That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY E...

By hjjssjn_

641 59 239

A Jay FF wherein... Kyra is the perfect girl everyone wanted her to be. But what about her? What does she rea... More

Twenty First
Twenty Second
Twenty Third
Twenty Fourth


58 6 3
By hjjssjn_

So firstly, I'd like to thank you all for reading my story. Sorry if this is late but I hope you are aware that this is a work of fiction.

All the happenings that I included in this book is all fiction. Some characters may be real but I do not own them. They own themselves. Please be a responsible reader. Also, when the book is getting longer, expect some TW//s and some bad words.

I'll put a warning so if you're not comfortable reading it, you can freely stop reading and go. I would like that than talking trash about my book. I put a lot of efforts in this book.

Thank you for your appreciation. And enjoy reading!


"A day to be young, wild, and free."

I had fun shopping some stuffs. Some pens, books, and some clothes. I did not buy shoes because I know mom will bring me a pair or more from the Philippines. I had fun strolling around, adoring every nice thing I see. My bodyguards were scattered there.

I told them to give me some space. For some reasons, I found my self standing in front of a hat boutique. "What about a bucket hat?" I smiled and entered there. But I bumped into someone familiar.

"Can you watch where you are going, princess?" His eyebrows lifted. I raised my palm a little at the back, telling my bodyguards to stay in their places.

I bowed politely at him. "Sorry." Then he turned his back. I sighed and just headed to the bucket hat section. I was about to grab that mallard green hat when another hand grabbed it too. Him again. Sunghoon was his name if I'm not mistaken.

"Let me have this." I said but he smirked arrogantly. He pulled it from me and thank god that my grip to it was firm. Or else he'd be able to get it from me.

"I draw it out first." He replied unemotionally. Still trying to take it from me. It was really relieving that we are in a cranny spot of the boutique, my bodyguards won't notice us here. Better than being close to them because it will lead to another distress.

"Lady's section." I rectified him, pointing the sign above. Don't wonder why we're fighting over one hat. Of course it only has one left. We won't fight if there were two.

"I don't care. Give me this, or I'll make you..." he said viciously, throwing daggers look towards me. I gave him the equal look. I can't lose to this tall dude. I just can't.

I rolled my eyes and tugged it to my side. "This is mine." I said slowly but with emphasis. He shoved my forehead and told me the thing that I really think was the most childish I have ever perceived.

"It doesn't have your name on it. Give it to me now." He muttered and pulled it again. I pulled back. I was amazed by how weak he was. I'm a lady yet he can't win? What a floppy dude.

"You're weak."

He pulled it hard dragging me with it. I came closer to him and we stumbled onto the floor. I'm on top of him. And this is awkward as hell!

What should I do?!

"I'm not." He laughed and helped me stand up. "Anyways, you can have that. It's no use fighting with a lady like you." I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

"And why is that?" I asked and received the hat. It was really nice because it looked aesthetic. It looked like it was from a war yet so clean. It has some slitting and little thread hanging style.

"Because you're a know-it-all. And as they say, 'Ladies are never wrong.'" He rolled his eyes on that after he received a glare from me. He's a smart-arse! Gosh! I hate it.

"Ms. Gu, where are you?!" I heard my bodyguard called. Oh no... now we're in trouble. Just because of this junk! I looked at Sunghoon and he raised hid brows to me.

"I'm here. Pay for this, then let's go." I said when he found me, I handed him the hat and was about to follow him when Sunghoon grabbed me by my wrist.

"Let go." My bodyguard said, glaring at him. I looked at him too, in confusion.

"You are the boss, but why does it look like they control you?" He asked me. I sighed a little, I realized that. My bodyguard raised a brow to him.

"I'm Park Sunghoon. By that you should have known me now. I'm gonna take her with me."

I don't know what happened from the past 10 minutes. Why am I fucking hanging out with Sunghoon now? I'm was really flushed when my bodyguard let Sunghoon accompany me. Like, di they know him? Did they freakin knew that he kicked the door and disrespected the lecturer?

