The Potter Twins: Book 2

By Nerdfanatic247

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Harry James Potter and his twin sister Olivia Jane Potter, discovered an amazing secret about themselves last... More

Stuck In A Cage
The Rescue to The Burrow
Diagon Alley
Getting Back To Hogwarts
A New Year and A New Teacher
The Writing On The Wall
The Rogue Bludger
Another Warning
The Dueling Club
Professor Dumbledore's Office and Christmas
The Polyjuice Potion
A Very Secret Diary
Follow The Spiders and A New Message
The Chamber Of Secrets

Welcome Back

290 9 0
By Nerdfanatic247

Olivia's POV:

I suddenly felt weak and groggy. My eyelid's fluttered and I tasted something horribly sour in my mouth. I coughed and sat up slowly, with the support of hands on my sides and my back. I blinked a few times in the bright light to figure out where I was and what was going on. I was in the hospital wing... Again.

    "Welcome back, Miss Potter." Dumbledore's voice rang out softly. I blinked harder a few times. I can only imagine what Harry felt like on the daily, as my eyes felt stiff and frozen. His cheery, old face came into view and he was grinning at me. I was surrounded by Dumbledore, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey.

    "How long was I out? What happened?" I asked as everything seemed rather hazy.

    "Almost three months, my dear." Professor McGonagall said cautiously.

    "Oh no! What about my brother, and Ron? The Chamber? School work! Oh, my goodness, where's Hermione!" I nearly shouted and all three teachers and put their hands on my shoulders to keep me planted in my bed.

    "Calm yourself, Olivia." Dumbledore warned in a soft but stern tone. "She's fine, still here next to you. We will be giving her the Mandrake Draught next. Madam Pomfrey has given me permission to take you from the bed now on the condition that you are calm. You'll still be a tad groggy, but I'm afraid what's to come is much to important for you to miss. So, up you go."

All three teachers helped me stand from my bed. I was a tad wobbly and unsteady, but Dumbledore assisted me. I glanced over at Hermione's bed and let out a soft gasp. I can't believe that we'd really been petrified. She was going to be so upset about missing so much school. Dumbledore led me from the hospital wing all the way to the his office.

    "Sir, why was it so important that I came down here now?" I asked curiously as we walked with our arms linked.

    "Your brother and Mr. Weasley found their way into the Chamber of Secrets. They went so they could rescue, Miss Weasley."

    "Ginny?!" I gasped. "Are they all right?"

    "Fine, fine, my dear. Fawkes will be bringing them out very shortly. I have much that needs to be discussed with you and Harry. When the boys first arrive you will wait and rest in my chambers until Mr. Weasley leaves the room."

    "But why?"

    "As I said before Miss Potter, Madam Pomfrey was strict on her orders of early release. You'll be excited enough to see your brother as it is. You will see the others soon." He explained and I nodded.

As Dumbledore instructed I sat in a chair in his chambers near the door. I would wait until he called for me and I'd be allowed to come out. I still felt weird, shaky and sort of frozen. I stretched my limbs as I sat in the chair, finally hearing the door to his office open. They explained the whole thing to Dumbledore of what happened and how they managed to get there to the Chamber. I was shocked at just how much more extensive the whole thing went then Hermione and I realized. Tom Riddle, was Voldemort and he tried to come back again. That fact alone made me shiver.

    "You both realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules." Dumbledore scolded them gently.

    "Yes, sir." They both replied solemnly.

    "And there is sufficient evidence to have you both expelled."

    "Yes, sir." They nodded.

    "Therefore, it is only fitting... that you both receive special awards, for services to the school." Dumbledore's voice was back to it's calm state. That man loved to make it seem like we were in trouble. I cheered quietly for them both.

    "Thanks, sir." Ron said gratefully.

    "And now, Mr. Weasley, if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we... We want our game keeper back." I heard Ron's foot steps clank their way to the door. It opened and closed and Dumbledore spoke again. "Harry, first, I want to thank you, Harry. You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could have called Fawkes to you. And um, second. I have a small surprise for you."

I heard Dumbledore's foot steps. He walked up the stairs and opened the door, holding out his arm. I linked mine with his again and slowly stood to my feet. We walked out of the room and Harry gasped loudly.

