
By thefinestprincess

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7.5K 184 325
By thefinestprincess

Welcome to my world of Beynika Oneshots.

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type of content, please do not
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Astronomy Class
3:50 pm


"I have to go, Professor Rowland. I need to prepare for my next class."

She smirked, causing me to shyly blush. It was like she telepathically expressed her excitement for me. We've spoken often about my administration for one of my students whom I so happen to have in my next class.

"See you later, girl."

I watched as her hips swayed effortlessly down the hall. That's a fine ass bitch right there. Too bad I already have my eye on someone or I'd definitely be in them guts.

I opened the heavy wooded door, granting entrance to my now empty class room, taking in the dimmed ambiance.

I glanced at the large gold clock reading 3:52, insinuating it was now time for my final class of the day. The moment I've been looking most forward to all day because I got to be in the presence of HER.

Onika Tanya Maraj.

She's the only freshman in my class who actually expresses her deep interest in Astronomy. Most of the scholars who attended my class only participated to rack up the needed credits to graduate next spring. But Onika? She genuinely loved Astronomy. Science in general, to be exact.

My classes usually range from thirty to fifty scholars. However, this particular class would be one of my smaller groups, consisting of no more than twenty people.

My admiration for Onika, specifically, came about the initial moment her bold brown eyes, strongly pierced into my hazel ones—on her very first day.

She appeared to be looking like a lost puppy in a crowd of passing scholars on campus. She had been searching for her Art sculpting class and landed into the wrong building.

I grasped her small hand into mine, as I guided her the entire way to the art district building. She showed me a generous amount of gratitude which is rare coming from a student. It actually made my heart flutter seeing how pleasant and polite she illustrated.

To put it in words, she was a pretty petite, young thing. She wore baby pink framed bifocals which added to her attractiveness. Onika wasn't your average 'nerd' either, not saying they have a certain appearance about them nor am I trying to fit into societies inaccurate standards but Onika just has a natural sex appeal about her that drew me in from the start.

She has a quirky yet shy persona, stuttered quite often but she's exceedingly intelligent. She wore tight fitted clothing that complimented her impeccable little body. And boy did she have a nice physique on her.

Big round boobs, toned slim waist, and an ass I could probably sit a cup upon if I attempted. Baby girl was a dream in human form.

You could tell she was confident in her image. She wore cropped tops and low rise jeans often. She had a belly piercing that I found so fuckin sexy, accessorized against her smooth caramel skin.

She tends to keep her nails short with a classic French tip but her toes are always painted a mauve pink tone.

Her black hair is beautifully lengthy and curly. She'd typically wore it in two French braids or in a half up, half down style.

Onika shied away from wearing makeup frequently but if she did it was more geared towards the natural span, giving her already defined features a nice pop.

She tend to coat her pouty pink lips in beauty supply lipgloss, making her lips appear wet looking. Even if she already had some on, she'd add more for emphasis.

On the first day of class as everyone were introducing themselves, Onika let it be known that she was a major fan of anime, Lauryn Hill and some video game, Sims.

Over the course of time, I've collected my own observations of her, such as, she adores the color pink, light pink to exact, cherry flavored blow pops, and she's the true definition of a Sagittarius.

I had a feeling she was a fire sign which intrigued me from the get go, but the day the word Sagittarius rolled off her tongue, I damn near fell head over heals for the witty beauty.

As a Virgo, I love Sagittarius women. They're the most passionate, nurturing and optimistic people I've ever encountered.

Onika is a Sag, through and through. She's very independent and never afraid to ask a question due to her spark in curiosity. She can be quite blunt when you least expected. That's that fire that radiates off her that I love.

Over the last couple of months I've known her, I've progressively fallen for the harmless freshman and she's beyond oblivious to it.

I mean, I did intentionally assigned her to sit in the front row to be closer to my desk, I would typically stare at her all day throughout class, hell, I even gift her the damn blow pops myself from time to time.

I eventually didn't hide my favoritism anymore. Everyone simply assumes I'm extra generous to Onika because she's the youngest in the class when that's not the case at all. I genuinely have an overload amount of love for her lil' geeky fine ass.

It was now five minutes until class starts. I wrote today's expectations on the dry erase board. Luckily, I have them assigned to strictly online work today so I'll be working from my desk throughout class. Having the perfect view of Onika for an hour and a half straight? Cannot fucking wait. I'm getting turned on just thinking about it.

"Good evening everyone. Please take out your MacBooks and search the two modules I have on board here. The first module will be 30 minutes long going over a brief overview of Selenography and the second module is about 50 minutes informing the importance of Helioseismology. I know a lot of you are visual learners and I honestly don't feel like lecturing you all today so, it's a win win for all of us.

