All's Fair in Love and HoCo (...

נכתב על ידי SomewhatDistracted

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Army brat Emily Barfield just wants to experience a normal year of high school before she and her family move... עוד

Chapter One: So Disappointing
Chapter Two: Conkers
Chapter Three: Barfmageddon
Chapter Four: What do you call the fallout after Barfmageddon? My life.
Chapter Five: Not Again...
Chapter Six: Hmmmm...
Chapter Seven: A Nice Ass
Chapter Eight: Campaign Manager
Chapter Nine: Gossip Boy
Chapter Ten: Black Lace
Chapter Eleven: Just a Shirt
Chapter Twelve: Saving Lives, One Tiny Tank Top at a Time
Chapter Thirteen: Hypothetical
Chapter Fourteen: When Caleb Asked Bri
Chapter Fifteen: Beer Goggles
Chapter Sixteen: I'm Gonna Be Sick
Chapter Seventeen: Decisions, decisions
Chapter Eighteen: Save Me a Dance
Chapter Nineteen: Hocoposal
Chapter Twenty: UltimaTim
Chapter Twenty-one: Jersey Girl
Chapter Twenty-two: The Court
Chapter Twenty-three: BRInging out the Knives
Chapter Twenty-four: Her Mother's Daughter
Chapter Twenty-five: Surrounded by Karens
Chapter Twenty-six: Mums the Word
Chapter Twenty-eight: Little Red Corvette
Chapter Twenty-nine: Bonfire
Chapter Thirty: Walk of Shame
Chapter Thirty-one: Right Where We Left Off
Chapter Thirty-two: The Dance

Chapter Twenty-seven: Their Highnesses

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נכתב על ידי SomewhatDistracted

It seemed only fitting that most of the people in the gym were dressed as heroes and villains. An Iron Man-clad Tim was seated on the bench in front of me. Riley was next to me in his Batman costume. I was dressed as Catwoman, pushing the limits of the dress code in my tiny black tank top, black leggings, and a cat ear headband purchased from the PX. I'd sported a cardigan the whole day to keep the teachers at bay.

Riley squeezed my hand. "Are you nervous?"

"Not really. I'm just tickled I made it onto the court." And that I was going to Homecoming with him. Not that I'd admit it to him. "I don't think I have a chance at winning."

He gently guided my chin, so I'd have to look him in the eye. "I wish you'd believe in yourself. You were voted in because people like you."

"I was voted in because this school likes drama, and what's more dramatic than putting the girl and the boy she puked on together, on the same court?" It was true. Edelweiss loved its drama and I'd given them plenty over the past couple of weeks.

"And what if your name is called?" he asked.

"It won't be." I forced a smile onto my face. "It'll be Tiffani, and I'll be fine with that. She should've been the queen for the past two years."

"She's definitely nicer than Emily Tanner ever was." Riley laughed. "I hope that if I win king, you'll be queen." He came closer to me and delivered a peck to my forehead. "I don't want to have to dance with anyone else at Homecoming."

The thought was touching, but it was one dance, and it wasn't like Emily and Riley still liked each other. She was dating one of his best friends. "One dance is not going to hurt you."

"It doesn't matter." He draped his arm around me. "You're the only one I want to dance with, and I'd be annoyed if you danced with anyone else on Saturday night."

Uh oh. I was still planning to dance with Tim if he asked. But maybe he wouldn't since he'd pretty much avoided all talk about Homecoming with me and he'd backed off considerably. I looked down at Tim who was talking to Dalton and briefly considered telling Riley of the deal I'd made with Tim.

"But what if I win and you don't?" I asked instead. "Are you going to have a problem if I have to dance with Caleb or Nathan?"

"No." His voice was adamant. "I wouldn't like you dancing with Caleb because he's a jackass, but I'd be okay with it. I want to see you win because you deserve it."

I honestly believed him. He wanted me to win. He believed in me. "Riley, I'm okay with not winning queen. For me, it's more about the experience, and already I've gained new friends because of it. That's a win in my book."

Dr. Ramsey tested her microphone on the floor of the gym, the taps quieting the crowd. Today, she'd forgone her typical pant suit in favor of a Wonder Woman T-shirt and khakis. A tiara sat atop her head and bangles circled her wrists.

After thanking the student council for another fantastic spirit week, she reminded everyone that they must obey school rules during its events. She also expressly forbade alcohol at the bonfire, game, and dance. It didn't matter, though, someone was going to show up drunk or at the minimum, under the influence. It was easy to police school grounds. It wasn't so easy to police what happened between leaving and returning to school property when alcohol consumption was perfectly legal off post. On post, we had the same rules as the States.

"And now for the moment, you've all been waiting for." A spate of applause drowned out the microphone for several long seconds. Finally, with a touch of her hand to the microphone and that tap, tap, tap reverberating throughout the gym, everyone got quiet.

I didn't know the freshman queen, but I cheered loudly when Dalton's name was called. The sophomore queen was one of the girls who hung out with Tiffani, Chelsea, but I wouldn't have remembered her name without Dr. Ramsey's announcement of it.

The four freshman and sophomore kings and queens were on the floor beside Dr. Ramsey when she said, "Your junior king is Riley Jones."

I threw my arms around him. Most of the gym was applauding, but Briana and Caleb were among the few who weren't. Riley began his descent down the stairs and took his spot beside Dr. Ramsey.

"And your queen is Tiffani Morales."

A part of me was disappointed that I didn't win, but I'd expected it. Bri had done all she could to drive it in to me that I would fail, but I'd still made the court and I was having a blast my last year at Edelweiss. I cheered loudly for Tiffani and gave her a thumb's up when she looked back at me, concern on her face and mouthing that she was sorry. This was her moment and she 100% deserved it. I wasn't going to rain on her parade with a "Woe is me" attitude, nor would I allow sour grapes to set in.

"Senior King is Tim Henry." The loudest applause yet followed. "And this year's senior Homecoming Queen is Kandi Olsen."

I rushed to the floor to congratulate everyone as soon as we were dismissed, but Riley was deep in conversation with Logan. As I approached him, he removed his crown.

"I want you to have this," Riley said, handing Logan the crown.

Logan looked surprised. "Are you sure?"

Riley nodded. "Positive. I want you to be king."

Wearing one of the biggest smiles I'd ever seen, Logan took the crown and placed it on his head. Riley's smile matched Logan's, and I couldn't help but partake in all the cheesiness. Riley was such a standup guy. Even without the crown, he'd always be a king to me.

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