JUST A MUDBLOOD, draco ma...

By kaeteo

48.2K 1.4K 1.4K

!!CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! If there was one thing that drew me towards her it'd be the simple fact that... More

๐…๐ข๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
๐’๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
~ third year
~ fourth year
Chapter Sixty-Six
๐…๐ข๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three


313 11 0
By kaeteo

Hello, My Lovely Readers!
First I would like to start off with an apology to anybody I upset by not updating this story sooner. In all honestly, over the past year or two, I have lost interest in many of the things I used to find enjoyable due to some mental health issues I have been dealing with. I also, unfortunately, did lose interest in Harry Potter a while ago. It is really sad to admit that but I obviously couldn't help it.

I'm not going to make promises about finishing this story as I know there is a possibility that I will not be able to keep it. I will come back every now and then to update as 20k of you do seem to enjoy this story. I genuinely love you all for sticking around to read my story. It really means the world to me. Even if I do cringe at my writing.

But anyway... enjoy the next chapter of Just A Mudblood.

Y/n's POV

The almost deafening silence lasts for a short while longer. Hermione continues to hold onto Ron, whilst I keep my face firmly planted into Harry's chest. But alas, the somewhat deafening silence came to an end—broken by a wail emitting from Ron.

"Ah—! He bit me. Scabbers." Trim had let out as he held onto the little bite mark on his finger that had shortly begun to bleed.

"Ron. Ron!" Hermione shouted as Ron began to run after his pet rat that had bolted off. Hermione and Harry chased after the rat, leaving me to continue to stare towards where Buckbeak was just executed.

I didn't have the energy to run after my friends. There was too much on my plate right now and everything was beginning to fall off. I began to walk back towards the castle as the sun looked like it would set soon. I didn't exactly want to get more house points deducted from Gryffindor or end up in detention once more. Surely my parents have been informed by now and there's no doubt if they have then they wouldn't be even the slightest bit pleased by it.

The halls weren't exactly empty as I made my way through them, although they weren't full either. There were a few students here and a few students there but oddly enough there was hardly any chatter.

The soles of my shoes made little scoffing sounds on the floor as I made my way towards the Great Hall. Again, it wasn't entirely full but it wasn't exactly empty either. There were a few people from each house who sat at their tables munching away at the food on the oak and chatting amongst themselves with friends.

I let out a brief sigh as I sat down at the Gryffindor table, my eyes lingering on the hourglasses that held the points to each house. Unsurprisingly Gryffindor had the least amount in their glass. I was definitely the witch who contributed to the deduction of majority of the house points.

I rested my chin in my hand as I took hold of a goblet and began drinking the water inside the cup while nibbling on a biscuit that was placed in the centre. Most of the food had been devoured but thankfully there was still a fair bit to fill anybody up if they missed out. Like myself.

The bubble around me began to fill with a deafening silence but that was short-lived as someone filled one of the gaps beside me. I turned my head to look at the tall boy with brown hair who had played himself down next to me.

A smile spreads out onto my lips as I watch him lean over and grab one of the biscuits off the plate. "The Hufflepuff table is two tables down, Mr Reed."

Aiden turned to look at me with the slight shrug of his shoulders and a small laugh under his breath. "I suppose you're right, Miss Maxwell. But you seemed lonely and what kind of 'blandly nice' Hufflepuff would I be if I left you sitting all by yourself?"

I chuckled at that. He had a knack for being funny yet really charming without even trying. The two of us sat in silence for a second or two, not that it was bad or anything. I honestly liked being in his presence it was very calming.

"So how are your studies going?" Aiden queried me while rubbing his hands together to get the cookie crumbs off them.

I looked over at him and shrugged slightly. "Honestly I've been in more detentions than I have in classes this year. My parents are definitely going to have a chat with me when I see them next."

"That means they care though. I know you've probably heard this before but parents usually want the best for us, which is why they have chats with us." The Hufflepuff stood up out of his seat and smiled as he looked down at me.

I could feel his dark brown orbs piercing my own (𝐞/𝐜) ones, it set butterflies off in my stomach. He was just perfect in every way, and all I've done is hurt him constantly.

"Hello? Y/n?" Aiden spoke making me snap at my daydream. I quickly shake my head as I look around before looking back up at him.

"Sorry. What did you say?" I spoke apologetically as I stood up alongside him.

"I was just saying it was getting late and I could walk you to your dorm if you wanted me to of course." He spoke and for some reason, my cheeks began to burn a soft red as well as burn slightly.

I quickly nodded and the two of us made our way towards the exit of the Great Hall, although before the two of us exited my eyes drifted towards the Slytherin table. My eyes brushed over Malfoy who was sitting alongside Daphne, Goyle and Pansy. He obviously didn't notice me looking at him because he was occupied chatting up a storm with his friends.

Aiden and I shortly exited the Great Hall and the two of us made our way up towards the moving steps. Thankfully they didn't move as we made our way up towards the Common Room. The two of us walked inside and there were a few people sitting inside the Common Room, but not many. We both stop by the steps to the dorms.

