I Love You (Gd x Jennie)

By Sara445678

6.2K 21 0

There was a man a man that had a passion for music. He became some one greet. He was good in his job loved it... More

warnings & notes
6 am, to early for work.
Gd is in the house.
Its you Jennie, only you.
Too many walls up.
Longe time no speak.
Scared to lose it all.
Is he oke?
He's awake.
Who are you?
Why did you left me when I needed you the most?
I am truly sorry.
Good night.
Where were you?
Are you realy oké with this?
Hey Kai!
I am so scared.
That filthy liar.
Omg your neck.
Dara shut the fuck up!
A text from my Oppa.
Beg like the bitch you are.
Why the hell would he give me a necklace?
Nine days left.
Hey Diva!
God dammit hurry up!
Welcome home!
I am such a crybaby.
Dominate me!
God dammit don't leave me!
book 2

Can I call you Oppa?

265 3 0
By Sara445678

"Can I call you Oppa?" She said to him.

Ji-yong was stuned by her question. He tried to respond fast with a " of course." Then she disappeared in the dark garage.

(Google says that it means: close elder male friend or older brother.)

Ji-yong was fluster by the name she gave him. He walked out of the elevator whit his head full of thoughts. Afther some walking he got by his bike and went home trying to escape from al the paparazzi in the meantime.

On his way to his house he wanted to get some groceries, beucase he did not whant to starf to dead. but people onley whanted to make pictures of him, making his task harden than it seamed.

They where so bothersome just by looking at them he already got depressed. So he decided to go eat some left over noodles at home, and for the rest starf.

He made some nodles, evan do hes the worst kook ever. Afther makkng his now burned nodels he flopped down on the couch. Just watching some board documantry while eating.

After like 30 minutes his phone went of again and again. He got really irritated by the sound probaly thinking that Seungri was spaming him again. But no that was not the case.

He had opened his phone and was shocked that his boss had texted him. He had asked him to come tomorrow at 6am in the morning to make te plans for the video klip of his one song.

He really wanted to say no because je was a lazy as bitch, but you cant do that to your boss. So he need to get up early again. Wel life sucks anyway.

Then he got another message this time not from his boss but from an unknown number.

+82 6234108069: " Hi I still wanted to thank you from this morning..."

"O is this Jennie?"

"Yes, sorry forgot to say that."

"No its oke, maybe I can catch you tomorrow again."

"Yah maybe."

'I fucked up whit that one dident i' ji-yong thought lowly of himself.

"Yes, whel have a good night jennie."

"Good night Oppa."

Afther i stoped texting her, i got board so i disided to text the boys, just to kill some time.

Dipshit leader

Yo im board

Then go do something whit your live mate.

Crazy vocal
You can come over to my place, because im board too.

Dipshit leader
Sure im there at 10pm, oke?

Crazy vocal
Sure, anyone els wanna join?

rap king 👑
No im bizy

Yeh whit what probaly bying art again or something

Rap king 👑
Thats what you think yeah

Dipshit leader
Come one be onest its true, you are bying art right now

Rap king 👑 left the group chat


ut i am not doing much eather so i whil come over too

Crazy vocal
Sure see you guyes at 10 then

Afther saying goodbye to the them i looked at the klock, its now 9.13pm so i stil have like 30 minites to wait.

I laied back down on my couch closing my eyes, flashbacks surounding me from this morning.

Her pale skin, beutiful pink lips, eyes where you can never get board of, long black elegant hair. Just the devenition of perfection.

I a flash 30 minites of daydreaming where over and i took my leave to my friends.

We had an amazing time, just the 3 of us hanging and making stupid jokes. Eventualy it was so late that i just slept there, we did that almost every week, aspeasualy Taeyang and i.

Deasung neded to sleep on the smal couch in the living roo while Taeyang and i slept in his bed. We where not quit unconfortable around eachother deu to us nowing eachother already sins where 12.

Afther i had one short confersation whit him i emmidiatly new that he would be my best friend voor live. They could say anything and everything to eachother, it did not mather if it where hars words or very clinchy ones, it was alwayes oke between the too of them

"Hey Taeyang..." i said while laying down on his bed, face turned to the sealing.

"Yeh kwon?" He answerd while laying besides me in the same position.

"How do you get al the girls behind your ass. Like i mean your filty, disgusting just bad at higine in the first place, not a quit good cloting stile and funny but weard. So how do you sucseed whit getting 3 at the time?"

"Oh, i did not expect you to ask this but uhm fine, just be your self. Thats just it, oh and whatever you do do not make it akward oke."

"Ahh oke?" He said more questioning than just ansering.

"Why, do you have someone you like then huh?"

Ji-yong starded to chough like crazy. "Hahahaha, yeh me liking someone dont make me laugh mate." He said clearly hiding it.

"Whatever." Taeyang said roling his eyes.

Afther oure little talk it was already very late, and we both neded to wake up early for work so whe disided to drift of to dreamland.

. . .

I woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I really hated waking up so early. Lukaly tomorrow is my day off.

I live together with my hungs Lisa, Jisoo and Rose. We are still trainees, but living whit them is somethimes realy hell.

After 10 minutes of postponeing in bed, Jisoo came in my room and desturb my calm, quit, nice morning.

"Come on Jenn, get off of youre lazy as and go to work. They said there would be a special guest today. I want to go a little earlier so I can prepare my self. If I were you i would do the same. Remember the last time when you where late." She said while she walked in my room and opened the curtains.

Trying to manipulat me in coming whit her, so that she did not have to go alone.

"Yeh yeh I now, give me a sec." I growled irritaded by her.

"Oke but hury up im leaving over 5 minutes. If your not ready i'm going without you." She said while leaving my room. The silance surounding me again.

Jennie: " Bla bla bla." I was annoyed by her for always treating me like a child. I got up, put on my clothes and freshed myself up, grabbed my things and walked to the door where Jisoo was already standing.

"Finaly it took you long enove."

"Yah yah, can we just go." I putted on my coat and we walked to the building together, wondering who the special guest would be.

. . .

So I hope you like it so fare. It's now finally vacation so I may be posting more but I can't promise any thing.

1. Dipshit leader = G dragon/Ji-yong/Oppa.
2. EVERYTHING = Sungri
3. Crazy vocal = Taeyang
4. Rap king 👑 = T.O.P
5. Smell = Deansung

If your a real vip you should understand 2 and 5😉

1189 woorden

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