And before you even think to skim through the videos, there will be a quiz at the end of both modules. You have to pass both quizzes to get credit for today's work.

I advise taking out your headphones as well so you could properly listen the videos. Oh and FYI, we will be learning more in-depth about both topics next week so if I were you, I'd jot down notes in your individual onenote or on a sheet of paper, if you're not into today's modern electronic note-taking.

If you have any questions regarding today's agenda, you can send me a private IM. You all may start."

I scanned the room watching everyone take out the needed essentials for today. My gaze eventually landed on an empty seat up front causing a wave of anger to rush over me.

I deeply sighed, rolling out my chair to take a seat, hoping the rest of the day goes by swiftly. Right as I plumped down into my chair, there was a light knock on the door.

Any other time I would've ignore the door because being late is absolutely unacceptable in my classroom but because it might be my future wife, I'm willing to make some accommodations.

Turning the silver door nob and opening the door, I was present with a timid Onika, holding her pink Juicy Couture backpack with a tight grip on the strap, nervously biting at her glossy coated lip.


"Ms. Knowles, I'm so sorry f-for my tardiness. I happened to have misplaced my MacBook in the library so I had to run two and a half miles to retrieve it back. I did IM you to alert you of what transpired. I hope I'm still able to join class today." She innocently uttered, adjusting her glasses.

I couldn't even hide the smile that curved onto my face. I'm so in love, she could've easily told me her dog died and I would've believed her.

I reached out to softly caress her arms. "It's okay baby girl. I appreciate your honesty. I'm not mad at all. I will need you to make up the time you've missed thus far, after class though."

She hurriedly nodded, not breaking eye contact.

"I-I can do that. Thank you for not b-being infuriated with me, Ms. Knowles."

I took my time glancing over her attire for today. She had her entire torso out, as usual. She wore a belly ring that had a crescent moon hanging from it.

I licked my lips as I felt my clit jump in eagerness.

"Mhm. Go grab you a blow pop off my desk and take your assigned seat quietly. Today's expectations are already on the board."

I noticed her smile widen after I said blow pop. I'm convinced her ass has an addiction.

She wasted not another minute traveling her way to my desk, grabbing ahold of the candy and speedily made her way to her assigned seat.

I chuckled locking the class door and heading back to my desk. I checked to see if I had any new emails or IM's to reply to. I received only one so far. I responded and proceeded to look fake busy for next few minutes.

* __________________________ *

I discretely gripped the seem of my pencil skirt with my finger tips, gradually sliding it up. I was instantly hit with the scent of my arousal. I glimpsed over to Onika who was still focused on her module, sucking aimlessly on her blow pop. I watched as she twirled her tongue around the hard ball of candy, slurping up the red colored sugar it produced.

I imagine it being my clit in her mouth. Her licking my sweet nectar, moaning in satisfaction of the delightful taste.

I slowly pried my legs open, seeing the sticky mess Onika already caused me. My pussy was dripping and I haven't even had the pleasure of touching myself yet. That's how badly she turned me on.

My eyes landed to her now hardened nipples, poking through the pink halter top she wore. I purposely keep my AC right at 67° because I know Onika despises wearing a bra. Her titties are perfectly perky enough so it wasn't necessary anyway.

I made one more round looking over the class to insure everyone's attention is on the assignment and it was.

I turned my gaze back to Onika who rested her boobs on top of the desk, as she twirled the stick of the sucker in her mouth.

I tucked my lip between my teeth, feeling my pussy pulse speed up. My seat had a huge wet spot that was inevitable. I mean, I intentionally didn't where any panties today so it was expected.

Onika must've felt my glare burning a whole in her face because she suddenly looked up, making her pretty brown eyes fall upon mine.

We just—staring for what felt like twenty seconds. She eventually smiled, making her dimples appear and waved at me.

I returned a smile and winked at her, causing her eyes to grow wide. She returned her attention back her laptop, inserting the blow pop into her mouth. I could tell she was allowing her thoughts to consume her with the fearful look upon on her face.

Baby girl looked scared shitless, as she should be. She has zero idea what she's about get herself into.

Due to the size and how my desk is positioned, you can't normally see behind it. The things I've done behind this desk are beyond one's imagination.

Throughout class, I'd observe Onika steal glances at me, meeting my hazel globes right where they were parked. She even squirmed in her seat a couple times.

"Mmm f-fuck."

My third orgasm rushed through me, making my chest heave as I came all over my hand. My fingers were painted in my sticky cum, making my mouth water as I had the sudden urge to taste myself.

I brought my hand to my lips, prying them open sticking each individual finger into my mouth. My eyes stayed stuck on Onika as I continued to suck my fingers in rotation.

Baby girl just does it for me. I want her so fuckin bad. All of her.

