.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequ...

By Nova_3213

640K 19.6K 53.3K

If you haven't read the first book! Go read it or you will be so so confused! Just click on my user and you w... More

.: 19 :.


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By Nova_3213

It can't be zumas birthday without angst

Dream sat on the couch next to george, watching zuma open different gifts.
"God, that pup is so spoiled." He chuckled.

"At least he's grateful." George glanced over, seeing zuma hold a small box.
"He loves everything he gets- unless it's toys." He sighed.
"He doesn't like them for some reason."

Dream lightly shrugged.
"Everyone has something they don't like." He nudged George's side.
"And yours is being abandoned."

"Yeah... I don't want to lose my family.." George softly smiled.
"I like it here a lot." He glanced around, adoring the surroundings.
"When I'm with my family."

Dream placed a small kiss on George's cheek.
"I love you so much."

"Mama! Daddy! Look!" Zuma held up a small blue fluffy blanket.
"Fluffy Blanket!" He held it high to show them.

The two smiled.

"It's a very nice blanket zuma." George glanced over, slightly surprised who gave the gift.
"Thank you Punz." He was glad Punz was being nice now.

"Thank you Punz." Zuma nuzzled the blanket happily.
"I like it."

Punz shrugged, leaning against the wall.
"Of course."

"I'm gonna go get my medication from downstairs, can you watch the pups." George carefully held the two sleeping newborns.
"It's starting to wear off."

Dream nodded, carefully picking up the two.
"Mhm.. I'll watch them.." he cradled the two.
"God.. there so small."

George smiled, walking off towards the elevator.
"I'll be back." He hummed.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream yawned, leaning back.
"God, my back." He stretched carefully, making sure not to wake the small ones.
"I really need to lay down."

Zuma looked around, smiling- everyone was here- except a few people.
"Where did mama go..?" He looked over at dream, whining.

"He went to grab something." Dream sat up straight, seeing zuma wander up to him.
"He will be back soon and we can head home."

"Is the bad man here..." Zuma grasped dreams knee, whining.
"He's scary." He shook his head.

"Yes.. foolish is here- but-" Dream was cut off when there was a giant bang, startling him and everyone around.

He quickly stood up- holding the pups tightly.

Everyone looked around shocked.

"What the hell?" Sapnap furrowed his brows, walking over.
"Was that a gun shot?"

"Ponk- take the pups and take them somewhere safe." Dream held the two now wide awake newborns, looking as if there gonna cry.
"I need to find George."

Ponk quickly held the two small ones.
"What happened??" He looked up at Dream in shock.
"Is there someone breaking in??"

"I don't know but I need to find George." Dream was about to run off to look for the omega, but zuma grabbed his hand.

"Im scared." Zuma whined, holding dreams hand.

Dream quickly crouched down.
"Zuma.. I need you to be brave and go with ponk- I need to go find your mother..." he rubbed zumas cheek.
"You gotta protect your siblings."

Zuma nodded, looking over at ponk.

Dream quickly ran in the direction George went, grabbing his silence pistol from his hidden holster.... He always needs to be prepared in case.

He sprinted down the hall until he turned a corner and instantly saw George in a corner holding a gun... covered in blood.

"Geor!-" Dream cut himself off when he stared at the other on the floor.
"What did you do." He felt a pit grow at the back of his throat.

George turned to dream with teary eyes.

.: George POV :.

George smiled, walking down the hall.
"God.." he stretched his arms.
"Today was amazing."

As he was about to walked down to the elevator, he felt something press against his head.. hearing a small click.

George stomach completely dropped- hearing that little click.

"God, you have been such a pest since day one." Foolish spoke firmly, holding the gun up to George's head.
"You were supposed to be gone already." He snapped.
"You weren't supposed to stay this long."

George gulped slightly, staying silent.
"What..?" He mumbled.

"Dream was supposed to sell you to Schlatt, but now your standing here with three pups." Foolish pushed the gun against the back of George's head.
"Your supposed to be gone."

"He wasn't going to sell me." George said firmly, continuing to look forward.
"He would never.... He loves me too much." He snapped.

"That was supposed to be the fucking plan, you want to see for yourself." Foolish held out a paper.
"Look... here's your proof." He continued to hold the gun up.

George hesitantly took the paper, reading it.

It was an email sent by Dream a few days before he got mated to him years ago.


- Dream.

- yes I know foolish, the plan is to get close to this omega and when the time comes I'm going to sell him to Schlatt for millions, even if I have to mate him- I'll make sure Schlatt gets him a bond scrubbing.. as you said, he's just an omega.

But I need to make him trust me before I can sell him.


George's gaze broke, so- Dream was fucking with him? Just to sell him back then- making him pretend he cared about him-

Even if it was so long ago and things , it hurt him- a lot.... Especially so if Dream never told him and kept it a secret all this time.

"Believe me now." Foolish said firmly, continuing to hold the gun at George's head.

