daylight | the bad batch

By tiredofmidnightblues

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: daylight ══ "and now i see daylight, i only see daylight" in which mara caldera travels the galax... More

. epigraph - part one
00. prologue
01. mending
02. cornered
03. rampage
04. decommissioned
05. battle scars
06. reunion
07. common ground
08. rescue on ryloth
10. war-mantle
11. return to kamino
12. kamino lost
. epigraph - part two
13. spoils of war
14. ruins of war
15. faster

09. infested

222 8 10
By tiredofmidnightblues

*hiiiii. this is filler chapter just like this was a filler episode (not that it's a bad thing, every show needs them). i tried not to pack too much into this chapter, especially between tech and mara (i failed at that they have so much in this chapter, i blame the song you are in love by taylor swift), and keep it pretty short cause the next three? shit happens heheheh. i'm excited for them all. anyways enjoy this sort of filler!*

"Cid better pay us extra for that mission," Echo grumbled, taking his helmet off as he exited the Marauder with his brothers, Omega and Mara.

"Eh, it wasn't so bad," Wrecker shrugged from behind Mara and Echo.

In front them, Tech removed his helmet and in pure muscle memory, turned for a moment to hand it off to Mara. She didn't even hesitate to accept it, propping it on her hip as she follow him with Echo at her side. It was muscle memory for her too. Pure instinct. She ignored the amused look on Echo's face as they kept walking through Ord Mantell. "She failed to mention the drop zone would be swarming with Gundarks," Echo pointed out, stepping to the side as Wrecker now walked between him and Mara.

"It is not the first time she has left out key details," Tech pointed out, holding up one finger as he did.

Echo sighed, rolling his eyes a bit as the Batch continued through the streets of Ord Mantell and back to Cid's Parlor. After their last mission, which was directly after helping the Syndulla's escape Ryloth, Mara was sure a drink would help her relax and maybe give her a moment to sit with all the thoughts about Tech that kept getting pulled up at inopportune times. Something was always interrupting them before she could say anything. One thing Mara hated more than showing vulnerability and emotion, was plugged up emotions unable to escape because Wrecker had arm wrestle her in the cockpit to settle a between him and Echo. Or Hunter absolutely needed her opinion on a game plan for a mission given to them. Now, Hunter lingering in the back instead of leading them to the bar, was setting off a little alarm in Mara's head, breaking her thoughts from swarming.

Especially the way he looked at the masked men littering the streets of Ord Mantell. Ones they had never seen before.

It seemed the rest of the Batch had yet to notice, and if they had, they weren't showing it. Instead, they entered the bar, which was strangely crowded. Mara furrowed her brows at that. The whole appeal of Cid's Bar had always been how empty it was, aside for the only other regulars, Bolo and Ketch. The rest of the Batch had equally confused faces as they looked around the grimy bar. "When did this place get so popular?" Echo voiced the thoughts of the whole Batch.

"And who are they?" Tech added, eyeing the masked men that had alarmed Hunter in the streets.

"Not our problem," Hunter shook his head. "Let's find Cid," He said, waving for them to follow him to her office in the back.

As they walked, Mara felt her grip on Tech's helmet tighten at the sight of the Pyke's exiting Cid's office. She almost ran into Hunter in front of her as he was stopped by one of the masked guards before entering Cid's office. "Where do you think you're going?"

Hunter rose a brow and with a quick punch and shove back, he was walking the guard and into Cid's office.

Inside, more of the masked guards stood, immediately pulling their weapons out at the sight of the Batch, who had all pulled out their own blasters. Mara held tightly to the blaster, one she had taken off of Tech's belt as he took the other. "It's rude to barge into one's office unannounced," A voice said from behind the guards.

Echo and Wrecker quickly turned around at the appearance of another few guards behind them. A green skinned Devaronian man sat in Cid's seat, his feet on her desk and a reptilian creature in his lap.

"This isn't your office," Hunter said.

The man sitting in Cid's chair scoffed at that, "Guess again." He sat up, placing the reptilian creature he had been petting on the desk. One Mara and Omega both recognized as the prize from one of their first missions with Cid. "She's my prized pet," The man replied to Omega's exclamation of the name she had given the lizard, Ruby.

"What are you doing with her?" Omega asked.