And I'm going to get her. By any means.

I peeped up at the golden clock, reading seven minutes til class ends. I adjusted my skirt back over my thick thighs.

I quickly browsed over to see the fellow scholars removing there headsets, packing up their items for dismissal.


I can't wait to bend her tiny body over my desk getting a good look of her pretty pussy.

I've never had the pleasure of seeing it but I just know it's pretty and thick. She exudes, good pussy energy.

"You will get your results on the quiz tonight via email. Thank you all for your hard work and participation today. Class dismissed."

The crowd of scholars instantly scattered from my class room. Leaving me all to my baby.

I continued seated as she finished up her class work. A couple minutes later, she removed her headset, looking around the room full of emptiness.

Her eyes soon darted in my direction with a blank expression.

"Is your work completed baby girl?"

She nodded. She knows I don't like silent responses. Something about it is a sign of disrespect.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Y-Yes, Ms. Knowles. My work is complete."

"Com're." I notioned with my index finger, never turning my attention away.

I scanned as she swallowed a lump in her throat while nervousness crept onto her face. She closed her laptop, gradually sliding her chair back, resting her hands on the desk to assist pushing her body up.

"Shit." I mumbled.

She soon strutted my direction as I eyed her perfectly sculpted body. Her boobs slightly jiggled in every step she took.

"Yes Ms. Knowles?"

"Sit." I voiced, patting my lap.

She took no time placing her plump round ass in my lap causing me to groan at the contact. She positioned herself moderately sideways so she could still see me.

I rubbed the small of her back in tiny circles to get her to relax even more in my embrace. She turned her focus to the jar of blow pops on my desk, licking her lips.

I internally chuckled because I look at her the same way. I be ready to devour every inch of her just like that.

"Grab one baby girl. What's mine, is yours."

She removed the cherry flavored sucker from the jar, as she excitedly bounced in my lap.

I tightly shut my eyes as she wasn't aware of what she was doing to me. I felt my clit start to harden from her movements.

She soon stopped to insert the candy into her mouth, swirling it around—getting it nice and coated in her saliva.

She must've seen me staring at the corner of her eye because she glanced at me with a questionable look.

"W-Would you l-like some, Ms. Knowles?" She asked taking the now wet candy out of her mouth, bringing it to my face.

I nodded.

"W-Words Ms. Knowles." She corrected, gripping ahold of my chin.

"Yes baby girl. I'd love some."

She tightened her grasp, causing my mouth to pry open. She slowly inserted the blow pop into my mouth, resulting me to suck.

She began twirling it as the smile on her face grew. That's the face she gon' be making when my head is buried between them legs.

"It's good, isn't it?" Onika asked removing the candy from my mouth, watching my saliva strings detach.

"Very good. I'm sure you taste even better."

"I do." She whispered, looking to the floor.

"Look at me."

She shook her head no, injecting the sucker back into her mouth.

I popped her thigh causing her to jump.
"Look. At. Me." I demanded.

"S-Sorry." She quietly spoke, turning to face me. I watched as her brown globes began to pool, making me feel a huge amount of guilt.

I sometimes forget how fragile she is.

"Heyyy. It's okay baby girl. You don't have to be afraid of me. I got a lot of love for you, you know that?"

"L-Love?" She inquired with a sniffle.

"Love, baby doll. I love you a whole lot. I sometimes wish I could have you all to myself." I responded cupping her cheek, rubbing the pad of my thumb against her bottom lip.

"You c-can if you want Ms. Knowles. I thought the admiration you h-had for me was all in
m-my head but I guess not." She voiced as her cheeks turned a red hue.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, lazily staring into each other's eyes. I took my hand and started to gently rub her thigh. I observed as her gaze skimmed down to my lips and back to my hazel orbs.

I smirked. "You want to kiss me lil baby?"

I gripped her neck lightly, making a moan slip out her mouth. Lil freak ass. I knew she wasn't as innocent as she pretends.

I bet she masturbates to them weird animated porn videos, with her glasses still on.

I brought her face closer to mine, producing her breath to hitch.

"K-Kiss me please, Ms. Knowles."

I waited not another minute smashing my lips against hers, making her instantly whimper like she's been feening for this moment just as much as I have. The overpowering agony and hunger she spewed in the kiss had me wanting more of her.

Her slight moans were like music to my ears. She's a screamer. I just know it.

She ran her tongue against my bottom lip asking for access. Soon our tongues wrestled together giving me taste of the cherry flavored blow pop she had in before hand. I began sucking on her tongue, provoking her to moan louder.

Onika abruptly pulled away, hiding her face in my neck like she was embarrassed. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What's wrong baby doll?" I asked placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I-I uh, I feel aroused d-down in my panties Ms. Knowles. Le baiser m'a fait mouiller." She replied, barely audible.

