Her misunderstanding

By madeyouread

143K 3.3K 414

[Book 2] [book 1: Deceptive Love] Read book 1 to understand the whole story, if you didn't read it, you'll pr... More



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By madeyouread


Sighing, i focused on driving to Lorenzo's main house where im supposedly to be meeting with my friends- or ex friends? Guess i will be finding out.

Not bothering to knock, i bursted the door of his main house open and immediately regretted my decision of doing so as i felt several pair of eyes on me. Like everytime i come here, the house was filled with his men.

Recognition. They all recognised me. Of course they would, i went on missions with them. I befriended some of them- not close but we were still friends. The room was silent. Before i came here, im pretty sure it was a fucking party but now? It was silent. I found myself in a very uncomfortable position.

"Who dropped dead?" A voice i would recognise anywhere asked sarcastically at the sudden silence. I shifted myself, trying to keep a neutral face on before Nick came into sight- his gaze fixed on me. "Jade?"

"Hi, Nick." I smiled nervously and what i least expected happened. I was tackled into a hug by him.

"Oh my god-" He broke the hug, looking at me as if not believing whether im real or not before hugging me again. "You are really here."

"Im really here."

"What's going on here?" Enzo's voiced boomed from upstairs. Nick and i broke the hug, looking at the direction Enzo's voice came from. Once his gaze fell on me and Nick, he nodded to himself which was weird but i chose not to question it.

"You-" Nick pointed to me, "Have some explanations to do." Sighing, i replied, "I know. Where are the others?"

"Kitchen." Enzo replied earning a nod from me. "Come on." Both Nick and i followed him to the kitchen where Hunter, Liam and Amy were laughing at something Seth said.

"Guys." Nick interrupted them, making their eyes snap on him then me. Recognition flashed in their eyes upon seeing me. Amy jumped down the kitchen counter where she was sitting and brought me into a bone crushing hug. "Oh my god, you're back."

"Holy shit-" Seth's eyes widened, "You look hotter than before." He winked making me roll my eyes. Still a flirt.

"I thought you died." Liam joked. "4 years, really?" He question, I shrugged shifting my gaze to Hunter, who looked in deep thoughts before he said "Explain why you left." And i did, i explained everything- starting from how i misread the situation of Blake's death to how i needed time to cope with everything and how I've been lying to my father for 4 years.

"Wow." Hunter breathed out before a frown took over his features, "Im sorry you had to go through all that. Alone."

I gave him a small smile before turning a teary eyed Amy. "Im sorry." She sniffled. I sign, having enough of this pity party. "So what's new? Except the fact that Lorenzo's engaged, i already know that."

"You should meet her. She is such a fucking bitch." Nick scoffed, earning a groan from Enzo. "Im Chloe and im daddy's little sunshine." He ignored Enzo and said in a high pitch voice, making me hold back a laugh.

"I'd like to meet her." I stated as Enzo looked at me, clearly amused for some reason. "And you shall. We'll go to a party tonight, at 7:30 to be precise."

"Yeahhh. You should totally join us." Liam added. I thought for a while before agreeing. I still have to go to the main house before going to the club with them.

"You don't have anything to do, do you?" Amy questioned. "I have but I'll be done by 7:00." I replied earning curious glances from them. "What do you have to do?"

I was about to reply when Lorenzo beat me to it. "She's taking over the American mafia. Her dad's stepping down as leader." Their eyes widened at this information. "Damn. Just when i thought you couldn't get more badass." Seth smirked making me shake my head.


I was currently getting ready for the announcement of me being the new American leader. I planned on going to the club with my friends from there itself, being too lazy to change again and again. A smile made it's way onto my face at the thoughts of my friends. They understood my situation and were- Is there for me. I couldn't wish for better friends and to be honest? Im kinda regretting this whole leaving thing.

Once satisfied with my look, i went downstairs in the garage, inside my car and drove to my main house where my dad was already waiting.


Men and women surely murmuring about me, their gazes fixed on me as i walked to my dad who was standing on the stairs with a proud look on his face which encouraged me even more.

I was nervous, yes. But there is no way in hell im backing out on this. I wanted this since i found out about it and now, i finally got it. By the murmurs that could be heard, i knew they think im not fit for this, or that im some daddy's princess but little do they know. Some of the people here needs to learn where they stand and lucky for them, im here to teach them just that.

"Silence!" My dad's voice boomed across the room and was greeted immediately with silence. I was trying not to laugh at his 'silence' because it sounded like Dumbledore's silence in Harry Potter; may he rests in peace. Clearing my throat, i kept a cold face on as i looked at everyone in the room.

"Im here to announce that I'm stepping down as leader and i can proudly say that my daughter, Jade, will take my place. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome your mafia queen." Dad clapped his hands once he announced it along with everyone else before he passed the mic to me.

"I know some of you think that i am not fit for this job and well you have every right to think so considering, ive never set foot in this place before but i can assure you, im not who you think i am." I started and continued once i completely gained their attention. "-Disloyalty will not be tolerated and neither will disrespect. My dad had a way of dealing with those and i have one. He probably killed them on sight but i, i will make sure you regret ever double crossing me. I will make your life a living hell and you will beg for your death."

To say they looked scared would be an understatement. I always had a way with words and i thought to make them fear me, I'd have to announce that im an assassin. "Are we clear?" I asked, earning a nod from everyone.

"I have a question." Someone raised his hand in the middle of the crowd. I scoffed, "This is not a classroom. No need to raise your hand and stuff."

"Where were you these past 4 years?" He questioned, Blake's face immediately appearing in my mind. Taking a deep breath, i replied, "In France. I had a very nice time in France, you lots should visit it sometime- ask for permission, of course." Seeming convinced by my answer, he nodded with a small smile.

"No other questions?" I asked, glancing at my watch. My eyes widen as i saw the time, realising im gonna be at least 10 minutes late. "I gotta go." I announced and left but not before hugging my dad kissing him on the cheeks. "Have fun." He yelled, making me smile. But soon, that smile was replaced with a scowl when i remembered Chloe is gonna be there and by the description of my friends, i know im not gonna like her.

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