Hamartia [Peter Parker]

By peterprkerr

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Hamartia: /ˌhämärˈtēə/ noun a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. ❝You're suppose... More

IG Visuals
Endgame Exert
Far From Home Exert
Prequel - Let Go
Chapter 1 - Fog
Chapter 2 - The Edge
Chapter 3 - Survivor's Guilt
Chapter 4 - Surprise Guest
Chapter 5 - To Be A Hero
Chapter 6 - The Consequences Of Heroism
Chapter 7 - Recovery Road?
Chapter 8 - Push And Pull
Chapter 9 - 3am Vulnerability
Chapter 10 - Morning Glow
Chapter 11 - Double Helix
Chapter 12 - Back To The Future
Chapter 13 - Real Hero
Chapter 14 - Blame Game
Chapter 15 - Couch Talks
Chapter 16 - Arc Reactor
Chapter 17 - Solutions
Chapter 18 - And Resolutions
Chapter 20 - Here We Go Again

Chapter 19 -Bated Breath

201 4 0
By peterprkerr

A/n: Yes, there are very direct references to some poems and the comics. It was done on purpose lol

When the next day comes around, Peter goes with Happy and Harley to Tony's recommend tailor shop. That was a little weird at first. Just going in and buying a suit with not his own money. It was a little weird but with Harley and Happy, it turned into a great time. They made it seem not so awkward and were good at making jokes and critiquing the suits. It was just another thing that fell back into the sense of normal for Peter. And the days just kept going by after that.

Peter heard from the Daily Bugle who were glad to welcome him onto the team and said he would start after the new year. Shiloh made him a small dinner as a congratulations. Unlike Tony, she isn't a terrible cook. And from there, they just went on being them. They would watch TV or a movie here and there. Peter would go with her to treatments and they'd just catch up, mostly Shiloh catching Peter up on more stuff he'd missed while being away. Shiloh went to FEAST with Peter one day and everything just seems to have fallen back into place. Before either of them knew it, it was New Year's Eve and the night of Gala for Stark Industries.

"Wow, look who cleans up well." Harley teases as he knocks lightly on Shiloh's open door, him leaning on the door frame.

"Shut up." Shiloh groans, rolling her eyes as she looks away from her mirror and back to him.

"Nervous?" He asks walking into her room while she looks back to her mirror to finish her makeup.

"Why would I be nervous, Harley?" Shiloh quips.

Why would she be nervous? It could definitely have something to do with this being her first official date with the boy who's made her nervous for a decade. It could be that this could all go south either between them or a villain will show up and ruin everything. It's not like that hasn't happened before. The Vulture did ruin Peter's first Homecoming dance. But is she nervous? Actually yes. But she'll be dammed if she tells Harley that.

"First official date with Peter." Harley has a sinister grin as he sits on her bed.

"Yeah, but it's Peter." Shiloh says with ease, moving onto her eyeliner.

That's the thing though. Above every nervous and creeping dark thought, it's Peter. Shiloh isn't a naturally nervous person but prior to every other date she's had, there have always been nerves. But this time, it is different. She isn't nervous for how the date will go because she knows Peter. She is only nervous about the outside factors that could blow this whole thing up. More than anything, she's just happy.

"No reason." Harley chuckles.

"What do you want?" Shiloh spins around in her chair, narrowing her eyes at him, eyeliner pen in hand.

Harley shakes his head. "Nothing." He gives her a kind smile. "Just checking on you."

"Mhm." Her eyes remain narrowed as she taps the pen on her opposite hand.

"Honest." Harley holds his hands up in defense but he maintains the cheesy grin.

"Right, well, I'm fine. Just getting ready so we can leave and be fashionably late as per usual."

"Wouldn't be us if we weren't late to one of your dad's events." Harley gives her the quick raise of her brows knowing they've been more than four hours late to an event before. And yes, it was because they were teenagers who did not want to attend some snooty event for investors.

