Skylanders Adventures

Від Nwill01

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This will be a new and slightly improved version of a skylanders tv show, this will have nothing to do with... Більше

Same heroes, New enemy Part 1.
Same heroes, New enemy Part 2.
Same heroes, New enemy Part 3.
The fell
The date of the undead
Two heads are deadlier than one
A Better Leader
Leader mixup
Crazy no, civilized yes
Attack on the Cloudbreak Islands Part 1
Attack on the Cloudbreak Islands Part 2
The missing piece, and the Portal
Mutants in Skylands
Skylanders on the hunt
Frost fight
The siege
Spyro vs. the pumpkins
Cynder the leader
Road to Nico
Meet The Rejects
The Pumpkin with a Thousand faces
The Iron Giants
The Pumpkin with a Heart
Fire vs water
Cheese Curd
Itsy bitsy spy-der
A skylanders Christmas
Heroes and villains
Catch of the day
The invasion of skylands Part 1
The invasion of skylands Part 2

The strange case of Dr. Popfizz and Mr. 69

69 2 13
Від Nwill01

It was a peaceful night, everyone was asleep. All the skylanders were at their homes sleeping in their respective beds. Some skylanders had their own homes like Spyro, but others slept at the academy. This night however is different from the others, this night in particular will be far from pleasant. Flameslinger was in his bed, dreaming about his own wants and desires as he snored and talked in his sleep.

Flameslinger: (snores) yeah I like it like that(snores) I am the best archer aren't I? (Snores)

His door opened slowly as a pair of evil eyes, sharp claws, and razor sharp teeth came in view from the doorframe. The monster growled as his sharp claws scratched the door and entered the room and made his way towards the sleeping blindfolded elf. Flame then heard the growls of a creature and before he could react, he was being attacked by the monster.

In the other room, Rider was sleeping with a sleep mask on. But then he heard some noises from Flame's room and he woke up, took off his mask, and looked at his alarm clock to look at the time. He sighed in frustration on how early it was for him to wake up.

Rider: (facepalms) I'm gonna kill him

Rider then got out of bed and went all the way to Flame's room.

Rider: (angrily) Flame, how many times have I told you not to wake me up in the middle of the—

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw that Flameslinger was being attacked by some creature. And that creatures just so happened to be their best friend.

Rider: (shocked) Popfizz? DUDE!!

The monster revealed to be Popfizz in his beast form, he was beating the life out of Flameslinger. Rider then went up to Popfizz and tried to pull him away, but he was just too strong.

Rider: (Shouts) Popfizz, what has gotten into you?!!

Popfizz then looked back to Rider and immediately punched him in the face. Rider was on the floor when Popfizz decided to attack him instead. He was mercilessly punching Rider as Flame was already knocked out cold. Just before the worst was over, Popfizz who was still in his monster form grabbed Rider by the collet of his sleep shirt and punched him in the face, knocking him out completely.

Morning came and Spyro just got up from his bed, but he was still sleepy. He gave himself a big stretch and then he heard someone banging on the front door of his house. Spyro made his way to the front door and as he got closer, he could hear his friends argue outside. He then opened the door and he saw Chopper arguing to the other skylanders. The skylanders outside, except for Chopper were bruised and some had a cast or splint on.

Chopper: I don't know what happened last night, but I'm telling you it wasn't Popfizz

Flameslinger: yeah right, this is obviously some sort of prank you're pulling on us

Chopper: it's not a prank, he would've told me about it

Terrafin: I got a few broken ribs because of him

Funnybone: he wouldn't stop attacking me until I played dead

Hex: he destroyed my entire library

Stealth elf: and my dojo

Flip Wreck: how does he know where I live?

Spyro: okay what is going on?

Stealth elf: Popfizz is attacking everyone in our sleep

Popfizz: I wouldn't do that, I hate senseless violence

The skylanders then looked at him questioningly.

Popfizz: okay maybe not all violence, but I don't like violence that I'm not aware of. I seriously don't remember hurting you guys

Stealth elf: sort of like you don't remember eating the last donut?

Popfizz: well yeah um-

Rider: or how you don't remember using my spear as a toothpick, which I specifically told you not to

Chopper: hey, you use your spear as a tooth pick all the time

Rider: regardless, if we don't solve this problem we're all gonna end up in the hospital.