"So... this is me I suppose," I spoke somewhat awkwardly. I don't know exactly what was going on right now, but being around Aiden made my knees slightly buckle. Was it because his hair is slightly messy after having wind blown against it? Or maybe the strong scent of the new cologne he had been using?

"I suppose it is." Aiden let out as he slipped his hands into his trousers pockets. It went silent for a few seconds before he spoke once more. "Goodnight, Y/n."

I slowly nodded with a soft smile forming on my face as I looked down at the floor. I wanted to spend a little more time with him, so I made up a tiny little lie that could make him stay. "Would you maybe want to... I don't know, sit with me for a little? I could use a little help with some homework that I can't seem to wrap my wand around."

Without hesitation, Aiden nodded. I thought it would take a slight nudge of convincing, but it didn't. He just agreed and before I knew it, the two of us were making our way up the stairs together. I opened the door of the dorms so the two of us could enter.

Once we were inside it fell quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the wind entering the room from the opened window.

"Why don't you grab your books and I'll see what I can help you with." The Hufflepuff spoke as he took a seat on my bed while kicking his shoes off onto the floor. I made my way over to the bedside table and began rummaging through the drawer to find anything I could, but unfortunately, there was nothing even remotely close to being work-related.

I chew the inside of my lip as I slowly close the drawer and turn to look at him. "Okay, so... confession. I lied. I didn't have work that I needed help with. I just wasn't exactly feeling like ending our conversation. Not that we were talking about anything in particular but-"

The sound of laughter came from the boy which confused me. Why was he laughing? He stood up off the mattress and walked around the bed to stand right in front of me. Sweet Merlin, he smelled so good.

"What are we going to do with you, Miss Maxwell? Lying to a fellow student just to spend time with him? I think that calls for a form of punishment. Don't you think?" He raised a brow as he looked down at me.

My breath hitched in my throat. I didn't know how to accumulate a response to that. The bright red tone burning on my face surely didn't go unnoticed by Aiden. My ears were hot and my palms were sweaty. Who would've thought a Hufflepuff could make a Gryffindor nervous, after all, our traits are bravery... supposedly.

"Oh, shit. I didn't mean it like that." He cleared his throat as the confident role he was playing began to disappear.

I unintentionally broke out into a coughing fit after he had gotten that sentence out. My face burned an even brighter red - which I didn't think was even possible.

Aiden noticed this and laughed as he looked down at me. I looked back up at him as he looked back at me. The both of us began to calm down from our fits of laughter and embarrassment as both of us slowly began to get closer to each other.

My heart was definitely racing. It is going that fast I think I might pass out. The little gap between our bodies closed as my chest hit his. His left hand snaked it's way to the small of my back and his other hand hand softly rested itself on my cheek and both of my hands planted themselves onto his muscly chest.

The gap between the two of us had completely closed as his soft pink lips planted themselves on mine. Butterflies were flying everywhere right now. The kiss became deeper and his tongue had spread my lips apart before entering my mouth. My hands made their way up his chest before my arms had wrapped around his shoulders.

After a few seconds Aiden pulled his face away from mine but I was enjoying the kiss too much to end it so I pulled him back in to the best of my ability, he didn't hesitate to lock his lips onto mine once more. He pulled me closer if that were even possible and added more depth into the kiss.

The next few seconds had passed and he pulled away once more before resting his forehead on mine. He closed his eyes as he let out a deep sigh before he spoke, "I can't do this."

I was not only hurt by that but I was also confused. My eyes lock onto his as he lifts his forehead off mine and stands tall while looking down at me. He stayed quiet so I decided to break the deafening silence. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No." He didn't hesitate with his answer. I furrowed my eyebrows at how quickly he responded. I went to speak again but he shook his head. He broke the eye contact as he looked towards the dorm door. "Linda and I..."

My lips fell apart, eyes widened and my heart began to pound in my chest. Silence once again infiltrated the room. I didn't know how to accumulate a sentence.

"You're..." I barely got out as he slowly begun to nod, knowing where I was going with this.

"Yes. She had asked me out... and I couldn't say no." Aiden spoke as he sighed. I don't know why but tears had begun to fill my waterline. My heart snapped into many little pieces as that sentence had left his lips. Why did he kiss me if he was with her? Why didn't he stop me when I kissed him a second time?

"I think you should go." My voice croaked as I turned away from him. I shrugged off the hand that he had softly placed on my shoulder. I didn't like Linda one bit, but regardless I would've never of kissed him if I had've known they were together. I'm not a home wrecker.

Aiden didn't try to interject. He knew he messed up, and with a soft 'I'm sorry,' he had exited the dorm room, leaving me to cry into my pillow.

• Hello, Readers!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I have completely skipped the whole Sirius Black introduction and all but I have decided I want to start writing my own events into the story more. It will still follow along with the timeline and everything and Y/n will still be friends with the golden trio, there is just the possibility of seeing/hearing about them less.

Now, I would just like to add here that Y/n is whoever you want her to be! But for those who have trouble with visualisation or have yet to decide what you want her to look like, here is how I imagine her! xoxo

This is just how I picture Y/n Maxwell, this does not mean you have to! She is whoever you want her to be!

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