"Exactly." Shiloh laughs and goes back to the mirror. "You don't have a date?"

"Nope. Solo, also as per usual." Harley chuckles, looking to his dress shoes that are perfectly shined.

"Hmm." Shiloh hums. "We gotta find you someone," Shiloh says, leaning close to her mirror to finish her eyeliner.

"Oh, yeah, because you have great taste." Harley quips.

"You liked Cindy and you like Peter!" Shiloh snips.

Harley was definitely not talking about Cindy or Peter. In fact, he was referencing her thinking Harry Osborn was, in her words, 'too hot to be human'. And then well, Harry killed May. And Shiloh did date someone in college who cheated on her so Shiloh's record is 2-2. Which is not great odds. Harley would rather take his chances in a shark tank.

Harley smirks and shakes his head. "Yeah," He scrunches his nose. "But that didn't really work out with Cindy and you and Peter have taken your sweet time getting this going. I don't wanna be getting married at ninety." Harley opts not to mention the other two and instead goes with more of a joke.

"We are in our twenties, oh my gosh." Shiloh whines. "How's this," Shiloh finishes her makeup and turns around to face Harley. "If tonight goes on without a hitch, which in all honesty, is what I'm nervous about. Something could go wrong. It has every time we've tried this so it's entirely possible."

"Love the optimism." Harley's words are sarcastic.

"I am eternally pessimistic on account of," Shiloh pauses and waves her hands around vaguely making Harley chuckle. "But if it goes smoothly, not what happened last time, no superhero bullshit, just a normal date that ends smoothly, you let us look out for someone for you. Not hook you up. There's a difference." Shiloh specifies, sticking a finger in the air.

Harley's eyes are narrowed but he lets out a sigh. "Yeah, alright. As long as you're not seeking some poor girl out."

"Nah." Shiloh laughs. "I wouldn't do that to her. That would be cruel."

"Thanks, bud." Harley's smile drops as he blinks at her.

"Anytime." Shiloh grins, placing her hands over her heart. "It's because I love you."

"Yeah, okay." Harley mocks, smile coming back to his face.

Shiloh gets up, straightening out her red floor-length dress, the silk material shining slightly against the lights of her vanity. "How do I look?" Harley opens his mouth but Shiloh cuts him off. "Honestly." She chews the inside of her cheek decorated with the scars.

She knows she looks good. Shiloh has had years of experience getting ready for these events. She's learned how to style her hair and makeup with no problems. But ever since she was scarred, she can feel people looking at her. It's like she's supposed to be Penelope or Rapunzel, trapped away in a castle so no one can see her. No one actually thinks that. Everyone knows the story o what happened but Shiloh feels their stares and at these events, when she just wants to feel like she doesn't have those things so blatant. She wants people to stare because they think she's beautiful and not because of the scars.

Harley smiles softly at her, almost knowing what she's thinking and makes a conscious effort to avoid looking at that side of her face. "You look amazing, Shiloh." Harley gets up and hands her the heels that were seated by her bed. "Red?"

"I know Peter's wearing an all-black tux with a blue tie." Shiloh grins.

"You're gonna clash." Harley scrunches his nose. He might actually take after Tony, somehow, with a half-decent fashion taste.

"Red, blue, and black. Colors of his suits, duh." Shiloh widens her eyes as if Harley should have known better.

"You're so fucking lame." Harley groans but there's still smiling tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Ready to get the spider?" Harley sticks his arm out for Shiloh, him still holding her heels.

"We agreed to meet in the living room so yeah." Shiloh laces her arm with Harley's.

The two of them walk arm-in-arm down the hallway and to the living room. It's like the flood gates break on their walk and Shiloh suddenly feels very, very nervous and not just because of what could go wrong but because this, this date is the moment she's wanted with Peter since they were in high school. She just didn't realize how badly she really wanted it even after all these years. And it's not until they're almost to the living room that her heart starts to race faster than a dragster going down a dragstrip in under five seconds. Her stomach flops as if she'd ridden a tilt-a-whirl one too many times and oh she is ready to run very far away from all of this.