Hex: yeah, we have to do something about it, about him

The skylanders then continued arguing with each other, and that's when Spyro talked over them.

Spyro: (shouts) okay!! Everyone calm down. Popfizz was probably messing around with his potions again. This was just a one time thing, so let's all start our day and we'll see what happens from here

Later that night, Spyro was sound asleep until he heard loud noises coming from the kitchen. He then got up and went out to see where the noises were coming from. He went into the kitchen and saw Gill and Trigs using the dining table as a shield while Popfizz was eating all their food, from the fridge, in his beast form. Nico was hiding behind one of the cupboards next to the fridge. He made a huge mess on the floor as he ate sloppily. As soon as Popfizz saw that Spyro was here, he grabbed a huge pot and threw it at Spyro's face.

The next day, Spyro called upon a meeting with the skylander captains and a few selected skylanders who were victims of Popfizz's beast mode attacks. Spyro appeared in front of them while he had a frozen steak in his claw, holding it up to his eye.

Spyro: okay this is definitely a problem. A big problem at that

Whirlwind: yeah no kidding. He went into my room and started ripping my feathers off my body

Rider: and Flame won't let me sleep unless we barricaded the doors and windows

Flameslinger:(angrily) sleep in the hallway if you want, it's your funeral

Stealth elf: we have to do something about it, I suggest that until we know what's making him go berserk, we should lock him up in a cage or something

Cynder: look Stealth elf, while I understand why you want to do this, we can't just treat him like a crazy animal, because at the end of the day, Popfizz is still our friend

Drobot: yeah, besides given that he was able to break through my security system last night, we can only assume that Popfizz's strength, when he's in beast mode, has tripled its normal strength

Stealth elf: what's your point?

Drobot: my point is that a cage will not do any good, it'll only postpone the inevitable

Popfizz: guys I'm saying this from the very bottom and top of my heart, I would never do anything to hurt you guys

Chopper: yeah exactly, this is Popfizz we're talking about, he's not one to hold a grudge on anyone. I mean it's not like he wants to hurt you guys

Gill Grunt: yeah well he clearly has no control over his beast form whenever he's asleep

Drobot: yeah, something must be happening to him while he's asleep, and that's all we need to figure this out

Spyro: only one way to find out. We'll have to wait till nighttime to begin

When nighttime came again, the skylanders made some preparations and installed some cameras around Popfizz's bedroom at Chopper's house to see what could be causing his beast form to attack them. They also made it so that they could hear what he was saying so that they may communicate with him, while they were in another room.

Sprocket: Popfizz can you hear us?

Popfizz through speaker: loud and clear

Sprocket: okay we're gonna put you to sleep so try to relax

Popfizz through speaker: before I go to sleep can you explain to me again, what the cameras are for?

Drobot: we believe that your attacks might be caused by nightmares. So we're just gonna observe what you're dreaming about and we'll pinpoint what it is, then neutralize it by the source

Popfizz through speaker: but what if I break free and attack you guys?

Spyro: relax buddy, the door in your room is welded shut and you'd have to get past Eruptor who's in armor

Eruptor: yeah, there's no way you can...(belches loudly)

Terrafin: shoot, Eruptor!

Eruptor: I can't help it I just...(belches loudly)

Spyro: okay the point is that you have to get through a bunch of stuff first to get to us

Popfizz through speaker: okay

Sprocket: okay we're gonna play some nice and relaxing music so you may fall asleep quicker

Popfizz through speaker: let's do it

Chopper then presses a button and calm relaxing music started playing. As soon as it passed through the speakers in Popfizz's room, he started feeling drowsy and slowly fell asleep. The skylanders then took shifts to watch over Popfizz all night to see if he changes. So far nothing has happened for the past three hours. Just then Nico entered the room where they were monitoring Popfizz and he sat down next to a sleepy sprocket with an empty coffee cup.

Nico: what are you guys doing?

Sprocket: we're (yawn) watching over Popfizz

Nico: oh that's nice

Sprocket: not really (yawn) I need more coffee

Nico: I can make you some

Sprocket: no that's fine, Gill Grunt is about to take my shift.(yawn)

Nico: why do you keep making that noise?

Sprocket: (confused) what noise?

Nico: the noise you're making with your mouth, are you sick or something?

Sprocket: I'm just yawning because I'm tired. Your kind never yawn?

Nico: I don't think we pumpkins yawn

Sprocket: but you guys sleep, don't you?

