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"Y/n, y/n, wake up, we're here," Wanda said, shacking you to wake you up.

"Hmm, what, we're here already?" You asked, waking up.

"Yeah, you've been sleeping for about 4 hours, you're really a heavy sleeper," Wanda said to you.

You chuckled and got up off your seat and headed towards the exit of the plane.

"So where are we going to live?" You asked.

"I might have found a place while you were sleeping," Wanda said. "C'mon, follow me to the apartment,"

You followed Wanda down the streets of New York to the apartment you guys will be living in. 

"So, when are we going to get there?" You asked.

"Soon, just in a few more minutes," Wanda said.

You stayed silent for the few minutes that remained and you continued to follow Wanda.

"We're here," Wanda said.

You looked up and saw a nice building that looked like it had about 30 floors. You guys walked inside and it was more nice than it was on the outside.

"Hello, I would like to pick up the key to room 997," Wanda asked the lady at the front desk.

"Ok, here you go, it is on floor 30, the floor right below the pool and spa," The woman said, giving the key to Wanda.

"Ok, thank you," Wanda said, grabbing the key and walking towards the elevator and you followed.

You guys walked into the elevator and Wanda pushed the button to the 30th floor. The elevators doors closed and you guys just stood there in silence.

"So why do we have the room on the highest floor?" You asked.

"I wanted to get a better view of the city and I also like being on the higher floors." Wanda told you.

You gave her a small smile and then continued to look at the wall again. You guys waited a couple of minutes and the elevator finally reached your floor. You both walked out and walked to your room. Wanda used the key to open the door and the inside was big and nice. You guys looked around and there were 2 bedrooms, once living room, one big bathroom, 2 spare rooms and a kitchen. There was also a balcony which you could see the whole New York. 

"This is a nice place," You said, going back into the living room.

"Yeah," Wanda added and sat on the couch.

You walked to the couch and sat right next to her. "Can we talk about us, our friendship?" 

"Yeah? So what to talk about?" Wanda asked.

"Why you have been avoiding me and everyone?" You asked her.

"Because I thought that you wouldn't want to be my best friend anymore because I've been more depressed and you wouldn't be happy around me." Wanda said, "I know I know, it's stupid,"

"No, I understand why, but I hope that we can still be best friends," You said.

"Yeah, I would like that," Wanda said, smiling at you and you smiled back. "Now that we are friends again, how about we go to the pool and swim,"

"Yeah, but we have to unpack." You told Wanda.

"I never said it has to be now. How about after hours when everyone is gone?" Wanda said.

"Good idea, now, I'm going to unpack," You said to Wanda.

You got up off the couch and picked one of the two rooms and started to unpack. Wanda also got up off the couch and went to the other room and unpacked.

"Hey Wanda, what do you want to put in the 2 spare rooms?!" You yelled out so that Wanda can hear you.

"How about we can make one a extra room for our stuff and the other one can be a library and a study," Wanda yelled back.

"K, I'm going to put my extra stuff there," You said and grabbed your extra stuff and put them in the extra room.

"Ok, I'm done packing," Wanda said, walking into the extra room where you were.

"Cool, now, I'm going to get ready for pool because it closes in about 20 minutes," You said.

"K, same," Wanda replied back.

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