    "Olivia!" He cried.

    "Gentle, Harry. She's only just woken. Madam Pomfrey has strict orders for her to be here now." Dumbledore reminded him softly. We made it to the bottom of the stairs and Harry engulfed me in a soft but firm hug.

    "Oh, Liv, I missed you so much." He wept and I pulled away rubbing away his tears.

    "I'd say I missed you to, but for me it only seems like yesterday. I can't imagine what all that was like, and I can't believe you solved it all. I'm so unbelievably proud of you." I hugged him again.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and gestured to the chair in front of his desk. He and Harry both led me to it and I sat down. My legs still felt sort of like jello and I realized how tiring being awake was.

    "I sense that something is troubling you." Dumbledore prompted him to speak. "Am I right, Harry?"

    "It's just..." Harry whispered. I grabbed his hand as he stood next to me and held it tightly, assuring him it was okay to tell Dumbledore anything. "You see, sir... I couldn't help but notice certain things, certain similarities between Tom Riddle and what Olivia and I can do."

    "I see. Well, you both can speak Parseltongue, Harry, Olivia. Why do you think that is?" He asked and we both shrugged unsure. "Because Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Harry, Olivia. He transferred some of his powers to the both of you the night he gave you those scars."

    "Voldemort transferred some of his powers to us?" Harry said disbelieving.

    "Why would he do that?" I asked.

    "I do not believe it was intentional, Miss Potter. But yes." Dumbledore walked back around to his own chair and took a seat.

    "So the Sorting Hat was right. We should have been placed in Slytherin." Harry's tone was full of hurt and disappointment.

    "It is true, Harry. The both of you possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes. Determination. Resourcefulness. And if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why, then, did the Sorting Hat place you both In Gryffindor?"

    "It was because we asked it too." I commented.

    "Exactly, Olivia. Exactly." Dumbledore pointed out. "Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices." I nodded in agreement with a soft smile. Harry on the other hand didn't seem as convinced by Dumbledore's words. He nodded, but still seemed a bit down. "If you want proof, Harry, why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely at this."

He lifted the sword that had been laying across his desk, covered in blood, and handed it to Harry. He gave me a bit of a scolding look as I stood up to see exactly what it is. It was a beautifully made sword, with a ruby encrusted hilt. Engraved just underneath on the bottom of the sword was a name : Godric Gryffindor.

    "Godric Gryffindor." Harry read off it in a casually impressed tone.

    "It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat." Dumbldore gave him a impressed look and I rubbed Harry's arm.

    "See, you're amazing." I pointed out quietly. The door clicked behind us and we all turned to look and see who was coming to Dumbledore's office.

Lucius Malfoy let the door swing open roughly as he welcomed himself into the office. He glared at Dumbledore, Harry and I. I noticed the little bit's of pink skin peeking out behind him.

    "Dobby! So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoy's." I observed, less than surprised. As he told us about the abuse he endured at home by accident.

    "Mhm..." Dobby answered and looked fearfully up at Lucius.

    "I'll deal with you later." Lucius hissed. I grimaced at him for his blatant treatment of his elf. Dobby whimpered in fear. He charged up towards the desk and stuck out his walking stick, pushing the both of us out of his way roughly. Harry quickly held my arms to keep me steady. "Out of my way, Potter's. So it's true. You have returned." He spat.

    "When the Governor's learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back." Dumbledore explained simply. Dobby scurried over between Harry and I's legs.

    "Ridiculous." He hissed to himself.

    "Curiously, Lucius. Several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place." Dumbledore openly stated.

    "How dare you."

    "I beg your pardon?"

    "My sole concern has always been and will always be the welfare of this school, and of course, it's students." Lucius explained and gave a vicious glare our way as he spoke. "The culprit has been identified. I presume?"

    "Oh, yes." Dumbledore nodded. Lucius took a second and as Dumbledore didn't speak any further, he stepped forward impatiently.

    "And? Who was it?"

Dumbledore glanced over at Harry and I and we glanced back over to him. A small smirk seemed to appear on his lips.

    "Voldemort." He named after a moment.

    "Ah." Lucius said seemingly not as shocked as you'd expect.

    "Only this time he chose to act through somebody else. By means of this."