Nico: yeah but we don't yawn before that

Sprocket: oh

Nico then looked at the monitor that was watching over Popfizz and he sees that he is wide awake and got out of bed.

Nico: is he supposed to be out of bed?

As soon as Sprocket heard those words, she quickly looked at the monitor and saw exactly what Nico saw. Popfizz was wide awake and he was searching through his drawers looking for something.

Sprocket: guys wake up, Popfizz is awake

The skylanders then got up but we're still a bit groggy.

Drobot: did he just got up?

Nico: yeah I saw him wake up, but then I saw something

Spyro: wait, what did you see?

Nico: well you see-

Drobot: uhh guys

Spyro: what?

The monitor then shows Popfizz grabbing a potion out of his drawers and then drinking the whole bottle. He then morphed into his beast form and let out a huge roar that shook the entire house. He then turned around, looked at the camera watching him, jumped towards it, then before they knew it, the camera went offline. Popfizz in his beast form then went after the other cameras in his room. When they were all destroyed, he moved on to the cameras that were in the hallways until he came close to the room the others were hiding behind. It was like Five nights at Freddy's where the animatronics bang on the doors in the office, but instead of animatronics, Popfizz is the one banging on the steal door.

Gill Grunt: okay Eruptor it's your time to shine

Drobot: we won't need to send anyone out, that door has been reinforced with strong steel

Just then Popfizz broke the door down and he was snarling loudly.

Drobot: hey now Popfizz, it's us, you don't wanna-

Popfizz then punched him in the face which broke his robotic mask. He then ferociously approached the skylanders as Terrafin pushed Eruptor in front of them.

Terrafin: good luck bud

Eruptor: please don't

Just then Popfizz grabbed Eruptor and started tossing him around the room while the others escaped with Drobot in hand. Popfizz was practically beating Eruptor into a pulp while the other skylanders winced at his pain. Despite having armor, it did not make the whole difference. For he was still getting hurt.

In the morning Popfizz woke and found himself in his bed again but the cameras were destroyed, he then made his way down the hall and saw that more of the cameras were destroyed, and so was the door at the end. The door was dented and busted open, and as he entered the room, he saw that Drobot was unconscious with his robot mask partly broken and Eruptor had rock like bruises all over his body, and his armor was everywhere in the room. Whirlwind was also in the room healing them with her healing rainbow.

Popfizz: oh no. Did I do this?

Drobot: yes, and I'm pretty sure you broke my nostrils

Whirlwind: they'll be fine in a few minutes

A few minutes later Popfizz left the room and the skylanders from last night and Hugo came into the room.

Sprocket: it's been three days and most of our team are already injured or crippled by this...incident

Hugo: I still can't figure out what is wrong with him

Terrafin: I'll tell you what's wrong, he's been acting like he didn't know about the attacks this whole time. We saw him wide awake in the monitors when he drank his monster potion

Chopper: but that can't be right, there has to be something else

Sprocket: wait Nico before Popfizz attacked, didn't you say you saw something?

Nico: I did

Spyro: well what was it?

Nico: I don't know, but I saw something in the cameras that flew around Popfizz and entered through his mouth before he woke up

Hugo: can you describe it?

Nico: I think it would be best if I drew it

Hugo then hands him a piece of paper and one of his pencils and Nico starts drawing what he saw last night by tracing the shape and shading it to give it more details. He then shows the drawing to the others and this is what it looks like.

Chopper: what is that?

Hex: it kinda looks like a ghost

Nico: what's a ghost

Chopper: basically a spirit of a person

Gill Grunt: could this thing be possessing Popfizz and using his beast form to attack everyone

Hugo: could explain a few things

Terrafin: but wait, how come you can see it Nico but we can't?

Nico: sometimes if I concentrate hard enough I can see things that others cannot see

Terrafin: so this thing is possessing Popfizz and attacking us, I get that. But what I don't understand is why this thing is attacking us

Spyro: maybe we should ask him that, once we've captured him

Nico: how do you catch a ghost?

Spyro: the ghostbusters caught hundreds of ghosts, how hard can that be

Nico: are these ghostbusters like the exterminators for ghosts?

Chopper: not really they just catch them

Nico: then why don't we call them?

Gill Grunt: um we can't

Nico: but if there's something weird and doesn't look good, shouldn't we call them?