"I paid. Cid delivered," The Devaronian man shrugged.

"And where is Cid?" Mara asked, adjusting the aim of her blaster pointed at the man.

"Cid's out," The man replied, standing up as he spoke. "This parlor and Ord Mantell are now my territory. But if you're looking for work, I might have use for you." The man offered, motioning to his guards to lower their blasters. The Batch hesitated but lowered their own as well.

"We'll think about it," Hunter said, holstering his blaster. They felt the gaze of the men and their guards as they exited Cid's office and then the bar. "We're getting off Ord Mantell. Tech, Mara, prep the ship. The rest of us will gather supplies," Hunter decided as they entered the streets and headed down the few turns to where the Marauder was left.

"But what about Cid?" Omega asked, looking up at Hunter. "What did he mean when he said she was 'out'?"

"Given his tone, it is a plausible assumption that Cod was either forced out or taken out," Tech shrugged. Mara almost cringed at his bluntness which made Omega jog in front of the Batch, stopping them in their tracks.

"Well, we have to find her and help her!" Omega insisted.

The sound of Cid clearing her throat made them all look up. Leaning against the door to the Marauder, Cid stood with her arms crossed. "Nice to see one of you cares," She said. "Inside. Now," She added, motioning behind her.

Inside the Marauder, Cid stood with her two regulars, Bolo and Ketch, who were playing some game with Gonky as their table. "So you boys met Roland," Cid said as the Batch entered their ship. "He's a former client and the son of crime boss, Isa Durand. Roland's trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the Pykes," Cid explained.

"What's he doing on Ord Mantell?" Hunter asked.

"This port's connected to multiple hyperspace routes, ideal for smuggling," Cid replied. "My parlor's right in the middle of the action. Roland saw the value in it and took it. But we are taking it back," Cid motioned to the Batch in front of her and Bolo and Ketch behind her. Mara rose one brow at that. She certainly had never trusted Cid fully during their whole time with her, but she had been the better of many evil's for them.

"We?" Hunter asked, motioning to him and his brothers and raising a brow.

"If I lose, you lose," Cid pointed out. "Don't forget how good I've been at keeping secrets. Surviving Jedi have an ever growing and ever tempting bounty on their heads."

"I believe she's threatening us," Tech spoke up, instinctively stepping forward only a bit as if to cover Mara. Just like he had the first time Cid brought up the bounty. Only this time, he felt Mara's hand on his shoulder. She certainly could handle herself and she knew that he was well aware of it, but she found it endearing that he did so either way.

"You're quick," Cid sardonically shot back.

"When we needed help, we came to Cid, remember?" Omega said, standing next to Cid now. "Now, she needs help. We can't just walk away."

"You tell 'em, Tiny," Cid patted Omega's shoulder.

"So, what's your plan?" Hunter sighed. Cid waved for them to follow her out of the Marauder and back into the streets of Ord Mantell.

"My sources tell me that a buyer is meeting Roland tonight to acquire a shipment of spice he's storing in my back office," Cid explained as they walked, turning down an alley way.

"You want to disrupt his supply chain by stealing the shipment and thereby sabotaging the deal," Tech interrupted.

"Very good, lover boy," Mara could feel the way Cid rolled her eyes when she said that. "When the Pykes come to collect, Roland won't be able to pay and he'll be their problem," She finished, stopping her pace. Cid moved a few crates out of the way, revealing a pothole and motioning to it, "Start climbing, tough guys."

Mara handed Tech his helmet before it was her turn to climb down, Tech tossing her one of the flashlights he carried as she met the bottom of the tunnel, Hunter, Omega and Wrecker already down here. Cid climbed down next, followed by Tech and Echo, the former now holding a flashlight as well. "Where are we?" Hunter asked, following Cid through the tunnels.

"Ord Mantell's old mining tunnels," Cid replied. "These rails run underneath the city. It's how we're sneaking into my parlor to steal the spice."

"Why don't we just walk in there and take it?" Wrecker asked, "We can handle those guards," He added, lightly pushing Mara a bit.

"No one can know we're involved," Cid shook her head. "Roland is one thing, but the Pykes aren't an enemy you want to make. We'll use these carts to transport the crates of spice," Cid explained, stepping on to one of the bright yellow carts.