Dumbledore held up the diary of Tom Riddle, showing it to Lucius, who again, didn't seem as surprised as you'd think. Dobby squeaked softly and pulled on our pant legs. He quietly gestured his eyes from the diary to Mr. Malfoy. That explained right there how he knew so much about what was happening at school this year. The curious book that had been placed in Ginny's cauldron was placed there by him.

    "I see."

    "Fortunately, our young Mr. and Miss Potter discovered it. One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be... Severe." Dumbledore warned Lucius with his subtle accusation.

    "Well, let us hope that Mr. and Miss Potter will always be around to save the day." Lucius fakely said as he turned towards us.

    "Don't worry. We will be." Harry and I stated firmly, glaring back at him. Dumbledore smiled at the both of us proudly.

    "Dumbledore." Lucius bid him and waved his cloak around dramatically, heading for the door. "Come, Dobby. We're leaving." He hissed.

Dobby walked out from behind us and began to walk down the few stairs in the room. Lucius stuck out his foot and kicked him away and Dobby squeaked and landed on the floor. I stepped forward angrily, but Harry held me back. One day, one day, one of the Malfoy's would meet my fist. I swear it. They walked out of the room and harry quickly stepped up to Dumbledore's desk.

    "Sir? I wonder if I could have that." Harry asked gesturing to the diary.

I grinned knowing what he was thinking. I quickly sat down in the chair and took off one of my socks. Dumbledore seemed to understand our plan and he grinned with a nod. Before he could scold me, I gave Harry the sock and he stuffed it inside the book and we chased after Mr. Malfoy. We made it down the twirling Gryffindor statue and they were heading down the corridor.

    "Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy!" Harry and I shouted after him. He stopped and turned around.

    "We have something of yours." I roughly handed the book to him and he glanced down at it with a scowl.

    "Mine? I don't know what you're talking about." He whispered harshly.

    "Oh, I think you do, sir." Harry insisted. "I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron, that day at Diagon Alley."

    "You do, do you?" Lucius challenged. He roughly held out the book to Dobby, who took it for him. Just like we hoped. Malfoy stepped forward towards the both of us, trying to be intimidating. "Why don't you prove it?" He hissed.

Harry and I stayed silent, having already accomplished what we wanted to do. He sneered and look down at the elf.

    "Come, Dobby."

Lucius began to walk away and Dobby flinched and was about to follow, but he quickly looked at us.

    "Open it." We whispered.

Dobby gave us a rather confused look but opened the diary anyways. Leading him directly to the page with my sock inside it. his eyes widened, his ears perked happily. I grinned happy to see the little guy so happy for once.

"Dobby?" Lucius yelled back for him, realizing he wasn't following like normal.

"Master has given Dobby a sock." He smiled the biggest one id' ever seen. It extended from ear to ear. Lucius turned around and scoffed.

"What? I didn't give..." He realized as he spoke the book Dobby was holding had a sock in it.

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes." Dobby took my sock from the book and showed him. "Dobby is free." His ears wiggled as he finished talking.

Lucius looked confused. To help him out a bit, I lifted my robes and pants to show that my one sock was gone. He snarled and faced us completely once again.

"You lost me my servant!" Lucius yelled. He pulled out his wand that apparently was attached to the end of his walking stick. He walked quickly towards Harry and I with his wand pointed at me. Our eyes went wide and Harry held my hand firmly. Dobby stood guard in front of us as Lucius raised his wand in the air.

"You shall not harm, Harry or Olivia Potter!" Dobby said defensively.


Dobby held his hand out and blew Lucius backwards. He landed roughly on the floor and quickly got to his feet fixing his robes. Dobby crossed his arms and nodded proudly that he was finally able to stand up to his old master.

"Your parents were meddlesome fools too. Mark my words, Potter's. One day soon you are going to meet the same sticky ends." Lucius Malfoy snarled. He huffed and walked out of the castle.

"Olivia and Harry Potter freed Dobby." Dobby turned and gave us both a great big smile. "How can Dobby ever repay them?"

"Just promise us something." I grinned.

"Anything, madam."

"Never try to save our lives again." Harry grinned. Dobby gave us a sheepish smile.

