The morning after

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You and Wanda practically woke up at the exact same time. You looked around to see that you weren't in your room or your bed. You turned around and saw Wanda staring at you.

"Hi," She said and you said the same thing back, "Look about last night, I get that if you don't want this or this to work out and we only slept together because we were drunk then-"

You interrupted her by kissing her and you pulled away. Wanda looked in your eyes and she kissed you back. She then pulled away and you and her smiled. You guys then kissed again and it turned into a make-out session. You and Wanda were then starting to touch each other and you guys then layed on the bed not breaking the kiss. Wanda then pulled away and looked at you. 

"We should get ready for the day," Wanda said. 

"Ugh, do we have to?" You asked.

"Yes, but I'm free tonight so maybe," Wanda began to say.

You chuckled and kissed Wanda again and then got up.

You walked to your room and got dressed and went to the kitchen and Wanda was already there, clothed and making breakfast.

"Want anything to eat?" Wanda asked, turning the stove on.

"Sure. What are you making?" You asked.

"Just some (food that can be cooked on the stove, you can pick), want some?" Wanda asked.

"Sure," You said and got up and walked over to Wanda and started to kiss her on the neck. Wanda started to giggle and she turned around and kissed you.

"I told you that we can have all this fun later. Right now, I'm making breakfast," Wanda said, breaking the kiss and turning around and continued to cook.

"Ugh your no fun," You said and sat down on the kitchen table, looking at Wanda cook.

A couple minutes later Wanda went over to the table and gave you a plate with your food. Wanda walked over to the other seat at the table and started to eat her food.

"So, what are we going to do tonight?" You asked, smirking at Wanda and putting some food in your mouth.

"I don't know, maybe play some board game or play some cards," Wanda began to say.

You threw something at Wanda, "Come on Wanda, be serious," 

"Well, how about a little fun tonight?" Wanda said, smirking and looking at you.

You chuckled a little bit, "I 100% agree,"

Wanda smiled at you and you smiled at her back. You guys then finished the rest of your food and then got up and put your dishes in the sink.

"Well right now I am going to do some work in the study," You said.

"Ok, I'll be in my room reading some spells from some old book I have," Wanda said.

You guys got up and went to the rooms you were going to and started to do your own work. 


So I made this chapter a little shorter because I don't really know what to write because I have some writers block right now so in the comments, you guys can give me some suggestions on what should happen tonight.

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