She is desperate for this night to go perfectly and for Peter to still think she's pretty even though she knows, he always has. There's just that extra pressure tonight.

That's the thing about self-confidence. You can think you're pretty and you're good at what you do. And other people don't have to think that. Not at all. But then, you meet someone and suddenly, they seem to have the ability to almost waver that confidence because their opinion does mean something. And if they don't think you're pretty or smart or talented, is anything really worth it? Because if one of the most important in your life doesn't think that much of you, what else is there? Shiloh knows that she is all of those things regardless of what Peter thinks. But the thought of him not thinking that, makes her confidence waver, just enough to make her nervous enough to want to high-tail it right out the window.

But then she sees Peter.

He's seated on the couch, leg bouncing with nerves and his hands clasped in front of him. His hair is combed over a little but still has volume in the front. The black suit with the blue tie is fitted perfectly and he looks so good. And Shiloh's anxiety breaks through a wall. The dust and debris from the bricks weigh the anxiety down and drag it away from her mind because he looks perfect and he's sitting there waiting for her. And his eyes are wide as saucers, eyes soft as Lucky's while he looks at her and she knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he doesn't care about the scars and he only sees her for her. And she knows that he wants to go through with this, too.

"H-hey." Peter says, eyes wide and etched with adornment as looks at Shiloh in the same color red that decorates his Spider-Man suit and every part of him is warm at the thought she did that on purpose.

"Hey." She says accompanied with a nervous laugh.

Peter stands up, brushing his hands on his pants but never taking his eyes off of her. "You look..." Peter pauses for a few seconds while Harley moves away Shiloh, taking the hint it is his time to let them come together. "Really beautiful." Peter says and his cheeks match the color of her dress.

"Thanks, Pete." Shiloh blushes, looking to the floor and back to Peter. "You look lovely."

"Y-you, uh, you think so?" Peter asks, looking down and back to her.

Similar to Shiloh, he wondered what she would think of him. Granted, he knows she's seen him in some very unfortunate circumstances like when he lost his leg and when he was shot. He's looked worse, much much worse but he was nervous that maybe she wouldn't like him like this or that it wouldn't be right. He can cover his leg until he sits down when the metal shows when his pants go up so it's not that. She knows all of his dirty secrets and maybe this would be too much for her. Making everything official. Maybe she'd bail but she doesn't. She put on her best dress and Peter can hear the thundering heartbeat coming from her chest. And it makes him feel better because she's here with him, just as nervous because she really likes him. And maybe Harley was right.

She nods. "Yeah, I do."

"Hate to interrupt, but we gotta get going." Harley calls from behind the couch, ready to get the show on the road before someone starts calling them.

"Right." Shiloh says and Peter wastes no time in sticking his arm out for Shiloh to link her arm with his as they walk towards Harley. "Thank you." Shiloh says as she takes her shoes from him.

The three of them pile into the car, Happy driving them of course. And the ride is relatively quiet with stolen glances between Peter and Shiloh. Harley kind of feels like he's just third-wheeling the entire ride but he can't really complain by the looks of utter joy on Peter and Shiloh's faces. This is the first date Peter has been on since MJ died and it's definitely got his stomach in knots of anxiety but he also can't really complain. This is something he needed and something he's wanted since Shiloh brought him back to the tower eight months ago. She makes him better. She makes him happy. She makes him want to be everything he ever could be and more. She is the one thing he has left worth fighting for.

When they get to the Gala, Peter and Shiloh still have their hands interlocked and it's not until they're getting out of the car that they let go and immediately miss it. But, Peter locks his arm with hers while they walk into the building, a sort of fancier type of Christmas lights decorated the ballroom with white and gold accents across the entire place. It's beautiful, a little much, but he expected it given it is a Stark-held Gala. And he's just here to be with Shiloh and make the most out of the night.

