Hell's Angel (EDITING)

By itsmeimthevampire

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What could possibly go wrong when a demon who enjoys following the rules and an angel intent on breaking them... More

1 - Finny | This is what happens when you pull the shoelaces of God
2 - Ro | Hell does not have nice living conditions
3 - Andrew | Moving always sucks
4 - Finny | His nostrils are a nice shape
5 - Ro | The angel is yapping non-stop beside me
6 - Finny | If I piss off Ro for long enough would he start breathing fire?
7 - Ro | Hell is wherever this Angel is.
8 - Andrew | It's not forgery if you sign your own name
9 - Andrew | I thought detention would be more fun
10 - Ro | Meeting The Void
11 - Andrew | Committing Cat Crimes
12 - James | There are no bike riding classes in hell
13 - Marie | Snot nucleus
14 - Marie | The Woodland Elf
15 - James | I can't believe he lives like this
16 - Andrew | Imagine actually talking on the phone. The Horror.
17 - James | The senior demon
18 - Marie | There are no rules in hell
19 - Andrew | I shudder to think what Marie would've done
21 - Marie | My halo can double as a basketball hoop
22 - James | But think about the potassium
23 - Marie | I fell flat on my face
24 - Andrew | Bunny riding a skateboard
25 - James | Okay, let's roll this thing
26 - James | Questionable baked goods
27 - Marie | It can have no effect on my superioir angelic embodiment
28 - James | Maybe we'd be vampires in another existence
29 - Marie | Summoned by heaven
30 - Marie | Half a heart-shaped locket
31 - Andrew | Prom-posal
32 - James | Cardboard wings
33 - Andrew | Crimson eyes
34 - James | The Principal's office
35 - James | The Reason
36 - Marie | A corsage of red roses
37 - Marie | Prom night
38 - James | Portal to hell
39 - Andrew | Cherry blossoms
40 - James | The terrifying headmistress
41 - James | Letters in the sky
42 - James | Meeting Satan
More Books
Bonus Chapter - fanfic by Sandydragon1

20 - Marie | Tongue turned blue

244 30 46
By itsmeimthevampire

Classes are so boring.

James is so boring. He's just diligently taking his notes and ignoring my questions.

'Why was that demon there? What did he want from you?' I pressed.

'That's none of your concern.'

'How is it not my concern, it's literally my job to know.'

'Well it's my job to keep you from knowing,' he replied irritably.

'Do I hear talking back there?' the teacher boomed. The three of us are definitely not in his good books.

I waited until the teacher had turned his back and then stuck out my tongue at James. I drew an ugly stick figure on my book and tore out the page and wrote "James suckz" on it.

'That's you,' I informed him as I crumpled up the small scrap of paper into a tiny ball. I bonked it on his head and it ricocheted off and hit Andrew who was sitting on my other side.

'Why do you hate him so much?' Andrew asked, grinning as he opened up the paper.

''Cause he sucks,' I explained.

'What's that you have there?' the teacher demanded, striding over to Andrew.

Oh no. I couldn't let him get in trouble for it.

I quickly snatched the paper from his hand. The teacher was almost here and I was lost in a moment of panic. Where could I put it? Where could it go? I put it in the first place I could think of.

I hurriedly stuffed the paper into my mouth.

The teacher came up to us and peered over the desk, confused as he wondered what had happened to the note he saw us pass. He frowned a little bit and then thankfully backed away.

I let out a sigh of relief and then made a face; the paper was stuck to the roof of my mouth. I tried pushing it with my tongue but it was starting to dissolve and I could taste the ink. It tasted really gross.

James was looking at me in disgust.

'Your tongue is turning blue.'

I pushed my tongue out and peeped down at it. Ooh, it was! At least something good came out of this horrible experience. I moved towards him to lick his face and turn it blue but he shoved me away.

'Have some water,' Andrew suggested kindly as he handed me his bottle. He was glancing past me at James, who seemed rather annoyed—but the moment they made eye contact they both looked like they were trying not to snicker.

The water helped the paper fully dissolve; I scrunched up my nose as I felt it pass down my throat. I took care not to drink too much though, because I wanted my tongue to stay blue.

'Why don't you come up and do the next question on the board, Marienne?' the teacher asked, shooting me a glare.

I groaned as I got to my feet. This man wanted vengeance. He handed me the marker and I realized with horror that this was maths. I looked back at him, terrified; his evil smirk told me that he knew exactly what he was doing. I looked back with trepidation at the board.

Expand (2x+15y)^2

Huh. That wasn't really maths now was it. I stuck out the top of my tongue as I concentrated on drawing a wide answer.

( 2 x + 1 5 y ) ^ 2

'TA-DA,' I yelled, shoving the marker back into the teachers shivering—with rage—hands. His face was turning an unpleasant shade of maroon and the vein in his forehead throbbed with extreme force. The class started laughing and clapping; there were even some joyous hoots and whistles. I spun on my heel towards them, bowing deeply with dramatic hand gestures.

'QUIET, YOU LOT!' The teacher yelled, turning puce. He must be rather upset that no one claps for him when he writes the correct answer. Just as he spun to face me—most likely to congratulate my ingenious answer—James stuck up his hand.

'I'll come up and write it, Sir,' he said, shooting me a patronizing look. Ugh, ever the suck-up.

I stomped back to my seat, glaring at Demon goody-shoes. His lips quirked up in an irritating smirk as he passed me in the aisle. Unable to resist, I stuck out my foot. Just a teensy bit.

'Woa-ahh.' James toppled over, his arms flailing in front of him.

Oh no. I know I didn't think he'd actually trip. What a clumsy buffoon. I hurriedly caught him—princess style—to a symphony of 'oohs' and 'aahs.'

'Hey!' James yelled, squirming in my arms and kicking his feet till I put him down. He wriggled out of my grasp, grumbling and slapping my hands away as he got to his feet.

'Hey, I was just trying to stop you from falling,' I objected as he glared at me.

'You're the one who tripped me!'

'That's beside the point.'

James exhaled angrily, black smoke billowing from his nostrils. I pondered to myself that, for a demon, James has extraordinary self-control. But one of these days, I bet I could annoy him to the point of breathing fire.

I grinned cheekily at him, having set my new goal.

A/n: My friend ate a paper once cause the principal walked in, this goes out to you Reem xP

Above is Marie doing maths xP

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