Spyro: normally we would, but they kinda disbanded a while ago

Nico: oh like a rock band disband

Gill Grunt: yeah exactly

Nico: okay so how are we going to catch it?

Chopper: me and sprocket should be able to create a device to capture and contain this ghost

Spyro: okay, we'll go find Popfizz and tell him about our plan

Meanwhile Popfizz was in his room packing his bags with clothes, potions, and his chemistry set. Just when he closed his bags, Spyro and Hugo came into his room and were confused by the luggage.

Spyro: Popfizz what are you doing?

Popfizz: I'm leaving

Hugo: what why?

Popfizz: I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, so I'm leaving to somewhere far away where I can't hurt you or anyone else.

Spyro: what, no we're so close, we just started

Popfizz: and I'm ending it! Don't you realize, I'm a monster, and monsters exist in this world only to be used

Spyro: you are not a monster, you're a good person Popfizz

Popfizz: oh yeah, would a good person attack his friends, would a good person hurt anyone for no reason? No I'm not gonna hurt anyone again

Spyro: please let us try one last time, our new plan might work this time

Popfizz: (sighs) okay

The skylanders then waited for nighttime to come...again and they had everything ready. They were all in Popfizz's room and had him strapped to a chair by chains. It wasn't their idea, it was mostly Popfizz's idea so that way he doesn't hurt anybody in the room. Chopper and Sprocket had already developed a device that should be able to capture anything from the spiritual world. It was basically a mechanical cylinder that projected a force that can suck ghosts or any spirit inside and trap it. They also brought Nico with them so he can help with spotting the ghost for them.

Spyro: okay so now we just wait for the ghost to show up?

Chopper: precisely, Nico will spot the ghost once it gets here, and once we find it

Chopper: we capture it with the spectral projector

Gill Grunt: is that what you're calling it?

Chopper: well it was that or the GBSDPLT

Gill Grunt: (confused) the what?

Sprocket: the Ghost Busters Slash Danny Phantom Like Trap

Gill Grunt: oh

Hex: I also placed some sigils around the room so the ghost won't have anywhere to go

Chopper: okay buddy, are you ready?

Popfizz: I think so

Chopper: okay Nico, concentrate and let us know if you see the ghost you saw

Nico: okay

The skylanders waited for a few minutes for the ghost to show up but nothing happened yet. So Chopper and Popfizz started to chat a little bit.

Popfizz: I don't know if it'll work

Chopper: it will work buddy, it has to

Popfizz: well in case it doesn't work, I want you do me a favor

Chopper: okay? What is it?

Popfizz: I want you to put me down

Chopper: (shocked) what?!! No way!!

Popfizz: I don want whatever it is that's doing this to me to control me anymore. When I'm gone then he won't be able to harm anyone

Chopper: Popfizz I would not even think let alone dream putting you down even if you are being controlled by some deranged freak. Plus even if I was willing to do that, which I'm not, that thing would just move on to some other skylander

Popfizz: oh yeah, good point

Nico: (shouts) guys guys I see it!!!

Gill Grunt: huh what?!

Nico: I see the ghost!!

Chopper: where Nico where?!!

Nico: over there!

Nico points to some random spot and Sprocket shot the spectral projector at where the ghost was. They missed and the ghost came into view for all of them, and Sprocket started firing the spectral projector at the ghost. She tried several times but it was too quick for her. The ghost then shot straight towards where Popfizz was and shoved itself down his throat. Popfizz then started coughing and passed out. Chopper then went over to him to see if he's okay.

Chopper: Popfizz are you okay?

Popfizz's eyes then opened and became yellow with a hint of green and he broke free from the chains that held him to the chair. He then grabbed onto Chopper's neck and clenched it very hard for his size.

Popfizz: (distorted voice) oh I'm better than okay, in fact, I'm invincible!!!

Popfizz then throws him across the room and lands in front of the other skylanders. He then reaches in his bag of infinite potions and pulls out a light blue colored potion.

Popfizz: (distorted voice) and now for my next trick

He then gulps down the whole potion, wipes his lips with his arm, then he starts to morph into his beast form, but this time he had electricity in his hair and his hands.

Spyro: Popfizz, what are you doing?!

Popfizz: (distorted voice) there is no more Popfizz, there is only me

Hex: and who might you be?

Popfizz: (distorted voice/confused) wait, do you seriously not know who I am?