When they get inside, they're to be seated for a run of food and after that, they'll be free to dance or drink or just make themselves known enough and then leave. And so they do. They take their seats at the table with Tony and Pepper, Harley and Happy with them. Nothing too much happens at dinner besides the usual jokes and conversation that happens at the tower. The only difference is the occasional stolen glance between Peter and Shiloh like they're teenagers again. And for them they were both just eager to get dinner over with so they could just be to their own devices.

Soon enough dinner was over and it was time for them to just go off. Tony and Pepper went off to talk to other donors for a few of the charities the gala is being held for and Harley went off to do the same while Happy was content to just be away from the tower.

"Did, uh, did you wanna dance?" Peter asks, offering a hand to Shiloh who beams, thinking back to a few nights ago dancing in her lab.

"I'd love to." She says with a smile and takes Peter's hand.

He leads her onto the dance floor where his hand meets her hip, the other holding one of her hands while her other hand goes to his shoulder.

"Thanks for coming tonight, Pete." Shiloh whispers to him.

"I wouldn't miss it." Peter smiles softly, his grip tightening on her hip.

Maybe it should be a little awkward. This being their first official date and all but it's not. They're dawning smiles and red cheeks. Their hearts are beating out of their chests in perfect rhythm and maybe they're putting a little too much pressure on it but they don't seem to care. Because they're here and they are happy with each other. They dance slowly and just enjoy being together finally. After all this time. And it feels like no time has passed and nothing has changed. And as the time goes by, they seem to not notice the changes in songs and the small gap between them closes until Shiloh can rest her head on his shoulder.

"I still really like you, Peter Parker." Shiloh says with ease.

"I really like you, too, Shiloh." Peter smiles, kissing the top of her head without even thinking.

And he knows he has pissed off some higher power so many times but right now, he is looking up to whoever might be up there and he is thanking them for allowing him to have this moment. To have her with her head on his shoulder and his hand on her hip, holding her close because she is the best thing to ever happen to him. And he swears, the world would be a very dull place without Shiloh Stark.

Leading up to tonight, they've had a few moments where maybe something could have been said or done. There were these bated breaths between them when they got too close. Either in the lab or in the living room. There was always something, like maybe they couldn't wait for tonight. It was as if they were afraid that if they didn't just wait for some type of official date, it would all blow up again. And now they're here but they can't even think of anything to say because there's been so much leading up to this. But maybe they don't have to say it because it's all been said before and it's written how his brown eyes show her tiny galaxies with every glance. Maybe tonight is just about being together and allowing that bated breath to turn into something so much more.

After nearly twenty minutes of dancing, Shiloh excuses herself to go to the balcony and asks Peter to bring her a water and she'll wait for him. In all honesty, she needed a little bit of break. She is now nervous for what's to come after tonight. What's to happen after the gala in general. She has so much she wants to say even though she's already said it. She almost feels like maybe she should just tell him it all over again, to relive that first night but make it right this time. But she's so scared to tell Peter exactly how she feels, afraid he'll run. So, she's the one that walks this time. Not far and not with the intent to leave him, just leaves enough to catch some air.

"Shiloh?" Peter grabs Shiloh's attention as he brings her a glass of water.

"Hey." She smiles softly at him, taking the glass.

"Whatcha doing?" He asks, standing beside her.

"The city is just really pretty, ya know?" She keeps her stare at the lights, the closest things to stars she can see in the city.

"Yeah." He scoffs with a smile.

It goes silent and Shiloh goes back into her state of thought. She just can't quite shake it. She wants to tell him what goes on in her head but she's just so terrified he'll leave again especially this soon into everything. She trusts him again but the thought of him breaking her heart is almost too much.

"You, uh, you okay?" Peter asks, noticing the lack of attention she seems to be giving him right now.

Did he do something wrong? Surely, he couldn't have. They were just fine dancing but she's out here by herself, just looking at the same city she can see from her window every night. Abd maybe that's the thing that makes Peter question how's she's really feeling.

