𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐡...

By aac1516

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Another day at this boring school. I hate this place, I mean yeah it's school and all but I hated my classes... More

(01) Characters


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By aac1516

I ran into the house trying to find Mr. Castano. I didn't hear anything at first until I heard his nurse yell. I quickly ran up the stairs clocking the gun. Once I got into the room I saw the nurse fully dressed and she was on the ground in tears. Mr. Castano was aiming straight at the nurse. "What are you doing?" I asked Mr. Castano. "What I should've done a long time ago". He said aiming the gun at me.

"So we're playing that game? Ok I can play that game".  I shot my first bullet into his leg. I quickly ran out of the room before he could shoot his next bullet. I could feel my heart racing. I wanted to go save Mar, but I had to do this first. I ran into the guest room. I could hear his footsteps down the hall. He eventually found me and tried aiming for my chest. I ducked down which made the bullet hit the wall behind me.

I walked over to him kicking his gun onto the ground. "I see you've gotten better from training" He chuckles. I felt him grab onto my arm. I flipped his arm which caused mine to hit the ground. I got up and fought Mariano's uncle or as called "my boss". He tried reaching for my gun which was a useless technique. "I guess you're getting old" I joke. He got angry which made him push me onto the ground. He placed one leg on top of my back and the other hand had my gun with it on top of my head.

"You're still useless, Montoya" He scoffed. I've had enough with this shit. I grabbed onto his hands which made me take the gun. "No. I'm not" I turned my body around and slowly got up. I clocked the gun and aimed for his chest. "This is for your brother and nephew" I said before I pulled the trigger. "Don't do this. I was your boss". He tried to bribe me. "Yeah, but your nephew would be better". I pulled the trigger then I heard something collapse onto the ground.
My vision became blurry. I looked around and I could see a lady figure standing in front of me. "I'm so sorry, Montoya" Said the lady before I could see darkness.


I felt my eyes slowly open. I could see lights flashing around me. I open my eyes all the way and I see myself all hooked up, machines beeping, and two people sitting in front of me. "Mariano!" The lady sits up and hugs me. I pushed her away. "I'm sorry, who are you guys?". The guy in front of me looked at me confused. "Come on man don't play us like that" Said the guy with black curly hair in front of me. "I'm serious. Who are you guys?" I asked again. The lady walks out of the room with the guy.


"Wake up! Sarai, please wake up" I heard a voice echo in front of me. I could feel my eyes flutter open. The lights in the room were shinning bright, I was hooked up onto some IV's, two girls were standing in front of me in tears. "She's awake!" The girl with black hair shouts. My mom grabs onto my hand and smiles at me. "We're so glad you're awake". First off, why was I at the hospital? Second, who's that girl?
"I'm sorry to ask, but mom, who is she?" I asked. "Not you too Sarai. Stop with the game" Said the girl. "I seriously don't know who you are. I'm sorry". The girl runs out of the room and she slams the door. I look over at my mom and she had no emotion on her face. "I'll go get the nurse. I'll be right back". I watched her walk out of the room. I felt like sitting up so I did. As I was getting up I could feel pain on my chest and on the lower part of my stomach, it stung.
I looked down at my body, I had a hospital gown on filled with blood. Is this mine?

The nurse walks into the room with my mom. "Hey Sarai, how are you feeling?" She asks. "A little sore, but I think I'll be ok". "Would you like anything to eat or drink? You've been asleep for a couple of days". "No, No i'm okay" I tried to smile. The nurse looked young, she looked like she was still in her twenties. "Ok whatever you say, so I'm going to get you some medication for the pain just in case alright?". I nod my head in an up and down motion. She walks out of the room leaving my mom and I alone.

"Mom, who was that girl?" I asked her. "That's Kayla, your best friend". If I had a best friend I would remember him or her, how come I don't remember her? "Oh, she seemed pretty upset. I think I should go talk to her" I said as I slowly tried to get up. I could feel the pain sharpen as I got out of bed. "Sarai you stay in bed, i'll go get her". My mom walks out of the room to find the girl. I stayed in my room and looked around. I noticed a boy walking with that girl my mom was trying to find not that long ago.