Harry led me back to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey wouldn't allow him in due to all the recovering students. So, I bid him goodbye for now and went back to my own bed to rest. Of course, Hermione and I gave each other the biggest hugs in the world. I explained everything I had found out and she was presently surprised that Harry and Ron had done it all by themselves.

The next night Madam Pomfrey released all of us Petrified students from the wing to go down to the feast. Something about Dumbledore having special announcements to give, plus were were all cured and strong again. I couldn't wait to see our friends. Sir, Nicholas was floating around the Great Hall, being greeted by all the students rather happily. Hermione and I used through the doors just as he reached them.

"Hermione! Olivia! Welcome back!" He cheered.

"Thanks, Sir Nicholas." We said together.

We both stood at the door and looked down the hall at our friends who were gathered at the end of the Gryffindor table. My heart fluttered a beat or two when I saw the familiar red hair, that I'd been so terrified to never possibly see again. He was my last thought when I knew I was about to look in that mirror. Praying that Hermione and I had been right about not looking at it directly. It had been the moment I could no longer deny. I had feelings for Ronald Weasley.

Neville grinned as he was the first ones to spot us.

"Harry! It's Olivia and Hermione!"

They looked down the table and we all looked at each other. Ron was the first to poke his head out into the aisle. The grin plastered on his face was picture perfect and I'd remember it always. His blue eyes met mine and it was just the connection id' been waiting for. Harry leaned out even farther and his grin reached his ears. Hermione and I ran down the aisle and they both scrambled to get out of their chairs.

She leaped into Harry's open arms. They hugged each other tightly. I ran straight for Ron, unknown to anyone else, I'd obviously already seen Harry. So I'm sure it looked pretty weird to the others. But this felt perfect to me. His arms opened wide and I jumped onto him, nearly knocking us on the floor. But Ron held himself firmly and held me tightly.

"Oh, I missed you, Liv. It's so good to have you back." He twirled us once and placed me back on my feet.

"I missed you too. And it's so good to be back." I smiled as I pulled away from him.

Harry grinned at me and I jumped over onto him next. We both laughed and it filled the air.

"Never do that to me again, okay?" Harry asked trying to be stern, but the smile he couldn't wipe it off his face.

"I'll try to make sure I don't accidentally get petrified ever again, I swear." I chuckled as I raised my hand in the air like I was taking an oath.

Hermione walked over to Ron and they seemed like they were going to hug, but didn't. They shook hands instead.

"Welcome back, Hermione." Ron greeted her awkwardly. They might have had a Rocky start to their friendship, but we knew they cared about each other like brother and sister.

"Thanks." She grinned widely. "It's good to be back. Congratulation's. I can't believe you solved it."

"Well, we had loads of help from the two of you." Harry chuckled. "We couldn't have done it with out you two."

"Thanks." We both replied.

The tapping of glass caught our attention. We turned to look forward at Professor McGonagall. We quickly took our seats at the table.

"Can I have your attention, please?"

"Before we begin the feast," Dumbledore stood up to speak. "Let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, who's Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified." The whole room clapped, except for Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. "Also, in light of the recent events as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled." Dumbledore announced.

"No." I whined and shook my head.

"Oh no." Hermione complained.

Everyone else in the Great Hall were up in great applause over the news. Harry and Ron, both laughed at Hermione and I's disappointed faces. The door's to the Great Hall suddenly swung open and we all looked to see our favorite Giant walk into the room.

"Sorry I'm late." Hagrid apologized. "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol."

Ron's eye's widened. Harry was in front him, turned to grin and laugh. Hermione and I both gave him pointed looks as I was next to him and she was behind me. Ron looked up to the head table and only received a smile from Dumbledore. Hagrid walked into the room and stopped at our table. Right in front of where we all sat.

"I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, Harry and Ron, Olivia and Hermione, of course. I would, uh, still be you-know-where. So I'd just like to say, thanks!" He chuckled softly.

Harry and I both got out from our seats and stood in front of Hagrid.

"It's not Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry assured him.

We both walked into his arms and hugged him. Hagrid rubbed our backs and I held back my tears. Suddenly there was a light clapping, that began to turn louder. Harry and I pulled away from him and began clapping. Soon the whole school was clapping and standing for Hagrid. He was so surprised and happy. It was quite the way to end the school year.

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