Shiloh only ever watched out her balcony when something was bothering her. It was something about feeling so small in a city. Feeling small in the world. Ironically enough, standing on her balcony, knowing there were others, made her feel not so alone.

"It's just.." Shiloh sucks in a breath, hands gripping the railing as she leans back. "Crazy, I guess. To be here with." Shiloh scoffs, looking back at him with a sheepish grin. "With you."

"What do you mean?" Peter cocks his head.

"I've...." She sucks in a breath. "I've liked you for so long and....I--" She shakes her head, cutting herself off, deciding maybe it'd be best if she dropped it.

She's naturally very grateful for the time she's been getting with Peter. But the thought of MJ is still in her mind because she knows it was always supposed to be them. One of the many reasons she never said a word. It was supposed to be them, until it wasn't. She doesn't fear that she'll be next. When the extremis started to become unstable, that just became a part of life. She could just die. And she sees it all. Every dark and unfair thing life gets to throw. Shiloh doesn't fear that Peter will get her killed. Shiloh fears Peter will break her heart.

"You can tell me." Peter offers, him placing a hesitant hand on top of hers and his eyes never leave her.

She chews her bottom lip. "It was never a jealous thing. I wasn't just waiting around for you or anything like that." She scrunches her face, disgusted by the thought of holding out for some boy. "And my likeness of you faded for a while but...the last week and tonight, everything....came back stronger than ever." She lets out a shallow laugh. "I don't know. It's just crazy where we were and where we are now. We go back so far....been through so much and now we're here."

"Can I tell you something?" Peter has so much to tell her and he's thinking now might actually be a good time based on what she just told him.

"Of course."

Peter's been scared to talk really. He didn't use to be, not with Shiloh. She always made it easy but after hurting her so many times, he got a little scared and he's tired of it. They're here. She chose him. Even after everything. Shiloh chose him. So, he sucks in every bit of fear and just starts talking.

"This-this has been, uh, such a good night and I'm...I'm so happy." Peter gives her a smile, taking a step closer to her. "I think you're so beautiful and looking after me all this time has been too much and....shitty work. I can't thank you but..." Peter sucks in a breath, shaking his head. "I can do all these things, right?" Peter swallows and this is it, he swears he's just gonna talk. He's gonna jump right off this confession cliff with no parachute. "I can bench press a car, climb buildings. Hear things no one else can. But you....you make me reconsider it. I never have to worry about it with you, the dangers of everything, because you make me careful. Something about you makes me....me." Peter says quietly. "I got lost for a long time but you knew I was there, somewhere, it's shit work but you did it." He licks his lips before looking back to Shiloh whose eyes haven't moved from him. She is hanging onto every word like a lifeline. "You make me want to be so much better. And I am so thankful for you. Everyday." Peter's hand comes up slowly and gently to the side of her face containing the scars. "I loved MJ, really, more than anything and I didn't think I'd ever....have that again or deserve it again but..." He is so scared to say what he wants but he keeps pushing, cupping the other side of her face with his other hand as if he's afraid she'll disappear when he's done talking. "You make me think I can have that again." Shiloh lets out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding and she adores him more than anyone else.

"It's not shitty work." Shiloh says. "Taking care of you." She leans her face against his hand. "Not to me."

A lump forms in Peter's throat with her words that are cathartic. He knows it was rough taking care of him and he knows she'd do it all again. No questions asked and he cannot fathom how he even put her through all of that,

"I will do everything to protect you, now and always, no matter what. I promise." Peter whispers. "It's my turn to take care of you."

"It's pretty shit work, Parker." Shiloh offers him a small and timid smile.

"Not to me." Peter says without a second thought because that's the thing. When you really care about someone, it's not rotten work to take care of them. It's just something you do. No matter what. He presses his forehead to hers. "I really like you and I'd...uh, I'd like to do this again. Keep doing this...if you want."