"Sarai, do you know who he is?" Asked the girl. I tried my best to remember. It was no use. "No, sorry" I replied. The guy pulled the girl out of the room leaving me alone again. I peeked out from the hallway window and the two seemed like they were arguing.


"She's just in the same condition as Mar" Said Samy. I was upset that my best friend couldn't remember me. "What are we going to do Samy. I can't handle myself being in the same room with Sarai now that she can't even remember who I am" I sobbed into his chest. Samy stroked my hair with his fingers. He was also upset about Mar, I just know that he doesn't want to show it. "I don't know but once they're both in good condition again we have to try to jot their memories into each other".


Hours have passed by, I was still in deep pain on my stomach, but no longer on my chest. "I think I'm going on a walk". I slowly stood up from my bed then I grabbed onto the IV cable right next to me. "My love don't you think you need some rest?". My mom got up trying to get me back into bed. I feel like i've heard someone call me that before, not my mom, someone else.
"No mom. I've been in bed all day, I feel fine" I snapped. "Ok suit yourself. Be back soon before the nurse walks in to check on you" My mom said silently. I hold onto the IV cord and I walk out the room. I looked around the hallway, I noticed the same two people from before sitting in another room with a guy who had also been injured. The boy and I made eye contact. I quickly looked away and continued my journey.
Ten minutes later and I couldn't stop thinking about that guy from earlier, the one who was on that hospital bed. "Should I walk back?" I thought to myself. I turn my body around making my way back to my room. On my way back, I walked past that same guys room and noticed that he wasn't there. "looking for me?" I jumped. I turned my body around slowly and that boy was right behind me. "Maybe" I smile. The guy signals me to follow him. I looked around making sure nobody was looking for me.

when the coast was clear I began to catch up to him. "Wait up" I said from afar. He stops and waits for me. When I finally caught up to him we began to walk in the same pace. "So, since you keep walking past my door why don't you tell me who you are". I could feel my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "Uh- I was just being curious. If I'm going to stay here for days then might as well know what I'm going to expect". He seemed really sweet as what I could tell. "You know, I like that. I feel like I'm going to stay here for days and staying in that room isolated for days doesn't seem amusing".

We both went outside. We had our own bench to lay down on as we looked at the stars. "So I never got to hear your name, sir" I laugh. I heard him silently laugh next to me. "It's Mariano, and what's your name beautiful" He smiled. Mariano. "Huh weird. I feel like I've heard that name before" Did I say that out loud? I think I did. "Oh really?". "Yeah.
Anyways my name is Sarai" I tried to quickly change the topic. "Really? I feel like i've heard Sarai before? I like your name though". "So do I". He tilt his head towards me. I could feel his hazel eyes hit me. I tilt my head to look back at him.
"So how'd you end up here" I asked. He sighs. "Apparently I got shot, how about you". Wow. Bold. "So did I. I just don't remember how". We stayed outside for hours. I looked at the time from the inside realizing I've been out for hours. "How about we head inside, I'm sure everyone is looking for us inside". I slowly start to get up. I could feel my body ache even more. "Are you ok?" Asked Mariano. I could see the worried look on his face. "Yeah I'm alright". He slowly starts to get up then the two of us walked inside. "let me walk you to your room. I'm sure the people waiting for me won't mind". I nod my head yes.

"Well it was nice meeting you Mariano. I hope we get to see each other again" I smile. "It was nice meeting you too Sarai. I'll see you tomorrow alright. get some sleep" He grins. I walked back into my room. My mom was asleep. I get into my blankets covering my body ready to get some sleep. I could feel my eyelids get heavy by the second. I slowly closed my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.

WHY. Let's hope it gets better for Mariano and Sarai😞 Anyways I hope you all have an amazing Friday :)

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