"They're not in the best shape, but I can get the motors operational," Tech went to pull his datapad out but stopped when Cid spoke.

"No. Motors are too loud. This is a stealth mission. You boys are good at that, right?" Cid turned to the them as she spoke, "Tiny, Goggles, Grumpy, you're with me." She pointed to Omega, Tech and then Mara. Mara rolled her eyes at the nicknames, but followed Tech on to the cart, helping Omega on. It was better than her other nicknames for her and Tech, she supposed.

Mara held her flashlight up and pointed it down the dark tunnel, glancing at Tech as he stood next to her. Behind them, Cid grabbed the handle and began moving it to let the cart begin its way down the track.

It lurched forward suddenly at the quick movement of the lever, making Mara quickly grip onto Tech's arm guard. He glanced down at her hand on his arm, his stomach twisting at the contact. When he looked back at her face, she quickly moved her hand back, gripping the railing of the cart. "Sorry," she whispered, looking back down the tunnel.

Mara could take down battalions of droids and fight in some of the worst battles the Clone Wars threw at her, but a sudden lurch from a mining cart was enough to frighten her? Mara was kicking herself at that, not wanting to show just how embarrassed she was with how tightly she had gripped on to him. It had to have been the building up emotions or the trauma she had gone through that caused everything to go haywire. She could handle this mission and then maybe she'd have the time to finally get all these emotions out and finally be done with it all festering inside her. She didn't want to handle the added embarrassment of a sudden move scaring her enough to grab on to Tech for comfort.

Her feelings for him never scared her, it simply took forever to get through her Jedi teachings that had been seared into her brain didn't matter anymore. The Clone Wars were easy for her to move past, the trauma of the 104th shooting her helped her bury it away. Those teaching were her entire life before all of this. Everything that had been so crucial to who she was for her entire life had to be thrown away. That's why it took longer for her to chip away at those walls and make room for Tech to reach in. He was working his way over her callouses whether they both realized it or not. He didn't reply to her unneeded apology but adjusted his grip on the cart railing, his gloved hand now over hers.

Things like this processed differently for him, but he knew the comforts that physical contact could bring. Just like Mara struggled with chipping away at her walls and everything she had known, Tech didn't know any more than just to be a soldier. Mara changed that. He found himself feeling things he had never felt before and had only heard of. It was all new for him and he had to put the pieces together on his own and with the teasing from his brothers. It was like downloading a new program and once the download was complete, it made sense. Why people did crazy things for the people around them they cared for. He had been bred and created with an exceptional mind with a vast knowledge of everything and yet, he couldn't even put it into words no matter how hard he tried.

Physically contact like this was the easiest way for them to get past these hurdles until they had the moment to say it to one another. It was why neither of them moved their hands this time.

"Now listen up," Cid said as she stopped moving the cart when they came upon a closed off portion of the tunnel. "When we pass through those doors, not a peep out of anyone. We don't want to wake the hive."

"The what?" Echo asked.

"The caverns have a slight... infestation problem," Cid replied, still staying vague.

"Hah. We're not afraid of a few bugs," Wrecker chuckled, nudging Hunter as he did so.

"Well, it won't be a problem if everyone keeps their traps shut," Cid assured. "Big guy, get the door," Cid nodded towards the closed yellow door. Wrecker exited his cart with Hunter and Echo, walking around on the ledge the open the door. Once open, the carts started moving again. A few far away screeches and the sounds of wings flapping around them could be heard the further into the tunnel they got.

"Wha? What was that?" Wrecker whispered, before his flashlight fell from his hands, into the dark tunnel. It was like everyone held their breath for a moment as it clattered against the rocks below.

"What did I say?" Cid whispered back, glaring at Wrecker.

"It was an accident," Wrecker quietly scoffed.

It was then the screeching was heard again, along with a few rumbles of the rocks below them. Mara felt Tech's hand on hers tighten for only a split moment as they looked over the edge of the cart. He didn't know what was below him and Mara assumed that wasn't helping. Being stuck in a dark tunnel unable to know what was around them to properly form a plan as the creatures certainly sounded distressed. The screeching only got louder, whatever was causing it was getting closer but it suddenly cut off and the tunnel was silent again.

"Keep moving," Hunter whispered, breaking the silence, nodding to Wrecker and then Cid.