Gill Grunt: we didn't even know what you were before, so how can we know who you are?

Popfizz: (distorted voice)you seriously don't know who I am?!!

Chopper: okay stop with the riddles and just tell us who you are

Popfizz: (distorted voice) I've literally been with you guys since the beginning and you seriously don't recognize me

Spyro: no offense but it's not exactly easy to recognize someone when they're a ghost

Popfizz: (distorted voice) hmm, good point

Chopper: sooo who are you exactly?

Popfizz: (distorted voice) why it is I, pumpkin droid number 69!

Chopper: 69?!

Nico: but how?

Popfizz: (distorted voice) oh silly Nico, don't you know that a pumpkin can split his spirit from his body and possess a creature closest to him?

Nico: I didn't know actually

Popfizz: (distorted voice) well that's probably due to the fact that only a few of us can be able to do it. Cause if we could all do it, we'd all be possessing bodies

Sprocket: but why Popfizz's body?

Spyro: yeah you have an entire academy full of skylanders, some are even bigger than others, and yet you chose Popfizz

Popfizz: (distorted voice) oh me and Popfizz have a strong bond you know, after all we shared memories one time, and I even got to cruise around in his mind a couple times, and now that I have full control, I'll be able to destroy you skylanders

Spyro: fat chance stem head, Hex has this whole room trapped

Hex: yeah even with a body you can't leave this room

Popfizz: (distorted voice) very true, but all I have to do is destroy the witch who booby trapped this room, and then I'll be free

Gill Grunt: we'll see about that fruitcake

The skylanders and 69 who's in Popfizz's body started fighting while Nico took cover. The potion that 69 forced Popfizz to drink gave him lightning powers that gave everyone a huge static shock after they get punched. He can even shoot lighting bolts out of his hands which shocked all of them and brought them down, except for Chopper.

Chopper: if you think I'm gonna let you control my friend you gotta another thing coming

Popfizz: (distorted voice) oh then this will be great for me

The possessed Popfizz then shot a huge bolt of lightning straight towards Chopper who barely dodged it.

Popfizz: (distorted voice) not bad, for a small thing

Chopper: then you're gonna like this

Chopper then shot a rocket at him which was exploded a cloud of smoke in him which gave him the opportunity to head butt Popfizz in the chest. Chopper shot another smoke rocket at the possessed Popfizz but this time he caught it mid air and swallowed it. Popfizz then started burping out wave of pure electricity that zapped everything in its path. Chopper was to dodge the first wave but the second wave disabled his helicopter pack and that's when Popfizz who was still being possessed uppercutted him towards a wall.

Popfizz: (distorted voice) I have to hand it to you dino man, you and Popfizz are such a dynamic duo. You come up with such incredible ideas together. Too bad you guys never came up with any ideas to fix yourselves.

Chopper: (grunting) who said that we needed to be fixed?

Popfizz: (distorted voice) well think about it, you're both short, you're both incredibly intelligent yet socially awkward around others, the world sees you two as freaks, and you're both ugly. Well more him than you. You guys are practically monsters, and like Popfizz said, monsters exist in this world only to be used

Chopper: (angrily shouts) you pumpkins are the monsters in this world; you kill and enslave innocent people and turn them into mutants just because you're better than them, you believe that since you're the most intelligent beings in the world that that automatically means we have to bow down to you, and your kind are always plotting and scheming to takeover skylands!!! You guys are more than just monsters, you're parasites, because that's all you'll ever be!!!

Popfizz: (chuckles with distorted voice) are you trying to trick me into getting out because that's not gonna work

Chopper: (angrily) no, I'm saying that you will never be a whole person, because you're nothing without Popfizz the minute you leave him, because you can't survive without him!!

Popfizz: (shouts with distorted voice) you think you're better than me?!! IM AN INTELLIGENT PUMPKIN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION!!! I CAN TALK!!!!!

Chopper: (angrily) and yet you're nothing without Popfizz!

Popfizz: (distorted voice) oh please, I can leave this pathetic body anytime I want to, I don't even need him

Chopper: (angrily) then why don't you leave?!!

Popfizz: (distorted voice) maybe I will

Chopper: (angrily) good!!