"Yes." George gripped the paper, he felt hurt.
"I do." He muttered quietly, feeling- a small tinge of rage towards foolish.

"Dreams a hard man to trust you know." Foolish held the gun up.
"Now, your going to be a good omega and-"

Before foolish finished, George quickly turned- snatching the gun and aimed it at foolish.

Foolish looked back shocked.

"Fuck you." George head tears rolling down his face, pulling the trigger and instantly shooting foolish in the head.

Foolish without a word fell to the ground.

It took George a few moments to realize what he's done... he just killed dreams brother- his mates brother.

George's eyes widened as he fell back, covering his mouth.
"Nononono-" he was covered in blood- foolish's blood.
"I-.. I didn't-"

"What have you done.."

George quickly looked over, seeing Dream stare wide eye at him.
"I-.." he felt tears prick his eyes.

.: George and Dream POV :.

Dream walked over quickly.
"What have you done..." he stared at foolish, quickly checking where he was shot... and as he suspected- he was shot in the head.

"He- he.." George dropped the gun, beginning to break down.
"He tried too-"

"What the fuck George." Dream gritted his teeth, staring at his dead brother.
"He was my fucking BROTHER GEORGE." He turned to George, having tears prick his own eyes.
"Jesus Christ!! Just cause we didn't see eye to eye! Doesn't mean I didn't love him!"

"Dream please! Let me explain- he tried to-" George tried explaining but he was cut off.

"Get out." Dream stared at foolish, hoping for any reaction of him being alive- he didn't even know how to react himself.

George winced.
"Dream- please.." he tried to explain.
"He tried to-"

"Just get the fuck out- I don't care where you go.. just- stay away from me." Dream didn't even glance at George.
"Stay down stairs- anywhere in the mansion- I don't care.. just stay away from me."

George stared at the paper..

George in that moment felt hurt, standing up.. he couldn't act like he need everyone anymore- he's not weak.

"here's your stupid email." He crumbled the paper, throwing it near Dream.
"Foolish was right.." he began to walk away, gripping his stomach.
"You are a hard man to trust sometimes..."


.: Dream POV :.

Dream scrunched his nose, staring at foolish.
"I'm sorry-" he felt tears prick his eyes, this was the last thing he wanted.. his brother dead.
"I'm sorry foolish."

Foolish was dead in his arms..

"Dream! What happe-" Sapnap ran around the corner, seeing foolish dead on the ground and Dream next to him.
"What..." his eyes widened.
"What the fuck.."

"George killed him." Dream said firmly, continuing to stare at foolish.
"He shot him in the head." He watched a blood dripped from the back of his head.

"Why?!" Sapnaps eyes widened, his attention turning to the paper.
"Why would George do this?!"

Dream stayed silent.. he didn't know either.

Sapnap walked over to the paper, picking it up.
"What happened..." he uncrumbled the paper- reading it.
"Why did he.... Do this." His eyes widened.

Dream didn't know what happened.. he just wanted his brother back- even if they never talked or anything.
"Foolish wouldn't hurt George."

Sapnap furrowed his brows, staring at the paper.
"Dream... did you- send this email to foolish.." he mumbled, staring at Dream.
"About George..years ago-"

"What fucking email." Dream snapped, looking over his shoulder.
"I haven't sent an email to foolish in months."

"No fucking wondering George killed foolish, he probably should have shot you too." Sapnap threw the paper down, he never knew Dream was planning on stooping that low.
"God- I knew you were a dick.. but Jesus.. I didn't think you were that heartless to do that."

Dream stared at the paper next to him.

"I'm checking the cameras." Sapnap turned and walked away... he couldn't believe what he read.
"Then apparently I have to go find George too."

Dream stared at the paper next to him, picking it up and flipping it over.
"What the fuck is he talking about." He stared at the paper.
"What fucking email."

His eyes widened- the email he sent-

Dream stared at the page.. foolish took a photo and showed it to George.
"This shouldn't mean anything, I proved that I loved George." He gripped the paper.
"I proved it."

After a few moments Karl and Sam walked in.

Dream stood up, turning around.
"Clean this up... I need to go change." He flicked his wrists.
"I need to get back to the pups."

Karl and Sam stared at foolish- as much as they wanted to speak... they didn't.

Dream walked over towards the office, he wanted to figure out what happened first.

.: George POV :.

George sat in the garden, staring at the darkness.
"This is so fucking stupid." He spat, trying not to cry any more- using a cloth to wipe the blood off him.
"I ruined zumas birthday." 

George felt awful.. he ruined his relationship with Dream.. and ruined zumas birthday.

"You didn't ruin it mama!" Zuma waddled over,   Nuzzling into George's arm.
"It was the best birthday ever."

George lightly jumped, looking over.
"Oh- zuma! Why you out here..?"

"Sorry.. I noticed you walked out here.. and the pups won't stop whining." Ponk softly smiled, sitting down next to george.
"I think they realized I'm not there mom."