It was only a short distance to the end of the tunnel, the carts pulling up to a ledge. Tech was the first off the cart, still keeping his grip on Mara's hand until she was safely off the cart. He let go though, making sure Omega was off the cart safely as well before turning back to where Cid was motioning with her light. A ladder.

"We're here," Cid said, pointing at the ladder. "This ladder leads into my back office. Up you go," Cid explained.

"Without eyes on the office, how do we know Roland is not inside?" Tech asked.

"I've got that covered," Cid assured, a grin on her face as she pressed a button on a comm link. "All clear," the sound of Bolo's voice came through the comm link. Mara would have to let him win the next game of holochess him and Ketch would challenge her and Tech to when they had free time on Ord Mantell between missions for Cid.

Sighing, Tech was the first to climb up the ladder with Mara and Echo right behind him. He lifted the cover up, peaking into the office before climbing in and helping the other two behind him up as well, Hunter right behind them. "Ugh, and I thought Wrecker was a slob," Echo cringed as he looked around the dirty state that Roland had left Cid's usually clean office in.

"Can the commentary. Roland won't be gone for long," Cid reminded over the comm link.

Tech walked over to the large crates, sliding the top open and grabbing a package of the spice. "Six crates of spice confirmed," Tech said as he held his datapad up to the package.

"Here, hand it over," Wrecker peaked up from the ladder. Hunter and Mara lifted the first crate with ease, bringing it over to Wrecker at the ladder while Echo and Tech grabbed the next one. They repeated the process again, handing them off to Wrecker who brought them down to the carts.

"Out of time, boys. Get the last two crates," Cid's said through the comm link as Wrecker brought the fourth crate handed to him by Mara and Hunter.

"I'll seal the door," Echo said, plugging into the panel by the door to Cid's office.

"Let's keep going," Hunter said to Mara, who was already lifting up one side of the last two crates. As they handed the last one over, Hunter climbed down the ladder after Wrecker, followed by Tech, Echo and Mara.

"That's secure enough, let's go," Cid rushed, practically pushing Mara on to the crate after Tech. Mara would have snapped at Cid had she not bumped right into Tech's chest plate. It was almost natural for him to reach out, a hand on her waist to steady here. Mara froze for a moment at his touch. A comforting hand on hers or helping her up a few steps was one thing. But he was quite literally holding her by the waist. "This is not the time for you two to have a little romantic moment," Cid snapped, starting to move the lever that made the crate lurch forward.

"Right," Mara said, stepping back and grabbing on to the railing behind her. She heard Tech clear his throat, turning to the other side of the lever to help move the cart faster through the tunnel.

"We've got incoming!" Wrecker shouted, beginning to shoot his blaster behind them, some of Roland's guards in carts following them.

"I said no blaster fire!" Cid reminded.

"Tell that to them!" Wrecker shouted as the guards began firing back. Mara reached over, grabbing one of Tech's blasters again and firing a few shots to cover Hunter, Echo and Wrecker on the other cart.

Though, Hunter pulled the brakes on their cart quickly, making it come to a sudden stop and crashing into the guards behind them. It also allowed him to leap over into their cart, knocking out the one that didn't fall off from the crash. He pressed the reverse on it before leaping back into his cart, making the guard's cart speed backwards and slam into another oncoming cart.

"If this laser brains woke the hive, we're all dead," Cid mumbled as they continued down the track, the screeching noises coming back the further they got.

"What's that sound?" Omega asked, looking around with her flashlight. "Cid, I don't like this."

Mara looked down over the railing, her flashlight seeing nothing for a moment until a huge amount of winged creatures began pouring out of the caves below them. "Power up the engines!" Cid shouted.

"We've got more coming!" Wrecker warned, as the engines began moving the carts at a faster speed.

The Batch began opening fire on the large winged creatures around them, until Tech noticed their behavior around his flashlight. "They're avoiding the light! Use your torches," He called out.

However, it wasn't enough to prevent one from swooping in and grabbing a crate of the spice off their cart and swarming Hunter, Echo and Wrecker's. The three quickly abandoned it, just in time as it was pushed off the track, taking the spice with it. "Forget the spice! Let's go!" Echo said, shooting his blaster with his flashlight up.