69's soul then slowly gets out of Popfizz's body through the same place he entered. His ghost form was then presented to chopper as he held something in his hand while 69 wasn't looking. He then revealed to be holding the spectral projector and aimed it at 69. His spirit then gets sucked into the projector as he tries to escape, but the suction is too strong and his spirit gets trapped in the projector.

Chopper: so much for being intelligent. In fact you're more gullible than smart

Popfizz: (groans) oh my head

Chopper: Popfizz!

Chopper then goes over to him and checks him all over.

Chopper: are you okay buddy

Popfizz: (dizzy) I think so

Chopper: how many fingers am I holding up?

Popfizz: um six if you count your two extra thumbs

Chopper: eh, good enough

The projector then starts shaking as 69 was trying to get out.

Popfizz: what's in there?

Chopper: pumpkin droid number 69

Popfizz: wait, that guy was behind all this and making me into a monster? That jerk

Chopper: don't worry, we're gonna make sure that creep doesn't escape, ever again

The dynamic then helped the other skylanders with recovering from their injuries with the help of Whirlwind of course. While they were being healed, the duo that were less injured started creating a special glass case where nothing can break out of it. Hex has even enchanted it the same way she enchanted the room to keep 69's ghost in. They brought 69's lifeless body inside and then released his spirit in the little prison. 69 then woke up with his soul in his body.

Pumpkin droid #69: this worthless thing won't hold me for long, once I get out of here I'll possess Popfizz again and will destroy you and the rest of the skylanders.

Chopper: until then good luck, we've built this thing so it may feed you and water you whenever you need it

Popfizz: yeah, and we even had Hex make it so that you can't send your ghost to possess anyone, not even me. See ya later stem head

The two then leave the room where 69's little prison was. Which was the lab.

Pumpkin droid #69: wait Popfizz, come back, we can work things out. I mean come on, we're friends till the end

Popfizz: then I guess this is the end

They left the room while 69 was shouting for the two to come back. They then met up with Spyro who was still recovering from his injuries as his head was covered by a cloth. Hex was in the corner right where Drobot was trying to fix his mask in bed.

Chopper: well the prison has been built and 69 won't be escaping from it anytime soon

Sprocket: so then that takes care of the pumpkin situation right?

Hex: yes but there are still thousands of pumpkins to deal with still, and scarecrow

Spyro: yeah but we can handle them

Hex: that's not what I'm saying

Nico: what are you saying?

Hex: I'm saying that the pumpkins are becoming stronger with each battle, and pretty soon they'll be too strong for us to handle

Chopper: she may have a good point Spyro, if we cannot destroy them, the pumpkins will just keep coming back

Sprocket: is there anyway to destroy them Nico

Nico: not that I know of, I'm not even sure if you can destroy them or scarecrow

Hex: I've been thinking for a while

Spyro: what have you been thinking about?

Hex: well Scarecrow and the pumpkins have been around for thousands of years, around the time when the great gate was first built. And during that time they should've had plenty of time to have taken over skylands even with us around.

Spyro: what are you saying?

Hex: I'm saying that maybe, at some point in time, the pumpkins and scarecrow must've been captured and sealed away for so many years only for someone to have release them now

Spyro: so if you find the person who might've captured them-

Drobot: we can do the same

Hex: yes exactly

Sprocket: but where would we start?

Hex: this is something I have to find out for myself. I will journey to the elder sorcerers to see if they know anything on how to stop the pumpkins, until then, I wish you all the best of luck

Spyro: you too, and be careful out there

Hex then left the room to get ready for the journey that lies before them, leaving the others to heal from their wounds.

Popfizz: I know you're all still healing because of me, but I want to say thank you, for not giving up on me

Spyro: of course buddy, you're our friend

Gill Grunt: yeah little dude, we always got each other's backs, even if one of us are chewing on them

Chopper: especially if some crazy pumpkin is possessing one of us, we'll never give up, and we'll never give up fighting

Nico: yeah

Meanwhile with 69 still trapped in that impenetrable prison of his, he was still shouting for the skylanders, cursing their names.

Pumpkin droid #69: (angrily shouts) it's not fair, come back here and release me you pathetic freaks!! You hear me?!!

He starts banging on the glass some more with his small tentacles but it did absolutely nothing but smear it with his slime.

Pumpkin droid #69: LET, ME, OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter/episode of skylanders adventures. I'm very sorry for the long wait, I've been spending a lot of time with my family. I'll try to update my stories more often than this, anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see all soon. Bye bye!!

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