Chaos and Love

By MyRomanEmpire_00

13.6K 272 2

This is a story about Wanda x fem reader and there will be smut, more about the story in the first part. Also... More

The reunion
The pool
Hidden feelings
A walk in the park
The Bar
The Club
The morning after
Another fight in the park
Sex on the balcony
The next day
Another Fight

It's back

259 5 0
By MyRomanEmpire_00


sorry for not posting a lot. I have decided that I am going to name the main character aka you because I think that is easier for me and probably could be easier for you.

i have decided to name them Victoria because I can.

anyways, here is the story

Victoria's pov

I woke up in some strange room. I don't know where I was or how I survived that fall. The last thing that I remember was Wanda and some woman named Agatha fight. Then I remember falling out of the window and hitting ground. Or did I? I don't really remember. It was jsut black and then here. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. I looked around and I saw that I was strapped down to some bed. I also saw that there was some weird liquid that was going into my body. It was like a blood bag thing but it wasn't blood that was going into me.

I then heard some footsteps walking towards the room I was in. It was Agatha.

"Ah, your awake," she said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"None of your business,"

"What are you doing to me?"

"None of your business,"

"It is my business if you are putting something in my body," I think I was shouting now, I couldn't really tell.

She didn't say anything and just walked closer to me. Her hands started to glow with her magic around it. Her hand stretched out and wrapped around my neck. She started to squeeze it. I was loosing my breath. I started to pant and trying to get out of the ropes that tied me up so I could stop her. But it was no use. I looked at her in the eyes and I could see nothing. It was like there was no soul in her.

My eyes opened. I was laying on a bed. Tied down by ropes and unable to move. I looked around to see I was in a different room than before. Where was I? What had just happened? Was that real? All I could do was ask questions. This made no since.

"Good your up," I heard a voice, making me turn my head to their direction. That voice sounded like a voice I drempt of about a couple of months ago. "You were starting to scare me with that dream of yours,"

I was too weak or tired to even comment on what he was saying. Was the dream I just had a dream or was the whole situation with Wanda a dream? I really hope it wasn't.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't wake up do to you falling 40 stories high,"

That was good news. Well kinda. The part about me falling was bad but the part about me and Wanda was a good thing.

"Where am I?" I managed to say.

"You're in a HYDRA base,"

I'm officially confused. I thought HYDRA fell.

"HYDRA might of fell but the research and a part of the group is still here," the voice said, it was like he read my mind.

The voice I was hearing started to walk into the one of the oly few lights there was. I saw that it was someone I once knew at my time in HYDRA.

He was one of my friends. We connected in HYDRA. It turns out that both of our families were killed by them and we were taken. The only difference was that I was born in the 1926 and he was born in 1979.

"What do you want Jackson?" I asked.

"I want to alter your genes and make you very powerful. Maybe even more powerful than your girlfriend," That was kinda easy. didn't expect him to tell he that that easily.

"How powerful?" I asked.

"Have you ever heard of the phoenix," He asked.

"Yeah, I've heard of the bird that rises from the ashes of the burnt," I replied.

"Well I want to inject you with the power of the phoenix. Where you will practically be a god and nothing can stop you. Not even Wanda," he said.

The power sounded cool and all but I don't really think I could manage it. I also think that it would be a painful experience. Yes I know, I have a high pain tolerance but I am still a child and the pain makes me cry.

"No" that was all I could say. I don't know why but I just said it.

"Well you don't have a choice," he said and injected me with some sort of sedative making me lose consciousness almost instantly.

Wanda's pov

I put Agatha back in her spot where she belongs but I couldn't find Victoria anywhere. I search the whole town and even beyond that. I even snuck into the Avengers campus to look for her but I still couldn't find her.

I am prepared to kill whoever has her. I am prepared to give them a painful and slow death.

Shit, I think I love her.

I haven't loved anyone since...


God, I can't be thinking about him when I am with her.

I shouldn't be thinking about him at all. 

He's gone, and so should my thoughts about him.

Wait, if Agatha came back, doesn't that mean that he and...


No more of this.

I have to find Victoria before something really bad happens to her.

What if something already did.


I won't think of that

What am I doing. Sitting here on my couch while my girlfriend could literally be tortured right now. I have chaos magic for God's sake. I could literally use that to find her.

My hands started to glow with my magic surrounding them. I think my eyes started to glow while I uses my magic to search for her. I could see everything and everyone around this world. I could feel things too. Like pain and love and hate. I then could hear a voice. Her voice. I looked around using my ability and started to map out where I was. I think that I was in the remains of Sokovia. Under the lake. 

"I know where she is," I said and I let out a large burst of magic.

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