They reached the same door from earlier, with the three of them running down the track and covering as Wrecker closed the same bright yellow hatch door from before. "Whew," Wrecker groaned, leaning his head against the door for a moment before hopping down.

"Well, at least we got rid of the spice, right?" Omega asked as the cart became cramped from the three other clones joining them.

"Are you sure your parlor's safe?" Omega asked, looking up at Cid as they made their way back to the bar.

"Bolo and Ketch said the Pykes already came for Roland," Cid replied. "I told you, they don't take kindly to unpaid debts," She said as the door to her parlor slide open. It met them with the sight of many of the guards slumped over, likely deceased, and the bar a complete mess. "See? My plan worked like a charm. Even better than expected," Cid shrugged, stepping over the bodies. Footsteps drew their attention towards Cid's office though.

Mara heard the stories throughout the Clone Wars and from the Jedi before that. Stories and tales that involved them never ended well unless you carried out their orders. The time Anakin Skywalker bragged about confronting them with Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars. Their involvement in the take over of Mandalore. Their general intimidating appearance with their height and masks covering their faces. It was why her hand clenched against Tech's helmet on her hip, her other ready to grab one of his blasters again if needed. Revealing her sabers to the Pykes was the last thing she wanted to do. They never had any good blood with the Jedi and their profit hungry ways would surely lead to her death if they knew who she was.

Out from the shadows came a couple Pykes and Roland, who had his hands in binders. "That's her. She's the one you want," Roland nodded towards Cid and the Batch.

"It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice," One of the Pykes stepped forward, his hands behind his back. "Return it to us, and we will consider the issue resolved."

"Not sure what he's been telling you, but we don't have any spice," Cid partially lied.

"Kill them all," The Pyke ordered.

"Wait," Hunter spoke, stepping in front of Omega. "We don't have the spice on us, but we know where it is."

"My patience is wearing very thin. If you know where the spice is, then you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do, the child and the girl stay here," The Pyke replied to them. Mara's eyes widened at that, the rest of the Batch all pulling their blasters out. It wasn't lost on her the way Tech stepped forwards. It gave her enough cover to unclip her sabers and clip them on to his belt.

"Not happening," Hunter said angrily.

"You misunderstand. This is not a negotiation," The Pyke replied.

"If I may..." Cid glanced back at the Batch and then back at the Pykes. The silence from the Pyke was enough for Cid to turn back to the Batch. "You all don't realize who you're dealing with. If you don't lower your blasters, we're all gonna wish we were dead. Let me handle this," Cid placed her hand on Hunter's blaster.

"She's right," Mara whispered, putting her hand on Tech's arm, lowering it slowly and grabbing the blaster from his hand. "I'll be okay," she nodded to him, putting his back on the holster.

Tech hated the feeling her got when he glanced back at Mara, who was having binders placed on her wrists before being forcibly pushed down to sit next to Omega.

Nonetheless, Mara watched him slip his helmet back on and followed his brothers.

The bar remained silent outside of the Pyke's occasional hushed chatter with one another. Mara sat at Omega's side, Roland not too far from them. Omega's gaze traveled to the blaster on the floor but when she looked back at Mara, the Jedi shook her head. They had to trust in the Batch and Cid to be able to bring the spice back and trade it for them. The only reason Mara willingly stayed behind without a fight was to keep an eye on Omega. To make sure she was safe and didn't try anything impulsive to get out.

"Don't try it. They'll kill you," Roland spoke up from next to them. "If your friends don't return the spice, we're all dead. That's what happened when you meddle in other people's business."

"Us?" Omega asked, furrowing her brows. Even Mara rose a brow towards Roland. "You're the one who took Cid's parlor from her."

"You take what you want. That's the Durand way," Roland said, leaning his head back against the flipped over table. Mara almost rolled her eyes at that. "It's a tactic my mother had perfected."

"Can't believe we're in this mess cause of a glorified mama's boy," Mara mumbled at that. She felt Roland's glare on her.

"So, she's a criminal too?" Omega asked, leaning forwards to look at Roland.

"Ugh. You both make it sound so undignified," Roland said before chuckling. "If she saw me now..." He looked down at his hands.

