧁52 ꧂~

286 6 9
By minkssss


'So have you and Draco made it official?' Hermione asked as we sat at the Gryffindor table to eat breakfast, Gryffindor vs Slytherin was today. I had my cheer stuff on, I saw Harry take his spot next to Hermione. We were talking until a pale faced Ron sat down next to me.

'Are..you feeling okay?' I asked

He didn't say anything, when Hermione was looking at the Daily Prophet I saw Harry drizzle in a bit of Liquid Luck, but I saw nothing came out. He looked at me and winked, I kept my mouth shut. Wa she pretending?!

So how was it?' Ron asked finally

'How was what' Hermione retaliated

'The dinner party' he looked jealous

'Pretty boring actually, though I think Harry enjoyed dessert' she replied with no enthusiasm.

'You see our boy Harry, has got a crush. You won't believe who.' I snorted as Harry kicked my leg under the table

'Slughorns having a Christmas do you know' Hermione said

'And we are meant to bring someone' Hermione continued

'I bet you'll be bringing Mclaggen? He's in the Slug Club isn't he?' Ron snapped

'We all know your jealous Ron, admit it. Plus Hermione hates Mclaggen, we all do.' I ate my eggs

'Actually I was going to ask you' She exclaimed painfully that shut him up

Ron needs some serious slapping.

'Really?!' Ron said in disbelief. Hermione was about to open her mouth until we all scowled to see Lavender tap Ron on the shoulder. He turned around to see her bubbly face.

'Good luck today Ron. I know you'll be brilliant' she smiled before running back to her friends
This clearly made Ron feel worse, he gulped.

'Cheer up, Ron. You'll be fine' I laughed

'I'm resigning after todays match Mclaggen can take my spot' Ron declared

'Ron you won that place fair and square' i mentioned

Harry nodded his head. We all jumped as we saw Luna..dressed as a..lion?!

'Hello everyone,you look dreadful Ron' Luna said innocently as I choked on my pumpkin juice, laughing but covered it up with a cough

'He does, no colour in him' I smirked

'Is that why you put something in his cup?Is it a tonic?' Luna carries on

Hermione's face realised. Uh oh.

'Yeah it is a tonic' I tried to cover up, it didn't work

'Liquid luck, don't drink it Ron!' Hermione demands

We watched as Ron lifted the goblet, scanning us all with his eyes. Soon he gulped it down and wiped his mouth, his face now was painted with a broadened smile.

'Cmon Harry, we've got a game to win' he got up from his seat. Hermione, me and Luna just sat there

'They could be expelled for that!' Hermione said eating the last of her breakfast

'So? Who cares, they can do what they want, Mione. You're not their mother' i taunted

'Shut up, Ev.' She scoffed

'So...are we going to the game or not?' Luna said after a while

'Oh yes, I better get going. And Hermione, you dare snitch, and surely you've heard this in the muggle world: Snitches get stitches' I smiled before running off with the other cheer girls. I ran along, sadly it was raining so we had to do it.

I saw the quaffle being tossed around as we were doing our routine. Thankfully Ron defended all of the shots which was amazing! And we won! The Slytherin's didn't take it well.

Once we were all dry, I hosted a Gryffindor party to celebrate Ron, he deserved it!

He was in the middle, confetti everywhere as many clapped.

Hermione let going on about how Harry shouldn't have put the Liquid luck in his goblet.

'Mione you're missing the point' I laughed as Harry pulled out the full vial of Liquid luck. Hermione was truly amazed at Harry's scheme. We turned back to see Lavender pull Ron in and snog him infront of everyone. Everyone 'wooed' and cheered. I looked to my left to see Mione had gone, and so had Harry.

'You son of a bitch' I walked up to Ron, ripped him away for Lavender and slapped the Godric out of him.

'How could you' i slapped him again he massaged it looking at me

Everyone whispered

'You're so blind! I can't believe you'd do this to her and snog that curly haired bitch, you wanker!' I shouted

Nobody knew the term 'wanker' which was good. I learnt it from Mione.

I huffed and pushed everyone out the way. I followed the faint cries which lead me to Hermione and Harry. Hermione and Harry were sitting on the steps.

'Oh Mione, he's not worth your love, I kicked his butt for you' I came next to her

'You don't get it. I-I've loved him since...' but she didn't finished as she bursted until tears

'I wish I had what you and Draco have.' She sniffles

She started to talk about Ginny. We all shared a solemn moment until it was broken by giggled, we all saw Lavender latching into his arms as they walked closer. Ron chirped you and asked about the birds. Hermione eyed him like her eyes were a gun.

'Opugno' she choked out. I looked up to see the birds flying and forming a bullet right at Ron and Lavender, they both ran away.

Hermione then started to sob again. And I bet she will drown herself in the library to try and heal her heart.

We stayed like that. Until Hermione has no more tears. But I think we'd be here all night...

Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in forever and I'd like to thank you for 1k reads! I've been hella tired because I had exams! I finally have relaxed and am back to finish this story!

I love you all for reading <3


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