All's Fair in Love and HoCo (...

By SomewhatDistracted

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Army brat Emily Barfield just wants to experience a normal year of high school before she and her family move... More

Chapter One: So Disappointing
Chapter Two: Conkers
Chapter Three: Barfmageddon
Chapter Four: What do you call the fallout after Barfmageddon? My life.
Chapter Five: Not Again...
Chapter Six: Hmmmm...
Chapter Seven: A Nice Ass
Chapter Eight: Campaign Manager
Chapter Nine: Gossip Boy
Chapter Ten: Black Lace
Chapter Eleven: Just a Shirt
Chapter Twelve: Saving Lives, One Tiny Tank Top at a Time
Chapter Thirteen: Hypothetical
Chapter Fourteen: When Caleb Asked Bri
Chapter Fifteen: Beer Goggles
Chapter Sixteen: I'm Gonna Be Sick
Chapter Seventeen: Decisions, decisions
Chapter Eighteen: Save Me a Dance
Chapter Nineteen: Hocoposal
Chapter Twenty: UltimaTim
Chapter Twenty-one: Jersey Girl
Chapter Twenty-two: The Court
Chapter Twenty-three: BRInging out the Knives
Chapter Twenty-four: Her Mother's Daughter
Chapter Twenty-six: Mums the Word
Chapter Twenty-seven: Their Highnesses
Chapter Twenty-eight: Little Red Corvette
Chapter Twenty-nine: Bonfire
Chapter Thirty: Walk of Shame
Chapter Thirty-one: Right Where We Left Off
Chapter Thirty-two: The Dance

Chapter Twenty-five: Surrounded by Karens

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By SomewhatDistracted

On Monday morning, leaves danced in the air, and I frowned. The homecoming dance was on Saturday, and we'd probably spend a good chunk of the day raking. It wasn't my ideal way to spend any day. A little cold, I stood under the overhang at the bus stop and cringed when Caleb sidled up to me. The steam curled from my mouth as I exhaled a deep breath meant to calm myself but having the opposite effect. I gave him a look, the one that said he should get the hell away from me. Instead, he just smiled. Jerk.

"Hey, Emily," he eventually said, clearly not taking the hint to just go away already.

I fished my phone out of the side pocket of my backpack. Riley had already sent two texts. We were planning to walk over to the Starbucks in the entertainment center—my treat—before school since eating lunch wasn't really an option for me on anatomy and physiology days. We were planning on lunch at the p/x tomorrow. I typed, "Yes, I'll be there soon."

Caleb rounded me. "You aren't going to talk to me?"

I shrugged. "I just thought your time would be better spent talking to Tiffani." I pointed toward her. "She's over there."

His deep breath followed. "So, you are mad about that." He pushed his glasses up his nose by making movements with his face. "It's nothing personal."

Nothing personal? Really? "I'd love to hear how ignoring me and campaigning against me "isn't personal." Actually, I'm dying to know that."

He swung his backpack in front of him and took out his phone. "I didn't ignore you."

Whatever. "I worked so hard to help you make it onto the court. The least you could've done is congratulate me after I congratulated you." There. I said it. Maybe I was taking my anger toward Bri out on him, but both of them were being petty.

He gave me that "you've got to be kidding me" look. "I'm supposed to congratulate you for taking Bri's spot?" The "are you stupid" was left unsaid. Probably a good thing since I might have ended up suspended.

But was he really this idiotic? "Really? There are two other girls on the court. Who's to say Tiffani didn't take Bri's spot? Yet you'll campaign with her against the girl who helped you make it onto court and talked to Bri for you."

"I don't really owe you anything. It's nothing against you, Barfy, but I don't want Riley to win." The squeal of the bus coming to a stop interrupted him. "You should stop bragging about it to Bri. And buying a dress that looked like hers was a bit extra."

My hands balled into fists, and I quickly grabbed the strap of my backpack to distract myself from wanting to hit him. "You're right, Caleb. You don't owe me anything, but you aren't going to get an ounce of help from me. In fact, I might tell everyone how you treat people who are supposed to be your friends." The thought was there, anyway.

I stepped onto the bus, and Tiffani motioned for me to sit beside her. There was an empty seat behind her, but Caleb would probably sit next to me if I sat there. "What's going on?" she asked as I sat down.

I filled her in on the full extent of what Caleb had said and rolled my eyes as he climbed into the seat behind us.

She shook her head. "I think Logan is going to have a nice chat with him today. Maybe Riley should, too." She laughed. "And as for you, Emily, you need better friends. If you'd like to have lunch with my friends and me today, I'll gladly introduce you to them. I'm sure they'll love you."

I gulped. Was she serious about bringing me into her group or was I a charity case with no chance of possibly being friends with her? My chances of winning queen were slim to none, but I couldn't help but wonder if this was somehow a trick for the sharks to circle their prey. But not everyone was out to get me. This all came down to Bri. She hadn't been acting like a friend for a few weeks, if ever.

"I'd like that," I said as we pulled into the school parking lot. "Of course, I won't eat since I don't want a repeat of Barfmageddon, but I'd love to meet your friends."

Riley was standing by the fence close to the bus' parking spot. He was wearing the same flannel he'd lent me a couple weeks ago with a navy shirt and baggy jeans. His smile stretched from ear to ear until anger flashed onto his face. I followed his line of sight to Caleb who was practically ducking behind Tiffani.

"You aren't meeting Bri today?" Riley asked as he slipped his hand into mine. It was warm, and I wanted to lean into him to escape the wind's chill.

I shook my head. I hadn't let her know I wasn't going to share my makeup with her, but it shouldn't be a surprise. She hadn't responded to any of my texts yesterday. And she was clearly upset with me. "I'd rather have a caramel apple cider with you."

Bri exited the bus, her scowl falling on me as she saw Riley holding my hand. I didn't wave, didn't smile, didn't say hello; I just kept pace with Riley, and soon we were turning the corner to go to the entertainment center. A line of students, teachers, and uniformed soldiers curled outside the building. When we took our spot at the end, Riley pulled me into him and wrapped his jacket around me. I breathed in his Eternity cologne as I heard his heartbeat against his chest. And I was in absolute bliss.

"Emily?" I jumped away from Riley at the sound of a female voice. When I turned around, Bri's mom was there, her side part and expression matching every Karen ever.

Crap. I forced a smile onto my face. "Good morning, Mrs. Sanchez. How are you today?"

Her brown eyes narrowed at me. "Shouldn't you be in school?

"It doesn't start for another fifteen minutes, Mrs. Sanchez." Not that it was any of her business.

"Hmm." She got into line right behind us. "Does your mom know you're going off school property and hanging all over a boy?"

Hanging all over a boy? Was she kidding? We weren't even making out.

I needed to stay calm. "Mrs. Sanchez, my mom is very aware that Riley and I are getting Starbucks this morning. I'll gladly call her if you'd like." Mom didn't really know, but I genuinely didn't think she'd care as long as I made it to school on time and I wasn't doing anything wrong. If Mom had seen us, I don't think it would have been an issue, but coming from Patti, it might be blown up to sound like Riley and I were practically having sex while in line for coffee.

Her attention flicked from me to Riley. "That won't be necessary, but I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate you behaving this way with a boy. I would be so upset with Bri if I found her here with a boy."

I didn't say another word until I ordered a tall caramel apple cider for myself and a tall Veranda blend for Riley.

Fortunately, I beat Bri's mom to the punch by texting Mom the second we were away from Patti. Mom wasn't at all concerned and it would undoubtedly blow up in Patti's face when she told her about it the next time they saw each other. Crisis averted.

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