A quiet chattering made them all glance over, seeing Ruby waddling her way over to Mara and Omega. The creature climbed over Mara's lap, nestling down but nuzzling against Omega's side. Ruby purred quietly at Omega and Mara's hands petting her softly. Omega smiling down at the creature. She'd keep the fact that she saw Mara smile at Ruby to herself for now.

"Ruby doesn't take a liking to many people," Roland sighed, watching the creature with a soft look as it cuddled into Mara's lap. "I guess Vaethean's have a way with reptiles though," He leaned back again, looking at Mara.

"Something like that," She shrugged in response, leaning back against the holochess table she was sat next to. She closed her eyes for a moment as Ruby chattered quietly to Omega. For only a brief moment, Mara could hear the chirps of the Varactyl's on her home planet from her last day there. The day that lead her to where she was now. She could feel familiar feeling in her gut. The same one she'd get when the Force would throw her in some echo or memory powerful enough to imprint itself within the Force. She quickly opened her eyes, trying to keep herself from succumbing to the memory the lizard was bringing her to. She couldn't face that day again. Not yet.

"Don't worry, Ruby. We'll get out of this," Omega smiled, petting Ruby's head softly.

After being dragged to the hangar the Marauder landed in front of the Pykes and their hostages. Mara watched the door slide open, Wrecker the first one out carrying one of the crates of spice. Tech was next, the rest of the Batch and Cid following him out. His gaze immediately met Mara's and she nodded slowly, hoping that was enough to assure him she was okay. That worried look didn't leave his brown eyes. Mara could see it from behind those yellow tinted goggles and she could feel it radiating off of him.

Wrecker dropped the last crate, the Pykes leaning down to examine the packages of spice inside.

"Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved," One of the Pykes spoke up. "But, not with you," He said, turning towards Roland and pulling a knife off his belt.

Ruby, in Omega's grasp, squealed loudly at that, wiggling in her arms. One of the Pykes moved Omega and Mara out of the way, removing the binders from their wrists but keeping his blaster pointed towards Roland. Mara grabbed Omega's arm, softly pulling her towards the Batch, where Hunter quickly put his hand on Omega's shoulder, comforting her. Tech was quick to step up to Mara, grabbing her wrists gently and looking down at them.

"Hey, I'm okay," She whispered. Mara felt his thumb carefully touch where the binders had been secured around. The touch was comfortable but he didn't drop her hands as he glanced over her shoulder at the Pykes.

Mara turned her head back, looking at Roland, who was pulled up off his knees and thrown over one of the crates.

"Don't!" Omega said, running forwards only to be stopped by Hunter. The Pykes pinned Roland down, lifting the knife up. They were going to kill him. "He made a mistake! That's all," Omega pleaded, holding tightly on to Ruby.

"Shes right," Cid stepped forward. "Kill him and you'll be starting a war with Isa Durand. Do you want that heat right now? Call this a bad deal and walk away."

"We do not accept bad deals," The Pyke said, lifting his knife higher. He brought it down and Mara flinched as it made contact with Roland. Instead of his head falling, it was one of his horns that tumbled to the ground, causing him to scream with pain. "Our business is finished. It would not be wise for our paths to cross again," He threatened Roland, holding up the severed horn.

"Are you okay?" Omega asked, crouching next to Roland.

"It's a small price to pay," Roland shrugged it off, looking defeated nonetheless. Omega handed him back Ruby as she whined, Hunter stepping up behind him. "I'll be going now," He said, turning away to head out of the hangar.

Mara turned back to Tech, who still had yet to drop her hands. It was comforting to him to feel her hands in his. Knowing she was alive and well. He could feel her warmth and felt the way she flinched, grabbing his hands tighter as Roland screamed out moment ago. She could still see the worry in his eyes.

"Come on, boys. First round's on me," Cid's voice broke their concentration, making them both look over.

"You owe us way more than that," Wrecker laughed.

"Don't push your luck," Cid rolled her eyes as Wrecker and Echo began running towards the parlor.

"Beat you there!" Wrecker challenged, looking back at Mara before leaving the hangar.

Mara looked back at Tech, shrugged before grabbing his hand again, tugging him behind her as she ran towards the parlor. She laughed a bit as he stumbled for a moment before letting her pull him through the streets, trying to beat Wrecker to the bar.

*hope you enjoyed! buckle up for the next three!*

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