"Okay, Parker." Shiloh grins and pecks his lips, quick. "Let's get outta here, spidey."

Peter chuckles, pulling away slightly. "Yeah?"

"Mhm." She nods with a giggle. "Let's go." She takes his hands from her face and pulls up his sleeves to reveal the webshooters. She looks up to him with the wiggle of her brow and a cheeky smile.

Peter gains a grin, looking over into the ballroom where no one is even paying attention to them and he holds onto Shiloh tight before swinging a web, holding the both of them. He swings them to the tower, Shiloh's smile covering her face as she looks over the city, the wind almost burning her face but her smile never falters and there are no nerves. Not once because Peter would never drop her.

When they get back to the tower, no one's there. They're either at the gala or they're on some type of vacation of sorts so it's just them. And they both have this feeling about where this going to go tonight. So, there aren't any words spoken, just them coming in through Shiloh's bedroom balcony

The room is dark besides the lights coming from the city that never sleeps. It reminds them both of that night Peter came by before he was shot and begged Shiloh to shoot him if he ever tried to kill her again. It's not exactly the best thought but it's there. It's there just like the growing tension in the atmosphere while they walk into her bedroom.

What did either of them really think was going to happen? They are never alone except for tonight and they knew that. And maybe that was the intention they were going for but now it's all right there with Shiloh walking to her bed and sitting down, Peter following her. IT's more Peter that's thinking about this all a little too much. Shiloh knew what her intentions were even though now she's far more nervous about it. But, Peter, he knows why they're in her room but he can't quite shut his thoughts off.

"Shiloh?" Peter asks, her back to him as she's taking her heels off and he swore he wouldn't break that promise to Harley but after tonight, he has to.

They are the only ones here, after tonight of them being together and the bated breaths. He knows but he needs it confirmed or even denied before anyone has any opportunity to move this where Peter thinks this is going to go. He just needs to know for the sake of his own sanity, not because it matters if she does or not. Not now anyway.

"Hmm?" She hums, one heel clanking on the floor as she drops it.

Peter freezes, the question caught in his throat while Shiloh turns around, concern across her face, wondering what Peter was going to say. She's scared. Is he gonna run? He's been so well so she doesn't think that's the reason. Was it her? Did she say too much? Was suggesting to come back here a bad idea? Maybe that's it because it's only their first date and they definitely don't have to have sex. It just...seems like a good idea but maybe it's not.

"What's wrong, Pete?" Her words are slow, terrified to even ask.

"Do you love me?" Peter just blurts it out catching them both by surprise.

"What?" Shiloh's brows shoot up, eyes wide as she shakes her head, certain she heard him correctly.

"Um....I....I wasn't supposed to say anything." Peter shakes his head and sighs. "I told Harley I was in love with you after....the war against Thanos." Peter starts and Shiloh stands up, never having a clue he loved her or that he told Harley. But she also never asked. "He thinks you love me, too."

Oh, boy, does she love the boy with pretty eyes and a battered soul.

"You went from past tense to present tense." Shiloh points out, her breath caught in her throat as she watches Peter shift in his shoes, her eyes still wide as a deer in headlights. "You used was and then...love not loved." Shiloh says, frozen in place and Peter isn't saying anything. So she specifies. "Present tense or past tense?"

"Present." Peter answers and he could not be more worried that he just messed this whole thing up. He's never seen that look on her face. She doesn't look mad or upset but she looks pretty fucking terrified.

Shiloh nods. All she can do is nod because while this date was the best night she has had probably in her entire life, she can't just say it. Not to the boy who has hurt her more times than she can count. She trusts him with her life. That is without a question but loving someone and telling them is more than just trusting them with your life. You have to trust them not just walk out when things get hard. When things go dark and twisty and through the good, bad, and the ugly, they're gonna be there. You have to depend on them even if they can't give you all of them, they can't just leave and all Peter has done is leave. Shiloh believes, somewhere deep in her heart, that he won't leave again. It's how he holds himself now. The way he holds her hand and the excitement he had leading up to this night. What he said not half an hour ago on the balcony. She knows he won't but what if does? She'll recover. It's what she does but maybe she doesn't want to this time. So, she nods and instead, closes the distance between them because she does love him and he loves her.