George lightly nodded, looking down.
"I don't think I will be anymore.." he tried not to break down, he didn't want to be kicked out of the house.

Ponk blinked.
"Why??" He furrowed his brows, what does he mean.

"I killed foolish." George took in a deep breath.
"He tried to shoot me.. but he showed me an email Dream sent him before I got mated to him." He sighed, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm not mad about the email... it was so long ago.. but it still hurts he never told me about it.."

"Hold on- hold on-"
Ponk looked confused- he was still processing about the foolish dying part.
"Wait- wait... you killed foolish...?" He mumbled.

George felt tears prick his eyes, nodding repeatedly.
"Yeah- and dreams... really- really.. mad." He knew Dream had a right to be mad- furious at him.. but- he wanted a chance to explain himself.
"He told me to get out and I did.."

"Well you did kill his brother-" ponk watched as zuma went to go play in the garden.
"He has a right to be mad." He mumbled softly.

George nodded.
"I know.. I know he has a right- I just wish he listened sometimes when I try to explain things." He lightly kicked the grass.
"Foolish tried to kill me first- and I tried to explain the situation.... But he told me to get out and I listened."

"He just needs time." Ponk nudged George's side.

"I don't want him to leave me... not again." George tucked his knees to his chest.
"I can't take care of three pups on my own." He mumbled quietly.

"Mama.. when are we going home.." Zuma whined, walking up to George.
"You said we can go home tonight..." he frowned.
"I wanna see patchy"

George would drive them if he could.
"I don't think I can drive that far.." he didn't trust himself driving, not again.

"I can get Punz to drive you.. if you want." Ponk offered, smiling.
"Zuma does want to go home." He held the pups out for George.

"I'd appreciate that, I need to give Dream time." George smiled, nodding repeatedly- carefully scooping the two pups up.
"He's gonna be mad awhile..." he mumbled softly... he knew Dream was feeling a lot more then mad right now.. but he did know it was his fault.

He just needs to hope Dream will listen to him one day.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream walked into his office, throwing off his blood covered blazer.
"What happened."

He watched Sapnap stare at the monitor, a furrowed brow look.

"Move." Dream lightly moved Sapnap over, looking at the monitor.
"What the hell happened." He clicked a button, making the cameras go in reverse.

He watched the camera as George tried making his way to the elevator, listening to George speak through the cameras.
(When the hole situation happened)

He was confused what happened until foolish came up behind him and aimed a gun at George's head- turning the safety latch off on his gun.

"What the fuck." Dream stared in shock, seeing foolish pass the paper to George... he listened as George spoke in disbelief- until he read it.

"Your an asshole." Sapnap looked over at Dream, having a pissed off look.
"You lied to everyone about that."

Dream continued watching, to the point where foolish was about to pull the trigger and George turned and took the gun, shooting him instead.

"Why would you do that to george..." Sapnap spoke quietly.
"You were going to make him trust you then sell him??" He crossed his arms.. even if it was years ago... it was still hurtful for everyone to here.

"That was years ago Sapnap." Dream glanced at Sapnap.
"I have proved myself against that email." He spoke firmly:

"But do you know how much that must have hurt George when he read that." Sapnap put his hand on the table.
"Everytime you prove yourself to george... you ruin it- every time..." he argued back.

Dream slammed his hand on the table.


Dream eyes widened as he quickly looked over, seeing George stand there with the pups in his arms.
"Shit.." he muttered.

Sapnap glanced over at George.
"Oh.." he mumbled.

"Punz is driving me back with the pups.. you uh.. so what you need to do." George put on a sad smile, giving a faint nod.
"Cmon.. let's go zuma." He held out his hand.

Zuma looked at Dream confused- why was he yelling at Sapnap.

"Cmon.." George gently took zumas hand, walking away.
"Let's go see patchy."

Dream grabbed his forehead, trying to stop himself from getting anymore frustrated and punching his desk.
"FFFF.." he gritted his teeth.

"Wow.. lost your brother and your family.. your on a roll today." Sapnap shot a glare at Dream.
"Good job."

"JESUS SAPNAP." He had tears prick his eyes.

Sapnap kept his mouth shut- yeah.. too far.

"I have lost so many fucking people Sapnap- and they were the only family I fucking had left." Dream gripped his chair, taking deep breaths.
"One is dead and one is gone." He stared down.

"Your in denial." Sapnap tilted his head.
"Foolish is dead, and now someone has to fully take over his mafia and you know that." He walked over to the door.
"Even if you stripped him from being the boss.. doesn't mean that they don't need one."

Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Your not helping Sapnap."he took in a deep breath.

"I'm not trying to, not this time." Sapnap shook his head.
"I'm heading with George back to the house." He walked off.

Once Sapnap closed the door, Dream basically hit off everything on his desk before collapsing to the floor.

Dream laid on the floor, not knowing what to do...  his mate killed his brother, George and the pups are gone-

He stared at the ceiling, he was in denial.

He didn't know how to think- or what to do.

Total word count: 2872

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