"Vous n'avez pas à être gêné à ce sujet. Je peux faire en sorte que ça aille mieux si tu veux?"

"Oui s'il vous plaît."

That was literally all I needed to here. Yes.

I slipped my hands down to her defined hips, unfastening her 'Miss Me' jeans, making her lift up to get them removed efficiently. After the thick denim were successful off, I placed her directly on top of my desk, facing me.

She had on a pink colored thong with yellow laced trim. I could see her pussy print through the front, as I slowly pried open her legs.

"Es-tu pret bébé?"

"Oui, Ms. Knowles." She uttered, pushing her glasses up with her index finger.

I gently ran my fingers against the thin fabric, getting a feel of her second pair of thick drenched lips.

She scooted closer to the edge of the desk, showing off her desire for me to dig in. As you wish, baby girl.

I slid her panties down to her ankles, forcing me to be eye level with her pretty puffy pussy. The heart beat in my skirt throbbed at the sight.

I advised Onika to place her feet on the desk and open her thighs as wide as she could. I leaned up to untie her halter top and it instantly fell, revealing her perky triple D's.

I've been waiting since the day I laid eyes on her for this very moment. I mean, it's totally beyond her body for me but I did happen to fantasize about her, every other night.

How she resembled underneath her clothing, her natural scent, her screams and moans, her vulnerability, her openness and how she tasted.

Everything about the small Sagittarius, I yearned for.

"Je vous aime."

"Je vous aime aussi. Maintenant baise moi s'il te plait!"

My pussy was leaking for her and her boldness turned me on further.

I wasted no time attaching my mouth to her glistening center. Savoring the taste as I ran my tongue down her folds and back up to her now hardened clit.

She tasted exactly how I imagined.

I speedily flicked my tongue in a circular motion around her clit, hearing her screaming my name as her voice echoed against the classroom walls.

I sucked on the pulsating pearl, as I leisurely inserted two fingers into her slippery tight hole.

Onika threw her head back, grabbing a whole of mine, tangling her fingers in my hair. She pushed my face it in her pussy further, as I rapid up my pace.

"Plus vite s'il vous plait!" She yelled.

Curving my fingers a bit, I must've hit her spot because she started to fuck back not breaking her gaze.

She lifted one of her legs back, perfectly pointing her toes to the ceiling.

"Right there Ms. Knowles! FUCK!"

A screamer with a potty mouth. Can't say I didn't see this coming.

"Cum on my face, princess. Let Ms. Knowles relish every single drop of you."

I took my unoccupied hand, caressing her pretty brown nipples. Pulling and twisting, making a small hiss leave her mouth.

"I-I Ohhhh!"

She threw her head back at the intense pleasure. I gently gazed her clit with my teeth and dived right back in, devouring and sucking her swollen cunt.

I promptly stroked my fingers in her pussy, adding a third one, provoking a scream in a satisfaction to erupt from her throat.

"P-Please! I'm cuming! Fuckkk!"

Her hips jerked forward as her legs started to twitch. Her eyes soon rolled back and her stomach tightened as the overwhelming orgasm flowed through her body.

Her sweet sticky substance sprayed out all over my hand and desk. I persistently rubbed her wet center as her body still shook, gradually coming down from the elated high.

I slurped and swallowed every drip of cum that plastered all over my hand, moaning at the taste of her essence.

After she finally calmed down, I cleaned her up with the wipes I happen to have stored in my drawer and got her dressed. She sat back into my lap and silently watched me wrap up the remainder emails that needed relying to.

Onika began to fumble with her fingers as she moved around in my lap.

"What's the matter baby girl?"

"Um. C-Can I go home w-with you?"

I giggled. I'll never get tired of her big almond eyes. I actually believe her bifocals make them appear bigger than they truly are.

"Yes you are absolutely welcomed to come home with me. We can stop by your dorm so you can pack you some clothes okay?"

"O-Okay!" Her face lit up in excitement.

"You wanna know what's funny Onika?"


"I don't know why but I assumed you were a virgin. And by the way you were so adamant about me fucking you and showing off your flexibility skills, someone made you and that precious pussy of yours cum before me, yeah?"

"Y-Yes, Ms. Knowles."

I'm not sure why I'm feeling a sudden sense of jealousy. At the end of the day, she is a grown woman who may have other admirers. They're not me though.

"Who?" I asked, clenching my jaw.

"P-Professor Rowland."


Thoughts 💭?

Writing this chapter was completely different for me but I hope you all liked it.

Continue to expect the unexpected with this Oneshots book, as I do have a couple interesting stories up my sleeve.

Thank you for the continued support 🤎

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