How could they trust him?! Really, WHAT AM I MISSING?!

"Stop staring, let's go." He said and brought me to the park. Really? Here? Is this a date or what? Ugh!

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked plainly when I came back to my posture. Etiquette is a must. Whoever you're with, wherever you are,or whatever you were doing.

He rolled his eyes on me. "Sit." He said. I looked at him confusedly. Where? The bench was pretty far away. He looked so done with me but I don't care, I need him to answer me. Because I definitely don't get him.

"Oh no, mister. I'm not sitting on the grass. You see, I was taught to— ahh!" I screamed when he pulled my to the grass and made me sat next to him. "Are you crazy?! I ca-" he cut me off.

"You can. Look. Everybody's doing the same thing." He said and looked around. He was right about that but this wasn't what I was taught. I looked around and to him hesitantly. "Fuck etiquette. Just be you." He hissed at me. I had my eyes closed but I got my mind opened.

Yeah... anyways this is "A day to be young, wild, and free." I smiled a little while closing my eyes, feeling the somehow cold wind. I took a deep breath and let my hair flew at the back. My face meeting the cold blue breeze. It felt like heaven.

I haven't felt this way before. Even if I'm free from my bodyguards and dad. Even if I'm alone with mom. In fact, I thought I was me when I'm with her. But actually no. I was not me. Not the real me. Still not feeling free from that jail-like place I've lived for years. I'm finally feeling...


For a moment. I was not my proper self. I was, the inner me. And it felt so nice. It was ecstasy. It felt, lighter. I'm not with the heavy feeling that was inside of me. I felt at ease, and peace.

I looked at him. He was also closing his eyes while feeling the wind. "Thank you." I whispered, not sure if he heard it. I thought he was a bad kid. But he was really nice. It made me happy.

"Hey kid!" He called for me. Hah! Look everyone, You need to understand that I'm a teen. Not a kid. Aish!

"Why are you calling me a kid?!" I whined while looking back. He smiled teasingly to me and playfully rolled his eyes.

"You're a kid. And you owe me." He said, obviously making me feel nervous. I've never owed someone. Gosh this guy... "Don't look at me like you're admiring me too much." He said teasingly to me, mouth agape from amusement.

"Ha... confidence mister!" I stuck out my tongue to him and ran away from him. He coped up easily tho since he has longer legs. Guys had much more advantages than ladies. How... unfair.

"Hey watch out!" I never got the chance to see what was happening when I felt being pulled and hugged by Sunghoon. His arms wrapped around me as we stumbled to the grass. "Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry." A girl approached us when we were standing up. She was with a skateboard on her side, hugging it.

"Thank you." I mumbled to Sunghoon when we got up and looked at the girl. "It's fine. Be careful next time." She smiled at me and bowed her head before she left, skateboarding.

"What a clumsy lil miss." I glared at Sunghoon when he said that. He threw dagger looks to at me while smirking. "I'm not referring to you but I don't care if you think that it's you." He said, looking at my back. I looked back too and saw two girls laughing while standing up.

They had their shoelaces tied, I think they had a game since I also saw a pair with tied shoelaces. They were happy. I smiled at the sight of them and looked at Sunghoon.

He avoided gazes from them and walked away. What's with this dude? I followed him from behind but he was already out of sight. I turned around and looked for him everywhere but he was not there already.

Where the hell are you, Park Sunghoon?! This park is unfamiliar for me! I've never been here. I don't know how to go home, AND I'M NOT AWARE IF MY BODYGUARDS ARE AROUND!

I skipped back near the fountain, where we dropped off from the car but he wasn't there. What the hell?! It's only 2 in the afternoon?!

Where is he? I took my phone and tried to search him to send him a text only to realize I don't have his number! I was about to contact my bodyguard when my phone died.

What the...


A short chapter(sorry). I hope you enjoyed this book so far even if my words are dry.

Don't worry, I'll make it better in the next chapters. Thank you for reading!

Don't forget to vote. Leave a comment too if you have any concerns. It helps me to do better.

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