The College Guy from South ~...

By meyouandi7

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"If risking is the only way to get closer to you then he might as well will risk his life for you and If you'... More

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Just the author appreciating you


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By meyouandi7

"Mr. Kim...could you please go out for a while. I need to talk with Ms. Mae alone?" The doctor asked Kai as he nodded and went outside. "Ms. Mae...I would like to congratulate you, but I'm not sure If It's happy news for you or not. You're pregnant, Ms. Mae." Seeing your pale and shocked face the doctor knew his answer already. It felt like your heart stopped beating for a while. You were pregnant? There's a child growing inside of you? You didn't know If you should cry or smile. If the circumstances were different, you would be the happiest. Having a child with, Jin, someone you love isn't bad, but you were his teacher and on top of came from country no one wants to have anything to do with. "I still have some time to decide If you want to keep the baby or abort it. It's your choice, of course. For now, in case you'll want to keep the baby, I'll prescribe you some vitamins for pregnant woman. The sickness you had this morning is a normal part of pregnancy, some women don't have it at all while the others suffer with it a lot. However, don't be scared, it should go away itself, If not or If you find it extreme, please, let me know. I'll also put some nausea drugs on the receipt for you. Do you perhaps have any questions?" He asked as you wiped your tears. "H-How much time do I have to decide?" You asked, your heart breaking just at the thought of killing the innocent soul.

"Hm, since you're not so far in your pregnancy, just about a week or two, you have plenty of time, but the earlier the better. The time limit also depends on which procedure will you choose. I, myself, am not a big supporter of abortions tho, It's your choice, but sometimes women after abortion can't have children anymore. If you don't want the child, there's another option to do and that is adoption. There is a lot of couples that can't have children and there's not many children put up for adoption these days, think about it, Ms. Mae. I'll see you in 2 weeks and I want to know your decision." He said, hanging me the ultrasound picture as he walked out. Tears started pouring down your face as you held the picture close to your heart, clutching on it. Can my life be any worse? You thought.

The doctor went out and as soon as Kai saw him he jolted up. The guys standing beside a bit away. "Doctor, How is she? Is it serious?" He asked as the doctor shook his head. "No, It's not. She just needs to rest. Please, restrict her from strenuous activities, she really needs to lay in the bed at least for today. If her condition is better next day, she can go out. If it will be worse, call me, okay? Also make sure she eats something, her stomach is empty due to her puking and her body is very weak, It's not good for her health situation." Kai nodded as he shook hand with the doctor and exchanged numbers as he left. "Shit- What am I supposed to do now?! I have to take care of the students!" Kai cursed under his breath. "Should I just cancel the trip?" He asked himself but then his eyes caught the guys standing there. He went closer clearing his throat. "You guys know Ms. Mae, right?" They nodded. "Aish, this is really embarrassing for me to ask, but the situation is really difficult right now. I need one of you to stay with her for today. I can't just cancel this trip and I have to take care of the students. H-Hoseok, what about you?" Kai asked while holding his sweating forehead. "Me? Oh, of course, Mr. Kim." Hobi nodded with a smile. "Perfect, thank you." With that Kai went to take care of things.

"Yah! Why did you say, yes?!" Jin brusted out, making the guys shocked. "Jesus, chill! He asked me, what was I supposed to do, huh?! Don't be a jealous jerk and finally accept that you miss her and love her!" Jin's mouth hung open, he was indeed jealous, but he wasn't going to accept it. He felt humiliated, sad and angry at himself. He missed you so much, but he was still angry at you. Closing his mouth, he gritted his teeth and with that he stormed away. Hobi sighed loudly in frustration. "Hey, It's okay, I'm going to talk to him later on, yeah?" Yoongi said, patting Hobi's arm making him nodded. "Okay, I'll go inside and check on her." They hummed and went to their cottages.

Knocking on your door, he waited for a while before going inside. His heart broke at the sight of you. You were crouched like a baby on your bed, crying your heart out. "Y/N?" He said softly as he came towards you. Sittingon the edge of your bed, he brushed your hair away from your face. "H-Hobi..." You cried out as you threw your arms around his neck. "What happened, Y/Niee? The doctor said It's nothing serious..." Hobi asked worriedly. "H-Hobi, I-I lied to Jin about a serious part of my life and I feel like a monster and this is making it even worse!" You sobbed through your words. "Shh, I'm sure everything will be okay, yeah? You're not a monster! Will you tell me? I promise, I'll not tell Jin, but maybe I can help you, hum?" You pulled away from the hug, looking straight into his eyes. You knew you could trust him, but on the other side you were nervous. What If he's disgusted by you? You were afraid of everything right now.

"H-Hobi, I-I'm p-pregnant and It's his." You blurted out. Hobi's eyes wide as globe. He was beyond shocked. "H-Hobi p-please, don't leave me!" You cried as he shook his head, bringing you into his embrace. "I would never." He said, caressing your hair softly. "I-I'm also not from South Korea." You mumbled as you both pulled away. "Then? You from America?" You shook your head while fidgeting with your fingers. "Think about it Hobi...I'm not from South Korea yet I am beyond your level of Korean. I use phrases you guys never heard before, my accent is also weird to you. I don't have my family here and I can't even call them or know If they're alright. I don't live far away, I could visit them, but I can't, I'm restricted from it. Freedom is the newest thing for me and love towards someone is something that I can do only here. You still have no idea, where I'm from?" You asked looking at him with your tearful face. Hobi was confused at first, but when the dots connected together...he couldn't believe it...

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