Her hands grip the sides of Peter's suit jacket, his hands coming to her hips.

"You don't have to say it." Peter says quietly while resting his forehead against hers, taking her closing the distance as confirmation enough for right now. He knows he burned her and he understands if she can't say it but if Shiloh didn't feel the same way, she would have said so. She wouldn't leave him hanging like that because that's just not her.

"Okay. Tonight, I won't." Shiloh whispers, sliding her hands up to Peter's neck. "But one day I'll say it." Shiloh brings Peter's face to hers, kissing him with every word she can't say right now and PEter's face scrunches with pleasure as he tugs her impossibly close to him. "Present tense for you?" Shiloh pulls away, just for a second to look up at him and ask the question just for comfirmation.

And Peter nods.

He's the one that asked but he can't say the actual words either. He will not be the one to ever break her again. He won't say it to her, not right now because he can tell she's scared to say it. Not just because, despite him making the strong effort to ignore it, he can hear the thundering and thrashing in her chest with every single second. It's because Shiloh tells people how she feels when they do ask. He knows, if she were ready, she would tell him and she's not ready. So, he will not put that on her. So, he just nods because he loves her. 

"And future tense." Peter answers and Shiloh is quick to bring him in for a heated kiss because that's all she wanted to hear.

Her hands slide down to his shoulders before tugging the jacket off, Peter helping her get it to the floor while gently moving her backwards and towards her bed. Shiloh's knees hit the edge and two go down together, soft laughs leaving their lips for just a second until they're back with their lips connected.

It is so blissful and heated. It's messy and urgent. And it feels like they've both been doing this for the entire decade that's led up to this moment. Not a single second of Peter's hands sliding up her sides and squeezing her hips or breasts feels even remotely close to unnatural. Everything feels like it's boiled up to this moment like a volcano that's been dormant for a century.

Shiloh is out of her dress, straddling Peter while she leans down places kisses on his neck, alternating between gentle bites and long and slow pecks. Peter's head is against the pillow and he swears he could melt right then there with her mouth on his neck and his hands grasping her hips with everything he has. Every part of him swears he'd been doing this forever even though this is the first time with Shiloh.

She's grinding down on him, quiet moans escaping him sounding like a symphony. And normally, in any other situation, with anyone else, they'd both be so self-conscious. Not only are the scars on Shiloh's face right there, but now the ones on her shoulder and hip are in perfect view but she can't be bothered to even care with Peter's calloused fingers grazing over the slightly raised skin. And Peter would normally be wondering how to handle his leg, wondering to take it off, keep it on, is the metal too cold, too hot? But not with Shiloh because she never missed a beat in taking his pants off because the leg is just a part of him. And it never bothered her anyway.

Peter flips them both back over as Shiloh grabs a condom from the nightstand and he hovers back over her. While his eyes are completely blown out with lust and need, every speck yells that he loves her. He'd scream it from the rooftops right now if she asked him to because Shiloh deserves that and so much more. And she's begging that same universe Peter is thanking for her, to not let this boy break her heart. She knows he won't but she fears for it and like Peter, maybe she just needs to hear him say it.

"Please, don't break my heart." Shiloh whispers, hands snaking around to his neck with needy but honest eyes.

"Never." Peter assures her, eyes warm and welcoming while Shiloh brings him back down to her, pressing her lips against his. "I promise." He whispers and that's all Shiloh really needs to hear, fear of the heartache fading away as he slides into her.

And his lips write delicate and adorning poems across her skin that night.

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❗️18+ (explicit sexual detail, bad language and violence)❗️ Acatalepsy ; the impossibility of comprehending or conceiving a thing Atlas Lupin, daught...