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The next morning.

I woke up feeling tired, but happier than ever. I could see my mom staring at me deeply into my eyes. "Where were you last night?" she asked with her arms crossed around her chest. "I got caught up with time" I lied. "Hmm alright. You're lucky your nurse didn't come in last night" She scoffed. "I'm sorry. I promise if I go out again I'll let you know where I'm at". We ended up hearing a knock on the door. The door opens revealing my nurse. Apparently, she was also Mariano's nurse. She was really nice.

"Good morning Sarai" said the nurse. She starts to log onto her computer while I just sat on my bed. "Good morning" I grinned. She logged on then began to check my vitals. I just stood there watching her while she recorded her notes. "So we're thinking on letting you go tomorrow with stitches". Stitches?? Oh no. "What about her memory?" My mom asked the nurse. "What about my memory" I join in. My mom and the nurse walk out into the hallway leaving me alone.

I looked out the window to see if I could spot my friend Mariano. I looked at each and every room. Some were disturbing, some people were asleep, then I spot his, he was talking to some girl and the guy that came into my room the other day.


"What do you mean Sarai is in the same hospital as me?" I asked Samy. "Mariano. You weren't the only one with memory loss and you weren't the only one who got shot" Said Juli. I immediately got out of bed to find Sarai. I could feel the sharp pain on my stomach hit, at this point I wanted to see her. I spot her mom and my nurse in the hallways. "Mariano! how are you" Sarai's mom asked me. "I'm doing better, thank you , now, where is she?". Her mom points to the room across from them.

I barged in seeing her eating on her bed. "Oh hey you" She smiles. "Hey love" I smiled. She flinches after I called her that. I grabbed onto her hand as I rubbed it. "What are you doing? We just met last night" She chuckles. She still doesn't have her memory back? Oh. "Oh, sorry" I quickly pulled my hand away from her. All I wanted was her attention back on me. "It's alright". The two of us stood in silence until Samy and Kayla barged in. "Good morning" Said Kayla. "Wait? you know them too?" Sarai asked. "mhm. They were the ones who bought us here". "Oh, well thank you" I said to the girl. Mariano hesitated then walks out of the room.

The boy that was with him follows after him. I looked out the window.  I could see Mariano pulling out a cigarette. "Could you do me a favor and get me some food from the cafeteria? that would be great" I asked the girl in front of me. "Yeah of course. Want some bagels from Tim's?". "Sounds good" I grinned leaving a smile on my face. The girl walks out of my room leaving me alone again. I gently get out of bed and I walk down to the hospital garden.

I made sure to keep a lookout for the girl just in case. I finally make it to the garden. I could feel the cold morning breeze hit my skin. Mariano, on the other hand, was sitting on a bench by himself while taking a hit of the cigar. "Mind if I sit?" I asked the boy. "go ahead" He pats to the empty spot next to him. I grabbed onto my hospital dress and I slowly sit down next to him. I place my head on his shoulder as ge wrapped his arm around me.

I noticed that he also had his phone out with a picture of a girl. I couldn't see her clearly, but she kind of looked like me. "What are you looking at?" I asked. The boy pulls his phone out, showing pictures of him and I. "You. We exactly weren't in the perfect state before our accident happened" He said quietly. I looked at him, I wanted to know more. "What do you mean?".

"Look, I don't want to cause anymore problems, but I'm sorry for what I did. I'm so sorry for causing the argument. I'm sorry I got jealous. I'm sorry for not believing you, for not trusting you, which I know I should've done as your boyfriend. I'm sorry love". The boy began to have tears circling around his eyes.

"As much as I want to remember how life was like. I would forgive you. You seem like a nice and genuine person Mariano. I'm so sorry that I can't remember anything as much as I want to, I'm sorry". I held onto his hand to calm him down. The boy looks at me in the eyes making contact. Mariano and I don't speak at all we just looked at each other with a smile. I cupped his cheeks with my hands. His cheeks began to turn red. I leaned in and kissed him. His soft lips bought all my favorite memories of him. From the first day we first caught each other's glance until now, here, here at the hospital together.

" I love you Mariano Castano. I love you" I grinned. The green eyed boy breaks apart my lips making him smile. "I've missed you" Said Mariano. I could feel the cold breeze again, goosebumps forming on my skin. Mariano gets up first then he helps me. The two of us walk in and in hand to my room. Both my best friend and his were waiting for us. "There you are. Your food was getting cold". "Thank you Kay" I respond which made her gasp. "What did you just say?" Said Kayla. She had her arms crossed and her facial expression was still in shock.

" I said thank you Kay" I chuckled. Jeez she needs some hearing aids or something. "Sarai! You're back" Kayla hugs me around my waist. I was in surprise. "Nice to see you too. What did I miss?". Seconds later, a knock was at the door. I looked up and both my nurse and my mom were at the door. "Someone seems to have gotten their memory back" Said the nurse. "I guess so" I respond. My mom walks up to me and grabs onto my hand. "We are all so glad you're okay". Seems like it.

"I guess we can start with the process then. Sarai, you first" My nurse opens up a wheelchair for me. Both Mariano and Samy help me onto the chair then the nurse pulls me into a different room to get my stitches. Just when she started it hurt a little making me groan in pain. "It's going to hurt for a little but I promise it'll be fixed soon". When she was done fixing up my stomach she takes me back to my room then takes Mariano with her.

I was so happy to be back with the people I love, my family. Yeah we were missing someone, but to me they're still here not missing a single thing.

𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈(Mariano Castano)Where stories live. Discover now